Page Eight Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 10, 1911 Locals Mrs. W. F. Darger was shopping in Grants Pass this week. —o— Mrs. W. S. Doty made a shop­ ping trip to Grants Pas-, on Wed­ nesday. Mrs. E. J. Wilber and Mrs. Ear) Boyd were shopping in (¡rants Pass on Tuesday. —o— Judge W. A. Johnson of (¡rants Pass was a valley visitor the first of the week. —o— Phil Sawyer and Harry Smith. Jr., made a hurried business trip to (¡rants Pass last Saturday. —O--- Kenneth Wells returned to his work in Lakeview after spending several days vacation in the val­ ley. Wm. P. (¡riener of the (¡old Can­ yon Pony ranch was transacting business in Cavi’ Junction last Sat- urday. .—o--- J. Ring ami family of Empire, Oregon, spent Friday and Saturday at the home of their grandparents, I K Drake. -o--- Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Brown, par i ents of A. M.. Brown, proprietor of Ye Rustic Inn, came to visit j last Friday for a few weeks. —<>— Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sherman were in (¡rants Pass last Monday transacting business. Mi Andrew Wig made the trip also. —o— Mr. and Mrs. August Theuer kailf of ('amp Muir made a hurried trip to Grants Pass today (Thurs day) on business. —o — Mr. and Mrs. Orbie Schaffer of Weed, Calif'., spent the Fourth vis iting Mr. and Mrs. krai k Avies near Bridgeview. —o— Miss Henriette N'ettel, now of Grunts Pass, was a house guest at the ” Wi'Iado: a ' on Thur day am Friday of last week. —o— Mrs. J. J. Villair George W. Martin their wen1 da: ghters, Jeanne and shopping in Medford last Monday. —O— Mrs. S. J. Stevens of San Fran­ cisco arrived last Sunday to visit for a few weeks her sister, Mrs. Robert Balzke of the Waldo Motel in O’Brien. CAVE CITY THEATER Model Cash Grocery A WEEK OF HITS! Formerly SCHUMACHERS SAT. and SUN. JULY 12 - 13 s 0 0.................. BANANAS Per Pound FEATURE Robbers of the FRUIT COCKTAII Sacramento ORANGES Sweet and Juicy HOLT doz. APRICOTS For Canning —4— FEATURE Y our Favorite Fiction Char- acter Now on the Screen I GUY KIBBEE I t UK 79c Scattergood Pullsthe Strings WATERMELONS Per Pound i i PRESERVES —Oswego Assorted Flavors ■4C CUCUMBERS 3 for lOc LOCAL BERRIES — BOYSENBERRIES — STRAWBERRIES — YOUNGBERRIES and RASPBERRIES M. P. C. PEC TIN 3 Packages for WALT DISNEY’S Mi. and Mrs. Raphael E. I 1 spent the Fourth vis r.sta Dam. Eureka ami retu home via Happy Camp. The nort a very interesting trip. —o — CALIFORNIA for no extra rail fare F 0 ' ................ WE ASKED FUR IT— NOV X ’’i OT IT! HOT I air-conditioned trains all die w.i. including stri inliners and coach-t.’uri.i eionomy trains. ai rJ —o— A. D. Ilearndon of O'Brien, sus- 1 tai-ie I an injured arm while work- "E WASHABLE RAYONS and SUMMER FABRIC’S 2F0K $4.00 I LOWELL’S I i t ttNOlNG 1 i Beautiful styles for you CAFf OMARY COTTAGES GATEWAY TO THCÖfcEOON CAVES s ¡202 S. (>th St..* a Grants‘pass I à É................................. Maxwell Used Car Bargains ► 1933 CHEV. 1', TON TRUCK. $95 1936 FORD SEDAN, $325 193(1 FORD TUDOR. $75 1940 FORD (OUPE. $595 1937 CHEV. 1', TON TRUCK. $425 1937 CHEV. SEDAN. 115 1936 PLYMOUTH ( OUPE. $315 1936 FORD PICKUP, $295 But Gee-Go!’ey-Gosh It's (¡ood! See I e il S P agent ot wiite J. A OKMANDY Gen Pass A trnt Pacihe Budding, Portland. Oi jon I | I | | Summer Sheers Chevrolet Co INEVEIZ HEAÆPOF) A RECKLÊ5S PfZiV&C- V4H0 CCULP DUT PAiE TccuPie "O IS SMITH'S !