Illinois Valley News, Thursday, April 17, 1941 Page Four WATCH YOUR •Among the more important mat ters taken up at the meeting were livestock outlook, wool marketing, pasture management, taxation, predatory animal control, feeding, administration of public lands. — Curry County Reporter. o ..... — STEP! An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding district*. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879 M C SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County On Saturday, April 19, at 1:30 p. m., in the courthouse a second meeting will be held of the 4-H Club Council. This meeting is pri marily to help club leaders in de tails of the 4-H program. Mr. H. C. Seymour, State Club leader, will be present at this meet ing. Two demonstrations by the club members will be put on at the meeting, which ought to help stimulate more interest in demon stration work in the clubs. ' Re member the date and time, Sat urday, April 19, at 1:30 p. m., and the place, the courthouse in Grants Pass. Robert Wendt and Glen Halm of the Illinois Valley dairy club will give a livestock demonstration and two members of Grants Pas an ec- onomics demonstration. ------------- o------------- Make your pennies work for you. Two of any item listed for the price of one plus 1 penny. Wednesday, April 30, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 1, 2, 3, with 250 bargains to choose from. Cave City Drug store, the Rexall store. ------------- o Mrs. J. M. Smock and Mrs. Ag nes Yerke and little daughter, re turned from a short vacation at the former’s Pebble Beach home in Crescent City. ------------- o-------------- A years subscription to The News is one of the best gifts you can give to those who lived here and have moved away. $1 50 One Year Si« Months Three Months Outside of Josephine County One $2 00 Year The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application ______________________ KI DWOOD EMPIRE Out PUBLISH! NEV. SPA PER PUBUSHEBS U»lt] ’SB* $ pn p c a SOlCIATI ON ‘MEETING PROSPERITY” We have mentioned several times in these articles that this theme is good when used for an honorable or good purpose, and it is “T. N. T.” when used for a sel fish or destructive purpose. Hitler, the mad man of Germany, uses the theme to its fullest. He is a past master with it, but he is us ing it for destructive purposes, and mark our words, he will come to a tragic end for so doing. Part of his propaganda is false reports concerning the war—he gives out the news that Germany has done this and accomplished that, but soon we learn that it hasn’t happened at all. But his work was to out fe ir into the hearts of his enemies and buoy up his own morale and of his people. Bringing it down to earth, he is using the psychol ogy of thought to gain his own ends. The theme works both ways, but when used for a wrong purpose, it bounces back and destroys. We are only calling your attention to the fact that the theme works when proper application is applied. We have told you often how to get started using it. If you want to get ahead, the avenue is open, and get ting ahead is not using the theme for a wrong pur pose. Because it is right and proper that all of us be successful. It is our heritage and right, but comes to those who apply themselves. -----------------o----------------- OUR NEW CONGRESSMAN Considerable speculation is rife concerning our newly designated congressional district congressman. Many self starters are already in the limelight and the primaries do not come until May 1942. We have a man in Josephine county, on the Repub lic; n side of the fence, who stands out head and shoul ders above the others, Neil Allen, Grants Pass attor ney. But we do not believe Mr. Allen will seek the position. If the people want him, they will have to draft him, and we believe he is the material that needs drafting. Oi l IN A CORNER WITH PHIL SNORT bother around unprotected door- yards and fields. I have had re ports of this kind of shooting and have lost a fim> cow myself; so, you see, I am in sympathy with those who have .had to stand the sumo I cannot’see why those who want this sabotage stopped, want the publicity burden all thrown on my shoulders; why they send me anonymous letters, or those who do sign their names, or do make verbal request, do not write the matter up themselves, send then manuscript in to the News, signed Reader or Subscriber, but ( be sure you sign your right name with the request not to publish. I am sure the Editor of the News will then print what you have to N. Y. A. DIRECTOR say. I believe that Mr. Athey has VISITS VALLEY given out that the News was to be considered an open forum’ for the Earl J. Rice, N. Y. A. area di residents of the Illinois valley, but | rector, visited Cave Junction yes- he will not print abusive or slan-| terday and told of the National derous letters, signed or anony Youth Administration which has mous; no publisher will. provided a new plan for employ There is too much of “All for ment plus vocational instruction me and none for you” sentiment for rural male youths who live too in our valley; I can do but you far from existing project and in mustn’t sort of feeling. We have struction centers to commute all