Illinois Valley News. Thursday. July 24, 1941 REPORT OF GRANGE CONVENTION GIVEN Two New liookout Houses For Forest Service At the meeting of Illinois Val­ ley Grange last Thursday night, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Johnson gave a report of the state Grange con­ vention held at Newport, this be­ ing the first local meeting since the convention. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson told of many interest­ ing features of the meeting and said that they enjoyed their trip. Mrs. Harry Smith explained the value of dusting for summer control of garden pests. Bob Wendt and Glenn Halm read ex­ cerpts from the economic outlook conference report. During the lecturer’s program, comic strips were enacted by mem­ bers of the Grange and a reading by Isabel Mellow. Mrs. A. A. Johnson and Mrs. Ortis Seat sang a duet which was appreciated by the members. T<> help the treasure chest of the Juvenle Grange, candy was sold and a neat sum put into the fund. Construction plans and packing operations for the construction of two new lookout houses in the Page creek ranger district are well under way, a checkup here Wed­ nesday revealed. Actual construction has started on the new “tower house'' at Cleo­ patra with Glenn Kirk, prevention guard, handling the new structure. Packers Hugh White and Marvin Prentice spent considerable time this week setting up a "pack’’ sta­ tion at Tennessee pass. The material for construction of the new Canyon peak tower will be packed in from that point after being hauled from Redwood ran­ ger station. Both the new houses are “ready cut”. The pieces are ill cut in the shape desired for building. CLASSIFIED ADS NOT whose fault but, Who’ll pay the bill? Insure Your car today Through Fred I.inkhart, Kerby ltc STRAYED—One young lamb has strayed onto my place and has done considerable damage. Own­ er must call and pay for dam­ ages and this advertisement or the animal will be taken for such damages. M. B. Rexford. 12-ltc INSURANCE—Courteous and ef­ ficient service. Contact or phone Win. J. McLean, Kerby, Ore­ gon. 1l-4tc FOR SALE—Wood range, very reasonable, or will trade for wood. Mrs. Margaret White, Cave Junction. 12-tp REGISTRATION now being taken for hop picking to start about Aug. 6. Local pickers given preference. We are NOT us­ ing picking machines. Tent houses and camping facilities available. Picking price 1 '2c per 11>. plus ’»c bonus. Hilton Hop Yards, Rt. 2. Write or phone fl-F-2. -2tc FOR SALE—Good upright piano. If taken at once will sell for $50. Mis. Ed. Pearsall on Caves high­ way. 12-ltp WANTED —- Furnished modern house by August 15 or sooner. Inquire at News office, Cave I Junction, 12-ltp1 Some cash Also want heifer. Box 12-ltp Jim Hogue Inspector For Illinois Valley Appointment of state brand in- spector and deputy inspectors for Josephine county for the two years ending June 1, 1943, was an­ nounced recently by Dr. W. II. Ly­ tle. chief of the animal division of the state department of agricul­ ture. J. L. Helms, Grants Pass, con _ I inues as county inspector; and the list of deputies includes: Richard Young, C. W. Graham and R. R. St. John, Grants Pass; John H. Landers, Rogue river; Sam Lette- ken, Provolt, and Jim Hogue, Kerby. Under state law, all horses, cat- t'e and mules shipped out of Jose­ phine county must be inspected for brands responsibility for the in­ spection resting on the owners shippers. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eccles and [ H. H. Baxter of Canby, Oregon,, visited the M. C. and L. E. Atheys last week. Mr. Eccles is principal , of the Canby school and H. H. Bax­ ter was formerly construction en- gineer at the Crown-Willamette mills in Oregon City and is now retired. He is a cousin of M. C. and L. E. Athey. Mrs. Nellie Currier and family spent several days in Grants Pass this week. Mrs. Currier has sold her home on the Redwood high­ way and wi'l soon move her house­ hold effects to Granta Pass where she has purchased a home and will reside there permanently. ■■ o-------------- BLESSED EVENT Send the News to your friends. (Does Your Car Tell You I I When Its Motor Is Out| Of Adjustment” Perhaps not in so many words, but it does talk through missing cylinders, poor pick-up and waste of gas. I AUCTION SALES—Every Tues­ day. We s< 11 any kind of live­ stock and furniture. Just oppo­ site the fair grounds. Grants Pass. 9-4tp BE PATRIOTIC — Put an Ameri­ can flag on your desk. See them a* th" Illinois Va’ley News, 25c. 7-tf 9-tf MACK'S SEED 4 FEED STORE now under new management. Carries a complete line of feeds and seeds of all kinds. Make our store your headquarters BANK CAR FOR SALE — Mining location blanks, both quart! and placer and trespass notices at the Illinois Valiev News office. Inquire at News office. 