Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, March 06, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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    Illinois Valley News, Thursday, March 6, 1941
Guard British Aid to Greece
Washington, l>. C.
DARTOW. GA.—How many states
have turned out more stars, es­
WASHINGTON — Only insiders
One of the principal causes of war pecially in the way of quality, than
know it, but the government is pre­ time shortages and sky-rocketing the sovereign commonwealth of
paring drastic price controls if the prices is the fear of them. The man­ Georgia? This angle occurred to
present upward trend continues.
ager of any company making fin­ us in roaming the red clay hills and
They fear a runaway price situa­ ished goods put of raw materials is the stubble in the pursuit of quail.
tion which would hit the pocketbooks responsible for continuous supply. If
Georgia's record is phenomenal.
of the great mass of consumers. he sees ahead what seems to be a For her top man in baseball she
And the last thing the administra­ period of scant material and rising
gives you Tyrus
tion wants right now is a hot eost- prices, he not only "covers” by buy­
Raymond Cobb,
ing for his usual output for six
of-living potato on its hands.
once known as the
Royston Roarer.
So far there have been marked months or maybe a year, but he
For men's golf
price advances only in a few com­ goes as far beyond that as his re-
she offers one Rob­
modities—lumber, scrap iron, and sources will permit.
This is "good business" from ev-
ert T. Jones Jr. and
other basic raw materials. But re­
for her women golf­
cently there have been tell-tale signs ery angle. It is a good speculative
ers Alexa Stirling.
of a general upward movement, and risk from the angle of probable ris­
It is good insurance
Her two best fight­
some of those mysterious late-after- ing prices.
ing men were Young
noon White House conferences have against possible future shut-downs
Stribling and Tiger
been over this problem. Three plans or delays due to inability to get ma­
terials later.
Finally, there is a
Flowers. They were
of attack are under consideration:
not world beaters,
Ty Cobb
1. Use of the priorities control now temptation even to borrow money to
but close to the top
vested in the office of production increase stock piles and inventories
management, under the supervision to abnormal size. A period of price when in their prime.
For track and field there is Spec
of ex-U. S. Steel man Edward R. inflation is a good time to owe money
Three powerful units of the British fleet are seen off the Rock of Gibraltar as they helped cover passage
Towns, who set a new world's hur­ 4
Stettinius Jr., to deprive price goug- and to own things.
of convoys through the Mediterranean to Greece. The warships are (left to right) aircraft earner Ark Royal,
ers of their supplies, thus forcing
an unidentified battleship, and dreadnaught, Renown. (Insert) British destroyers making high-speed turns
them either to go out of business sons is almost irresistible. Apply games. The last for a long time.
attacked by enemy aircraft while convoying ships through Mediterranean.
them to all the thousands of busi­
or bring their prices into line.
sity have both played their share of
2. Use of the "draft industry” law
winning football through the years.
to compel price gouging concerns to you have a tremendous national
Bryan (“Bitsy”) Grant has been
sell to the government at a fixed force working everywhere to create
her main contribution to tennis—
figure; also to "freeze” prices in
never a champion but the man­
industries where quotations persist caused it.
Part of these reasons work in the handler of tennis giants.
in getting out of line with what
In addition to Bobby Jones, Geor­
same direction for all individuals
are considered fair levels.
and for the great war purchasing gia also produced big Ed Dudley,
3. Imposition of a price ceiling on
government departments. All peo­ one of the best of : 11 the swingers,
all commodities and on every step
ple like to buy while they “can get one of the star stylists of the game.
in the industrial process from raw
And looking a long way back we
the stuff and before the price
materials to retailer.
rises.” An officer in charge of an still recall Bobby Walthour, who
The last was the recommendation arsenal or a navy yard turning out for years had the cycling champion­
of Bernard Baruch, based on his ex­ munitions has a really dreadful re­ ship and the six-day races at his
perience as head of the 1917-18 war sponsibility for producing on or mercy.
industries board. In private confer­ ahead of time and in quantity. He,
Her list of star ball players is a I
ences with Roosevelt and defense too, fears the delays that future long one, Including Nap Rucker,
chiefs, Baruch emphasized that the I shortages may cause and to the ex- Brooklyn’s star left hander, and
one big price lesson learned in i tent of his powers, will overstate his Sherrod Smith, another southpaw.
World War I was that half-way con­ requirements and build up his inven­ The Race Track
trol measures were worse than none tories.
It was from Atlanta, Ga., that
at all.
