Illinois Valley News, Thursday. April 10, 1941 Page Six u f PATTERNS^ I A-N i OT esr WNU k.I*... SEWING CIRCLE (G « CHAPTER XIV * « warning! had (one unheeded. The Pre,- Ident was killed when Washington was bombed General Brill, commander of the V. 8 army In Texas, war opposed by greatly superior force, led by Van Haswk. In spite of Brill', desperate resistance. Van Hassek's troop, pushed relentleatly forward. Returning to Wa,b- ('HOOSE BEANS WISELY the crup frill and buttons that Un the frock. with a charmingly 'T'HE gardener should be well ac- Mdt. somewhat formal effect, SUk l quamted with the many avail­ print, fiat crepe ©r sheers «rv able varieties of stringless beans, snitrt for this if he is to get the most from his • • • bean crop. al**« If curliness is the principal in­ JU M M AS H. W W M- Su« 31 > «ivi» v»X M-xnch malurUil and terest, the gardener should select Bg uivh Iv auu th« dirs» either Bountiful (green-podded) or Golden Wax (yellow). Bountiful is excellent for use when small, in shoe-string size. It is also a XKWtSU t'lHv ltC rMTTRRN Ug I’T la* New Mawtgomery Ave good choice for home canning, for San Fìnnsl»** it produces abundantly. F mì - w is vent* ui wane Ivr The gardener interested in yield Pnllm over a long season should select Name both a bush bean, and a pole bean. A.Khv The pole beans begin producing when the yield from the bush beans tapers off. Kentucky Wonder is one of the best all-purpose pole beans. It provides good quality snap beans. A General Quiz When past the snap stage, the pods may be cut up, and cooked southern style. Later, this bean may be used in the green shell The Question» stage. In the more mature stage What is a characteristic fea- the beans may be used in baking of Gothic architecture? turc or in soup. 3. “Let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we die” is a quotation from what? 3. What is the most widely used name of saints? 4. What took place during the “Hundred Days" in French his­ tory? 5. Elizabeth Blackwell was fa­ mous as what? Said in Brief 6. W’hat of the following makes Florist — Say it with flowers, sir. up the greatest per cent of the air we breathe: hydrogen, oxygen, or What about a dozen roses? Macpherson (in love)—Aye! but nitrogen? I ’ m a man of few words—two will 7. How thick is the bark of some do! of the giant Sequoia trees? The human body is a wonderful The Answer» piece of mechanism. If you pat The pointed arch. a man on the back, you make his The Bible—Isa. 22:13. head swell. Valentine has been the most widely used name of saints, one Oh, Thank You! recently compiled list containing “Excuse me, does this train stop at 52 of them. Regent’s Park?” 4. Napoleon’s second reign (aft­ “Yes; get off one station before I do.” er his return from Elba, from By Practice March 20 to June 28, 1815). 5. The first woman doctor of Little six-year-old Bertie was telling his big brother about the medicine. nurse who visited his school. “Is 6. Nitrogen (78.06 per cent). 7. Many trees have bark that is she a good looker?” John asked. two feet thick, and a root system “Of course she is,” replied that spreads over an area of three Bertie. “She looks down our acres. throats every week.” Ingum, Benning met Fincke who had come there to do eipionage work tor his government. Benning continued to pow as a triend, and proceeded to investi- gale a mysterious (old mining company operating in New York. He believed It was a "front" for a vast spy ring. Now continue with the story. * ♦ Gardes y INSTALLMENT THIRTEEN THE STORY SO FAR: More than 200.IM Ml foreign troop, whirb had been «•eretly Iran,ported tn Mexico suddenly invaded the United State,. Intelligence Officer Benning had diacovered their plan, while a spy In Mexico City where he had gained the eonfldence of Fincke and Bravot, two enemy officer,, but bl, TIPS i0 # like the way he nosed about into our to him that in the heart of a great things, so I have him waiting for city, with its teeming millions, he Benning left the hotel at nine you.” was as completely sealed away as o'clock and walked to the Empire Salvatore strode into the room, an a dead man in a tomb. State Building During the night he erect, saturnine man in morning Out in the offices of the Andes had collected available information coat, striped trousers, and lurid Gold Mining and Milling Company a of the Andes Gold Mining and Mill­ neckwear. Even in the shock of rec­ blunt new crew had taken over, head­ ing Company. The firm had been ognition, Benning's startled mind ed by Lieutenant Colonel Wallace, operating in New York for ten years flashed to a whim of professional corps area Intelligence officer. Three past