Illinois Volley News. Thursday. February 6. 1941 L ©BY GENERAL? ARED WHITE W M U k«te«M THE STORY SO FAR: Colonel Flag­ will acting chief of G-2, IL S. military intelligence department, estimated there were 200,000 European troops in Mexico preparing for an attack on the United States. Intelligence Officer Benning was sent to .Mexico City where he posed as CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT WB USED TRACTORS - "Caterpillar" 35 Diesel and dozer "Caterpillar” 50 Diesel and dozer International TD-40 Tractor A. C. Model “SO" and Carco dozer ■orios rsMis iquipmsmt co . W738 Mallon A t «. Spokane, Wash. INSTALLMENT FOUR Bromlitz, an American traitor who had Bromlitz'« sweetheart, who was actual- bv-en captured In Paris, and toon sained ly a French zpy. Se told Benning the the confidence of Fincke, another offi­ ominous news that Bromlitz had es­ cer. Benning was accepted as an offi- caped. Laser the reported that Bosgio, cer by Van Hassek, leader of the foreign an air corps officer, told her be had armed forces In Mexico. Several days more than a thousand planes in Mexico. later Bennins was Joined by Lucette, Now continue with the story. * « * # * * # # # WANTED G 5 girl» to work in Portland Beauty # # # School for part payment on tuition. were figures of five digits. CHAPTER IV—Continued rupted by a sudden noisy commo­ Write for particulars. Only 3th grade He sensed rather than heard the tion, the half-hysterical cries of a Benning searched Mlle. Ducos' efiucat Ion o. PORTLAND BBAVTT ACADBMT face and demanded, "Boggio told returning Bavarian. Instantly he Mexican girl who was being thrust 430 8. W Washington Portland, Or«. thrust the map into the breast of his into the ballroom from Van Has­ you that?” "Boggio has told me a great deal loose khaki tunic, closed the open sek's bedroom. The staff colonel WANT A REAL JOB? In the past few days.” she answered. drawer of Van Hassek's desk. Ben­ marched across to Van Hassek and Airplane factories, shipyards and hun­ ning strode through the curtains into handed him the stolen operations ”1 have—” dreds of industries are in need of The orchestra brought their dance the reception room at the identical map. sheet metal workers. Write for free booklet. Dept. 2, Adcox Trade School, to an end. Mlle. Ducos ended her moment that the Bavarian re­ "Excellency, I found it pinned un­ 237 N. E. Broadway, Portland, Ore. sentence in a harmless platitude. entered. der the lace flounces of this wench’s Although as an essential of his gown,” the colonel reported. They went back to their table. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE "How do you know this isn't some business, he had learned control of Van Hassek took the map with a International 40 Diesel TracTracTor ruse, some trick?” Benning con­ his emotions, Benning was unable casual hand, opened it f^r identifi­ with Isaacson Angle Dozer, rebuilt fronted her when they were alone. to put down the racking suspense of cation, and slowly smiled^ He tucked and fully armored for Logging. Terms. Loyd F. Silva, Grants Pass, Oregon "Why should a trusted officer be­ the next few moments. Would the the document into the gold sash at tray such secrets to you or anyone Bavarian discover at once that Van his waist, and with a toss of his SPORTSMEN ATTENTION I Hassek's desk had been tampered hand indicated that the prisoner else, mademoiselle?” Pure Bred Liver and White Pointer She flared back: "Don’t you cred­ with? Benning's brief survey of the be taken away in close arrest. The Puppies from Champion Bench and it me with knowing what I'm about, map had given him the vital infor­ Mexican girl, loudly protesting in- Field Stock: NORTHWEST POINTERS 4067 8. W. Kanan Drive, Portland. mation for which he had been play­ nocense, was bundled out of the monsieur?” Phone ATwater 5850 "I also credit Boggio with ordi­ ing. If no alarm came now, he room. Van Hassek slowly turned to nary discretion in matters of such could slip away in the night, haul his remaining guests with a cool GOOD DIVERSIFIED importance," he retorted. "Under out the Fernando plane from its bow. FARM what circumstances did he tell you hangar, and fly through to the bor­ “Good night, my friends,” he said der. 337 ac., 5 miles from Albany 140 ao. of Van Hassek's air bases?” gravely. "I regret it if your pleas­ cult., bal. timber and pasture. Mod­ The Bavarian came driving ure has been spoiled tonight, but on Mlle. Ducos sat down and a cold ern buildings, spring water piped to smile replaced the resentment in through the portieres, black tragedy some other evening I’ll expect to house. On good gravelled road | mile from school. S2500 down, in his distended eyes. His cheeks make amends. Now I must busy her eyes. Interest on balance. "For several days past, mon­ THE UNION CENTRAL I.IFB myself with the details of what has INSURANCE CO.. sieur, Colonel Boggio and I have happened. Buenos noches.” 