Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1941)
Illinois Valley News, Thursday, January 9, 1911 Page Eight ■ ■ —11 F. E. Ford of the Atlaa Dredg ing company, returned from Loa Angeles last Sunday, where he has been for the past several weeks. ■ ■— ocals Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freitas Jim Whitehead accompanied by were in Grants Pass on business Mrs. Irene McCasland, arrived this week. Wednesday from Piru, California, Mrs. Lew Hammer and daughter where they operate the Piru Cof Miss Louise, were in Grants Pass fee shop. Mr. Whitehead plans to return south in a few weeks. last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Grii- Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Lockwood made a business trip to Grants zell and son Bernie, are expected home this week, after spending the Pass this week. past few months visiting relatives C. II. Brooks of Deer Creek was in Galveston, Texas and Roswell, a business visitor in the county New Mexico. seat last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sherier Mr. and Mrs. Roy Osborne of and family accompanied by Mra. Holland were shopping in Grants G. C. Sherier were in Grants Pass Monday afternoon to visit G. C. Pass last Monday. Sherier who is still confined to hts T. H. Baumberger made a hur bed at the hospital due to a brok ried business trip to Grants Pass en ankle. the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hendrix Mrs. J. M. Smock has been in were attending to business mat Crescent City vacationing at her ters in the county seat this week. Pebble Bench home for a few days They formerly lived in »Takilma but have moved to Cave Junction Inst week. and are living in the White resi —o— Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Johnson re dence near the Legion hall. turned last Friday from Oakland, Miss Eileen Whitehead, who has California, where they spent the been living with her grandparents, holidays. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stone of Grants —o— Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smock are Pass, was called to Los Angeles vacationing for several weeks in recently. She left early Fridy Crescent City at their Pebble evening to be gone for an indefi nite period. , Bench home. —o— The son of Mr. and Mrs, Mon Holly Hanseth of Ashland re turned home after visiting rela roe North, cut the index finger tives and friends over the holidays of his left hand very severely last Wednesday evening. Harold Bow near Selma. erman of the Redwood Ranger Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wood left station rushed him to the hospital for Marysville, California, recent in Grants Pass for medical atten ly, where they will spend a few tion. weeks visiting relatives. Patrons of the Star mail route were saddened to learn that C. M. Mis. Gladys King and I Richardson, father of E. M. Snyder of the Lone Valley Richardson, driver on the route, Resort were in Grants Pass had passed away. He was 88 business matters this week. years old and lived at Gold Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Riley of Bert Hadden returned to Cave Grants Pass were visiting in Cave Junction Tuesday night and will Junction this week. Mrs. Riley drive the mail truck for Mr. Rich was th<‘ former Miss Lucy White- ardson Friday while he attends his father’s funeral. head. fi 0 Model Cash Grocery fi Formerly CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON 0 O. W. GREEN SCHUMACHERS fi PRICES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 10-11-12-13, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY 0 SWIFT’S LARD CORN FLAKES, Kellogg’s 15c Cereal Bowl FREE, 2 packages fi Silver Leaf. 4 pound pail 0 FLOUR, Kitchen Queen PANCAKE FLOUR. Crown 50c $1.3» 10 Pound bag for ................... 49 Pound bag for fi ROLLED OATS 0 CHIPPED BEEF 37c 25c Quick or Regular. 10 pound hag 2 Ounce glass, 2 for fi OXYDOL 0 DOG FOOD. Doyle’s 19c 5c Regular size ................................. Regular 3 for 25c. close out price fi BACON SQUARES RICE, Blue Rose 0 Fancy 12c 23c Per pound ..................................... head. 3 pounds for fi SALAD DRESSING TISSUE 23c 0 SCOTT 23c Table Queen. Quart jar 1000 sheet rools, 3 for fi SPAGHETTI, Franco American MUSTARD, Mor-Tang fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 2 Tins for ........................................ 