ocals fi I*R|< ES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 12 - 13 - lo Mrs. Albert Rexford was shop­ ping in Grants Pass this Tuesday. SPECI AI F. F. Hibbard was transacting fl business in the county seat thia week. STANDBY BEANS — •> cans for With 19 lb. sack of ** Mn and Mrs. W’. O. Burch were in Ashland and Medford transact­ ing several days business. Miss Edda Burke was shopping and attending to business matters in Grants Pass last Saturday. —o—— Mrs. Gladys King of Lone Mt. Valley Resort was holiday shopping in (»rants Pass the first of the week. —O— Don Cameron of Grants Pass was in the valley attending to bus­ iness matters pertaining to his of f ice. W. E. Portland went last liess. --- o--- George Hicks, Bert Hadden and Elwood Hussey attended the Civil iur< Defense committee meeting in Grants Pass last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Baumberger returned home Wednesday after­ noon from several weeks visit in Los Angeles and San Francisco. —o — Mr. an<| Mrs. Ben Itarpold who recently sold their ranch in O'Brien, left for Alturas, Oregon, where they will make their home permanently. Mrs. J. J. Villair ness trip to Medford Mrs. G. W. Martin, Abernathy and Mrs. made the trip also. —o—— Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Leonard are now erjoyiny a new oil burning furnace in their home near Hol­ land, installed by th«' Rogue River Hardware of Grants Puss. — o— E. II. Kri'tsinger and daughter. Miss (¡race, visited in O’Brien over the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. anil Mrs. Kretsinger were resi­ dents of O’Brien for several years and now make their home in Key­ port, Washington, where Mr. Kretsinger is employed. They miss their many friends in th«' valley. CAVE CITY THEATER SA FURDAY AND SUNDAY DECEMBER 13-14 Robert Taylor as WED AND I Hl)RS DECEMBER 17 IS I’.-T. A. BENEFIT You Saw It In Life . Now See It On the Screen 4«“ J of run most 1’HRII LING SCI NFS EVER SCREENED This is a Real Bux 95c MIXED NUTS 5 Pounds for Li fi fl fi fl fi fl % fl fi fl fi fl fi fl COFFEE, 1 pound for 2 Bounds for 3c •> , CABBAGE Per pound ONIONS 10 pounds for 15c CAULIFLOWER Per head 29c HALEY’S SOUPS 3 Cans for SUNRISE NOODLES Per package SPERRY’S PANCAKE and WAFFLE FLOUR 10 lbs. 18c BORAX SOAP ( HIPS Large size 23c SOUP MIX 6 Kinds in carton Order Your 2Oc (RAN BERRIES Per pound MARSHMALLOWS Per pound 15c 37c SWIFT’S PREMIUM BACON, per pound CASCADE ( RAC KERS 2 pounds for Christmas Turkey 19c Model Cash Grocery Formerly Schumacher’s Cave Junction • 4 - '• I io O- W. GREEN u * J Ml America needs volunteers to keep the light of liberty burning...to safeguard our American shores...to man our new t.wo-ocean Navy rjYHE I Hill'd States is now building the most power- 1 ful Navy the world has ever men. But it takes more than shipsand planes fo patrol our shores, safe­ guard our lilx'rty, protect mulions of American homes and families. It taki'S men! Vo/unh'cr.s! Every new battleship, in w cruiser, new destroyer is just so much steel and iron until a crew of traintai men meclianicB, electricians, radiomen, signalmen, carpenters and other specialists goes aboard. That is why the IL S. Navy may train you to in* an expert in any one of forty-five modern trades and pro les-, i ons. You will get regular Navy pay while you are learning. And it is possible for you to lx' earning as much as $126.