It was a small but regular observation. This man's presence of Wallace's officers were checking dividend payer, was not listed on confirmed his every suspicion of the through the company records, three the stock exchange, and had con­ Andes Gold Mining and Milling others were standing guard over formed to all laws and requirements Company. Salvatore was Gaujos, the four glum prisoners. in regard to its operations and trans­ masquerader with whom he had This sharp transfer of authority actions. Simon Salvatore, a Chile­ traded shots at San Antonio, the man had been accompanied by a brief, an, had recently taken over as man­ who as Colonel Bravot had been his tragic violence. In a corner of the aging director. chief of section in Van Hassek espi­ office, covered by a rug, lay the On reaching the forty-fifth floor, onage service at the Palacio Na­ body of Backropp. A bullet from Benning went direct to the compa­ cional. Wallace's pistol had been needed to Bravot sat down at his desk and end Backropp's resistance. ny’s offices and stepped inside. A fat roly-poly of a man with cat­ flxed his gaze on his visitor. In his "All right, Oldfer.” Wallace like smirk stamped on his round face cold, blunt eyes there showed no rec­ threatened the cowering fat man ognition of the American agent came up to Benning at once to who sat in front of him. “I’ll give search him with small round eyes whom he had glimpsed at San An­ you one more chance to remember that glinted suspicious appraisal tonio and failed to recognize in Mex­ the combination to that safe. If you ico City. through horn-rimmed glasses. do remember. I'll make it an intern­ “What explanation have you to of­ "I am Mr. Oldfer, office manag­ ment camp, if you don't I'll have you fer ot your visit here? ” Bravot in ­ er,” he said in an ingratiating purr. hanged inside a week!” “Is there something I can do for quired. He lifted his wrist to his eyes and ‘T’m here from Mexico City, Colo­ you?” glanced at the time. "I’ll give you nel Bravot, ” Benning answered with “I am a stockholder,” Benning exactly thirty seconds more to de­ said, intent on completing his recon­ cide whether you live or hang.” 1 T77T naissance of the room in the short­ Ten seconds had passed when the est possible time. “I wish to in­ office door opened. Safe experts re­ quire if it is true the company is dis­ ported in to tackle the job of open­ posing of two mines, the Palacio ing the vault. Oldfer was jolted into Quatres and the Silver Sabers?” decision by knowledge that if the Oldfers upper teeth gnawed nerv­ man in the vault emerged alive, the ously at his lower lip at this blunt ÔÔ86 I I jig was up with him. identification of the visitor as a Van “1'11 open it!” he cried, leaping Hassek agent. A DRESS that’s complete in it- to his feet. “Ja, I’ll open the safe, “Maybe,” Oldfer hesitated * self and smart for general if you promise me I don't hang for want to see Senor Salvatore?* wear. A jacket that transfQrms it it!” “Nonsense!” Benning said with Oldfer fairly raced to the steel into a street ensemble. And both authority. “You say you are the of­ doors and nervously fingered the carefully styled, accurately sized, fice manager and I have just intro­ All combination. In his excitement three to fit large sizes perfectly. duced myself fully. I'm in a great trials were necessary to complete that, surely, is a good deal to get hurry, Oldfer.” the combination. Colonel Wallace in one easy and inexpensive home Benning stepped decisively past seized the door and pulled it open. pattern. Yet that’s just what you the fellow and went to the open Benning was lying on the floor, his get when you send for this one— “B” cabinet at which a ruddy clerk That high-cut front right hand clutching a small pocket No. 8886. of Slav features was working. While panel has a magically diminishing notebook. Oldfer pattered up with muttered Wallace lifted the unconscious man effect upon your waistline and protests, Benning thumbed through Beltless, to accentuate to a sofa in the Salvatore room. A hips. the Baltimore entries. Ramsey. Rin height, the dress is gathered for medical officer, who had been hur ­ gold, Rosser, Rouse, Rumbolt. He ried in from Governor's Island, took correct fit over the bust. Broad noted that after each listed stock­ pulse and temperature and applied shoulders give a slim look, too. holder there were symbols purport­ The jacket, made with pleats stimulants. In a minute Benning ing to show number of stock shares opened his eyes and, on orienting his drawn in by a tie-belt at the waist­ held, dates of dividend payment, and mind to the whirling gray world line, opens in the front