University of Oregon Gateway to The Oregon Caves Illinois Valley News / A Live Wire Newspaper Published in the Interests of the Illinois Valley and Surrounding Districts ————————— Volume IV. No. 51 Rebekahs Honoring Birthday Last Wednesday evening, Mar- garet Rebekah Lodge of Kerby, held an exceptional fine meeting, and one of the features was honor ing the birthday of one of its mem bers, Mrs. Rachael Thrasher. Mrs. Freda Messenger and Mrs. Dollie Duncan the committee in charge of arrangements and they gave an excellent account of their valuable services for they put on a splendid program, and the hall was decorated to a queen's taste and even the dining room was very at tractive. After the business meeting, Mrs. Thrasher and Alice Hogue auc tioned off blind packages to the highest bidder, the proceeds going towards the gift fund for the I. O. O. F. Home. Delicious refreshments were served late in the evening, after which Mr. and Mrs. Thrasher were generously swamped with consid erable merchandise for their new store at Murphy. The said merch andise consisted mostly of old fry ing pans and skillets and what nots. The members thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this fea ture of the evening. All wished Mrs. Thrasher many happy returns of the day on leaving. Cave Junction. Oregon Thursday, April 24, 1941 KERBY HIGH ' school news ( By Jeanne Villair) Those making the honor roll the last six weeks were : Senior Class .........1 Rprnit*s Allen 1 Harold James ......... ........ 1 Dorothy Hogue 1 Wilna Maurer 1 Barbara Robinson 1 Charlotte Parkinson ....... .-.1.25 Jeanne Villair High School . » R.E.A. Asks » » • .. . _ Play Enjoyed Residents To By Big Crowd Help Roads t Price 5 Cents Kerby News Notes of General Interest - ---- (By Ed Dailey) The Lininger Sand & Gravel company have installed a gas shov el to load the rock on trucks to haul to the crusher. They are de I livering gravel to the Hayes hill % Vaßgy Group _ _ _ r Asks County For Work A packed house turned out last Editors not. ■Th« following copy, , graVel yard. An Illinoia Valley delegation of from the Redwood Empire as Friday night to wittness the high business men and V? PA enrollees sociation, is self explanatory. school play, “Here Comes Charlie,” Attorneys A. C. Hough and appeared before the Josephine We advise our readers to follow Sherman Smith of Grants Pass vis county court Wednesday morning and everyone who attended thor oughly enjoyed a splendid perfor the suggestion. ited friends in Kerby last week to ask for a WPA project that Junior Class mance. end. would immediately furnish about Margaret Prenticp ......... ...... 1 To pick out individuals as stars Reports, submitted during West 15 "worthy men with families ' 1 Louise Hammer .......... would be quite impossible. The ern States Defense Highway con Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Thrash work, but left with scant encour ......... 1.5 Virginia Thrasher ......... 1.25 cast as a whole yave a creditable ference held recently in San Fran er returned from their trip to San agement. Heide Sachse Possibilities of getting a WPA 1.5 performance. It was the univer cisco, indicate that apathy against Francisco, Los Angeles, Bakers Beatrice Ma rebant sal cooperation from all that made field and back through the desert appropriating adequate Federal project for the Happy Camp road Doria Jones 1.5 the play show up so well. funds to meet national defense and report a very fine trip, total will be investigated, they were Sophomore Class The large audience gave the | highway requirements, still exists 18,01)0 miles and without an acci told. ...... 1 James Buell class treasurer quite a sum to help among United States senators and dent. The court explained that econ- 1.25 Wesley Vahrenwald aiong with graduation expenses or congressmen and others in Wash omy had caused the county’s 1941 . 1.2.-. Barbara Byrne ......... Frank Floyd made a business trip road budget to be limited to $70,- whatever they use it for. ington. Joyce Payne ................ ........ 1.25 to F ollowing is the cast of charac Grants Pass last week-end. It was the concensus among 000, Commissioner Richard McElli- Rob Kunkle 1.25 gott stating that “we should have those present that the campaign al Helen Brown 1.5 ters: Roy Branham returned to his twice that much.” Nora Malone Mildred Norman ready launched should be re-inten Bob Wendt .................... ........ 