Illinois Valley News, Thursday, December 11, 1941 Pare CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT i s— TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motor*. axel* parta bodies. tires, hoists and used trucks. IKI ‘ K WRI< KIM« ( OMPAN1 Portland. Ore. 10th A S E Hawthorne RABBITS AND SKINS BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN ( DARLING,WERE IN A MESS« ‘ 1 I JUST GOT A LETTER FROM I IVIE 'FAVORITE FILMS CORP THEY WANT TO RENEW TMEIR OPTION FOR ANOTHER I western picture l POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED Good white fryer rabbit skins 60a to 90c per lb. Write postcard for prices anti information. Ruby * Co.. 935 S W. Front. Purtland. Ore. FILM DEVELOPING” JUST HAVE TO POSTPONE OUP WJEPDlNS SWEETHEART < M' N____ ___________________ PICTURES frem kodak films on Beautiful Christmas Greeting cards with envelopes to match, 11.00 per iio’.n Send negative, or write foe sample Superior Picture Co.. P. O. Box 489, Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE NO CHICK SHORTAGE! Now Hatching Weekly, Dubl-Dollar New Hampshires 1’ S Certified Leghort Vashon Island Oo-opsr- ative Hatchery, Box 3, Vashon, Wn. COTTAGES and roemtng house, choice location in Seaside Part icnlars. w rite Box 1072, Seaside., Oregon. TRAPPERS LALA PALOOZA VINCENT, I'M GONNA HIDE MY JEWELRY ' IN THAT OLD SECRET WALL SAFE WHILE I'M WORKIN'-WHERE IS THAT SAFE ' Moving Pictures By RUBE GOLDBERG I THINK IT’S BEHIND THAT PICTURE LALA , TH \r n \ OR COYf ’ Tl-' B «ra ground and deep snow trapping. I r. <> circular. F. Q. Bunch, Welch. Minn. B COLD storage plant, modern equip, 270 lock« rs, cooling room, stcraga room, latest meat market equip. Ideal local Ion f*T SALVE U TABLE I S W. * nop non K —SW COUCH DROPS POP—The Junkman Was Embarrassed By J. MILLAR WATT IT WAS GO «AD - no ! Need of Patience Patience is a necessary ingredi­ ent of genius.—Disraeli. e ---- Relieves MONTHLY---- > FEMALE PAIN Women who suffer pain of Irregu­ lar periods with cranky nervousness — due to monthly functional <1I h - turbanres — should And Lvdla E. Pinkham’s Compound Tablets ( with added iron) simply marvelous to re­ lieve such distress. They ’re made es­ pecially for women. Taken regularly—Lydia Pinkham’s Tablets help build up resistance against such an; ylng symptoms. They also help build up red blood and thus aid In promoting more strength. Follow label directions. Lydia Pinkham's Compound Tablets >lt i H i i ÄiW. Composition THE SPORTING 1 Today’» popularity of Doant Pilh, after many year* of world- wide use, surely must be accepted as evidence of latii factory use. And favorable public k SIMPL opinion support» that of the able physician» t °« hp who test the value of Doan’s under exacting laboratory conditions. These physicians, too, approve every word of advertising you read» the cty« • re of which is only to recommend Pillt as a good diuretic treatment f r disorder of the kidney function and for relief of the pain and worry it causes. if more people were aware of how the kidneys must constantly remove waste that cannot stay in the blood without in­ jury to health, there wou’d be better un­ derstanding of why the wl> le body suffer» when kidney» Jag, and diuretic medica­ tion would be more often employed. Burning, s ai.’y r,r too frequent urina­ tion sometime» warn of disturbed kidney function, you Aiay suffer nagtunff back­ ache, persistent headache, attack» of diz­ ziness, getting up nights, swelling, puHi­ re« under the eyes—feel weak, nervous, all [layed out. Lse Doan't Pillt, It Is better to rely on a medi< me that ha« wo# world wide ar. claim than on something less favorably known. Ask your neighbor! » y th * TRUT H L. «ft F JDM hké » f «y/ twit mia wo- r « soca. WCHPiRfe WTt Mirti ABvUT GLUYAS WILLIAMS By LANG ARMSTRONG ♦ * 1 ain't takin' any chances on hit airplans spin:" uOK WûUtH CJM'tMfi tf W«t> CMMItr'10 VFMÍH WiCH ft AlPEftOŸ SHAW o»t» m > AfCtIUHù, SHHrAt HOT MUCH Wxxft kttPWf*, no «K»eis>HfcWMpr< aewff ¡V^trllH* MCP «KR W loft PWW5 a Ficíueí 0« »CP C» HIM« J OH 90S, OH SMftì HUP HrffHU A HOME M scmHfs ita ■rtfftó SHnfOFFPAP, COMPIE«. tfUP AHP ««LS rf K wifttr Béft Mi ttATtó HMD ut Wi M.*"> oh Otsa W h Pt» «. Dtom, ai u«f fo Ut *> WPW tHcRftV At« wRrft ù W omtio H KF0RÍ LO«». V ’j J D oan spills WNU—13 50-41