Illinois Valley News. Thursday. October 2, 1911 Page Eight Alfred Allard made a trip to Giants Pass on business last Wed- nesday. —o— C. Y. Arnold, of Arnolds Gro- eery, was in the county seat Wed- nesday. Bert Badden of the H. & L. Cafe made a business trip to Grants Pass this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Leonard spent a few days in Grants Pass this week transacting business. — o— Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith of the Cave City Drug store spent last Sunday evening in Grants Pass. —o— K. C. Hamilton of the Cave Junction Motor Court was in the county seat on business the first | of the week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johnson were dinner guests at the home of Mi. and Mrs. S. P. Kimmos in the Deer Creek valley last Sunday. —o — Mis. A. M. Brown of Ye Rustic | I in was a Grants Pass visitor this week. Mrs Judy Squire accom­ panied her. i Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hamilton and family are now making their home in Selma after spending the summer in southern California. —o— Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eggers of Takilma returned recently from Pistol River, Oregon, where they have been picking tan bark for the Rubber Tanning company of Portland. They left early last spring and the summer’s output of bark was 140 tons, having been hauled to Portland and 60 more tons yet to go. —o— Miss Annette Calkins and Jack Hiintzelman left Cave Junction Saturday morning after spending th< summer here. Miss Calkins will go to visit relatives in Seat­ tle and Jack will go to Sappho, Washington, where he has a posi­ tion with a surveying crew. Miss Calkins has been employed at the Cave Junction Motor Court for the past summer. Gus Hart returned from Port- 'and Saturday evening after spending several days visiting his sister, who he had not seen for some time. He accompanied Mrs. Ida Wing to Salem where she was to enter a sanatorium to regain her health and reported that Mrs. Wing was very pleased with her new surroundings and hopes to re- turn to the valley in a few months fully recovered. I,. E. Athey made a trip to Grants Pass for a medical exam­ ination to take the civil service ex­ j amination for postmaster of Cave Juncion on Wednesday. —o— Last Friday afternoon at the Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sherman home of Mrs. Harry Hensley, in accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. M the Dryden district, a shower was Stickel motored to Crescent City given in honor of Mrs. Kenneth Tuesday on a pleasure trip and to Robinson of Kerby. Mrs. Robin- enjoy the beach. son was the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts, After a Mi . Martha Stickel of Kansas pleasant social afternoon refresh- City is visiting at the home of ments of cake, cookies and punch Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sherman for were served. an indefinite time. Mrs. Stickel -------------- o-------------- is a sister-in-law of Mr. Sherman. PRIC ES EFFEC TIVE RUA Il \ Y WORTH Blood and Sand I’M ill: NEWS 5 I Í Wednrs'|:t\ . ml Thur>d;n. October n -9 Uproarious advt ntures of a runaw ay bride w ith a m li on ; nd a necktie clerk w ithout a wife! FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AND Fresh and Cured Meati E.......................................................................... ( RANBERRIES Fancy, per pound CELERY Large, Fresh, per bunch 18c lOc DATES Fresh, per pound I9c WHITE FIGS New crop, 2 packages for ] I Oc TOMATO JUICE Del Rogue. 16 ounce can 1 Sc CORN MEAL. Alber’s. Yellow 9 Pomi fl sack for . ■ ■-()-■---------- . Gay San Francisco, colorful “story book” city offering diversi­ fied entertainment, in a romantic, historical background, with an ever widening scope of modern moods, patterns and advi itures. Beyond the horizon of the blue Pacific, ‘hi setting sun casts a pale I SECONDS TO PORTLAND S CITY CENTER Close to Business Theater Shopping district . . . Garden surroundings Spacious ’View rooms with bath or shower I Í you WOULD 6ET *HET UP’RV. if t rtf like SYRUP, Staley’s Waffle 5 Pound nail for 43c HONEY. New Crop 5 Pound nail for 43c DUTCH CLEANSER 3 for 25c I glow on the world famous Golden Gate Bridge and tints the rugged bills of Marin county with a re­ plica ol the “International Orange” color of the majestic towers and cables of the world’s longest and tallest single span suspension bridge. Along the highways there is a harmonious blending of colors as deciduous trees and shrubs com­ bine with harvested fields and hillsides to form a never ending panorama ”f natural scenic solen- dor. Horseback riding, and numerous other out-il.or spur's are "extra fun” in the eaily morning, e'ear, bracing mountain air, in Hum- With th Purchase of Large Premium Lists 10 Gillette Blue Blades war hires - mi imts You Get FREE 1 Tube Gillette Lather Shaving Cream Regular Supply limited. gi t yours now B New 1942 Hurry and SXSXXW.V.W.WAXW.W.' By the Aid of Ncupaper" GEO. A HICKS ADVERTISING.. \ — /'V =: B Genuine Tech GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR *s a» « a i size, all for YOUR “SHIP WiLL COME IN” Sooner Texaco Gas, Oil Greases 19 Shows in One even acre* under one roof. Exhibits of pure-bred Livestock. Doge, Poultry, Pet Stock, Wild Life, Man­ ufactured and Land Product*. 