Illinois Valley News, Thursday, January 30, 1941 Page Four Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and ita surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879 M C ATHEY ........................................................................................ Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County $150 .75 50 finn Ypar you will be doing what all well regulated business in­ stitutions do in making purchases on a scale as large as the county’s business. The bidding system has no merit. A good pur­ chasing agent has. We hope the county court will give this serious consideration. We do not believe it will cost the county a cent more for honest merchan­ dise. and we do believe that it will be quite acceptable to all honest merchants. ----------------- o----------------- HELPING ENGLAND Outaide of Josephine County NOW there is BO question but what the above statement is true; so if we insist on restocking this , lake, from time to time, why stop fishermen from taking out the large ones? As I have stated: I | have been at the lake many times, | (call them educational trips, if you wish) and I have never seen j but a few fingerlings in it, and what few I did see were along the ■ shore in very shallow waters, out [ of the reach of the larger fish. A i large number of the News readers, | with whom I have talked, want more of my writings along this line and I shall try to gratify their wishes. Keibel's PERFECTION BREAD ♦ z : : ('all: Wed. and Sat. E . ............... 3 I The Th Seal of Approval I : Awarded by the American In stitute of Laundering after Passing Rigid Tests Pickup and delivery every Mon day and Thursday in Cave Junction, Kerby and Holland GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY "Since 1900" E........................... E*...................................................... 0 | DR. A. N. COLLMAN [ Naturopathic Physician Office. Sherman’a Camp Cave Junction a....... ............................. Dr. Fred W. Gould Dental Surgeon Tuffs Building Phone 4 Gcantt Pass Qm< EJ- ¡Drs. Cantrail & Dixon VETERINARIANS :Cor. 7th & M Office phone 116 : Res. phone 245 or 577-Y Grants Pass 0' ? ? « 4 X I « % « Tin-: C hristian S cience I ■ M onitor lnhmtif '»tai Daily .Vra ¡paper I» 1 ruthfiil -Cc ntlrucnve— Unbiased— Free from uni — FJi; iiils Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Feriti: et, Toue’liei »■ li ihe Weekly Magazine Section, Make th Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. PROCESS Ihe ( hrieuin Science Publishing Society On - Norway Street Boston Massachusetts ' Price <12 CO Yia lv or /l 00 a Month Saiuru. I. i Ji Mag. zine Section. 32 60 a Year inti. Ju. i u tier 0 Issues 25 Cents Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager AMBULANCE SERVICE ^Plione 388 Car. 5th & C Sts. (p............................................r-j : All Type of Clocks Repaired i Guaranteed Work at Reason- ; able Prices HULL & HULL Ambulance tervice day or ?ERVI( E— NOT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING BUT DOING WHAT YOU WANT DONE PROMPTLY, INTEI.LI. GENTLY AND ECONOM ICALLY .... $ )EI RO UE GARAGE 507 S. 6th Street, Grants Pass nits Phone 334 Wardrobe Cleaners The oldest and best since 1911 Free Pick up by Grants Pass Laundry Josephine Countv MILLS Cash price« for Feeds and Seeds of all kinds Phone 123 Giants Pass GRANTS PASS HOTEL MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon y‘ V A F H A LOANS N a me ? % « A FUNERAL HOME 502 N 4th St. y' ? L. B. Hall FUNERAL HOME N;, h Sales an i Service c y' ? 3 i JEWELER Del Rogue Hotel Building ; .....................................................« Í The World’s News Seen Through E» Clarence E. Eggers AAA Towing ? A ? ? ? ? ? y‘ : i G) Along tho Concreto Dear E< i; When I joned the Kerby Rod Club I did not do so with the intention of ever using the gun or rod to exploit sport. I joined for the simple reason that I under­ stood the club stood for conserva­ tion and rehabilitization of wild­ life. Today I believe that is the aim of most of our members, and it is my aim to contribute all in my power to that end; but I can not conceive how we are going to accomplish much in the way we are proceeding. The fact that our order has been successful in ac­ quiring help, thru the Fish and Game Commission, of getting a goodly amount of young fish, for planting in our waters, does not signify that we are getting much of anywhere, only as a gesture. At Your Grocer 0 When the county commissioners put into effect their bidding system, whereby all material for county use must be put out for bids, it was hoped that some saving to the county’s treasury might be effected. This, however, has not been the general rule, and the county has paid dearl ’ for some of the material it has received on cheap I ids. The county, like any other business will get just what it pays for. No one is going to take it on the chin just to accommodate the county treasury. In our opinion, what this county needs is a pur­ chasing agent. One of the county