Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 13, 1911 FIRST FOREST FIRE FOR YEAR PUT OUT MONEY TA1.K< Siskiyou National Forest had its first fire of the season last Sun day, March 9th. A smoke was re ported on Horse mountain to Ar thur Cribb by a member of the Chester Smith chrome crew. The fire had burned seven acres when controlled, and originated when a wood rat’s nest was fired. Burning permits are required at all times on National Forest land and it is unlawful to leave a fire burning unattended on these lands at any time of the year. Burning permits may be obtained at Redwood Ranger station. Machines Protect America His Secretary—One of your pa tients is on the phone asking about your condition. The Sick Doctor—Tell him I'm making a slow but steady recovery. And enter the usual charge against him for a consultation. ------------------- o------------------- ENVY BAKELITE HANDLE »129 I ■ I-Hl • SlUtlXKS FROM WATER Fai Laj> Bug Uh. dear! POTS Only »949 »995 U'O' fcIMT. Needed in every home for soup, boiled din ners, canning. whh dome cover« 40UAIÎ »us»! Hu*« I WANTED — Wool and Mohair, hides and pelts, junk batteries, metals of all kinds, radiators and iron. Grants Pass Bargain House, 624-626 So. 6th Street, Phone 86. 45-ltc Machines play the leading role in modern defense. Shown above are machines for soil defense and national defense. The cannon is one of a number of U. S. guns capable of long-range destruction. The earth moving equipment at top is of a type used by many farmers in building Jams and reservoirs. In 1939 farmers moved more than 11 million cubic yards of earth in performing this conservation practice, equivalent to the volume of material going into Columbia river's huge Grand Coulee dam. Wide—I shrink from the water. Hubby—Well, if you and your bathing suit shrink in the same pro portion it will be all right. ---------------- o----------------- DO YOU WANT to sell. For best Send the News to your friends. results see Fred Linkhart, It is almost as good as a letter from Kerby. 45-ltc home. GRANTS PASS FEED & SEED CO. 0 FOR RENT — Modern 4 room house completely furnished. In quire of Harry Floyd, Holland. 45-ltc : ! Garden Seeds, Field Seeds, Fertilizers Hodgen Brewster Specialized Feeds BOGGIS & FRENCH Phone 12 607 E. F, Grants Pass Roofing Contractors PUBLIC Liability and property damage on your car for as lit tle as $9.00 per year. See Fred Linkhart, office at Kerby. 45-ltc : F H A LOANS Agents for : BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH Black Cat Roofing Materials and Paints Valley Lumber Co. BOARD AND ROOM — H o m e With our product we guarantee privileges, family style meals. j j Tar Paper Roofs for 4 years. Reasonable rates by day or week. Camp U-Rest, formerly j Shingle Roofs for 15 years O'Harra Camp. C. F. Ayres, j Prop. 45-ltp1 WE ABSOLUTELY GUARAN- West F St. SPECIAL Music for St. Patricks, >( Palm Sunday ,and Easter,, in i stock. Prepare early. See Mr. I Wright, 105 N. 6th St., Grants Pass. 45-ltc CALL ON US for Decca, Blue bird, Okeh and Vocalion Rec ords, 35c or 3 for $1.00. Colum bia and Victors 50c up. Our stock is good. Sapphire needles play 2000 records $1.00. We have Bamboo, Tungsten, Chro mium or plain steel Victor needles. R. J. Wright, 105 N. 6th St. 45-ltc Phone 47 I Special Planet Jr.. High Wheel Cultivators, .98 hardwood handles, strong iron con? st ruction. Was $4.40, now Including 4 Carbon special Cultivator Tools We also have complete line of REPAIR PARTS for all Planet Jr.. Cultivators and Seeders Check our Complete linp of GARDEN HOSE and LAWN MOWERS SEP: OCR WINDOW DISPLAY ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE (■rants Pass, Oregon J 105 NORTH 6th STREET Grants Pass, Oregon OFFER YOU UP m F FOR UK TUUK YOUR TO ¡>3.41 OLD TIRES DEPENDING A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time Quick - Easy * Safe "floh Mly. WE CAN YOUR FAVORITE artists now on Victor Red Seal records at 75c. Eddy, Allan Jones, Marian An derson and others at Wright’s Music Store. 