J -S Illinois Vallej News. Thursday. December 11. 1911 O'BRIEN WOMEN'S CLUB MET FRIDAY LAST CHANCE TO ORDER NAVY TRADE TRAINING GAVE ME MY START SAYS PRESIDENT, SPERRY CORPORATION 441 * o 11 (By Pearl Barrett) The O'Brien Women’s club met last Friday afternoon at the home the club’s president, Mrs. Anna Stiwak with 26 ladie« present, two of them being added to the mem­ bership roll during the meeting. As an opening number Mrs. Wil- b- r read a very inspiring poem entitled, “A Litany of Simple Things.” This poem was sent her by Mrs. Hard ie. a sister of our own Mrs Chris Wendt. Since this was the first mee: i: g after the club's bazaar, the treas­ urer. M rs. Miller, was ready with th< financial report. The amounts ken in at the various booths was quite satisfactory, although then were a number of articles left un- cold. Tbese will be Jnken to the next club meeting with the idea of disposing of them. Mis. Brown presented prizes to tl e booth contest winners. To Mis. Boyd chairman of the “White 1 ephant” booth, for the most at-, THOMAS A. MORGAN (pictured ti ictive, and to Mr-. Morris, chair- : in insert), president of the Sperry loan of the fancy work booth, for I Corporation, world's largest manu­ facturers of aeronautical and ma­ the highest sales amount. rine instruments, received his A sincere vote of thanks was early technical training in the g'ven Mis. Wilson for her splendid U. S. Navy, in which he enlisted as a young man. “This has proved w >rk in managing the dinner. Mrs. Brown, general chairman, of great value to me in later years,’’ gave a report of special interest. said ex-sailor Morgan. Pictured above are new Navy recruits re­ Mrs. Patrick is so pleased with the ceiving electrical training at one ii -tilts of her Chinese tea booth t it she suggested making a ben­ Come in and find something tc efit tea, an annual event. The proceeds to go to some one in suit the pleasure of each mentbei of your family. need, not necessarily Chinese. ------------- o-------------- It was reported that a gift has CARD OF THANKS already been iTceived for our club­ We want to thank the friends house, a bronze plaque of Abra- who so kindly expressed sympa­ by Mrs. ham Lincoln, presented thy, offered assistance and gave Utley of O'Brien,. For a perfect ending ’ of this the beautiful floral offerings dur­ or ing our recent bereavement. meeting, our secret sisters, 1 Words cannot convey the com­ “Powder Ladies ” 'Were were made known, And were there oh’s and fort of these acts when we feel our grief so keenly in the loss of all’s of surprise. Dainty refreshments were serv­ our beloved husband and father, ed. As the next meeting will be Henry Pfefferle. Mrs. Myrtle Pfefferle near Christmas, there will be a and Family. gift exchange. Each member to take a gift not to exceed 25 cents in price. This meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Earl Boyd, Fri­ day afternoon, December 19. e American Legion Auxil i>y Ladies will explain in d aii all about the “Hope Chest V(X> CAN EMJOV ALL THtCOMFÖRf OF HOME STATION of the modernly equipped Navy Trade Schools. The Navy offers training to young men in nearly 50 different trades and vocations. Opportunities for advancement, to learn skilled trades, for travel and adventure are identical wheth­ er a man enlists in the regular Navy or the Naval Reserve—and his pay, food, clothing, medical and dental care are the same. YOUR CHOICE™ 12 SMART DESIGHS PRINTED WITH TOUR NAME Iexaco Gas, Oil Greases GEO. A. HICKS S t . F rancis 1 HOTEL A PLEASANT S W. IV- AVI HO V MAIM Illinois Valley News (’ome to I he News Office and see the samples ( hristinas Cards — Christmas Letterheads — Christmas Folders — Christmas Envelopes ::: i: CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS OF INTEREST Attendance at Sunday School nearly reached the 70 mark, there being 69 present, and collection was $2.35. Several were absent on acconut of illness, Mrs. George Hicks, and Georgeen, and Miss Grace Iversen. The Junior High class, Mrs. Lee, teacher, has a fine group of boys and they may soon out number the girls. Frequent practices are now in order, both for choir and the Chrstmas program, the former on Tuesday evening and the latter on Friday night. The missionary society is hold- iiot its special Christmas party and meeting today (Thursday) at the Lome of Mrs. Seat, when there will bo exchange of gifts and a fireside service. G. H. Griffin, father of Merle Criffin of Grants Pass, is spending ;■ few weeks with Rev- and Mrs. Gray. At the morning church service, Mrs. Dow od and Stone by Josephine Laurence, the author of that be»t seller of a short time past. If I had Four Apples. We wish to extend a vote of thanks to Miss Marcia Hill for her cooperation and intelligent choice of books for our use. PORTLAND,ORE. I Sunday school 10 to 11 a. m. Church services 11 to 12 a. m. Come Sunday ami hear Dr. Geo. H. Gray, Pastor, o------------- O'BRIEN LIBRARY HAS NEW BOOKS I Every girl wants one. The Aux : iliary is going to make some: rirl exceedingly happy before: Chrstmas Medford, Oregon SMOOTH TIMS AM 0ANCTSOUS * LET US SAFETY CHtCH YOUR TIRES TODAY HOTEL OREGON Eugene, Oregon I HOTEL SENATOR Salem, Oregon HOTEL MARION Salem, Oregon McCredie Hot Mineral Spring! McCredie Springs, Oregon V c lOc 25c A Complete Line of U. S. BATTERIES Duckworth THE TIRE MAN BONDS ( OME IN DENOMINATION OF $25 $50 $IOO $500 Grants Pas- The World’s News Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor You You You You Pay Pay Pay Pay $18.75 for a $25.00 Bond $37.50 for a $50.00 Bond 875.00 for a 8100.00 Bond 8375.00 for a 8500.00 Bond An International Daily \'emf>af>cr s 5 c c ? j is Truthful—Constructnr—Unbiatrd—Err» from Srntalional- '»m — Editorial! Ar» Timrly and Inatructivr and It! Daily Feature!, Together with the Weekh Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newtpaper for the Home. The Cht rtian Science Publnhing Society Ont, Norway Street, Boston. Massachusetts Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1 00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, ¡2 60 a Year Introductory Offer. 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. Name__ _____________________ __________ Address SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST YOU CAN BUY EITHER STAMPS OR BONDS at the CAVE JUNCTION POSTOFFICE This advertisement sponsored and paid for by I.. E. Athey, Postmaster, Cave Junction