commissioners could act in this capacity and all purchases for the county be made through this office. Either one of the present county commissioners could act in this capacity, as both of them are experienced business men and know business methods and how to deal with merchants in the county an 1 state Both of them know an honest price for honest merchandise, and the county should not ask ; nything other than that. Every merchant has the right to make an honest prof­ it from the county’s business. However, with the bid- .leenis objectionable. Advertising rates on a to mainain a democracy as long as we have. This week came an offer to furnish free, material REDWOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS umQ from “America First Committee.” This heading sug­ gests a patriotic committee working for the interests of the nation. Behind this is a thin veil of selfish individualism stund NO IA»I3 that th’nks of self first. This is the thought expres­ ino VH sed by “America First Committee.” However, when LOOK YOUR BEST one reads the list of sponsors, it plainly develops that With a MEETING “PROSPERITY” the committee is composed of “Can’t Take It Republi­ SHAMPOO & FINGERWAVE | cans,” who will go to any length to defeat the present SATURDAY. FEB. 1st A gentleman came into our office this week and administration. gave us a very encouraging word of commendation This newspaper, while absolutely independent po­ When you attend the He read some of our “Prosperity” articles, and then etically, does not subscribe 100 per cent to all the PRESIDENT’S 1 commented: This valley cannot help but be benefited things the present administration does. We do not BIRTHDAY BALL [ Given by the if you conscientiously keep this thought up, for a cer believe we could approve any administration 100 per VALLEY GRANGE | tain amount of it must be assimulated by the populace cent. That is what makes us a great democracy. But | ILLINOIS At Bridgeview i This is true, for out of all the articles we have in times of emergency, we do believe those handling published, we know of some instances where those the nation’s business know more about essentials than • Cave Junction I trying to put the thought into practical operation we do. and we would subscribe our allegiance to i Beauty Shop t | CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON j have been greatly benefitted. and they are still going either a Democratic or Republican administration. iGERTUDE BLOOMINGCAMP| on to more success. The above mentioned committee is asking the pa­ If you have followed the articles, we have told you pers of the nation to print their editorial material for to make a scrap book, cut out the articles and keep the express purpose of defeating the administration’s RTCRfiFT them for future reference. We asked you to read so-called “Lend-Lease” bill, claiming it will put us in CRmcRR shop them often. If you do this, it has a tendency to keep the war. That is the excuse they give. Their slogan one from getting discouraged. If you have not made should be: “Don’t help our neighbor too much, we PHOTOGRAPHS your scrap book, start now. Cut all the articles you might get our face slapped.” Cameras and Supplies can find along this line an 1 read them as often as you 113 N 6th St., Grants Pass Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, anybody wants to can. Every time you re id them, you get another slap Uncle Sam’s face, they want to be prepared to “slant” on the mechanics of the plan, and a better get a first class sock straight on the button, and there GRANTS PASS understanding of it. will be plenty of “Umph” behind it. We are not at FEED & SEED CO. Again we ask you to make up your mind on what all afraid of what someone will do to us for giving Garden Seeds, Field Seeds, you want to do or desire. What do you want and England every possible help in our power to give. Fertilizers Hodgen Brewster Specialized Feeds how do you want it? Once you have definitely made Let’s back up our present administration. Let th% Phone 12 607 E. F, Grants Pass up your mind, you are on the road leading up the croakers croak. We might just as well do it with a ladder, but until you have made up your mind, you smile and like it, for we are going to do it anyway, are still groping about uncertain. and those in the saddle know more about it than we ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY MAKE UP YOUR MIND. START DOING IT! do, so what? & DRY CLEANERS You CAN if you want to. ----------------- o----------------- Agencies OFF IN A (’ORNER When we stock Bolan lake with Haynes Clothing Shop COUNTY’S BIDDING SYSTEM fingerling fish, then stop the pub­ Wittrock’i Store, Kerby WITH PHIL SNORT I $2 00 ASK FOR AMY HUSSEY M C. ATHEY LUCILE FLOYD Holland Gone up inSmoke! You can’t afford to be Without Insurance Don’t Wait Until it is TOO LATE! SEE M C. ATHEY at The News Office redwoods hotel Grants Pass SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE Excellent Coffee Shop, IN CONNECTION I REASONABLE RATES I