19c 2 Found jar for BLACK FIGS 3 Pounds for 25c SANDWICH SPREAD Table Queen, Quart jar SWIFTS BACON Per pound ........... 25c FIG BARS Whole wheat, per pound ■•a o ■a CELERY Fancy Utah ORANGES Large Fancy per dozen APPLES Spitzenburgs 4 pounds for 2 Bunches for of Dr. and Mrs. B. G. Bailey, has of E. E. Hess, who was completing Low 10-Day Angling The Illinois Valley Catholic DO YOU KNOW THE been transformed into a most mod an unexpired term. study club met last Sunday after MAN YOU LOVE, (Continued from Page one! ern and up-to-date funeral home. J. R. Keith was elected vice noon at the home of Mrs. Lew The new two-story addition was president and W. E. Akins secre- present laws would be better than Krauss. A good attendance was Does any woman ever really added to join the house and will tary-treasurer. passing more legislation. present for this meeting. serve as chapel and casket display A public meeting of the mem- know the man she loves? Senator Wipperman and Repre bership will be held Tuesday, sentative Kenneth Martin were That is the question propound room. Mr. and Mrs. Abie Spinas and ed in "The Man I Married" which The chapel is beautiful with at January 14, when Coleman will cautioned to watch closely a pro- (laughter Patty of Roseburg were is coming Wednesday and Thurs tractive pews, rich velour drapes, preside over his first session in ' posai to open the lower Rogue visitors over the holidays with the day, January 15 and 16 to the soft carpet, Venetian blinds and | the circuit court room of the court at Gold Beach to winter commer former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cave City theater. special lighting effects. This room : house. E. C. Coates will explain cial fishing for steelheads. The Anton Spinas, Sr., of Selma. The picture stars Joan Bennett will seat comfortably about 110 the procedure in arriving at the movement has been agitated by as the art critic on New York's persons, with space for additional county budget for 1941, and some on the coast and is expected Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Rin^ and smartest magazine and Francis I chairs if needed. Frank Armstrong is to describe to be heard further at the legis family of Gold Hill and Richard Lederer as the man she learns to ' The most modern equipment has the state taxpayers’ convention. lative session. Ring of Medford visited last Sun fear, Also starred are Lloyd No- been installed in the preparation ------------ o Sam H. Baker presided over the day afternoon at the home of Mr. land and Anna Sten. room which has been finished in Cook Home Scene For meeting a« chamber of commerce and Mrs. I. K Drake. chairman of the fish and game A beautiful girl’s amazing ex- white enamel. The slumber room New Years Day Party committee. Present were about periences. with the husband she has been arranged that relatives Mr and Mrs. Harry O. Smith found out too late, are dramatic and families may view the remains' 30 interested sportsmen represent- Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Cooke en- and family and Mr. and Mrs John ally revealed. After they leave in private. Acoustics in the chap irg the Medford Sportsmen's club, W Smith visited with friends over ! with their child for a vacation in el have been attained through the tertained 14 guests at their home ♦he Central Point Sportsmen’s in O'Brien New Year's day with a the week end in Medford. They the husband's native land, he falls use of Johns-Manville bevelled club, the Kerby Rod & Gun club. were accompanied by Mrs. Ora under the influence of the "other" panel insulation board. The fam sumptuous turkey dinner. The guests were seated at one Grants Prss Rod & Gun club, fish Smith. woman, portrayed by Anna Sten. ily room opening off the chapel long table which was loaded with and game committee of the cham Played by a brilliant cast "The room is arranged with davenports all the fixin’s as well as many ex ber of eowneree. rnn”ty legi’ln- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Roche of Man 1 Married'' smashes into a and fireplace, adjoining is the tra delicious d she* ti >»3 with the Seattle were recent visitors ' al thrilling climax that gripped pre music room from which all music well cooked traditional