Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 10, 1941 Page Seven 1 THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE|| CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT • >*» v TRUCK PARTS Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and roung § jj Ù iFii-L. ...imu---------- ini---------- :-.-inr===v^. BIG TOP :~7.3]EJt= --------- 1 □ —JI -El □ 1 i T-.' / GREAT SCOTT - ’ I cant 1 IMAGINE WHAT COULD / .5 1 HAYE HAPPENED r " ¿t^TO THEM, HAL ¿X Ä FEW FAO ME MTS LATER •• LET'S GO UP THE HILL AND HAVE A LOOK AROUND THE TREES AND DU SHE S ON EflHER SiDE OF THE LANE FOR SOME SORT OF A CLUE ! 3EFF. yoU AND I WILL TAKE ~<1HE LEFT SIDE J* AND, MYRA, 'HOU A nd 'KT TAKE THE R ight sid ! ‘ '7‘ - v— - (1 CANT ElTHER.^EFF !! A\ ------- ^ HOLDUP SEEMS OUT 1 OF THE QUESTION \ ON SUCH A short ) V TRIP BUT - [ OEt, I ' u/icu ('WHISKERS / \ WAS HERE / zNO\N nA* DADDY, WE WANNA GO TO THE, MOVIES! SCHOOLS REGISTER NOW! For Summer term Easy payment plan. Free Life employment service. WESTERN BEAUTY COLLEGE 719 8 W 4th Ave Portland Ora. RABBITS AND SKINS ’ FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE Roll Developed and Two Prints from Each Good Negative 25c -J--------- WESTERN PHOTO COMPANY Box W 4.‘i . Portland Ore. X PR I.X I S AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25c—Made by Portland's larg­ est retail kodak finisher Satisfac­ tion guaranteed Quality Picture Co. Box W3573. Portland. Oregon. ED WE I*' By RUBE Unexpected Guests I'LL TAKE ’EM Portland. Ora. POL'LTKY AND RABBITS WANTED. Good white rabbit skins It 10 per lb Write postcard for price* and information Ruby A Co., 935 S. W. Trout. Portland, Ore. Frank Jay Markey Syndicate. Inc. LALA PALOOZA TRICK WRECKING COMPANY 10th A S' E Hawthorne — 1 □ By ED WHEELAN ^EFF- EXPLAINED THAT HIS TREASURER ANPHlS L&3AL ADJUSTER HAD DISAPPEARED WITH THE DAY'S RECEIPTS OE AlEARLVflO.OOO“ Heavy-duty Motor*» axels parta, bodies tires, hoists and used trucks. ; FF t -/ - ¿3 I ; l l A FOR SALE jij ST to be safe , i think i ' ll count 'EM AGAIN AT the next corner THKESH1NO outfit 32 Cane. 12-0 A 11Ì i m;i n TaylOl* tractor. also An- uarfor t».»!«r. IS 17 CRM tractor. R. Rosenau. Clackamas, Ore. Rt. 1, Box 268. GO ’WAY- DADDY’S WORKING AUTO court. 10 modern cabins. lit- way 99. Roseland Auto Park. Rose­ burg. Oregon. I TD40 WITH NEW 45 DEGREE HEAD. Al condition. I T20 re- conditioned ami new paint. 1 model MAC. tractor. 1 model A Ford coupe. All priced for quick sale. Rosalia Hdwe. Co., Rosalia, Wash. Signal Code 'rank Jay Markey Syndicate, Ine By C. M. PAYNE The International Code of Sig­ nals, adopteii by all nations for marine communication in 1934, wees 40 flags, 26 alphabetical, 10 numeral, 3 substitute flags and an answering pennant, says Colliers. Although no more than four or five flags are usually hoisted nt a time, at least 375,000 messages may be transmitted with them, all being visible through glasses, in clear weather, for a distance of five miles. INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Gai trapped In thu atom* h or gullet may art like a hair trigger on the heart. At the tlrit Kign of ill »treat ■mart in. n and women depend on llell bih Tahh ta to ■el cai free No laiatlve but made of firn faiteet- ■rtina inedlilnv» known for »rid Indigestion. If the F1HST DOSE doesn't grove Hell-ana belter, return bvtllo to ua and receive l>Ol'liUE Mouejr Back. 25c. Unknown Future A wise God shrouds the future in obscure darkness.—Horace. MESCAL IKE bxs . l huntley Practically in the Bag ’fa,*"' pCWiTM A CROWN WHAT’S rLOWER AN' FLAT ON TOP AN' A BRIM WHATS NARROWER AN’, IT SHOULD BE WHITE INSTEAD OF POP—That’s Telling Him be WHAT they CALL INTELLECTUAL WP MUST By J. MILLAR WATT WELL I'M intellectual - /MIDDLE-AGE a WOMEN [,S] HEED THIS ADVICE ! I Thousands of women are helped to go smil­ ing thru distress pecul­ iar to women—caused by this period in life— with Lydia E. Pink­ ham’s Vegetable Com­ pound — famous for over 60 years'. Pinkham’» Compound -made fs/x r/u/.'v /or women—has helped thou anas to relieve such weak, nervous feelings due to thia functional disturbance. Try It! Or an Egg Opera Star-Yes, 20 long years I have sung in ze Metropolitan. Admirer—Gee, you rnusta known Madam Butterfly when she was only, a caterpillar. JU5- . I LAWN •y. ? 4 —rnakPI We Can ¿2JÏ, ILL!5 j LICE "Black« Leaf 40 DKI.F UM w —. I STRIP OF GRASS, AND THEN STANDS still , R unning MOWER UP AND HIS WIFE TO DO SOMETHING A- BOUT SPOT TESTING, DECIDES IT NEEDS OILING, AND GOES INTO GET OIL CAN TIME BEFORE SUPPER TO DO ANYTHING MORE. AND TRUNDLES LAWN MOWER SACK TO GARAGE • It Is a good habit to form, the habit of consulting the advertisements every time we make a purchase, though we have already decided just what we want and where we are going to buy It. It gives us the most priceless feeling In the world: th« feeling of being adequately prepared. • When we go Into a store, prepared beforehand with knowledge of what is offered and at what price, we go as on expert buyer, filled with self-confi­ dence. It is a pleasant feeling to have, the feeling of adequacy. Most of the unhappiness in the world can be traced to a lack of this feeling. Thus adver­ tising shows another of Its manifold facets — shows itself as an aid toward making all our business relationships more secure and pleasant. $'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$