310 Broadway-Oak Bldg. Portland been going about the city while he Mlle. Ducos did not speak as Ben­ Telephone AT. 4373 showed me the sights. It was very He never rises when a woman stands up to leave the table; he doesn't lake ning took her home in a cab. When simple, when we saw planes in the MACHINERY they were alone, Benning saw her off his hat when women are in the elevator, or pull out my chair. In short, he is a rough diamond. sky, for me to set him talking about 10 NEW International 100-h.p. engines undergo an unexpected transforma­ g I,, / -i them, and about himself. Yes, much 10 New International 62-h. p. engines. tion. Her eyes filled with tears and By KATHLEEN NORRIS » Recond. _ ‘ Internatlonanl . ........................................ 62-h.p. en­ more he has told me. In front of she sobbed softly to herself. Pres­ gines. Fernando on the Laguna de la HE fears of a girl be­ Marriage Fears 2 Buda recond. 20-h.p. engines. ently she recovered her self-posses­ Madre Van Hassek has a secret field 1 Buda recond. 92-h.p. engine. fore she takes the seri­ You don't like a few habits of sion and dried her eyes. 1 AC good shape; 100-h.p. for his bombers and pursuit ships. your husbandto-be? Should you 1 “Cat" 95-h p "I suppose I shouldn't have such ous step of marriage are He has more than a thousand planes ENGINES ON THE HOWARD-COOP- marry? Kathleen Norris says . . . scruples about that girl when so very natural fears. Any girl ER RENTAL-PURCHASE PLAN In all, with more coming to them Read her answer and her advice to many lives are at stake,” she ra­ HOWARD-COOPER CORPORATION young brides uho are hesitant and who is willing to jump into by sea.” International Industrial Distributor tionalized. "But I had no alterna­ dubious about their fitness to solve "Do you understand, mademoi­ Portland - Seattle Spokane - Eugene tive than to do what I did. I only new life, accept the new name Klamath Falls the problems of matrimonial life. selle. the full significance of what hope she convinces Van Hassek of and home, responsibilities you just told me?" he asked, his her innocence—or he decides she is and position without any mis­ FARM WANTED eyes searching her face. too attractive to die.” —To hear from owner of She shrugged her shoulders and givings is a rather shallow is to David and not to you. It is WANTED land for sale for spring delivery. Benning busied himself with maps said with a touch of annoyance: Punch's immortal advice to the Wm. Hawley. Baldwin, Wis. girl. We expect the bride to and pencil. From time to time as "Anyone who is too stupid to evalu­ young man about to marry. he worked he closed his eyes to ex­ be a little dubious, a little ate information would be too dumb FOR SALE “Don't.” You are going into this amine the sensitive film of his mem­ hesitant, a little afraid of her to collect It, monsieur! But all of partnership determined to destroy 156 acres, buildings, profitable (store, ory. A Van Hassek arrow thrust its own fitness to handle the office, camp) site near lakes, this information only confirms what David's bigness and confidence and post pavement. point across the border at Laredo. we already know, that Van Hassek problems of marriage. originality by a long process of flea- Maier. Elk, Washington Behind its shqft was the figure 50,- means to attack the United States. bites; you care already for the opin­ But the other extreme is al ­ 000. At Brownsville was the figure The really important thing we’ve yet ion and judgment of your friends And a Little Dough 10,000, at Eagle Pass another 10,000. most as unfortunate as the to learn is when, and for what real more than you care for him. Your Jackie—Daddy, you just said a lot On the California frontier were two one of too much confidence. attitude is not loyal, protective, con­ of successful candidates would be purpose. I meant to tell you that arrows joined together behind a To weigh and measure, doubt Van Hassek sent an aide to see me fident; you are not looking beyond eating political pie. What is polit­ curved line, their points aimed at today, to invite me to be his guest and worry, analyze and hesi­ these school-teaching days in a ical pie? Tecate and Tia Juana, in the region nt a little party he's giving for some Dad—Well, son, it's composed of of San Diego. The figure here was tate over your matrimonial small town to the days when he, friends tomorrow night at the pal­ with all his crudeness and frankness applesauce and plums. 