Illinois Valley News. Thursday. July 24, 1941 Paare Seven V [THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE| CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ■.* L . • • TRUCK PARTS j Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young | b fag?-- 1 - lassietBMMBa□ i---- « ji 0--- ---------- - c ———,0 j —u.|□ .— st — j arj----- 1 a.------------ - a 1-—*— j a-■ a j - ■ 12 >ar—------ 1 -.------------ 1 □ 1-------- 1 z —- ai___ j _>a By ED WHEELAN News OF THE HOLDOP SPREAD RAPI0LY THROUGHOUT THE TRAIN and WAS SOON THE. MAIN TOPIC OF CONNtKSATON in THE “PRIVILEGE CAR • — 1 CCN T KNOUI.BUTCH e»uT IT LOOKS VERY SUSPICIOUS TO ME ’’ Heavy-duty Motors, axels parts, bodies, tires, hoists and used trucks. TRICK WRECKING COMPANY 10th AS E Hawthorne Portland. Ore. RABBITS AND SKINS PUÜLTRÏ AND BABBITS WANTED. Good white fryer rabbit skins SI.IP per lb Write postcard for price- and information Ruby ft Co.. 935 8. W. Front Portland. Ore. FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE Roll Developed and Two Prints from Each Good - Negative 25c WESTERN PHOTO COMPANY BOZ W 4265 PurtlaLd. Or«. N PRINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25c—Made by Portland’s larg­ est retail kodak finisher Satisfac­ tion guaranteed Quality Picture Co. Box W3573, Portland, Oregon. HELP WANTED WANTED 2000 HOP PICKERS LALA PALOOZA COME. CHILDREN, I’LL TAKE YOU TO YOUR HOME- YOUR MOM'S PROBABLY / WORRIED SICK I ABOUT YOU Good Appetites WE WANNA EAT AGAIN By RÜBE GOLDBERG LOOK,MY HUP WAY!.’------- . UNCLE PLATO’S 75' amt LUNCH r GIMME ' • WANT WAGON A HAM ON WEENIE THEY LIVE AT 1 333^ NORTH ELM STREET­ DRIVE 'EM HOME fc-. QUICK GOOD - THEY TOO BUSY EATIN' TO FEEL CAR MOVE HEY, LADY- COOM GET YOUR CHILDRENS QUEEK BEFORE THEY EAT UP MY WHOLE WAGON! \ i : vi : st starts tiii -: late part of August. Families preferred. 509 Acres of high trellised hops. Excel­ lent camps, big crop long season. All accommodations in addition to day nursery for children furnished free to pickers Register In person at Ranch office, or write to E. CLEMENS HORST CO., INDEPEN­ DENCE, OREGON, for full r FOR SALE TD40 WITH NEW 45 DEGREW HEAD. Al condition. 1 T20 re­ conditioned and new paint. 1 model M.A.C. tractor. I model A Ford coupe All priced for quick sale. Rosalia Hdwe. Co., Rosalia, Wash. WRITE BATTI,ESON FOR CANBY FARMS. The Garden Spot of Ore- I H til lM«a 1. Hid Co., Canby. Ore. GROCERY, LARGE STOCK AND FIX- tures, $2000; Fame owner eight years. Rent $45; heat ami water furnished. 1601 - 4th St.. Bremerton, Wash. Frank Jay Markey Syndicate. Inc. S’MATTER POP—Hey! Who’s Got Holt of Who? By C. M. PAYNE PRIVATE WIMPU 5 REPORTING WITH PRISONER.! X. •___ s AUTO COURT. ONE 8-HOOM HOUSE. 4 oottagr . '■ naw apt . ill m< »dem. furnished, fireplaces. M. R. Terry, Netarts. Oregon. EXTRA GOOD DIVERSIFIED FARM, <»n highway • Good buildings» elec, pressure spring water. bumper hay, grain, pasture, apples, berries, garden Team horses 11 rattle. 6 hogs. Reg. Male, terms Consider trade. E. A. Robinson, Chiloo, Idaho. UKKMM PFL 11 AIN’T .SEEN r?— FX NOTHIN’ J Chauffeur's Son Tom, Tom, was a chauffeur’s son; He learned to chauf when he was young. He scorched o’er hills and far away. Got nabbed, and a fine he had to Much Dia-Cuiaed! Mother—What did your fathes say when you smashed the new car? Son—Shall I leave out the swear words? Mother—Yes, of course. Son—He didn’t say a word. POP—Firsthand By J. MILLAR WATT CHEWING GUM IS GAINING A STRONG », FOOTMOLD AMONG 9 OUR OFFICE BOYS NOT ONLY AMONG OUR OFFICE BOYS, SMITH I Dentist's Dream “I dug up a five-foot tusk In my garden yesterday. I wonder what it is from?" "The bill of some prehistoric moi- quite, I cuppose." PACIFIC UNIVERSITY- W. H. GIERSBACH. President .4 Century oj Continuous Service to the K elt For Information write to DR. II. Fa PRICE» Dean Forest Grove, Oregon 30 Minutes West of Portend nil/.. The World At Its Worst TWO DAYS AND A NIGHT TWO PERSONS INCLUDES "Room 6 Bath Dinner or Sapper 'Dancing "Breakfast GLUYAS THE CAREFULLY LAID PLANS FOR GETTING AWAY AT CRACK OF PAWN FOR THE LONG DRIVE TO THE SUMMER COTTAGE MEET A SETBACK WHEN JUNIOR TAKES A LAST MINUTE LOOK INTO THE CAT BASKET TO MAKE SURE THE CAT IS ALL RIGHT w *^><**** ***- By LANG ARMSTRONG SAM UHClSCoZW^f «