Illinois Valley News, Thursday, Octolier 2, 1911 Page Four Illinois Valley News ROBBING THE E. H. Tuttle and Merle Gutches 0 of Medford were hunting in the valley over the week end. While here they were gusts of Mr. Tut- tue’s mother, Mrs. Emma Tuttle. NEST An independent new-paper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding district* Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879 M C ATHEY Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Darger re­ turned the first of the week from Santa Rosa and San Francisco where they spent several days iting. During their absence Furlong was in charge of the sociated Service Station. Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County One Year Siz Months Three Month* ......... ...... .................... .................................................. ................................. .................. 3 ASK FOR ♦ Keitel’s PERFECTION BREAD ♦ Outside of Josephine County *2 00 One Year At Your Grocer The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which i> .ieenis objectionable. Advertising rates on application CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH At____ _ \ REDWOOD EMPIRE \l PAPER ^2« O r f g 1 o (C)H Sunday school 10 to 11 a. m. Church services 11 to 12 a. m. Come Sunday and hear Dr. Geo. H. Gray, Pastor. PUBLISHES UniU ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS « PU8LI$4t"5'^TSOlC'*T' °" Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. You are invited to meet with us. Lynn Jolliffee, elder, Cave Junc­ tion. * s Er ’ french laundry Ii Î & DRY CLEANERS I I Agencies I Haynes Clothing I Wittrock's Store, ! Shop Kerby Lew Hammer, Selma Call: Wed. and Sat So your local newspaper has a niche it fits into for PROCESS the common good of the locality it serves. It gives of BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY its column x to the churches, clubs, societies, personali­ CHURCH ties ; nd the local happen’ngs, gives to every worthy Rev. Harold A. Rogers pastor. cause. Gives of its own I fe, for its columns are its Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11a. m. bread : nd butter. But all newspapers are glad to give N. Y. I’. S. meeting, 7:30 p. this service, for by so doing, they raise the level of Evening DR A. N. COLLMAN service, 8 p. m. st; n ’. i ds n their communities and make their cities Prayer meeting Wednesday eve­ Naturopathic Physician a better place to live and raise a family. Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 ning, 8 p. m. 1:30 p. nt. to 3 :30 p. m. We : re proud to be among the fraternity of news­ A hearty welcome awaits you Sherman’* Camp church next Sunday. paper men for it is our method of giving to the public Come to ------------- Cave Junction o-------------- □ à' good. “As ye give, so shall ye receive,” says the good KERBY UNION SUNDAY 3............................................................ ? book, and we hope to merit the good will of our resi­ SCHOOL I Dr. Fred W. Gould j dents of the valley, and through your graciousness we The Kerby Union Sunday school Dental Surgeon receive our c< mpensation for our service to you. Tuffs Building invites everyone to their Sunday We make our living through the columns of The school, which is held every Sunday Phone 4 C.ant* Pa*> News—advertising, and subscriptions. We respect­ at 9:45 a. m. in the I. O. O. F. ■E Ö. fully solicit both, and hope that the people of the val­ hall. ley will subscribe for their own local paper, and the merchants take advantage of its columns for adver­ LETTERHEADS tising. And we hope you find the columns of The News interesting enough to see that your local news is given to us. Daily newspapers have paid reporters that are supposed to get this news, but country weekly papers WHEN THIS do not have the means to do this, and depend on the HAPPENS, PHONE IS local people to send it in or telephone the news, or t> e tr o m i n a • ti and We'll Print Some write it up and give it to us. This is greatly appreci­ ated by the publisher, and we want to thank all those I For lou In A Hurrv!! NATIONAL NEWSPAPER WEEK who have helped Us in the past and we hope they con­ tinue to do so. ----------------------------- o------------------------ October 1 to Sth 1 as been designated as National SERVICE— Newspaper Week, wherein the home town newspaper DEFENSE STAMPS FOR NOT SOMETHING can be pardoned for st iking some of the med'cine that NOTHING — BUT DOING WHAT YOU WANT DONE the newspaper gives freely to all civic, county, state PROMPTLY. I N T E L L I - Throughout the nation merchants are helping sell and national activities. GENTLY AND ECONOM ICALLY .... The above illustration "Appreciate America.” is Defense Stamps, and offer them to customers when nu l.'ug change for purchases. E................................. 3 t imely; nd wed said. I low many of us really do appre­ I COMPLETE REPAIR Service That i< not a bad idea for the merchants of the val ­ ciate America? Of course we all do, but how many AAA Towing 1 WATCHES and CLOCKS Reasonable Charge* of us show our appreciation? We are all proud to be ley to adopt Thov could c; rrv a small amount of sav­ ings stamps, and when a customer has 10c or 25c Clarence E. Eggers Americans and we are proud of the country. But few Nash Sales and Service JEWELER of us have ; n opportunity to show that we really do ch; n ’■? coming, merely ask if they would like to have a Defense Stamp instead of the money. In many cases • De! Rogue Hotel Building appreciate what wo have, ; nd many times those of us Phone 113 a.........................................................ii) the customer will be glad to take the stamps. When he who do have the oppur:unity, let it slip ;>nd sav. let the has his hook full, he can exchange it for a Defense other fellow do it. I'm too busy. GRANTS PASS The radio is a great invention No one denies this. Bond, and in this way help finance the government's DEL ROGUE GARAGE j HOTEL 507 S. 6th Street, Grants Pass But wtihout the new '(.AgWTEP I k ■ » Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sts Junction, Kerby and Holland GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY “Since 1900" 3 .*