60,000. prospects is to rob the hap ­ ace You may thank me for your and tactlessness will be moved on to A folded linen map. Four arrows thrust from the Pa- piest time of your life of its invitation—I think you weren't want­ a better position. No, you've deter­ LEARNED BY EXPERIENCE ed. But I couldn’t afford to let Van were flushed and heavy veins welled cific, behind them no legends, One fragrance and beauty. When mined to make a polished courtier pointed to Seattle, a second at the Hassek think I'm running too much at neck and forehead. The Bavarian I receive a letter like the fol­ out of him, a husband who does at large. You’ll go, of course? At strode to a colonel of the staff and mouth of the Columbia River, a Maude wants him to do, lowing, I have small hopes everything third just north of San Francisco, a whispered avidly. The colonel hur­ eight." a lackey dancing about with chairs fourth at San Diego. On the Atlan­ that the girl who wrote it is and opening car doors and never Benning hesitated while he ried over to Van Hassek. tic side, groups of red arrows point­ headed for a successful ex­ searched the possible ramifications Mlle. Ducos picked up in Ben­ forgetting to remove his hat. ed at critical points from Boston to of such an adventure. His mind ning's face some hint of his sus­ It’s unfortunate that David didn't New Orleans. Here, again, there perience as a wife. fixed upon Captain Fincke's disclo­ pense. She left Van Hassek, now An Eye to Alterations. have a mother during his small boy­ were no figures. sure of the operations map in Van pawing drunk, and crossed the room. "David and I have been engaged hood, to train him in gentler man­ Benning handed his reproduction Hassek's desk Finally he nodded "Something has gone wrong, mon­ for more than a year.” writes Maude ners. The example of a wife may of Van Hassek's key map to Mlle. acceptance. sieur," she whispered anxiously. Brown. "He is 34. I am seven years indeed change him miraculously Ducos. He saw the blood drain from younger; we are both school-teach­ but only if that wife makes him feel "You have been up to mischief in her face _ ____ _________ __ as she studied it. She CHAPTER V Van Hassek's room.” ers. Everything I know of David's that he is the one object of looked up at him with startled, star­ character is fine, but there are solicitude in the matter. Not to "Concealed in my tunic,” Benning ing eyes. many little things about him that press her friends, not to save In his regal suite in the Palacio answered at once, “I have Van Has­ "Mon Dieu, monsieur!" she worry me; they may not seem "embarrassment,” not to spare Naeional the next night. Van Has­ sek's operations map—the most dan­ sek had replaced his khaki field uni­ gerous secret in Mexico. You must gasped. "This means the very worst important to most girls, but they old-maidy nerves, but because is to happen! Such attack upon you are to me. I would not hurt his loves him,* because she is close to "How is it you let your wife have form with peacock military habili­ drop me at once.” will set the whole world in flames!” feelings for the world; just because her own way?” ments. him in everything, and she likes to "Let me have the map, mon­ Benning got up and put on his cap. he has not had some of the social "I once tried to stop her.” receive from him the little atten­ Benning found discomfort in the sieur,” she whispered. "I am leaving Mexico at once, advantages that most of my friends tions that all women prize. presence of Colonel Bravot, alias "I took a desperate gamble,” Ben- mademoiselle," he said calmly have had. But I feel that just a Sergeant Gaujos. But Bravot was ning coolly rejoined. "If I’ve lost. To take the attitude of a teacher, "You are welcome to come along few changes in him would make him to remain only a few minutes, his it's my funeral, not yours.” with me if you don’t mind taking perfection itself and I need advice to guide, will destroy her marriage departure made the occasion of a sooner or later, for David is obvi­ With a quick decisiveness the some chances with a pilot who's as to how to go about accomplishing ously the bigger-natured person of puzzling ceremony. French girl threw her arms about somewhat out of practice." them. Intellectually he is more than Van Hassek. from the moment of Benning's neck and kissed him to She answered gravely: "My