14-tf WANTED — Wool and Mohair, hides and pelts, junk batteries, metals of all kinds, radiators and iron. Grants Pass Bargain House, 624-028 So. 8th street, 50-tf Phone 86. Don't latter insisted that the young la­ dies stop in the Illinois valley for a short visit. Sunday they vis- isted the famous Oregon Caves and other interesting spots leaving for their home Monday morning. Dur­ ing their stay they were guests at Kumfy Kamp. Can Them! DR1VF IN AND TALK OVER* Keep Them | I Fresh! In a COMPLETE MOTOR TUNE-UP| FROZEN FOOD LOCKER FRESH FRUITS IN JANUARY! ROASTING, EARSON YOUR CHRISTMAS TABLE! GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES THE YE AR AROUND! No, it’s not a miracle. It is within easy reach of all of you. Just drop in tomorrow and rent a locker. WE HAVE CARTONS TO PACK FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN Illinois Valley Ice Co y. V.WW.V.w.v. w.".w.v.w.v.-.wwr’ ■ Sixth Annual GOOD USED TIRES WE CAN OFFER YOU FOR YOUR OLD TIRES FIRST FIRE TEST FOR 10-MAN CREW The ten-man suppression crew of Redwood ranger station received DEPENDING its first fire test here this week ON SIZE when the group were dispatched to the “largest” fire of the local With the season Monday afternoon. The blaze, a three-quarter acre fire, Purchase ef was at Poker Flat and was termed to be • the result of a "sleeper” Nee fire from the recent lightning New storm. U.S. ROYAL Started in an old snag, the fire was controlled by the “blitzkrieg ’ DELUXE tactics of the 10-nian outfit in less than two hours. At press time Ed­ win Smith and a crew of two fire­ fighters were carrying on final mop-up activities. Forest service rules call for or-the-spot patrol 24 hours after the last smoke is noted. swm ------------- o—» Oscar B. Dormire employe of SMOOTH THtfS ARE DANGEROUS Redwood ranger station, wrenched * LET US SAFETY CHICK YOIIR TIRES TODAY « his right shoulder and arm in a A Complete Line of painful accident at the Redwood barn here Tuesday. Dr. C. L. U. S. BATTERIES Ogle treated the Cave Junction resident for the injury. GOLD LABEL Straight BOURBON Whitkey Next time you call for a bottle, make it Gold Label. It’s got what it takes when it comes to taste. $J.9O ll£ (HART $¡.00 A. Donley Barnes Sheriff and Tax Collector 4 for Josephine County, Oregon. We extend to You a Cordial Invitation to the SIXTH ANNUAL (¡LAI) SHOW (¡OLDEN RULE SPECIAL JULY ( LEARANCE SALE and new fall merchandise at prices lower than you expect to see (’■RANTS PASS tentey l (empany, M., Pwrla, WWV.W WELCOME Grants Pass CHAPTER 389. Oregon Laws, 19!1. effective June 14, 1941, requires that we issue warrants for collection of delinquent taxes on personal property. t Warrants are to be filed with the County Clerk, and entered in the Judgment Docket. The amount of such warrant shall become a lien upon the title to any real property owned Jay the person against whom the warrant is issued. The effect shall be the same as though the people of the County had recovered judgment against the person or persons so charged. The process of issuing, serving and docketing warrants covering delinquent taxes on personal property shall be mandatory. Therefore it is our unavoidable duty to insist that all delinquent personal taxes be paid with­ out further delay, or satisfactory arrangements made to liquidate same. August 1st, 2nd < The Golden Rule MAN Pay Delinquent Personal Taxes AT ONCE! Glad Show And a glad surprise awaits you next door at the Duckworth .‘■'AIE—Land facing Red- d highway near Kerby, Ore- For information call or e to Harris' Super Creamed p. 103 N. Oth St., Grants >. Ore. 10-8tc Misses Genevieve McLain of Brownsville, Pennsylvania, and Mary Jane Jeffries of Roscoe, Pennsylvania, arrived in the valley last Saturd y from Santa Monica, California, where they visited the H. M. Hayden family, former res­ idents of Cave Junction, and the YOUR PROBLEMS WITH US1I i Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe E. are the proud parents of a young heir, named James Ros­ coe, born July 14 at the Rose­ burg hospital, weighing seven pounds, nine ounces. Mrs. Ball was the former Miss Lois Caine. —o— Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Fryer and family from Scottsburg, Oregon, visited in the valley over the Fourth. They were former resi­ dents of the valley and Mrs. Fryer taught at the o'd Hunt school. Mrs. Fryer remarked she would like to hear from ary of her old friends in the valley. ------------- o — Make arrangements to attend the Airport Dedication Sunday, August 3rd. WHO WILL pay the bills if YOU CAN'T? Make arrangements to attend Protect yourself THE TIRE the Airport Dedication Sunday, with insurance August 3rd. & “M” Sts. 8th thi ot gh Fred Linkhart, Kerby. 2tc HUNGRY? KEEP FIT! — Sand- v.i’ and salads that satisfy, ci ffee with character, home­ made pies. Then meet me at t ■ Jiffy Way Lunch, Mrs. L. H. Grizzell, 904 Orchard av­ enue, Grants Pass. 11-tc Page Five To the Sixth Annual Glad Show August I and 2 BE SURE TO ATTEND THE CORONATION AND BALL FRIDAY, JULY 31st GLAD WEEK SPECIALS I HOUSEWEAR VASES — We have them, all styles and sizes, .lust the* thing for cut flowers, priced as low as COLD PACK CANNERS— Large, 20 liquid quart canners. Holds 7 quart or 9 pints. Buy now and save. HAVER POTTERY— Special—Start your Baver Star­ ter Set now. All $5 purchases and over of Baver Pottery, pas­ tel or dark colors, Percent Off ROTARY COLANDERS— Large cone - shaped aluminum colander, heavy wire stand with hickory pestel. Easy to clean. 1 Rogue River Hardware “Where Most People Trade” iA