4-H Club and Smith Hughes Vocational Education Work, also Combined Horse Show and thrill* ing Indoor Rodeo. Now Available Movietone New* Theatre October 4 to 1 1 WORLD SERIES GILLETTE SPEC1AI Í Plymouth and Dodge Automobiles NOW ON DISPLAY AT CAVE JUNCTION CFTY PORTLAND, OREGON OUR LI B JOBS ( AN T BE BEAT! Your Rexail Store “THURSDAY IS COUPON NIGHT AGAIN HORSE SHOW and RODEO Is a pleasure, but it is also pleasant to know the car is well oiled and greased. CAVE an DRUG STORE Kent Taylor and Mend) Barrie b Idt, Del Norti ai I Jo ’ counties, all areas of vivid colors. Wild grapes, dogwood, Oregon maple, black oak, vine maple, ara- lia foliage ar.d madrones loaded with berries, together with many other natural resources seem to combine into one last glorious flit g of colorful beauty in the Redw* n I Empire. When it's autumn initely color-time in En.pii e. AUTUMN DRIVING WITH I BLADE.- WITH a $200 AND UP Dodgers vs. Yankees ai'd valley quail, the wild <1 iturdj wild goose, the bril- I mi ,'y plume I pheasant, timid i'<* BLACK FIGS New Crons, per pkg. Repent at Leisure “Eyes of the Navy” MONDAY I Fruits and Vegetables In Technicolor ( \RTOON 3. 4. 6 .. ........................................................................................................................... E «Continued from ragp One) LINDA DARNELL OC TOBER O. W. GREEN (3.......................................................................................................................... “Repent at Leisure” Thrilling Romance T> RONE POM ER ( AVE JUNCTION, OREGON Formerly SCHUMACHERS befriended by a struggling neck­ tie salesman employed in her fath­ er’s department store. A con­ Kent Taylor and Wendy Barrie firmed bachelor, the young man have top roles in "Repent at Lei­ learns that all single men at the sure”, considered one of the store are to be discharged during brightest films about marital mix- an economy wave. Desperate, he ups at the Cave City theater Wed­ tells his department boss he is nesday and Thursday, A strong married and has a baby, and then I Don Thompson left for Los An­ supporting cast is headed by predicament , geles last week and was accom­ I George Barbier and includes Raf­ finds himself in a sad him and his when his boss invites panied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles aid Storm, Nelin Walkei ani! wife to a bridge party. Harmon and Mrs. John Bruchler, Thurston Hall. Now romantically inclined to- to visit relatives. They expect to The plot concerns itself with the ward him, the heiress suggests they return home the last of the week. hectic adventures of a rich society get married and adopt a baby. Thus —o— girl who flees from an unwelcome is started a series of exciting Mi P. lines of Gilroy, Califoi marriage and while masquerading events, with the unsuspecting iiia, left for hei home last week as a poor and helpless model, is , groom being advanced in amazing fashion at the store, little suspect­ ing that his Iriile has secretly put : Saturday and Sunday, October 1-5 < the pressure on her father. A new crisis enters the lives of 5 ! THE MOST M \GNII It ENT ENTERTAIN- s the couple when the ambitious hus­ I MENT EVER TO COME TO THE SCREEN :• band learns the real identity of ; ... crowded with stars and spectacle. action and :• his wife and realizes that his pro­ motions were not due to his own ; ecstasy, beauty, laughter, tears and thrills . ability. He resigns from his job. ; all in gorgeous Technicolor! s< parûtes from his wife, and joins a rival company notorious for its ct t-throat practices. Leonard H. Grizzell returned to hit. home in Grants Pass after spending the past four months on Wake Island. Mrs. Grizzell mo­ tored south to welcome him home and they returned together last Friday evening. — o— I Í J Model Cash Grocery Mrs. Warren Tuttle had as Mrs. Chris Wendt was shopping guests for a short visit this week, in Grants Pass last Wednesday. Mrs. John Marden of Medford. X' A D 1 E B V4\IXlXCIX □ DODGE 621 East M — Grant, Pm» Automotive Service Co ? I :• : a a •• I I i B ■ ■ a PLYMOUTH FIRST NEW ’12’> IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY !» * À . C 1 I MWVWWVVWVVVWWWVWWWVVVWVVWMVVMMWWVM