45-ltc Garden Tools • MUSIC STORE 1040 W. 11th St., Medford GOOD USED TIRES OUR USED Instruments are bar gains. Buescher Trumpet or Clarinet, 1 span, 1 steel guitar, violins, concertina. R. J. Wright, 105 N. 6th. 45-ltc Spring Sale on all ■ WHERE MOST PEOPLE TRADE" I I TEE ALL OUR WORK St. Patrick’s Ball Under Auspices of the ELKS LODGE Write or call for complete information— Grants Pass Branch o/ the United States National Bank Head Office, Portland, Oregon FAIR GROUNDS Grants Pass New U.S. ROYAL DELUXE FOR SALE—New electric 6 cubic foot refrigerator. A bargain at $50. L. Ghilieri, Kerby, Ore. 45-ltc WILL SACRIFICE 21 month lease on new 3-room house and gar- age. Full price $50 cash, In- quire John Weyel, one mile west 45-1 tp of Holland. SAT.. MARCH 15th The World’s News Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor Aw Internattonal Daily Neu\fta[)cr CHECK THESE Values in Used SMOOTH TIRES ARE DANGEROUS Furniture—1 davenport aad * LET US SAFETY CHECK YOUR TIRES TOMT A chair (Mohair) $25; 1 daven A Complete Line of port nd hair (tapestry) $25; 1 davenport and chair (velour) U. S. BATTERIES $25; 1 davenport (velour) $5; 1 bed davenport, $5; 1 metal bed, $3.50; 1 metal bed, $4.95; 1 oak bed, $2; 1 bedroom set, THE TIRE MAN (4 pieces) $32.50; 1 new mat tress, slightly damaged, reg. 6th & “M” Sts. Grants Pass $11.50 value, $8.50; 1 dining set, oak, table, buffet and 6 ...............................................-....... chairs, $19.50. No deliveries at these prices. MANCHEL'S, 6th and E Sts., Grants Pass. Phone 166, Duckworth □ FOR SALE — Mining location blanks, both quartz and placer and trespass notices at the Illinois Valley News office. Inquire at News office. 14-tf 3-ors?ii w S3 29 UW J-QT S3 69 Heat qu ckly. Pour easily. Bakelite grips. SAUCE Ao— Only For flowing, boiling, 7 _ soup. Sixes every family < J needs. Steam-seal keeps in goodness, flavor. SAVE 209{ on insurance. See Fred Linkhart, Kerby, Oregon. 45-ltc MACK'S SEED & FEED STORE now under new management. Carries a complete line of feeds and seeds of all kinds. Make our store your headquarters TEA KETTLES SET OF 4 SAUCE POTS CLASSIFIED AD*5 old bull calves, each. For Sale— for $1.00. Leon 1, Cave Junction. 44-ltp. SMART, MODERN MU H I* S’ 19 ii-i>. ;:.u Fry food perfectly. Covert to fit, eztra. I was nice and slender like Wasp! WANTED—Day will pay $1.00 nanny kids 3 ard Beard, Rt. PANS FRY CHADWICK ¡HOTELS COFFEE SHOPS HOTEL REDWOOD Grants Pass, Oregon HOTEL JACKSON Medford, Oregon HOTEL OREGON Eugene, Oregon : The Christian Science Publishing Society One. Norway Street. Boston. Massachusetts Price SI 2.00 Yearly, or $ 1.00 a Month Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2 60 a Year Introductory Offer. 6 Issues 25 Cents Name__ -----------_______ _________ Addre««_______ __________ SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST What Have You? HOTEL SENATOR Salem, Oregon Illinois Valley News HOTEL MARION : Salem, Oregon : McCredie Hot Mineral Sprint« 0.,. McCredie Springs, Oregon 0 Save 3 Per Cent By Paying in Full On Or Before Sat., March 15th The last day to pay and receive discounts y/^AV^AVAW//AV^.,.V.,.,.,.W?WA'AV//A ’A’, Do you have a lot things around the house that you do not need? Why not sell them and have some extra change for shopping- A Little Classified Ad will get rid of the things you don’t want. And they are so in expensive — 5c a line with a minimum charge of 25c. In Connection : is Truthful—Constructive — Unbiased — Free from Sensational ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features. Together with the Weekly Magazine Section. Make Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. NOW! Cave Junction, Oregon DISCOUNTS APPLY ONLY TO AD V \ LOR EM TAXES AND DOES NOT INCLUDE IRRIGATION ASSESS MENTS DO NOT PERMIT YOUR TAXES TO BECOME DELINQUENT Be Sure and Bring the Description of All Your Land A. DONLEY BARNES SHERIFF AND TAX COLLECTOR Josephine County, Oregon ! i I