Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1941)
Illinois Galley News, Thursday, April 24, 1941 Page Eight Ira Brown, who i was taken to the hospital in Grants Pass a few weeks ago for an appendicitis op- eration is doing nicely and will re- turn to his home in Kerby soon. Clarence C. Sawyer was a coun Blake Miller visited Mr. Brown at ty seat visitor this week. the hospital. V __ o c a 1 s L Don Morrison was in the county Mr. and Mr«. Earl Grey, who seat on business last Monday. recently made a trip to Corvallia, had a pleasant visit with Ashton Harold Bowerman made a busi* Foerst, former principal of the ness trip to Medford and Grants Kerby grade school, and he sent Pas last week-end. word that he wishes to be remem- bered to all his friends in the val- a business and pleasure trip last I ley. Friday for Albany. They returned o Sunday afternoon. Henry Montbrend, chef at the Drews hotel, made a business trip to Grants Pass on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grey left on PETITIONS HIT FREE TEXTBOOKS, CIG A RET TAX Preliminary petition for a ref erendum against the bill to give Mra, Judy Squire, assistant at free textbooks to students in pri Dorothy's Dinette, made a shop ping trip to Giants Pass the first vate and parochial schools was filed today in the state department of the week. by the association against public —o— Ralph and Robert Messenger, taxes for private schools, said a press dispatch in the Grants Pass spent last week-end visiting their Courier Wednesday evening. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. It is the third such referendum Messenger. to be filed against a measure —o— passed by the 1941 legislature, Mi .«. Robert Balzke of the Waldo others being directed against the Motel in O’Brien left for San cigaret tax and the bill closing Francisco last Tuesday and ex- coastal streams to commercial fish pects to be gone a fortnight. ermen. —o— The three measures would be Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kennedy of come law June 14 unless 15,666 Grants Pass, visited their aunt and registered voters sign petitions, uncle, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Grix- which must be filed by June 13. zell over the week-end. Measures referred to the voters —o— would be on the November, 1942 Mr. and Mrs. George W. Thrash er returned to their home in Kerby general election ballot. The association which is fighting last Saturday after visiting in Los the text-book bill is headed by Angeles for the past week. Charles A. Rice, president, and —o— Mrs. Earl Boyd acaompanied by Floyd D. Moore, secretary, both of Mis. E. J. Wilber and Mrs. Charles Portland. Rice formerly was Port- Lemmon were shopping in Grants and superintendent of schools. He was an unsuccessful candidate for Pas this week. state superintendent of public in Mrs. Leo Martin a former resi struction in the 1938 general elec dent of Bridgeview, now residing tion, being defeated by Rex Put in Waldport, arrived in the valley nam. o last Saturday to attend the funer al of Tom Hervey. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Blake Miller went to Klamath Falls last Sunday and returned with the former’s moth er, Mrs. Ada F. Miller, who will re main for a short visit at the Miller home on Caves highway. —o— C. T. Clark, electrician, arrived in the valley from Portland recent ly an<| is making his home at Camp Hoquiam. He is going to locate here and will apply his trade in the valley. —o--- Reade Dowlin, manager of the WNU of Portland visited the M. C. Atheys over the week-end. He left for Gold Beach on a short business trip before returning to Portland. Commissioner Pete Fredrickson was inspecting thv Happy Camp mad today. The commissioner is bending every effort to get a pro- ject started for this valley. —o—— . Next time, try the train THAT’S GOOD ADVICE ^liile driving around, you've protwbly vccn thoae Southern Pacific vigni that vav. “next time, try the train''. • Lot« of people have taken that friendly advice. We know an automobile i« bandy, but the train oilers real advantage«— particularly on long trips. | Model Cash Grocery M K K Formerly SCHUMACHERS Anyone hauling ore from Calif ornia through Oregon or from Ore gon through California must se cure a permit from the Interstate Commerce Commission as a com mon or contract carrier, before commencing such service to be within the Federal Rules and Reg ulations pertaining to the handling of such traffic. Owners of mines may haul their own ores without such permission as long as they procure the proper licenses from states through which they haul. Anyone wishing further infor mation on this subject may con tact A. A. Johnson on the Redwood highway about two miles south of Cave Junction. DRIVERS LICENSES EXPIRE JULY 30 Persons holding driver’s licenses which expire June 30th of 'this year will not be required to take an examination when they renew their licenses, it was announced to day by F. ari Snell, secretary of state. Examinations am required, how ever, for those persons who were not licensed during the 1939-41 period and for persons 70 years of age or older. Driver’s licenses for the 1941- 1943 period will cost $1.50 this year, instead of one dollar, due to the creation of a motor vehicle accident fund by the 