in­ a match for any of my friends; next the two, and to have a swarm of ttie French girl’s arrival, had cen­ screen the deft movement in which structions require me to remain in year he will probably be superin­ gnats, in the shape of gentle re­ tered his attentions upon Mlle. Du- she stripped the map from under proaches. sweet reminders, sensitive Mexico, monsieur. But it's impor­ tendent of our Union High, the young­ cos. Benning promptly suspected his tunic. She stood close to him Creomulsion relieves promptly be­ tears and hurt suggestions buzzing tant for you to reach your govern­ est man ever to hold that position. cause it goes right to the seat of the that she was the real motive for while she concealed the document in around his head from morning until ment as quickly as possible! I trouble to help loosen and expel "To give you an idea of what I this Van Hassek party, a show to her dress. Then she stepped back, germ laden phlegm, and aid nature learned from Boggio today that he mean. David is very outspoken. night will speedily disillusion him. turn her head. spat at him. and angrily slapped his can't see me tomorrow. All leaves to soothe and heal raw, tender, In­ True Spirit of Wifehood. Before our friends he will say things flamed bronchial mucous mem­ But the Benning interest had cen­ face. of absence are being suspended, like: 'How can you folks afford In one of Dickens ’ stories there is branes. Tell your druggist to sell you tered upon a scowling Bavarian lieu­ "Very well!" she raged, tn a voice which means you’ll not have long to a bottle of Creomulsion with the un­ tenant who sat in Van Hassek's ad­ that reached through the room. "If wait for Van Hassek's attack. Au that?’ or; 'we're going to board with an incident of a country farmer and derstanding you must like the way It joining military room, shut off by that's the way you feel about me. revoir, monsieur, and bon voyage." Maude's mother awhile, at regu­ his lass, -who come to the bureau quickly allays the cough or you are for a wedding license, The man lar boarder rates ’ -; little Intimate to have your money back. thick draperies The Bavarian's you can go to the devil!” matters that embarrass me and my cannot write and so makes his erect posture suggested that he was Van Hassek slowly drew himself friends. Once at a picnic David mark; the girl makes her own mark CHAPTER VI present on a purely duty status It erect and his face went livid as he refused frankfurters saying that beside his. Later some friend re­ for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis was obvious that the object of his received the alarm from his staff proaches her, reminding her that she vigil was the Van Hassek blackwood colonel One moment Van Hassek The sun was moving over the jag­ they 'gave him gas;’ he never rises was well educated and can of course when a woman stands up to leave desk. was drunk, the next moment coolly ged Washington skyline on the sec­ the table; he doesn't take off his sign her name. "Yes. I know,” says Lost Sense ond morning thereafter when Ben­ With patient caution Benning wait­ sober. They never taste who always the wife-to-be, "but the dear good hat when women are in the elevator, ed his time The hour was close to "No one will leave my quarters. ning was put down at Bolling Field fellow hasn't had any schooling—I'm drink.—Prior midnight when he chose his oppor­ Colonel." Van Hassek calmly in- by a fast observation plane from pull out my chair, or open the car to help him get started, and I didn't door for me. In short, he is a rough tunity to strike He stalked into the structed. "With the help of my aides Kelly Field. After his landing at want to shame him!” diamond, but he is a diamond! military room in the manner of a you will search everyone present, in­ Randolph Field from Mexico City Makes Her Feel Self-Conscious. That is the spirit of wifehood. man who has been di inking too cluding our own officers, until you the day before, he had passed the "Now, if these things worry me Wifehood has to be oneness or it alarm to Eighth Corps Area Head­ much. The Bavarian sat at his job. find the spy and recover my map quarters and sent a code report of before marriage, and make me self- isn't anything at all. To be watch­ stiff as a ramrod At once!" conscious before all my old group— ing a man nervously, exchanging "A command for you, Lieuten­ Outer doors were promptly locked, details by wire to Colonel Flagwill. he is a comparative newcomer in 'HjianMile/ disturbed smiles with your friends, A military car was waiting for ant!” Benning