Of course, this is a form of
"You must either stabilize every "hoarding”—which is a war time Charles S. Howard, owner of Sea-
price or stabilize no price,” he de­ word of evil omen, It is truly evil biscuit, Kayak II and Mioland came
clared. "If you impose controls only because the certain result of these along to racing fame.
And it was also from Georgia hills
nt one point, you leave the door wide practices is soaring prices, to the
open for a worse break-away some­ detriment of the whole nation and that Tom Smith, Howard’s famous
where else. The only effective de- sometimes with a result of complete trainer, came to the money-winning
top. In .the last three years Smith-
fense is total defense and the only economic collapse and disaster.
trained thoroughbreds have won a
effective price control is total con-
This column has continuously ar­ million dollars.
Georgia can offer a stout chal­
• • •
eral power, but in a war economy lenge, in the way of quality, to any
some centralization is necessary in
Here are some of the things Hurry the public interest. In the haste to other state. I doubt that any other
state can offer two such headliners
the PrMMMS!
get the defense program through the as Bobby Jones and Ty Cobb.
First and most important, Hop­ legislature, not enough attention has
In baseball Maryland isn't far
kins definitely stated his conviction been given«to this phase. We need atfay.
that the British would be able to simpler and more direct emergency
This busy sporting center can pre-
hold out against the Nazis. He thor­ statuatory authority to control price, ■ sent Babe Ruth, Jimmy Foxx
Interior view of the huge Curtiss-Wright plant in Buffalo, N. Y., showing the mass assembling of the
oughly agreed with Wendell Willkie priority and increasing inventories ■ Home Run Baker,
new Curtiss P-40 pursuit ships for the U. S. army air corps. This plant turns out 10 planes daily, and will
in spiking isolationist claims that This is a subject that should have whose busy bludg-
soon increase this number as additional trained mechanics are put to work in the new plant buildings.
Britain would crack up. submit to a the immediate attention of congress ! eons produced more
negotiated peace, and leave the —even before tax legislation. We home-run
U.S.A, to hold the bag after voting could lose more through price in­ than any other trio,
•'all-out" aid.
flation in a year than increased taxes although New York
However, Hopkins got no request could recover in 10 years.
is close up with Lou
ftom Winston Churchill that the u s.
Gehrig and Hank
send five to ten destroyers a month.
What Churchill did request was the
This has certainly been a tough
And for boxing,
right to repair British destroyers and war for the military "experts"— what about Mary­
other naval craft in American dry­ both the columnist kibitzer or radio land's Joe Gans?
docks This has been one of Brit­ amateur variety and the real pro­
What about Penn­
ain's most difficult problems, since fessionals
The amateurs have sylvania with Chris­ Jimmy Foxx
all of her dry-docks are fairly easy been bad enough, but the biggest ty Mathewson, Ed­
targets for air raids, so that vessels boners of all have been pulled by die Plank. Chief Bender, Big Bill
needing repair frequently have been those who from training, education Tilden, Ted Meredith?
bombed a second time or even a and profession should really have
Texas Presents—
third time and have to be repaired been expert.
Texas would also like to take the
all over again.
The English and French bet their
stand with Tris Speaker, Rogers
Churchill also asked that the Unit­
Hornsby, Ted Lyons, Sammy Baugh.
ed States sell or lease "mosquito of their soldiers and sailors that
Davey O'Brien, Jack Johnson, By­
boats.” These are small, fast motor they could hold Hitler on the Magi­
ron Nelson, Ralph Guldahl, Ben Ho­
gan. Jimmy Demaret, Wilmer Alli­
equipped to lay depth charges. of that. They pushed Poland into
son, Betty Jameson—these and
which the United Slates has been the storm and then tossed her to the
many more.
building at the rate of about one a wolves and left all the small na­
New York's list is tremendous—
week for some time.
vised by their own military experts Gene Tunney, Walter Hagen, Lou
Churchill wanted them particular­
Gehrig. Hank
to rely on allied strength) to be con­
ly to ward off Nazi invasion, when
it comes, Virtually impossible to
Collins, John Mc­
hit because of their high speed—
Graw, Benny Leon­
they can do 50 miles an hour—the could outfox Hitler on the Norwe­
ard and many oth­
mosquito boats would be especially
effective against Nazi troop-ships
What about Colo­
high priests told him he could clean
and barges attempting to cross the
Dempsey, Whizzer
is still at the channel ports.