( E ( REAM The Friendly Southorn Pacific Kk* Particular Attention To your Grease and Oil ! Keep the car fit and it will bring you back. We Grease ’Em ! Miss Jennie A. Roehl of Wash­ ington, D. C. and Lillian C. Roehl of Knoxville. Tennessee, sisters of Mrs. ,J. M. Hout, are visiting at the Hout home for a few days. —o — ( "’"'thi' week. They were returning j from a business trip to Medford. i / JELLO SEAL 25 for .... BACON Nice lean, by the piece ing Mrs. Harold Bowerman drove led her mother, Mrs. (’. H. O'Neil, Jr.. re- who has been visiting here for the past three weeks, to (¡rants Pas- ■ Wednesday where she took the bus ' f< i I er home in Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sproul of — o — I a s Angeles, were surpris surprise visit-j Mr. and Mrg Ralph E. I.uick of ms at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith River> Caljf stopped in Marvin Cross last Monday and left Cavp j,,nction for a short visit far their home < i: Wednes-I wiih M,. an(J M,.g M (’. Athey You can go EAST through 45c Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crowe and ing at the Bill Tolin mill at aim and when an X-ray showed a son, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crowe O’Brien. Dr. Collman treated the possible fracture, the arm was put I of Hood River spent the Fourth ■0 in a splint. holidays with Mrs I. Howard Crowe’s 0' 0' parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Cooke. "3 Hot Weather I of O'Brien. Driving Calls for —o- Sunday guests at the I. K. Drake I home were Wm. (Iran and fam­ ily. Faye Black and small daughter of Hilts, Calif., and Boh (¡ran of Cave Junction. o- A GENTLEMANS GENTLEMAN” THOMPSON’S MALTED MILK With Wallet FRY ERS. 2’j pounders Per pound 43c PAR WASHING POWDER With Pottery—Giant Size pkg. ami Mrs. Ivan Welch and family of Bonanza, Oregon, are visiting Mrs. Welch's brother. Bill Phillips. They are looking for a location here. o--- 59c* PORK SAUSAGE SATURDAY ONLY 2 for 2 TIM O. W. GREEN PRIC ES EFFECTIVE JULY 11 - 12 - 13— FRIDAY, SATURDAY —1— Pathe News _ 2_ MARCH OF TIME “Australia at W ar" ( Next time, try the train If you’re planning a trip Fast and this war, just remem­ ber that Southern Pacific round­ triptickets take you Idil tbfuH^h California for not k extra rail fare to most destinations. Add San Francisco, I os Angeles and aliane other cities to your trip at no aJJ .. lai i t. CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON Comp I cuntían Sen ice -¿a DODGE II \S \l XX DSI1EE\ I \XIOl S FOR DEPENDABILITY \ND ECONOMY Big 1911 HAIRY I IN EK’S nun in ID DRIVE Xe* A FJ E E) Z E VZXlVlXEIV 3 I ><>!>< « 621 F.a«t M Grant« Pa«« CAVE CITY DRUG STORE Your Rexall Store ... 3 . 1936 ( HEV. 1'2 TON TRUCK. $295 1940 CHEV. TOWN SEDAN. $695 1928 DODGE SEDAN. $65 1935 FORD PICKUP. $215 FABCO LOG TRAILER. $195 1910 ( HEV. PK’KUP. $595 1931 FORD TUDOR. $95 1930 LA SALLE SEDAN. $65 Texaco Gas. Oil Greases GEO. A. IIK’KS tw.r< c THE OREGON TRAIL PAGEANT An Epic of the Old H'< xf EUGENE, OREGON JULY 24-25-26 • • • • • Automotive FOLLOW THE WISE USED CAR Bl Y ERS < id« mid Industrial Parade PioiHM'r Parade Ihrtf Nightl) Shows II«.«idl'd Men < «»Mumisi Women Maxwell Chevrolet Co. U*ed Car I ot — 711 South Sixth St. New ( ar Store — 111 South Sixth St. (¡¡rants Pass. Oregon Hr ser sc Tickets NOW Write Ilex 113—Enfine Service Co PLYMOUTH Pr .ce« 90c. 61.00. 61.90, 12.00, 62.90 I’lONF I R I) %YS I.Il F %