Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1941)
Illinois Valley News, Thursday, April 24, 1941 NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE “LITTLE MEN“ FEATURES ALL-STAR CAST NEXT WEEK for every registrant to have hisj registration certificate in his pos- Sealed bids will be received by session at all times and to present the Forest Supervisor, Grants Pass, Oregon, up to 2 p. m., May 5, 1941, I it upon request of proper authori and will be opened immediately ties was announced today by Lt. thereafter, for all the live timber Bringing one of the best-loved Colonel Elmer V. Wooton, State designated for cutting, and all stories of all time to the speaking Director of Selective Service for merchantable dead timber located on an area embracing about 100 screen. Gene Towne’s presentation Oregon. acres within E. ’» of Section 32 T. of Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Colonel Wooton made his an- 37 S., R. 8 W„ W. M., Siskiyou Men” features a notable group of nouncement upon receipt of ad- National Forest, Oregon, estimated film favorites in its cast and a vice from National Headquarters to be 500,000 feet B. M. of sugar and ponderosa pine, more or less. sparkling streamlined adaption of which pointed out that while the No bid of less than $4.00 per M Miss Alcott’s immortal tale of boy old provisions of the regulations feet for sugar and ponderosa pine hood to the Cave City theater next said that the registrant “should will be considered. An unestimat Wednesday and Thursday. carry his registration certificate ed amount of Douglas-fir timber Kay Francis as "Aunt Jo,’’ Jack with him at all times as he may be to be cut at the option of the pur chaser, shall be paid for at the rate Oakie and George Bancroft as a required to show it from time to of $1.00 per M. $500 must be de pair of amiable swindlers, young posited with each bid, to be applied Jimmy Lydon as "Dan,” Ann Gillis time,” the revied regulation pro vide : on the purchase price, refunded, or retained in part as liquidated dam as his little playmate, “Nann", and “The registrant must have his ages, according to conditions of Charles Esmond as “Aunt Joe’s’’ registration certificate in his per sale. The right to reject any and professor-husband, have the top sonal possession at all times and, all bids is reserved. Before bids roles in the picture, along with upon request, must exhibit it to are submitted, full information With any law enforcement officer, any concerning the timber, the condi “Elsie,” tWe Borden cow. tions of sale, and the submission much of its action filmed in a Selective Service official of Na of bids should be obtained from huge set of the Plumfield School, tional Headquarters or of a State the Forest Supervisor, Grants Pass, the offering is said to recapture j Oregon. 48-49-51 the spirit and charm of the origin- j Headquarters, or any member of the local board or board of ap SUMMONS al. peal.” IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF The story deals with the adven Failure of a registrant to have THE STATE OF OREGON FOR tures of Dan, an orphan, who is his registration certificate in his THE COUNTY OF JOSEPHINE. unwillingly entered in a boarding personal possession, or to exhibit it G. A. PETERSEN and school when the state authorities upon request of authorized offi LOLA PETERSEN, husband and wife, Plaintiffs. get after his patent-medicine-sell cials, will constitute a violation of vs. ing foster-father, Major Burdle. the Regulations, and in addition, X A. JONES and FRANCES The Major adopted Dan as a baby, shall be construed as prima facie JONES, Husband and wife, De- «oon became ashamed of his swin evidence of his failure to register, fendants. TO The Above Named Defendants: dling means of livelihood and Colonel Wooton said. IN THE NAME OF THE turned to the medicine racket as I Selective Service Headquarters STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and an a more legitimate way of earning have arranged a nation-wide radio swer the complaint filed against a living — to the surprise of his broadcast, April 22, 10:30 to 10:45 , you, within four (4) weeks from ’ oldtime pal, Willie the Fox, crook EST, over the Columbia Broad the date of the first publication of badly wanted by the police. casting System. Mr. Edwin Rusin this summons, which date of first So when Dan is foisted off on Beckwith, chairman of the Nation publication is April 10th, 1941, and the date of the last publication is Plumfield, he finds himself a good al Defense committee of the Amer May Sth, 1941, and