1.5 Robert Smith sified; that civic, farm, Grange, home in Kerby from the Midway Of this total. $4,200 was ear Officer McGrill Freshman Class Barbara Rooinson labor and other organizations and Island where he has been work marked for the county’s quarter Mrs. Farnham ........1 Eric Johnson ...... William McLean public groups should lay down the ing. share of WPA project expense. By Larry Elliott 1 Bett” Stron*” Edwin Smith heaviest possible barrage of tele using that sum of supply mechan Ted Hartley ... Donnis Sauer 1.25 Mrs. Ira Beam of Crescent City ical equipment as its cost portion, Vivian Smythe-Kersey grams and letters to respective con Charlene Miller 1.25 Charlotte Parkinson gressmen, senators and the Presi is visiting for a few days at thi the $4,200 would go a considerable Cleo Doney ............ ..... !..-> William Hensley dent in Washington. home of her aunt, Mrs. Dollie Dun way, but equipment is scarce and Uncle Twiggs The annual Mother’s Tea given Jeanne Villair Until this is done, adequate land can. She has been here since las much of it in a badly rundown con Charlie Hopps by the Kerby High School will be Mrs. Caroline Smythe-Kersey | defenses will continue to be lack- Tuesday and made the trip by bus dition, court members said. held on Thursday May 8. The I" ay Tycei | ¡n* from the standpoint of highway Furthermore, instead of contrib mothers of all the student body Ralph Darling of Los Angeles uting its required share of WPA Mortimer Smythe-Kersey transport. members are to be invited. Harold James Worst of all: YOUR regular has purchased the J. E. Johnson road project costs, which have av The Grants Pass girls baseball Federal aid allocations are in jeop place on Butcher Creek, north oi eraged 26.7 per cent, the county ---- o team beat the Kerby girl’s team ardy, because the Federal govern Kerby. Mr. Johnson has move»1 has provided only 13 per cent, 27-19 when they played at Grants “ NO, NO, NANETTE ” ment now has the ower to take his family to Medford where they causing the WPA administration to Pass last Monday. The Grants withdraw men before projects were those allocations and place them will make their home. Pass girls are coming out here for BRILLIANT MUSICAL o- completed. where they desire, at the expense a return game this coming Mon- SATURDAY, SUNDAY Mr and Mrs. E. E. Dopyerr “It is impossible for the county of your state highway budget. FIRST SCHOOL ay. to have moved back to their homr keep up with its share through Gay and refreshing as a spring The Grants Pass boys’ baseball ■o- VACATION TO near Kerby. supplying hand labor alone," Com I breeze. Anna Neagle’s new vehicle, team was also successful in de START MAY 6th missioner Fredrickson said. “When “No, No, Nanette” which comes to WOMEN’S CLUB feating Kerby 16 to 7. we began this year we were $14.- Oscar Waterman has been crip The lawn which is to be in front the Cave. City theater Saturday MEETS AT O’BRIEN Closing dates for rural schools 000 in the hole. The more men pled up with a strained back foi and Sunday will prove itself even in the valley were announced of the Kerby high school was plant that are employed without machin several days. more entertaining than her recent On April 18 the O’Brien Wom Wednesday by County School Su ed last Monday by Harry Smith. ery, the farther we get behind.” “Irene.” en’s club met at the home of Mrs. perintendent Dale F. Ginn. They When the lawn comes up it will be WPA Superintendent George Ralph Phillips and Ralph Dar The new picture revplves about a big improvement to the high H. Morris, with president, Anna ling have been hauling gravel to Tribbey said that the county “is range from a May 6 date at White a girl ’ s hectic romance with two school. Stiwalt in charge. to May 27 at O’Brien. finish the concrete curbing in front now making good progress in young men, a romance that results Eighteen members attended this of the Ritz Tavern. Closing dates for schools in the catching up” with its share of the o- from her efforts to help her mil meeting which was opened by the valley are: May 6—White; May 9 cost. The county’s equipment is lionaire uncle out of some femin reading of a lovely poem by Mrs. —Selma, May 16—Central, Rocky L V. GARDEN CLUB A very large number of relative? being concentrated on a few jobs. ine complications, and the result is E. H. Kretsinger. Dale, Kerby, Payne; May 19 — ARRANGES FOR There are no WPA projects un and friends gathered at the I. O. O a swift-paced and timely offering, A very warm welcome was given ■F. hall to pay the last respects t< der way in the Illinois Valley at Spence; May 20 — Holland. May FLOWER SHOW enlivened with catchy songs and Mrs. W. A. Brown, who had re Tom E. Hervey who passed away present, and distances to Murphy 23 Dryden; May 2 7 — O’Brien. dance routines and plenty of com cently returned from an eight Thursday, April 17th. -------------- o-------------- or Galice, where men are working, The highlight of the April meet edy. months stay in the