Illinois Valley News, Thursday, February 6, 1941 Page Eight 1 POPULAR YOUNG COUPLE MARRIED SATURDAY P. M ocals I-ast Saturday afternoon, Char George Logan was transacting business in the county seat this lotte Lorraine Badden and Jay Parkinson, Jr., were united in mar week. riage at 3 :30 p. m. in the H. & L. Cafe, the Rev. George H. Gray of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hill were transacting business in Grants Pass ficiating. Miss Badden is the daughter of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Badden of Cave Mrs. G. A. Petersen of Kerby Junction and Mr. Parkinson is the was shopping in Grants Pass last son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Parkin son of Los Angeles. Saturday. The marriage was solemnized in the H.&L. Cafe, Mr. and Mrs. Bad C. Y. Arnold made a hurried den, proprietors with only the im business trip to Grants Pass today mediate family and a few friends (Thursday). present. Miss Adeliade McCready was the bridesmaid and Thomas J. S. Whitehead spent the week W. Heard was the best man. Mrs. end in Grants Pass visiting his Mae Haynes and Frances Badden daughter. Mrs. Alton Duncan. were also present.- Bert Badden, father of the bride, came from Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Davis left Eureka, California for the wed- for Tacoma and Seattle last Sun ding. day for an indefinite stay visiting Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson will friends. make their future home about half a mile south of Cave Junction, Mrs. H. C. Vernon after being where Mr. Parkinson is building a confined to her bed for the past group of tourists cabins. Flowers for the wedding were few weeks is gradually recovering furnished by Mrs. E. J. Wilber, from a severe attack of the flu. violets, and they were indeed beau Howard Weyel and L. E. Athey tiful. Mrs. Parkinson is a senior left for Portland last Friday morn at Kerby high school, and will at ing on a hurried business trip. tend school until she graduates They returned Sunday afternoon. in June. o- Mrs. Harry O. Smith, Mrs. H. R. Floyd and Mrs. G. W. Martin attended the Del Norte Garden Club at Smith River last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lanning and family of Takilma, left last Sat urday for Los Angeles, where Mr. I.anning has secured employment with the company he formerly worked for. Miss Aileen Whitehead is visit ing in Cave Junction indefinitely. She returned last week from Por terville, California, where she spent several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George L. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lussi, recently from Switzerland, have rented the A. B. Davis home on the Redwood highway, across the road from Ye Rustic Inn and plan to make their future home in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lemon of Wonder have moved to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wilber while Mrs. Wilber is visiting in the east. Mrs. Lemon is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilber. COUNTY ROAD SALARIES BOOSTED SAVU ILASTKTry FOR ■ R O.“ PROTECTS HEALTH Giant WASHES CLOTHES SPARKLING WHITE 3 Bars for Salaries of most Josephine coun ty road department employes were increased this week by the county court, including that of recently- appointed County Road Foreman Ralph Kennedy, whose monthly wage was raised from $140 to $150. The salary rises total $105 a month said the G. P. Courier in Wednesday s edition. The road office listed the fol lowing employes and their old and new monthly salaries: George Stanbrough transit man, from $125 to $135; James Myers, grad er man, $105 to $120; Fred LaFor- est and Jack Eggers, bulldozer op erators, from $125 to $130. H. B. Simpson, who received $105 as carpenter will receive $125 as bridge foreman. Other in creases were: D. W. Conrad, black smith. from $105 to $120; E. E. W’hittaker, Keith Wells and Ebb Hogue, road patrolmen, from $105 to $110; J. E. Hembree and H. P. Hodge, bridge workmen, from $95 to $100; Edna Freemantle, road office seretary $85 to $90. Franz Garner, mechanic, will George Allen has just returned home from Monterey, Calif., where he has been employed for the past two months. George says, “The 32,000 man unit, costing $12,000,- 000 at Fort Ord, is practically completed and they are receiving draftees by the hundreds daily.”' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wilber were in Grants Pass last Monday where they went to see Mrs. Wilber en train for Adrian, Michigan to vis it several weeks with her father, —o—- C. B. Knapp. At Sacramento she C. H. Tucker left for Portland was met by her daughter, Mrs. C. this morning (Thursday) where he G. Wilhelms of Oroville, Calif., will seek employment in the new who will accompany her as far as ship yards. Omaha. Nebraska. —o— E. IL Kretsinger of O Brien has been called to Bremerton. Wash ington, where he will enter the torpedo base as a mechanic, His family will remain at O’Brien for the present. Regular ACTIVE LATHER FOR COMPLEXION Mr. and Mrs. Homer Phillips and family former residents of Cave Junction were visiting in the valley last Sunday. Mr. Phillips prove the appearance of the din is now employed as a printer at the ing room and lobby. The work is Courier in Grants Pass. being done by A. C. Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Merritt anti daughter, Miss Maryland of Port land, stopped over in Cave Junc tion Inst Sunday for a short visit with the M. C. Atheys. They were returning front several weeks visit in Los Angeles. —o— Mr. and Mm. Frogling I., Saw- yer spent the week-end at their Pebble Beach home and visited Mrs. Sawyer’s mother, Mrs. Min nie Cosson who has been in Cres cent City visiting for the past month. fi fl Model Cash Grocery fi CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON Formerly O. W. GREEN fl SCHUMACHERS fi PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 7, 8, 10—FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY fl PETITE PRUNES fi 5 Pounds for .... FLAKES PANCAKE FLOUR, Crown fl 10 Pound bag for ........... 50c fi RAISINS 10c fl 4 Pounds for LIFEBUOY fi BORAXO 15c Per can ... fl WAFFLE SYRUP. Staley’s 43c fi 5 Pound pail for.................. POWDER, (¡old Label fl 12 BAKING 8c Ounce can for.......................... fi COFFEE, ROYAL CLUB 47c 2 Pound can for fl FIG BARS 10c fi Whole Wheat, per pound SOAP CATSUP, Meco fl Per hottie ......... 9c fi SHORTENING, Westminster 35c 4 Pounds for ............................ fl SHREDDED WHEAT lOc fi N. B. C., Per package fl 97c we redeem fi FREE—2 packages of Lifebuoy Soap with BLUE and ORANGE fl a purchase of one package of either Large or Giant size RINSO. STAMPS Q fl Shortenini Triple Gtaaed 3 Pound Can continue to receive $150, and truckdrivers’ salaries were left at $105. Carl Dodge, newly-hired grader man and truck driver, is receiving $105, as is Lee Sowell, given a permanent job as grader operator in the Illinois valley. Mrs. Abbie Tolin received word from her son Abram Tolin, that he has qualified for his “expert" med al for pistol marksmanship for the fifth consecutive year recently. There is only one medal better and that ¡ b the one for “distinguished expert.” Mr. Tolin has been an un dersheriff of Los Angeles county for several years. —o— Theatre CITY IN GORGEOUS TECHNICOLOR Rhumba», A RECKLESS PRIVER- WHO COULD PUF RAtt TROU Pte r----- Mrs. Myrtle Squire left the first of the week for Greenfield, Calif., to visit her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buell and to see her new grandchild, a baby girl, Aylene, who arrived January 27th. Mrs. Mary Buckle is serving hot lunches at Central school in the new building made especially for that purpose and her kitchen is well equipped. At the Dryden school Mrs. Elva Buttram started to serve hot lunches with the same conditions as at the Central school. About J 4 pupils are served’at each school. I DON AMECHE. I NEVE« HEAÆPûF Raymond Kimmes and Roy Trout of Bemidpi, Minnesota, are visiting the former’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kimmes. UNII Down Argentine Way The Drews hotel is undergoing a new coat of paint whir i will ini- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brooks re The next meeting will be Feb- at the leaders home, at turned from several days spent in ruary Ashland. 10 a. m. —0--- -o— Warren Tuttle and Orville Camp DEER CREEK NEWS were in Provolt this week on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hamilton left for Oakland, California, where SELMA NOTES they will remain indefinitely. ■ o—~ Mr. and Mrs. Dale Tucker and Fritz Krauss returned the first Mi. and Mrs. S. P. Kimmes have of the week from a business trip to family are again residing in Selma as guest at their home for a short ■ and their son Danny has entered visit Marvin Beers of Hubbard, Medford. i school. Oregon. —o— Mrs. Emma Tuttle spent the Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brooks were week-end in Grants Pass at the Joe Stevens and Pau) Johnson home of Mr. and Mrs. James Camp transacting business in Grants | are building a sawmill in the Deer bell during their absence in Cres Pass this week. I Creek district. The mill will be I located on the Johnson property cent City. Paul Johnston purchased the A sewing club has been organ- an^ work is progressing very rap- Frank Sargent sawmill and is busy ized recently and Mrs. F. Krauss idly. —o— moving it to his own property. is their leader. The following of Will Tolin is building a new ficers elected: President, Dora Harold R. Bowerman, forester Hammer; vice-president, Louise mill near O’Brien where he will cut of Cave Junction, showed moving Hammer; secretary, Shirley Jenk lumber for the government. Mr. pictures of wild animal and fish ins; Yell leader, Carmelita Krauss; Tolin has a mill on Crooks creek life at the schoolhouse last Monday song leader, Mary Lou Hammer. I near Dryden and has operated it afternoon. He was to show pic Other members present were Char for the past three years. tures nt the meeting of the Deer lene Walton. Billie Allene and The boys expect to spend the sum mer in Oregon. Creek P.-T. A. February 6th. Thelma Plumlee. o SATURDAY and SUNDAY. FEB. 8-9 ryCotocy sez^ 6 Pound Can STAYS so FRESH AND SWEET BETTY GRABLE. CARMEN MIRANDA Song», Star», Glamour, Romance, Laughter BATHE NEWS Congratulations To Phil Sawyer Cn the Installation of His New GENERAL ELECTRIC EQUIPPED LOCKER ROOMS Installed by Rigby's Refrigeration Service 520 “H” Street Grants Pass ■••••a !»••• -Q] WEDNESDAY : nd THURSDAY, FEB 12-13 : • Great News for the Valley i«OSPfRiTYiTcONTAOlOtll P>SEA$E-A SMILING C* T h J bank a « o ( jnt is auiCKLv , COMMUNICATED TOTHi HtAD LOCKER SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE Abe that "You can fool »ome of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the ti me. but you can not fool all the people all of the time. AT Illinois Valley Icc Company NO FOOLIN- ABOUT OUR SERVICE TO MOTORISTS End the drudgery of rännin*'. Enjoy fresh foods the year around Acquitted by the Sea—Ripley Texaco Gas. Oil Greases GEO. A. HICKS and NEWS OF THE DAY C0VYA6t$ OATfWAY YO-TMt DfttOON (AVIS_______ I : O I WE HAVE INSTALLED THE FINEST OF MODERN RE FRIGERATION EQUIPMENT FOR THE PROTECTION OF YOUR PRODUCTS ............................... 1 : : :