1941 legisla tive assembly, it was explained. This fund is for the payment of hospitalization costs of indigent persons injured in automobile ac cidents, cared for in hospitals which are then unable to collect from the patients. The fund will be administered by the state in- /AHfN A ' HAS TO ANP I THINK t'C AN Ali^l FOC k ’T PA*IN c H is f*iLL*» HE’S I SLIPPING______ POTATOES No. 2’s, 50 lbs. MORTANG MUSTARD 13 Ounce jar for............ 18c PORK & BEANS, Van ( amps No. 2*4 cans, 2 for RAVIOLI, Chicken with mushroom sauce, 12 oz. cans, 2 for PEANUT BUTTER 2 Pound jars, each PINK SALMON, With Recipe 2 Cans for CHEESZIT CRACKERS 6 Ounce box for KILZUM SPRAY For flies and bugs, pint 29c 27c 18c 33c 12c 44c ------ o--------------- 4-H CLUBS TO JOIN IN MUSIC M EEK M. I). TISSUE 3 Rolls for 25c (¡RAPEFRUIT Nice ones, per dozen 30c PEAS,, FRESH ONES Per pound 10c ASPARAGUS Per pound 10c PARKAY SPECIAL lc SALE— You get 1 package for only lc when you buy a 2 pound package for PEAS, Meco 303 Size. 3 cans dustrial accident commission and hospitals must be registered with the commission and follow a sched ule of charges set up by the com mission. There will be approximately 1250,000 available for this fund during the coming two-year period as there will be at least 500,000 drivers licensed during that time, Snell said. 14c DILL PICKLES No. 2*4 s*zc can’ each 25c BRILLO SOAP PADS Large box for......... PURE LARD 4 pounds ........... BACON Nice and lean, per pound SYRUP, LOG CABIN Table size each 27' in May. H. C. Seymour, state Garden Insect Control club leader, has arranged for all Guide Issued by OSC clubs to cooperate with other agen- cies in the community where pos The best of vegetable garden sible in Music week ooservance ' Where other organizations are not seed planted on excellent land will active, however, each club will it still not insure a crop unless the self arrange a musical program, | plants are protected from insects, he says. National Music week this In answer to the constant request year is emphasizing the inter- for information on garden insect American idea, featuring music of control, the entomologists at Ore- North and South American coun- Kon State college hove just pre Practically every country pared a revised extension bulletin tries. in the western hemisphere is co- in 551, which gives the latest recommendations for controlling operating. garden pests. o- Four-H clubs throuhgout the state will cpoperate in National Send the News to your friends. sible in Music Week observance, It is almost as good as a letter from of which begins the first Sunday home. CITY AAA Boosts Wheat Income a 0 B 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 B c B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 The bulletin discusses various types of dusts and sprays, and methods of application, and also contains a chart showing recom mended control of insects for the different kinds of garden crops. The bulletin may be obtained free from any county extension office. --------------- o Here’s good news’ Four big days of “two for the price of one, plus only one cent'- bargains. Over 250 bargains, Wednesday, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, at the Cave City Drug Store—Your Rex- all store. Theatre 0 Saturday and Sunday, April 26-27— The glamorous star of “Irene” in the happiest show on the screen No, No, Nanette ¡i With ANNA NEAGLE Í And Walt Disney’s Latest: “GOLDEN EGGS” Wednesday and Thursday, April 30, May 1— The year’s prize package of fun and excitement Louise Alcott’s Little Men With Kay Franics, Jack Oakie, George Bancroft Jimmy Lydon and “Elsie the personality cow! Plus Ray Whitley in a Miniature Western “CORALLING A SC HOOL MA’AM” The U. S. Department of Agriculture says that American farmers who cooperated in the 1940 AAA program received a net return of nearly 80 cents a bushel for their wheat. Compared with a probable return of 40 cents a bushel or less had they been dependent entirely upon the world market. The national farm program aids wheat growers with crop loans, parity and conservation payments, crop insurance, and an export program. The Only Original lc Sale Will be held in Cave Junction Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. April 30. May 1. 2,3 Texaco Gas, Oil Greases GEO. A HICKS O. w. GREEN CORN FLAKES, Kellogs I Kc 13 Oz. size, 2 for No Mistake /g ROYAL CLUB COFFEE 1 Pound glass jar ....... ... 3 Pounds for..................... Rexall Tha Friendly Southern Pacific CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 25 - 26 - 28 — FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY .... Truckers Hauling Ore Should Get Licenses Try the train, next tune. We think you'll be glad you did. your lori! S P •»•»« or writs J. A. OKMANDY. Goa P»** Asset. HI PsoStf Buildins. Portland. Oro. pr U CAVE CITY DRUG CAVE JUNCTION ! I I • I I I I I I ! I i « ■WAW.WAWAY.V.V.’.VAV.’.WAWiWiWWWVV The man who says it can not l^e done is continual ly being interrupted by somebody doing it—Ex. A New Modern WE CAN GREASE YOUR CAR RIGHT Quick * Easy - Safe Deposit Plan to save your Time Write or cali for complete information— Grants Pass Branch of the United States National Bank KMtNNO mur» tÖOH I AVIS I Head Office, Portland, Oregon rosit i m u t a » c t c o i r a m i i o » >