Philippine Is were said to be prohibitive for val The trouble is all due to the ing of the Illinois Valley Garden SMITH RIVER lands. ley residents because of the trans Mr. and Mrs. Chas Dodd and uncle's inability to help them with club held at the Lone Mt. Valley Mrs. Stiwalt read a letter from portation cost. FLOWER SHOW Resort was a kctJi'e by Mr. Ly their careers, forgetting the fact Mrs. Smith, secretary of the Mrs. Clara Magill were in Grants Some work will be available Pass Tuesday evening and brought man of Swift & Co., on the proper that he has a masterful wife who Granta Pass Red Cross unit, who On Wednesday, April 30th, the eventually on the Deer Creek road Ira Brown to his home from the is sure to misunderstand the situa It was stated that we will hear something Smith River Women’s club will fertilization of p'a ts. project awaiting approval, it was stressed that all e’even elements tion. So when the young woman definite concerning the Red Cros* hospital. Mr. Brown is improving sponsor their Fifth Annual Spring said. Tribbey said he understood nicely and will stay at the Ed of plant food in their proper pro- arrive one by one to claim the work when their chairman returns Flower Show, at the Community that there would again be work Dailey home. □romised assistance, Nanette has portion were vital to the growth from Portland. hall. The doors will open at 2 in blister rust control thi* sum ------------ -o-------------- of nil plants, The proper use of to pitch in a desperate effort to • Mr*. Charles Lemmon was re mer. o’clock, p. m. Guests will be greet fertilizer was illustrated by col? keep auntie from knowing what's ceived as a member of thi club. ed by hostesses after which they The Happy Camp road was con Health Association going on. ored slides. Mrs. Earl Boyd reported that 111 Unit Meets at Kerby will register before viewing the sidered the most likely prospect, al This is where the romance comes Arrangements were made for was realized from the apron sale beautifully and harmonious ar though when asked how long it the wild flower show, with Mrs. •n . Among uncle’s acquaintances held April 6 in Cave Junction. This rangement of cut flowers, plants, would take to obtain a WPA ap Kerby unit of the Josephine Harry O. Smith as chairman, to are a noted young theatrical pro makes a very substantial addition | wild flowers, mosses, rock gardens propriation for it. Commissioner County Health association held a ducer and a famous young painter, to our building fund. and special features, including be held in conjunction with the an meeting last Thursday evening af Fredrickson answered: “Your and since two of the gold-diggers After the business session, the ter the regular P.-T. A. meeting at guess is as good as mine.” miniature gardens, and a special nual meeting of the Oregon Feder are stage struck and arUstruck, re meeting was turned over to the en the grade school with the meeting fashion show of “What the well ation of Garden clubs in Grants M. C. Athey, George Scott anil spectively, Nanette wishes them Pass, May 14th and 15th. Mrs. tertainment committee, Mrs. E. J. in charge of Chairman Mrs. Emily Elwood Hussey were chief spokes dressed Gardener will Wear.” off onto the young men. Result Wilber taking charge. Mr*. W. A. Kellert. Seasonal decorative motifs will Sam Bunch. Mrs. H. R. Floyd and men for the delegation. —the young men become greatly Mrs. J. J. Villair were appointed Brown told of habits and customs prevail in the reception hall, the ■o— The unit had decided at a for interested in Nanette, soon discov of native Philipinos. Several in mer meeting to use the money for dining rooms and in the main au on the arrangement committee. er they are rival*, and the race is Delegates appointed for the spiring poems were read. All took ditorium. A smal charge will be a loan chest to be kept in the com Annual School Board in, complicated by the insistance part in two contest* which were munity for the use of any who And Budget Meeting made for the benefit of the Wom convention were Mrs. R. Leonard if the third gold-digger on getting very much enjoyed. . en’s club treasury. Tea and re and Mrs. Samuel Smith, with Mrs. might need such supplies in time 1 lot of money quickly. Chris Wendt as alternate. Most delicious refreshments of of sickness. freshments will be served during The high school board of direct This loan chest was Sparkling in its swift treatment, Mrs. Agnes Yerke won the door pie and coffee were served by Mr*. discussed to some extent and it ors will hold their regular annual the exhibit, which will continue brilliant dialog and catchy tunes, Morris, assisted by Mr*. Boyd. during the afternoon and evening. prize, a dwarfed