unless you ap I deal of a misfit. His standards are ican Bar Association, will outline pear and answer, the Plaintiff will not those of the school, and it takes take a decree foreclosing that cer- j much tact on the part of Professor the national defense effort of the legal profession. He will explain tain mortgage securing the sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Baer and his wife to keep things the provisions that have been made ($1,800.00) Dollars, together with running smoothly. Unknown to his for free legal services to the men interest thereon at the rate of six wife, the professor has given mon in the armed forces, their relatives per cent per annum from and af ey to the Major to invest, as he and friends. ter the first day of November, 1933, which note is secured by a desperately needs five thousand mortgage upon the following de dollars to take up the mortgage on scribed real property, to-wit: the school. The Southeast Quarter of the But the Major puts the money Southwest Quarter, Section. 28, Township 39 South, Range in a bank that fails soon afterward. 8 West of the Willamette Unable to replace the sum, the Meridian, in Josephine Coun Major is accused of being a crook, ty, Oregon; Together with that certain and Dan desperately battles to up easement described as: Be hold his foster-father’s reputation. ginning at a point 18 feet The Major forges a check on an East of the Southwest corner other bank and with a pocketful of of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said money returns to the school to de Section 28, Township 39 mand an apology — only to find a South, Range 8 West of the detective waiting for him. Willamette Meridian; thence Facing a certain jail term in any North 18 feet; thence West to case and anxious to keep the school the Redwood Highway; thence Southwesterly along the right- running for Dan’s sake, the major of-way line of said Redwood persuades his pal Willie the Fox Highway to the intersection to surrender for the five thousand thereof with the South line of dollar reward. This he turns over the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section to the Professor and Aunt Jo, and 28, aforesaid; thence East to leaves. Dan doesn’t know the Ma the point of beginning. jor is going to prison, but he’s de Select the safe new U. S. Tires to suit Together with the tenements, lighted that the school will con your needs and tell us how you want hereditaments and appurten to pay. You’ll like the friendly, confi ances thereto belonging, or in tinue. —o----- anywise appertaining, dential way we deal. Your credit is and that the plaintiff take judg good here. There is no delay. ment against the defendants in Registrants Must Carry such amount, and that the mort U. S. Royal Master gage be foreclosed and that the Registration Card usual decree be made for the sale of said premises by the Sheriff of Amendment of Selective Service Josephine County, Oregon, accord Regulation to make it mandatory ing to law and the practice of this court, and the proceeds of said sale ren road, if weather permits. be applied to the payment of the Wilken Tractor Co. Grants Pass, amount due the plaintiffs, and that the defendants and all persons Oregon. 51-itp claiming by, through or under them be forever barred and fore TRUCKERS— closed of all right, claim or equity For same day PUC service A Complete Line of of redemption in said premises and See Fred Linkhart. Kerby U. S. BATTERIES every part thereof, save only the statutory right of redemption, and FOR SALE—2 incubators, one for such other and further relief i40 egg capacity, the other 150 as prayed for in the complaint capacity. Mrs. E. H. Kretsinger, filed herein, including costs and I O'Brien. 511tp $200.00 as reasonable attorney’s THE TIRE MAN fees. This summons is published by LADY IN WHITE—Professional, M” Sts. Grants Pass vocational shoes made of wash order of the Hon. W. A. Johnson, County Judge of Josephine Coun able leathers with triple cush ty. Oregon, made and entered April ion features. Noiseless Duplex 9th, 1941. Nap soles. All sizes up to 10’s W T. MILLER. in narrow or wide widths. Price Attorney for Plaintiffs. Postoffice address. U. S. DEWEY’S National Bank Building, X-Ray Shoe Fitting. Grants Pass. Oregon. 610 “H” street, Grants Pass. 49-1 FRIENDLY BUDGET PLAN Page Five CRAB FESTIVAL AT YAQUINA BAY opened last Cunday and a large from 2 to 5 p. m., or as long as number of the younger set enjoyed the crowd lasts. This is a health this recreation. Each Sunday, as ful recreation so be there next Dictators and gestapo are not long as weather will permit, the Sunday and spend an enjoyable af confined to Europe, but have in rink will be open to the public ternoon. vaded this peaceful Yaquina Bay port. Jumbo Crab is the dictator; Mayor Andrew Naterlin heads the gestapo. .May 2. 