blurted at him in windows put under guard. All were town, by the way, will they not wor­ trying tn shush off your husband's German. "You will report at once required to assemble in the ball­ him at the airport It sped him to ry me infinitely more when we are to Excellency's junior aide-de-camp room. thence to be taken one at a the War Department where Flag­ married, and I feel that there is no references to the fact that Mama is in money difficulties or that frank­ A SUPERB LOCATION in the bar. See to it that you lose time to Van Hassek's bedroom for will was waiting in the G-2 office The colonel showed the effects of escape? Marriage is a delicate and furters occasionally disagree with Only « few steps from every important no time!" examination. an intimate relationship; to a sensi­ certain stomachs may satisfy your point in Seattle. Stores, offices, bus The Bavarian looked up with a Benning was taken first. The co­ strain and sleeplessness, but was tive woman there cannot be in it little inch-wide sense of propriety, and railroad terminals—all are just questioning scowl, then sprang to his lonel sharply demanded explanation. gravely contained "A fine bombshell you've exploded too much consideration or finesse, but it isn't marriage, and the womafi "neat door”. Car lines to all parts of feet under the habit of obedience to Why had he sent the Bavarian offi­ I want to be proud of my husband in who feels that it is will be much hap ­ Seattle are only a block away. A fine a superior officer. He hesitated for cer away from his post of duty? Ben­ in the War Department Benning." every way, and in every way that pier unwed. hotel, ideally situated, affording the a moment, ahd stalked through the ning confessed bad judgment, for Flagwill said solemnly. "I've reported only what I learned, really counts. I am proud of David. Ninety-Seven Per Cent All Right. utmost in comfort and convenience. heavy portieres and headed toward which he offered apology. His only He is moderate in all his habits, thought had been that the Bavarian sir." Benning answered. "Of course, popular, thrifty. successful. If you go into it at all go into it the bar the Anal appraisal of my informa­ confidently and gloriously, willing to SPLENDID ROOMS *1*5 TO $3 As the portieres rippled behind the was a neglected guest who should Would Destroy David's Bigness, tion is up to the General Staff " SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH guardian of Van Hassek's desk. Ben­ be given a drink. He insisted that "I would hope by gentleness and put up with 3 per cent of imperfec­ “General Hague took your report tions for the sake of that 97 per cent ning turned the key in the top draw­ be be searched immediately. example and the influence of a wife The Van Hassek guests had been at once to the President1' Flagwill to Influence him, but even now he of solid fineness and character and er. His steady hand extracted the said. "As a result the President one document that he found there, a jolted into sobriety One by one they only laughs good naturedly if I am achievement were taken for search. Van Hassek had an ultimatum sent to Ruiz yes­ disturbed, and within ■ few days folded linen map. Some years ago a bride that I terday by the State Department Benning's face went taut as his stood to one side, smoking a cigar, repeats the offence, whatever it was. knew asked four old friends in for Our ambassador at Mexico City was David really does not see in what tea. They didn't know her husband hand thrust it open and he saw the his face grimly contained as if he instructed to say that Mexico must legend of arrows superimposed on a waited in supreme confidence on explain fully its European army way he is failing me, and I ask very well! they were surprised to myself if he ever will see Have find that "tea" was actually tea map of the United States and upper the unmasking of a spy. Benning's thoughts were inter- within forty-eight hours, and give you had problems similar to this and not cocktails and that he didn't Mexico. A glance told him that the our military attaches at the em­ arrows pointed to vulnerable points bassy full authority to visit all troop one before, and if you have what smoke, didn't tike many cf the things has been your advice?” they liked, and bad a distinctly Swed­ of possible invasion. Behind each concentrations to view first-hand My advice tn this case. Maude. ish accent arrow that pointed across the Mexi­ what is going on ” can border toward the United States (TO tit CONTINUED) 14 T > How To Relieve Bronchitis CREOMULSION s NEXT WEEK TLE >