However, the mosquito boats
White and Dutch
Mussolini’s mighty military men
Wrecked plane of Charles Stanton,
which the United States is building told him that Greece and North Af­
of Dorchester, Mass., which disap­
are a little light for the choppy wa­ rica were pushovers, and see what
Or Massachusetts
For the moment at least, enemies become allies to help a wounded peared with its five passengers June
ters of the English channel, and it happened to him. Japan expected
with John Lawrence
soldier. A British officer and an Italian prisoner are shown in this sound­ 20, 1937. It was recently found by
is significant that the President al­ a tea party in China. She got it, but
Sullivan, "the grand
photo carrying an Italian casualty at Bengasi. Libya, to an ambulance. four farmers in a jungle near San
ready has ordered the redesigning of it was spiked with arsenic. Russia Benny Leonard old tub from Bos­ Another wounded soldier is on the ground awaiting assistance from the
Jose, Costa Rica—its passengers a
the stern of these boats in order to was advised by her professionals ton.” Mike Murphy. Keene Fitzpat- friendly enemies.
tangled heap of bones.
improve their balance.
.that she could swallow Finland at a rick, Eddie Mahan, and Francis
• • •
gulp. That didn't happen and since Ouimet
Joe Stalin is more direct in his California s Claims
Ex-Senator King of Utah visited methods, he liquidated his experts
California is dead certain to enter
the senate the other day, sat tn his and got some new ones. I don't her claim. Joe DiMaggio for base­
old seat and itched with the Impulse know if they are any better.
ball—Jim Corbett and Willie Ritchie
to rise and address the chamber
The sciences of both tactics and for boxing—Little Bill Johnston.
Blind ex-Senator Gore of Okla­ armament have shifted
o fast for Don Budge, Ellsworth Vines, Helen
homa came into the chamber on the the experts. There art loo many Wills, May Sutton Bundy and Alice
arm of a page and listened with up­ imponderables in modern war. The Marble for Jennis— Lawson Little for
lifted face and rapt expression to basic principles of war never gc.if-an amazing football average
the debate.
change, but military genius consists piled up by Southern California,
Following isolation demonstra­ in applying them to new conditions Stanford, Santa Clara and California
tions in the senate galleries last and no such genius has yet appeared —an amazing track record headed
week, Capitol police keep all visitors —no, not even Mr. Hitler’s bright by Charley Paddock, Frank Wyckoff
lined up on the lower floor, and ad­ young men, notwithstanding their and several pole vaulters who keep
mit only a few at a time.
unparalleled conquests.
breaking records.
Latest issue of the magazine "Na­
Here are most of our main head­
tional Reiaiblican," blithely ignores Churchill now tells us that this is liners for the last 30 years:
Wendell Willkie, but heaps four col­ just a war of machines—ships and
Baseball—Cobb. Georgia: Ruth.
umns on ex Ambassador Joe Ken­ land mechanical monsters—and that
nedy for his fight against the lease- we shall never have to mobilize great
Boxing—Dempsey, Colorado, Tun-
lend bill. The magazine also has a masses of men to go to Europe. I
few kind words for Norman Thom­ don't know whether war is no longer ney. New York; Johnson, Texas; Joe
as. the Socialist candidate, who also a matter of mass man power or not Louis. Alabama.
—and neither ddFs Mr Churchill. 1
Football—Best all-around back,
opposes the bill.
The FBI is advising all plants do­ only know it always has been. He Jim Thorpe. Oklahoma; best all-
ing defense work not to sell their is clicking pretty well on military around lineman. Pudge Heffeltlnger,
Two officers of the Royal CaoadU
matters just now, but it's doubtful Minnesota.
waste paper but to destroy It.
Al • hospital la the northeast section of England wounded Royal Air an navy watch over a convoy from
Golfers—Bobby Jones. Georgia;
Henry Wallace presides over the whether any leader ever made so
Force pilots and girls of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force are now "in the bridge of their destroyer. With
senate from the opening at 12 until many military mistakes in the Walter Hagen. New York.
mending.** The hospital is used by the R. A. F. and the W. A. A. F. Pic­ the increasing flow of war material«
1 30. then retires to lunch on orange course of one lifetime and survived
Track—Jesse Owens. Ohio.
ture shows convalescents walking about the grounds.
to Britain, Canada is kept busy.
them as a public character.
juice and a cheese sandwich.
Tennis— Bill Tilden, Pennsylvania.
New Fighters for Uncle Sam’s Air Force
When Enemies Become Allies
h Conv
Fourni Years Later
Canada's Navy on Job