3 and 4 have been set aside by Newport for honoring and giving recognition to his majesty, i the Jumbo Crab, at the fourth an nual Crab festival. “The peace, health and well being of the citizens of said city WE ARE of Newport require that each of such citizens make some showing of their fealty and allegiance to his majesty, the “Jumbo Crab," states part of Mayor Naterlin’s THE BALANCE OE APRIL proclamation, ■------------- o-------------- OCR PRICES ARE SO HOT THEY SIZZLE Men, you have lucky days com- > ing. Buy razor blades, shaving creams, lotions, tooth pastes, and 250 other bargains at lc each when you buy one more of the same items at a regular price—Wednes 1929 FORD PICKUP day, Thurrsday, Friday and Sat- ! NEW TIRES urday, April 30, May 1, 2, and 3, at the Cave City Drug store—Your 1933 WILLYS SEDAN Rexall Store. A HOT NUMBER ------------- o-------------- ROLLER SKATING RINK .50 1929 FORD COUPE OPENS NEXT SUNDAY Looks Like Something the Cats Drug In Maxwell Chevrolet Co Special Bargains HOT as a Firecracker SPECIALS $37.50 $95.oo 1931 BUICK SEDAN The Cave Junction Roller rink A LITTLE HEAVY ON ITS FEET. BUT— S hidwin - W illiams P aint NOW YOU CAN BUY 1930 CHEVROLET SEDAN ROUGH AS A COB A BIG. OLD BABY 1929 FORD TUDOR NEW PAINT LOOK ME OVER LATE MODELS LISTED BELOW ARE O. K THE FAMOUS • ’36 ’38 ’34 *37 ’36 ’39 40 SWP HOUSE PAINT SAVE % on your insurance cost— Insure through Fred Linkhart, Kerby. *40 ’38 ’39 ’37 ’34 ’35 ’37 Chevrolet Coupe Chevrolet Coupe Chev. Town Sedan Chev. Town Sedan Plymouth Coupe Chevrolet Coach Ford Fordor MAXWELL CHEVROLET CO USED CAR LOT—714 S. 6th NEW CAR STORE—411 S. 6th GRANTS PASS 30- N tAif J P m I a Paini Your home deserves the best paint money can buy. Here’s your chance to get it— and save money, too! Make the most of it now— Spring Time, Paint Time! Sales Books See SWP painted houses in our Sherwin Williams Paint and Color Style Guide. THE NEWS ( ARRIES THEM IN STOCK Rogue River Hardware Sales Books made to order for any store “Where Most People Trade’ Grants Pass, Oregon Illinois Valley News ^S herwin -W illiams 1 P aints Cave Junction, Oregon I DRIVE IN SAFETY PAY ON EASY TERMS FOR SALE—Philco car radio com M \CK’S SEED & FEED STORE now und»’ new management. plete, steering post control. In Carries a complete line of feeds quire at Haynes Dress Shop. and seeds of all kinds. Make FOR SALE—Used Ranges. West- our store your headquarters inihouse range for 135.00 New ranges and refrigerators, We FOR SALE — Mining location blanks, both quartz and placer sell for less. Come in and make and trespass notices at City save. Cave a deal and Illinois Valiev News office. Drug store. Cave Junction. Inquire at News office. 14-tf 51-itc CAVE JUNCTION ROLLER Rink GLADIOLIS Bulbs $1.00 a hun dred. labeled varieties, many to will be open each Sunday from choose from. Ed Norman, Sel 2 to S p. m., or later as long as ma, Oregor.. 50-3tp weather permits. Join the crowd, the price is only 20c. For WANTED — Wool and Mohair, health’s sane. Roller Skate. hides and pelts, junk batteries, metals of all kinds, radiators DEMONSTATION of the new and iron. Grants Pas« Bargain Ford Tractor Saturday April House. 624-626 So. 6th street. 26th on the H. H. Morris place Phone 86. 50-tf I west of the Airport on the Far-( Plymouth Coach Plymouth Coupe Dodge Coach Ford Tudor Ford Coupe Buick Coupe Chev. Town Sedan FOLLOW THE WISE USED CAR BUYERS Duckworth -I FOR SALE — Wood working power tools; 1 wood lathe swings 13 inches. 36 in. between center clutch in head; 1 6 in. jointer; 1 8-in. combination rip and cut off saw; 1 12’i-in. bandsaw; 1 heavy duty ’»-in. electric drill. Siskiyou Mt's. Camp. 48-tf. $5750 1929 NASH SEDAN Make your own terms Pay as you are paid CLASSIFIED ADS $39°° 1929 FORD SEDAN A RAT • Here’s your chance to switch to the solely of B. F. Goodrich Life-Saver Silvertowns. During our Spring Budget Jubilee we are offering special long terms on these famous tires. They're built with Duramin — the ’’tire vitamin" that toughens rubber, fights wear, gives you longer, safer mileage and the Life-Saver Tread protects you against dangerous car-spinning skids. Use your credit and pay as you rids — there's no red tape or delays. LITTLE AS 75< A WEEK Tommies Super Service 2A Hour Wrecking Service “L” Streets Grants Pass