Page Seven Illinois Valley News, Thursday, January 16, 1941 si THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE1 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT WELDERS Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young Wanted! Welder*. Aviation Mechanics and Radio Operators Wo train at lowest cost. Ask for Booklet M. Seat­ tle YMCA Schools, »09- 4th, Seattle, Wn. « TRUCK PARTS ia BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN Heavy-duty Motors, bodies, tires, hoists. axels, parts, TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY 10th A S. E. Hawthorne. Portland. Ora. FARMS FOR SALE 20 acres irrigated, good soil. Concrete tiled. Six room house, barn, chicken house. Electric lights, telephone, school bus Watei well located. Near Kennewick improved Commun­ in'. Terms >4500.00 (5wner: A H. Meyer. >04 Kennewick Ave., Kennewick, Washington DENTAL PLATE REPAIR HOUR SERVICE inMestCoes Bring gi Mail Tail Plain for Repair-CREDIT Extended D r . H arry S emler , Dentisi ALIUTV BLDG • 3* 6 * MORRISON • ROIHRNB ORI By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA Opened by Mistake By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP—Bigger and Better Artillery SIMPLICITY SIMPLICITY, in truth, is less dependent upon external things than we imagine. It can live in broadcloth or homespun; it can eat white bread or black. It is not outward, but inward. A certain openness of mind to learn the daily lessons of the school of life; a certain willing­ ness of heart to give and to re­ ceive that extra service, that gift beyond the strict measure of debt which makes friendship possible; a certain clearness of spirit to per­ ceive the best in things and people, to love it without fear and to cleave to it without mistrust; a peaceable sureness of affection and taste; a gentle straightfor­ wardness of action; a kind sincer­ ity of speech—these are the marks of the simple life, which cometh not with observation, for it is within you.—Henry Van Dyke. SLUMP If that "washed out." sluggish feeling Is due to temporary constipation, try Garfield Tea tonight. Cleanse internally this mild, pleasant way. Tire less quickly — feel. look, work better all day long. 10c — 25c ar drugstores. GARFIELD TEA For What More Can Be Said? S. L. HUNTLEY Prompt Relist opiates or quinine I GARFIELD HfADACHE POWDER 10c 25c ___ ______________ list .See doctor if headache* pertirt Sign of Wisdom The most manifest sign of wis­ dom is a continual cheerfulness; her state is like that of things in the regions above the moon, al­ ways clear and serene.—Mon­ taigne. How To Relieve Bronchitis By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Dishing It Out Creomulslon relieves promptly be­ cause It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in­ flamed bronchial mucous mem­ branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un­ derstanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis We Can All Be EXPERT BUYERS GOING OUT TO DINNER NEVER HAS FELT LIVELIER THAN WHEN FAMILY TRIES TO GET HIM TO TAKE A NAP SO HE'LL BE RESTED FOP GOING TO GRANDMA'S FOR SUNDAY DINNER DOTES OFF AT LAST ABOUT TWO MINUTES BEFORE THEY HAVE TO WAKE HIM IN ORDER TO GET HIM DRESSED RESE NTS BEING WAKED THEY TRY TO TELL HIM THAT AS SOON AS THEY 6ET TO GRAND­ MA S HE CAN HAVE AbOOD.LONG SLEEP GETS TO GRANDMA'S AND IS PUT DOWN FOR HIS NAP. TRIES TO SHOW HE DOESN'T WANT TO SLEEP NOW. HE WANTS TO PLAY while family is downstairs FOR DINNER , LETS THEM KNOW HE ISNT SLEEPING AND HAS NO INTENTION OF DOING SO e In b.-lnglng u* buying Information, a* to price* that ar* bulng a.k.d for what wo lm«nd to buy, and at to th* quality we can ax pact, the advertising column* of thi. newspaper perform a worth while lervlce which tav.* u* mony dollar* a year. e It I* a good habit to form, the habit of coniulting the odvertbement* every time wo make a purchaie, though we have already decided juit what we wont and where we ore going to buy It. It give* u* the mo*t priceleu feeling In the worldi the feeling of being adequately prepared. EVENTUALLY GOES TO SLEEP, JUST BEFORE THEY HAVE TO WAKE HIM ID START FOR HOMS • When we go Into a «tore, prepared beforehand with knowledge of what I* offered and at what price, we go a* an expert buyer, filled with »elf-conh- dence. It I* a pleotant feeling to have, the feeling of adequacy. Moil of the vnhapplneu In the world can be traced to a lack of thi* feeling. Thu* odver- tliing (how* another of It* manifold facet* — >how> Ittelf a* an aid toward making oil our butlnou relatlomhlpe WKxe lecure and pleatant.