Illinois V alley News, Thursday, October 16, 1911 Page Four Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richeat valley in the world, the Illinoia Valley and ita surrounding district!. Publiahed every Thuraday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinoia Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 M C Editor ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County SI 50 .75 50 One Year . ... Six Months Three Month* Outside of Josephine County $2 00 O m Year The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application ^REPtVOOD ÈMPI RE NEV/SPARER PUBLISHERS OM P ub li s Ke Valley Defense (Continued From Page One) Floyd; Takilma, C. W. Baird; O'Brien, Mrs. Anna Stiwalt; Cave Junction. Harold Bowerman, and Selma, Lew Hammer. The chief observers will choose their own as­ sistants, 16 in all for the coming : irplane raids the last of this month. For fire protection in the valley, defense. Dick Sowell and George Hicks were named chiefs annd they can choose their own assistants. This will be an important commit­ tee in case of emergency and will have to be greatly enlarged when tl e time comes fo raction. Pidice protection is being work­ ed out by Sheriff A. Donley Baines, annd he has made some ar­ rangements in the valley which we will publish later. Another meeting will be called soon andn we expect to have chair­ men of committees out to tell us what we are expected to do when annd if the times comes. The meeting will be well advertised when called. -------------- o-------------- It Makes Sense (Continued from Page One) SPIMI II S OlC I AT I ON KERBY HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Scotland Yard to carry out its ap­ pointed function. Nonetheless, te­ nacious Inspector Cork — Edmund Gwenn—is hot on the trail of Da­ kin Barrolles, charming gentleman crook portrayed by Henay Wil­ coxon. During the chase, Dakin breaks into the house of brutal Sir John and lovi ly Lady Sandra Lasher, f layed bv John Loder and Nancy Kelly, wher> he is smitten by the beauty of the lady. Just before his capture by Cork, Dakin manages to snatch a locket from Lady San- dra. Causing a thrilling automobile wreck, Dakin stages a getaway and join, the army in an attempt to. elude the long arm of the law. But Dakin is wounded at Dunkirk and surgeons have to rebuild his face. They remodel it after Sir John’s, as it appears in the stolen locket.. Sir John is believed lost, Dakin ' returns to England where he poses! as Sir John. Lady Sandra baffled by the change in her “husband’s” disposition, falls madly in love with the bank burglar, and he with her. For the western fans there is the miniature musical action picture, ’’The Musical Bandits” featuringl Ray Whitley. A cartoon, “The! Baby Seal” rounds out the pr - gram. tNTERTAINS LOCAL WOMEN Iversen and the hostess. Quilting was the order of the day, after a hurt business meeting. The next meeting is to be with Mrs. Ferd Jones at Kerby, October 24. Two members were missed on account of sickness, Mrs. George Gray and Marvin Cross. - ---- - -o Miss Victoria Ja«person of the Cave City Coffee shop is again on duty at her popular eating place after being in Grants Pass for the past seve>al weeks under the care of an optometrist. Mrs. Ralph E. Luick was a charming hostess last Friday when she entertained at a noon lunch­ eon for 12 out-of-town guests at her home in Smith River. Guests from Cave Junction were: Mrs. J. J. Villair, Mrs. Gladys King, Mrs. G. W. Martin and Mrs. M C. Athey. After the luncheon the ladies attended the lecture by Dr. Doris Gillespie of Arcata, and flower show., sponsored by the Smith River Women’s club. W. L. Haibot’r and son W. Floyd ■o- Harbour, ruv’e a trip to Grants Pa.»s last Saf.. lay on business. Legion Auxiliary— : I am leaving Friday, O>t. 17th for a two weeks rest. Get your hair dressed next week before I Watch News for an- : : leave. • nouncement on my return. : : Cave Junction Beauty Shop : GERTUDE BLOOMINGCAMP CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON Rev. La.old A. Roge.s, pastor. 1918, including every battle that was fought by the Yanks and the Sundry Bible School, 10 a. m. Navy’s part in convoying the Worship service, 11 a. m. Young People’s Service, 7:30 p. troops across the Atlantic. After the pictures refreshments were m. served by the Auxiliary. Evening service, 8 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 Subscribe for the News p- m. Fundamental Bible preaching. Everyone is welcome to attend till ■e)vices. Come. ASK FOR ♦ Koibel’s PERFECTION BREAD STATIONERY Office Equipment By Elv. Me«»enger The student body wishes to wel­ ------------------- ------------------ 4 , come back to school Jack Held who has been absent for almost three COMMUNITY CHURCH NOTES weeks with a broken leg. The ac- eident hanpeued at football prac- Sickness thinned the Sunday tice. <-lioi very nice job performing. Bal­ : : lets were passed out to each stu­ dent. The voting resulted in Bar­ bera Byrne and Janet Martin re- eiving the highest number, thus : l’m ii g them as the Yell Leaders of S It’ll nml 1942. —o— • SKIRTS • SWEATERS Mi D. A. Emerson, represent- Congo Cloth and _ isoinvyi Botneyj in ... ii g the State Department of Ed- : In all bright fall Sweatei plain and plaid, priced fipm colors. ■icat on, visited Kerby high school ■it Thursd y. October 2, He was $3.98 to 86.50 $1.98 to $4.98 ucomp.