to show other littered data. about him, attempted to sit up. His eye caught the pertinent de­ “The captain will be all right tail that in the Baltimore file, as shortly," the doctor predicted. “It's At Least Stern Parent compared with other files through just as well, however, you got him "A ponderous hand closed over which he hurriedly skimmed, there Son's Rapt Attention out of there without much more de­ Benning's mouth.” were many more entries on each lay.” card. Baltimore, headquarters of Father had decided that he must Half an hour later Benning in- calm assurance. "I have identified the Army's Thud Corps Area, and sisted on getting to his feet, His administer a strict lecture to his myself and am prepared to do so flanked by some of the Army's im­ six-year-old son. The boy had been legs were wobbly under him, the portant arsenals and secret prov­ again. The precise nature of my naughty, but did not seem to ap­ slow, steady throb of his pulse re- mission I am not permitted to dis ­ ing grounds, was a logical beehive preciate the fact, and it was with close to you. Beyond that I've noth­ verberated in aching temples. But of espionage activity. some reluctance that the parent he waved the medico aside and went ing to say.” "Very good, your Baltimore tile undertook a scolding. Without taking his eyes from Ben­ into-the office where Wallace and his shows the proper activity,” Benning He spoke judiciously but severe­ men were working. ning. Bravot slowly opened a drawer announced, turning abruptly away to "Here. Benning, you'd better take ly; he recounted the lad’s mis­ face Oldfer. “Thank you for your of his desk and brought out an auto­ it easy,” the corps area G-2 chief deeds, and explained the whys and matic pistol. courtesy." wherefores of his solemn rebuke. admonished. As he leveled the weapon across “Senor Salvatore will be here very His wife sat by, duly impressed. "I ’ m feeling better. ” Benning an ­ the desk Bravot's left hand went to soon," Oldfer said. “It is necessary Waters Return What Is Right "What's the score now, Finally, when the father paused that you talk with Mr. Salvatore be­ a call button which sent a rasping swered. That which the fountain sends _ It is not who is right, but what for breath, and, incidentally to forth returns again to the fountain, is right, that summons into the outer office. Old­ Colonel?" fore you leave." is of importance.— Colonel Wallace was effervescent. hear the culprit ’ s acknowledgment fer came in at once. "Tell Salvatore,” Benning said, —Longfellow. Huxley. scowling at his watch, “that I'll be “We have had a close call. Old­ "The Andes Gold Mining and Mill­ of error, the lad, his face beam­ back by eleven at latest. Just now fer." Bravot said. He passed his ing Company," he exclaimed, “is ing with admiration, turned to his I'm in a hurry." left hand across his forehead, now the most valuable mine in the world mother and said: “Mother isn’t fa­ No question about it, ther interesting?” “Oh. no, but you will wait," Old­ wet with perspiration. “This man right now fer whined. "Ja, you will wait, or is an Army Intelligence agent who we're headed for the biggest spy Senor Salvatore would never forgive shot at me once, and whom I itu- roundup in history." “Where's Bravot?" Benning want­ me.” He turned to one of his clerks pidly overlooked in Mexico due to and cried. "Here, Backropp. you will my preoccupation with other mat­ ed to know. "Bravot, alias Salva­ tore." Maybe it’s just acid indigestion. It keep the gentleman company until ters.” The glow of Wallace's face van­ often follows hurried or hearty eating. Mr Salvatore arrives!" Benning heard the outer door A barrel-chested man whose squat open. Oldfer, terror leaping into his ished into gloom. "Pretty bad luck, ADLA Tablets contain Bismuth and FERRY-MORSE SEED CO., San Francisco legs, long angular face, and flail- little eyes, jumped across the room Benning," he said heavily. “He man­ Carbonates to quickly relieve stom­ like arms gave him the aspect of an and slammed Bravot's door. Ben­ aged to slip out his private door as ach distress from acid indigestion. orangutan, stepped forward with a ning sprang to his feet, but the ape­ we entered. I had Lieutenant Crane Get ADLA from your druggist today. nod The others moved closer Ben­ like arms of Backropp were about guarding the hall. Salvatore killed ning saw that only by force might him in an instant with all the crush­ him with a small automatic and was Might of Moral Courage perior to the fear of reproach, op- Discouragement lucky enough to catch a cage down he pass out the door of the Andes ing force of motor-driven prongs. A Moral courage renders a man in position, or contempt.