cherry plant do was found that the local unit has meeting Monday, May 5th in the along with a charming dream dance nated by Mrs. C. C. Babcock. The next meeting will be held Everyone is cordially invited to about $10 to use in getting sup high school at Kerby. number, “ No, No, Nanette' gives Delicious refreshments were at the “Willadora”, home of Mrs. visit this colorful exhibition of At this meeting the annual bud plies for the chest. It was decided the vivacious Miss Neagle her best Brown. This is to be an especial to hold the meetings at the home get for the coming year will be gardeners and flower lovers effort, served by the hostesses Mrs. Glad American picture to date. She gets ly interesting meeting and we hope of Mrs Kat<- Sachse in the after discusaed and levied, and all those as planned by the members of the ys King. Mrs. Blake Miller, Mrs. splendid support from Richard A. C. Barnes, Mrs W. E. Martin all members will be present. local club. noon of the third Thursday of the interested are invited to attend. dale. Mrs. Art Kellert. Mr* W. F. Carlson and Victor Mature as the ---------- o-------------- • month. Notice will be more def two rivals and fiom Roland Young •o— Darger and Mr*. Bert Watkins. inite so that all member* or inter as her susceptible uncle, with Hel GUESTS FROM JAPAN HERE WHAT THE LEGION o COMING EVENTS ested parties may attend. en Broderick, ZaSu Pitts, Eve Ar AUXILIARY IS DOING At a recent meeting 18 members den, Tamara, Billy Gilbert and Stu JUVENILE GRANGE Mr. and Mr*. H. E. Barth and were added to the list, 25c a year art Roertson all doing finely in A homemakers food class was two children arrived Wednesday is charged as dues and this money support. Friday, April 25—Field day for I TO HOLD CEREMONY evening from Japan, and are is used for any health project the held Wednesday afternoon at the o I. V. grade schools at Kerby. Auxiliary kitchen. Mrs. Norman guest* of Mr. and Mr*. Ralph unit wishes to sponsor. The Juvenile Grange will grad Friday, April 25—Play Day. Baumberger at Cave City Tourist uate five members into the sub Demonstration Of The following recently joined and Mrs. Hogue prepared a de i Monday, May 5—Cave Junction ordinate Grange Friday, May 2nd, park for an indefinite viait. The as members: Edna McLean, Kate lightful menu, using pork chops, Frozen Foods Friday Women s Civic Club will meet at and the general public is invited. Baumberger* visited Mr. and Mrs. Sachse, James Waters, Mabel-Ram rice, cabbage, cornmeal and prunes the home of Mrs. Elwood Hus A fine program has been arranged Friday afternoon. May 2nd, at Barth in their home in Japan sev- sey, Joy Badden, Evelyn Sauer, which are some of our surplus com sey. and the stage will be decorated 1:30, there will be a demonstration eral year* ago. Martha Holland, Lola Petersen, modities. Friday. May 30 — Decoration day. fittingly for the occasion. A valuable talk on food value, Alice Hogue, Rachael Thrasher, of how one may utilize the ice box •o Regular Legion and Auxiliary Bob Wendt, Barbara Byrne, or cold storage lockers, for the Ruth Tycer, Lucille Arnold, Elean sources of vitamins and use of meeting the first and third Yvonne Payne. Alice Smith, Merle preservation of all kinds of food Mr. and Mr*. L. H. Grizzell ac or Hicks, Emily Kellert. Adah other surplus food stuffs such as Wednesday of every month. Inham and Glenn Halm are the stuffs, at the Phi) Sawyer home on companied by Mrs. Sam Bunch jwill Jones, Clem Sauer. Jim Hogue, and lard, was given by Mrs. Norman. A plate of delicious food was serv Illinois Valley Juvenile Grange candidates who will be honored. the Caves highway. leave Friday morning for several Ferd Jone*. --------------o ........... Mrs. L’ Rena Slack state super ed to each lady, 22 being present. meets first and third Saturdays Mias Ruth Crawford, home dem day* visit in San Francisco. Mon of each month at 2 p. m. intendent, will be in charge of the onstration agent, will have charge day Mr. Grizzell will embark for Some good work was done on When you are away for any Cave Junction Townsend Club No. program. Mrs. A. A. Johnson is of the meeting and will present a Wake Island where he has signed length of time, let u* know and carpet rags and the small dresses Mrs. we will forward The New* to you. are now almost completed. 1. meets every Tuesday night in Matron of the Illinois Valley Juv professor from O. S. C-, an expert for a year* employment. ■ o the Chamber of Commerce enile Grange, and Mrs Ortis Seat on frozen foods, to speak. The Grizzell and Mr*. Bunch will re It keep* you in touch with home is assistant Matron. general public is invited. Subscribe for The News. building. turn home the first of the week. affair*.