(X> a month before your first enlist­ ment is completed. Right now in the Navy young .Americans have a double opfxirt unity to serve their country while build­ ing their own security and independence at th«' same time. Grow with the new, greater Navy 'Ph«' Navy wants men to learn, to advance, to get bigger pay. to qualify for t he positions of responsibility w Inch must l>e tilled as our naval forces ar«' expanded. It is a real opport unity for every young man one w. 11 worth thinking about. There is a place for you n Am«’ilea’s new Navy. if you have a tnide now or would like to learn one, w hy not ret th«' full facts about Navy op|x>rtunitie.- and training today! 1-00K V. HAT THE ’J. S. NAVY AND NAVAL RESERVE OFFER YOU FMt TVAIKSM tions to choos«' from. COOP PAY with regular in.r tse.s. You may up to »126 a month. am EACH YTAR . a-.-er.tit' .1 •.> , paieroua vacation period with full pay. COOD FOOD ind * ■ tty of FREE CLOTHING. \ ....... ' t . . oft of clothing ur.en you first enlist. (Over $100 Werth. FREE MEDICAL CARZ. regular ... n .1 atlentron. FINEST SPORTS and ent«'-' lin i > at. TRAVEL. ADVENTURE. THRILLS 't i . an t beat the Navy fur them! BECOME AN OFFICER. I.my can " rk for an ap­ pointment to ’In' Naval Academy or the Annapolis of th«' Air at i'i nsacola. FUTURE SUCCESS. It - . i -,- f ,r Navy-trained men to get good-paying jobs in civil life. LIBERAL RETIREMENT PAY t r regular Navy men. t-et this FREE BOOKLET Mail coupon for your free copy of "Life it» the I’. S. Navy.” 24 illus­ trated pages. Tells pay, promotions, anil vacations you can exp«'ct . . . how you can retire on a life income. IX'seriix s how you can le . rn any of 45 big-pay trades from aviation to radio . . . how many may become ofiu'< rs. 27 sc nes from Navy life showing g it.-< 3 you may play, ex­ citing porta you m iv visit. Tells enlistment requirements an«! where to apply. If you are betwwn 17 and 31 (no high school requir'd . get this free book now. No obliga­ tion. .Ask tiie Navy Editor of this paper for a copy. Or telephone him. Or mail him the coupon. You can paste it on a penny postal card. WEAR THIS BADGE OF HONOR! If after read- A ing the fnx' booklet you decide to apply for a Jj place in th«' Navy, you will reevive this smart ’/ lapel-emblem. It Isa badge of honor you will lie proud to wear. / ' Starring Walter Pidgeon .loan Bennett CARTOON NEWS NOTICE Change of Scheifule Saturday Featur«' 7 and 9 pm Sunday W< line-.lay and l'hur» day—News ami short subjects at 7 pm Feature ONCE ONLY at 7 :30 pm nt 9 pm. $1.99 -WANS DOWN FLOUR at Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Miller of Camp Muir, were shopping in Med­ ford last Tuesday. —o— Miss Aileen Whitehead and Mrs. Alton Duncan were shoppers in fl Grants Pas^ this week. Are you considering joining a military service? WHY NOT CHOOSE THE NAVAL RESERVE! Don twait. Chooee th»' Naval Reserve now. I’he S« < retary of th« Navy has an­ nounced: "All men now enlisting in th«' Naval Reserve will be retain««! on active Navy duty throughout th«' ¡x nod of the national emergen« v. but they will be relearns! to inactive duty aa ao«in after tlie emergency as their amices can bespared. regardless of th«* length of time remaining in their enlistm« nt.’ Remember- the regular Navy and Naval Reserve offer you th«' same travel, ’■on-ot ions. p. v increases. Phx s- leal requirements in th«1 N aval Reserve are more liberal, find out all alx>ut th«' Naval Reserve. S« n«i in th«' coup«'n now! Ttar out and take or send this coupon to the Nevy Editor cf this newspaper Vk itliout obligation on my part whatsoever, pie: -■ s«'nd me free booklet, ’ Life in the Navy." going full details about t' e opportunities for men in the Navy or N ival Reserve. Addn** SERVE YOUR COUNTRY ★ BUILD YOUR FUTURE Toun. .State