—S. G. Good- Long ailments wear out pain, before we could get out there. By Gold Mining and Milling Company ponderous hand closed over Ben­ the pursuit or defense of right su- rich. and long hopes joy.—Stanislaus. Numbers were against him. ning's mouth and shut off articula­ the way, Benning, when you feel up to it. Colonel Flagwill wishes you “All right, Oldfer." he yielded with tion. to call him at the War Department." j annoyance. “I'll wait a reasonable Benning felt himself lifted clear Benning checked through the haul time ” of the floor by a strength against There was no need of ! Backropp escorted Benning into which his own sinews were power­ of records cryptographers on the job In a false ' Die Salvatore private room behind less Backropp carried him across the main office, where he indicated a the room to the Bravot concrete bottom of Bravot's desk, Wallace | seat in front of Salvatore's mahog­ vault that lay open behind heavy had unearthed a code book which un­ any desk Backropp sat down close steel doors The ape-man hurled him locked the symbols. by and folded his ponderous arms The first estimates showed seven­ inside with a stunning violence and across his chest Two others of Old teen thousand cards of stockholders. heaved the doors shut. the fer's men quit their work at the flies Many of these were innocent pur­ Benning picked himself up and to take position just outside the Sa) chasers. Wallace thought from the SLOW-BURNING shook his head to clear his wits from vatore door Benning saw that he first results of his check, but there the shock of his fall. Only the habit CIGARETTE FOR ME was as definitely a prisoner as if he was evidence of thousands of ene­ of self-discipline saved him from had been bound and gagged. my agents, scattered in important EVERY TIME panic as he found himself engulfed Benning waited, impatiently con posts and positions throughout the in this black, steel-encased void, He CAMELS SMOKE suiting his watch from time to time United States. heard the vague click of bolts as the Barely fifteen minutes had passed An hour later Benning went to COOLER* MILDER door was locked, then silence. before he heard someone enter the the McAlpin His legs still lacked He felt about the interior of his EXTRA MILD office from outside. He rose and strength and he took a cab for the prison and estimated its dimensions walked to an open window, Back­ short ride. Upstairs in his room he WITH PLENTY as some six feet wide by ten feet ropp watching him narrowly Casu­ called Flagwill, who was on the line in depth. OF FLAVOR other ally he selected a cigarette from his promptly. He knew that rescue depended case, lighted it, took two quick puffs "Glad you're all right, Benning, cigarettes tested largely upon that phosgene cigarette and cast it out the window you had us worried!" Flagwill ex­ he had tossed out the window as a less than any of —ac­ “It's a long way down to the street claimed "A great piece of work, signal to Intelligence operatives be­ from here, Backropp," he said, lean­ simply great! Report back as soon ­ low. He argued that they had caught ing out for a brief survey below as you feel like traveling. Benning." the signal; it must have been G-2 Benning saw a yellowish phosgene tific of smoke itself. Flagwill's voice trailed into gravity. men who invaded the Andes office smudge trail out behind his falling "Things are looking pretty black at the critical instant of his impris­ cigarette and turned back to Back right now—and we've got to find out onment. ropp. what's ahead of us. General Hague His ears strained for sound, but “It's not so far down." Backropp suggested—well, if you think you’ve there was only silence He tried kick­ muttered, "if you don't wait to take a chance at it—thought you might ing at the foot-thick steel doors, but a elevator.” learn something- in Mexico. Of there was no response It came Out in the office Oldfer was speak­ course, we'll let you decide." ing in a tremulous voice. "Very good, sir." Renning assent- , "Ja. Senor Salvatore, he may be ed "I'll report in Washington on all right," Oldfer said anxiously. the next available plane. ' "He introduced himself, but I don't ITO HI COM IM M) Jlsk Me Jlnother LCLABBER Had GIRL BAKING POWDER Miserable After Eating? SELECTED FOR YOUR LOCALITY THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS GIVES YOU EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR rrs LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 largest-selling — them cording to independent scien tents the THE SMOKE’S NEXT WEEK I THE THING! CAMEL THE SLOWER- BURNING CIGARETTE