-i’iieil bv Mt Ginn, the Jo- 24 to 32 All sizes «< rhine county school superinten­ dent. The purpose of Mr. Emer- • on's visit was to check up on school equipment and clas«room woik to determine how closely th«1 school is meeting the requirements •f the «ta'e ta'e department. Mr. l£j Emerson is calling on a number f schools in this part of the state. —o— At a class meeting on Wednes- day, October 8, the Senior class selected their ring«, They are 'ooking forward to receiving th«> rings within the next six weeks. 193s TERR VELANE COUPE —o— rect than such attacks on the sea lanes between an American out- post, Iceland, and our own home ports. ,'Shua <>ur ships have been at- tacked despite the Neutrality Act. Despite the Neutrality Act, we have adopted a policy of all-out aid to Germany's foes and naval inter­ vention against Germany. This national policy is not neutrality. It represents a complete overturn of tlie premises upon which we constructed the Neutrality Act. which has now become a serious obstacle to the success of this policy and the preservation of our national security. Our Government has now pro­ claimed that we will produce the tools of victory and deliver those ’<> t the i t i E\( TH NG MYSTERY State«. The question before us When n notorious gentleman now is -are we to be so foolish and impractical a« to keep in force burglar goes in for stealing a face outdated legal restrictions which that belongs to a missing banker, cerve Hitlei « interest at the ex- he finds that the banker s wife ha« I eftae of our own? Or «hall we a fatal fascination for him. It happens in "Scotland Yard," unshackle out country and allow her full freedom of action to in­ the latest streamlined mystery sure the success of the national which features Nancy Kelly. Ed­ policy upon which hei destiny de­ mund Gwenn and John Loder and i.» due Wednesday ami Thursday at pends? -------------- o- the Cave City theater. The story is laid in the London Mra Murphy Hicks accompan- Amidst the difficulties led by Misses Edda Burke and Gel of today trude Bloomingcamp were shop- bi ought on by blackouts and burst­ ing bombs it is doubly hard for pu g in Gì unis Pa« on Tuesday. VACATION TIME I : FOR GERTRUDE . . . □ (Continued from Page One) BRIDGEVIEW CHURCH □ T ¡HARVEST ................. TIME New and Used TYPEWRITERS and Adding Machines and Supplies BUDGET PLAN i ’FRENCH LAUNDRi I ¡Demaray & Thompson I ( & DRY CLEANERS i 107 North 6th Street | ! Grants Pass j [ Agencies Make your own terms Pay as you are paid G1' 3 ■ Haynei Clothing Shop I Wittrock'a Store, Kerby I Lew Hammer, Selma (’all: Wed. and Sat. I TUNE ’EM UP It conserves gas and gives more pleasure in driving and prevents ex pensive repair bills. It pays dividends to keep the car in perfect condition. 209^’ u Dili) 5 DR. A. N. COLLMAN MOTOR CLINIC Naturopathic Physician Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. Sherman', Camp Cave Junction 506 E J ST Am Duckworth PROCESS SERVICE— NOT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING — BUT DOING WHAT YOU WANT DONE PROMPTLY. I N T E L L 1 - GENTLY AND ECONOM ICALLY .... ( Coats I Dr. Fred XV. Gould Dental Surgeon Tuffs Building Phone 4 Giants Pass AAA Towing Nash Sales and Service This is the time of year to think of your Winter Coat while our stocks are complete. Sports and Dressy types. Fitted and box Phone 113 $12.95 to $35.00 DEL ROGUE GARAGE S. (»th Street, Grants Pass '3 The Seal of Approval HADLEY’S Grants Pass Used Cars o 1910 1937 19.b 1910 1935 1937 1936 1935 1939 CHEVROLET TOWN SED UN STUDEBAKER PICK-UP (HEX ROLE I TON ?‘k K-UP FORD Pl( K-UP FORD PICK-UP CHEVROLET PANEL 1<- TON TRUCK REO 14 TON TRUCK GMCSUBURBAN Awarded by the American In stitute of Laundering after Passing Rigid Tests Pickup and delivery every Mon day and Thursday in Cave Junction, Kerby and Holland 1 E....................................... S : COMPLETE REPAIR Service i WATCHES «nd CLOCKS Reasonable Charges Clarence E. Eggers JEWELER Del Rogue Hotel Building GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY fa]> • <••••• "Since 1900" ••• hi s •«*«••« : •••••••« i * 9....................... -.... Gl ¡CHADWICK ¡HOTELS COFFEE SHOPS In Connection : HOTEL REDWOOD Grants Pass. Oregon : : HOTEL JACKSON Medford, Oregon Have You Seen the Xew 1912 Chevrolets? HOTEL OREGON Eugene. Oregon Hannum & Kelt Chevrolet Company Used Car Lot 711 S. 6th Street Grants Pass : i I HOTEL SENATOR Salem. Oregon HOTEL MARION Salem. Oregon McCredie Hot Mineral Spring,: McCredie Springs. Oregon : .......... 0 CHICKEN .nd SEA FOOD DINNERS—at the CLIFF HOUSE * On Pebble Beach Drive Crescent City. California «