Illinois Valley News. Thursday. March 27. 1941 Page Seven CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Fun for the Whole Family WATCHES FOR SALE ELGIN Rebuilt I'orPl W.tcheu »3.00 WRIST M OO FREE LIST O. M CAM l lll I I «1* ClarUuu Av».. l.os AuplH, CaUf. NURSERY STOCK By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP THERE M9U GO DUMPING AT CONCLUSIONS H LISTEN - I HAD A BIG IDE A FOR. ~IME SMOXN - S> LOOK HERE ” MAN ALIVE , VJHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ?!'. 1 DIDN'T HIT ALTA ) 's. III 300,000 fruit and nut tree» TSS varieties Free «0 page catalog. Rosea, flowering, shade trees, etc. Tualatin Valley Nurseries. Sherwood. Oregon. FILM SERVICE- Excellent work and fast service. Any » or 8 ex|H>sure roll developed. » sparkling prints and one Sxi enlarge­ ment, (Your choice). 25c coin. Freo flint mailer with every order Our work must please you or money re­ funded The Picture Mill, Box Sil, Portland, Oregon. ___ ' SPECIAL BLANKETS. Army rejects. 66x84-1 lb. 100'1 virgin wool, kakki color. Price »3 50 postpaid any place in U.S. Main other bargains Portland Wool­ en Mills—remnant counter 683» Mo. Baltimore Ave.. Portland, Ore. FARM By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA She Goes on a Tear DEAR MADAM : YOU ARE \ HEREBY NOTIFIED TO PRODUCE YOUR CHECK BOOKS AND OTHER RECORDS FOR INSPECTION OF YOUR 1934 INCOME TAX- EDGAR SNOOP DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR FOR SALE—400 ACRE DAIRY AND wheat ranch, stock, machinery. M. Blackwood. Sprague, Wash. RABBITS THE GOVERNMENT'S GOTTA NERVE PRYIN' INTO MY PRIVATE AFFAIRS - HOW DO I KNOW WHAT'S BECOME OF ALL THOSE SILLY OLD PAPERS? . Poultry, rabbits, rabbit skins (let highest prices Ruby 4i Co. 235 S. W. Front. Portland. Oregon_____________ RABBITS AND RABBIT SKINS WANTED Overhanser, K. 7. Spo­ kane. Olen. 2224J4.________________ __ STRAWBERRY PLANTS STRAWBERRIES—ROCKHILL. Tha finest everbearing strawberry grown. Big solid fruit. Dandy canners. Get crop first year. Prices on request. C. A Nickell, Rt. 1, Box 456, Bend. Or».____________________________ . ROCKHILL, EVERBEARING STRAW­ BERRIES. CLUMPS. »5 hundred: large plants »3 hundred postpaid. »20 thousand. Trod Robinson. Rl, Box 32. Y»lm, Wash. WELDING SCHOOL MESCAL IKE WELDING JOBS INCREASED. Ws are equipped In all types of welding to give you that rigid training so necessary to puss the tests required for National Defense Industry. Night and day instructions. Stadium Weld­ ers. Inc., 124 M. W. 20 Avena», Port­ land. Oregon. Little Too Early, Isn’t It? By s. l . HUNTLEY WELDING. Night-day Classes. Comp. Training. 9213 8. B. roster Bond. Portland, Or». Western Welding and Training. SU. 5460. I PLANTS ONION PLANTS. GROWER AND SHIPPER since 1920. Write for prli'ws. H. J. Morton, Collag» Place, Wa»h. I I 2 HOUR SERVICE inM»»tCa»»» Bring nr Mail Test Platan for Repair-CREDIT Extended D r . H arry S emler , S’MATTER POP—Officers at Mess Alf »RV BIDO • By C. M. PAYNE J J » MOMftON • FOIIIANO OBI LADINO THE GIANT WHITE CLOVER! Orow» from thru» to fonr Mm»» a» fait and a» large a» ordinary whit» clover. Make» an exc»Il»nt pasture and will handle mor» stock p»r aora than any other crop. All seed certified—Write JOSEPHINE GROWERS CO-OPERATIVE ASSN. ORAMTS PASS. ORB. Vitamins in Watermelon» Watermelons are rich in vita min C. POP—A Smudgy Hole-In By J. MILLAR WATT Ministers and Speakers! -AND I GOT IN THE- WRONG ON Er ! Did acid stomach, “fullneM” or heartburn spoil an otherwise perfect .talk? Not if you had AD LA Tablets handy for quick relief. Get ADLA Tablets at your drug store. I Labor’s Power Labor has the power to rid us of three great evils—Boredom, Vice and Poverty.—Voltaire. COLDS 666 SUBURBAN HEIGHTS LIQUID TARLtTl SALVE NOIL DIOU COUGH OHOFS MERCHANTS •Your Advertising Dollar THE SPORTING THING bu^ something more than space and circulation in the columns of this news­ paper. It buys space and circulation plus the favor­ able consideration of our readers for this newspaper and its advertising patrons. w Bj LANG ARMSTRONG GLUTAS WILLIAMS FRESH FUEL WAS ADDED TO THE FEUD BETWEEN FRED PERLEY AND HK NEAT DOOR HE 1GHBOR WHEN FRED, WITH THE BEST OF INTENTIONS, GOT HIM OUT OF BED TD TELL HIM THERE WAS A SUSPICIOUS LIGHT IN HIS GARAGE, AND THEN DISCOVERED rr WAS A REFLECTION FROM THE STREET LAMP ■---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- — t *8»m >iu LET US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT IT