got to live and let live, then daily. This plan provides enough our valley will be prosperous, its paid employment per month to de people happy and our towns and fray nominal living expenses at hamlets will grow. Let all who such centers. do, cease to throw verbal brick Literature and applications for bats of injury at their neighbors N. Y. A. employment has been left and business contemporaries. Aft at the News office for anyone in- er all, we of the valley are all terested. ruralites—hillbillies, if you please. LINDA DARNELL Caroline, the love-starved waif in “Chad Hanna," Waited D. Ed monds’ best seller, is portrayed by Linda Darnnell. The Technicolor film from the 20th Ceirtury-Fox studios also stars HeniV Fonda and Dorothy Lamour aid opens Wednesday at the Cave £ity The i ater. 1 o- D<1 you know that pennies can talk? Ask the Rexall druggist when you may hear the special Rexall Rail io program next week. Then you’ll learn how your pen nies can be worth dollars! Cave City drug store, the Rexall store, i I LIVESTOCK MEN AT ANNUAL MEET CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH More than 125 stockmen were Sunday School 10 to 11 a. m. registered at the fifth annual I Church services 11:15 a. m. o------------- meeting of the Western Oregon ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH Livestock association held in Gold OF SEVENTH DAY Beach Wednesday and Thursday ADVENTISTS of this week. Ranchers, buyers Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. forestry men and representatives Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. of the state agricultural college Prayer meeting Wednesday at attended from all parts of the 7:30 p. m. state. You are invited to meet with Wednesday afternoon sessions us. were taken up principally with F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby. committee meetings after the ses ------------- o sion was called to order by Albert BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY Powers of Coquille, president of CHURCH the association. Sunday School 10 to 11 a. m. The various committees report-I ■ Worship service 11 a. m. to 12 m ed Thursday and interesting talks | . , . ” Evening Service at 7:30 p. m. were given. Z As much of the pro- v n i o • » „ i... r.... a.:. ... _i ._ Young Peoples Service 7 to 8 p. gram was too late for this week’s | Prayer meeting Wednesday paper the reports will be published 8 o’clock p. m. next week. Rogue River Rogues. Gold Beach business men’s fun organization, took charge in the evening with a dinner and program at the commu nity hall, assisted by Sib’s Orches PHOTOGRAPHS tra. Several prominent visitors Cameras and Supplies were initiated into the Rogues and 113 N 6th St., Grants Pass were christened with Rogue river water. THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY J & DRY CLEANERS 1 Agencies 'Haynes Clothing Shop | Wittrock's Store, Kerby | Lew Hammer, Selma (’all: Wed. and Sat. : In Connection : HOTEL REDWOOD Grants Pass, Oregon HOTEL JACKSON Medford, Oregon HOTEL OREGON Eugene, Oregon I HOTEL SENATOR Salem, Oregon HOTEL MARION I Salem, Oregon : McCredie Hol Mineral Spring»: McCredie Springs, Oregon E- .............. ffl.. <•»•»»••••••••»<••• •»••«••••»•»»••••»»••«••»••••»» »»»*»,»», mm : : ASK FOR ♦ : : Keibel’s i : : PERFECTION BREAD i : : ♦ I I : At Your Grocer É. O' I The Seal of Approval : Awarded by the American In stitdle of Laundering after I Passing Rigid Tests Pickup and delivery every Mon day and Thursday in Cave Junction, Kerby and Holland O- O : è COFFEE SHOPS Club Leaders, Advisory Board Members to Meet __ Editor ATHEY CHADWICK HOTELS : : GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY “Since 1900” . q B w 3........ MW.«.. GRANTS PASS FEED & SEED CO. Garden Seeds, Field Seeds, Fertilisers Hodgen Brewster Specialized Feeds Phone 12 607 E. F, Grants Pass F H A LOANS BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH Valley Lumber Co. Phone 47 West F St. ^],llllll»|lllllll<IIIIIIIUIU<<IIHHIHIIlmil«HttlWIIUIIII»«t»| iDR. A. N. COLLMAN I : Naturopathic Physician Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. : I Sherman’» Camp Cave Junction : ttlSSSI MIII»«»•»««»»•»»••••••••••»••■«»»•»<••••»«•»••«•< I Dr. Fred W. Gould Dental Surgeon Tuff» Building Phone 4 Grant* Pa»» A DR. A. W. BARLOW Naturopathic Physician Redwoods Hotel Building Phone 516 for appointment L. B. Hall UNERAL HOME Mrs. L. B. Hall. Manager AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 388 Along the Concret STAiORUF PROCESS Cor. 5th & C SU. All Type of Clock* Repaired Guaranteed Work at Reason able Prices Clarence E. Eggers JEWELER Del Rogue Hotel Building *•»»**•»»»*) •<Mt*llle»rt*«l»**»»M*»tMt«»»t*»*«»e*ll*«M»*' -ER VIC to NOT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING — BUT DOING WHAT YOU WANT DONE PROMPTLY. I N T E L L I . GENTLY AND ECONOM ICALLY .... HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service day or nite 502 N 4th St Phooe 334 ward robe Cleaners AAA Towing The oldest and best since 1911 Nash Sales and Service Free Pick up by Grants Pate Laundry Phone 113 DEL ROGUE GARAGE 507 S. 6th Street, Grants Pass (¡RANTS PASS HOTEL MINERS HEADQUARTERS «15 “G ” Street Granta Pasa, Oregon I > I