turkey. the I < w Krause home ■ in Selma viewer ‘S. for services will be heard. ÍHE TouoHtST \ program of local talent spe Certainly an enjoyable sight to They were returning home from Jean Rennett, member of the see all the happy faces who "laid SQUEAK* i a trio to California. Mrs. Roche “royal family" of Bennett, famous cially arranged is being made for I to" the feast, and one that will evER ’itKLeD next Sunday over KU1N as part and Mrs. Krauss are cousin«. in theatrical and motion picture not be easilv fcrgitten. V u AS CV wn ON circles for two generations, is of this occasion. The evening was s »e ” t playing TnE FAEM WITH a ■ — - more beautiful than ever in the oinochle with a e*ndv treat. A Pl e leading feminine role, Joan gives Girl Scouts Complete I Guests leaving extended a ’"»to of one of the most poignant and pow Successful Year thanks to Mr. and M”s. Cooke for erful portrayals of her great very plersant pn sirg of New Way relief ■ ireer in “The Man I Married" Kerby Girl Scout Troop No. 1. j a Years 11 Day. 1941. which brought "raves" into ad has completed another successful ------------ o------------ vance reports. for year of scouting under the leader Scr.d The News to y<mr f: ends After a hirh’v «•.•ccessful en- ship of Mrs. W O. Burch and Mrs. X w Y.-ik C. G. Slack. • '.'I .ired ta "No Time I Among the projects they have For Comedy," Franci« Lederer re been working on are handicrafts, you CAN GET Bisma-Rex . . . the four- turned to Hol'y wood for the much home making and dancing. Some along W ithout action antacid powder give* sought aftei role in "The Man 1 of the members have comaleted ELECTRICITY* Married." work on swimming and outdoor definite relief in only a few Every woman in the valley cookery. AND WITHOUT minutes It neutralizes ex- should swr this picture, It is full Several plays have been given ADVERTISING— evssive acidity. It dispels of WO” interest and is also ex during the year just ended. A BUT WHY TRY? disturbing gas due to acid- cellent entertainment for both mother and daughter banquet giv- Texaco Gas. Oil Greases I women. indiest otV It soothes the nwn cn and all day camps, as well as GEO. A. HICKS On th s bill, which is a double hikes. irritati n caused by acidity featnr program, also appears one Membership and associate mem It relieves heartburn Try of th se great western dramas bership has reached 20 with other this Mint-Flavored antacid, "Stag’ To Chino" with George french laundry girls attending the meetings who This picture is full of will join as soon as they reach the you'll like its pleasant taste O'Brie I & DRY CLEANERS as well as its beneficial ac action from start to finish and if Gge of 10 years. cons: d rod one of the best western tion. The New Year will «•.art this 1 Agencies picture s of recent release. month with Mrs. C. G Slack as I •Haynet Cloth . ing Shop o- i leader and two assistant leaders I Wittroch't Stör«. Kerby HUI L X HULL TO all under the sponsorship of the I Lew Hammer, Selma HOI D OPEN HOUSE local Legion Auxiliary as in the I Call : U ed. and Sat. past. ANTACID POWDER CEREMONIES ACID STOMACH ' CAVE CITY DRUG STORE Your Rexall Drug Store « C C Coleman Elected President of Tax League C. C. Coleman of WiMerville was elected president of the Jose phine County Taxpayers league at the annual election of officers by the executive committee last Tuesday night He take« the place tors and representatives of busi- new dealing primarily with tour- ists. A. J. Burbee made the motion to change the fishing licenses, which was seconded by Wm. J. McLean of Kerby. Consensus of the group was that 10 day limit for non-residents would be most agreeable to the many anglers who come here on a two weeks vaca tion. Heretofore, the two day va cation license was not sufficient and tourists were forced to buy a season license. Many refused and would not return here to fish. Cy CoLocy sez T here s manv a good LISTENER. THAT S TOO DUMB TOTAL*'------- Once vou trv tracing at the Cave Juncton Motor Court, you’ll be won as a steady cus- tome-, for one trial will con- »ince vou that we live up to our reoutation for satis coirolete faction. ; B isma . R ex Next Sunday from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 9 o'clock p. m.. Mr and Mr« Virgil Hull will open to pub lic inspection their newly com- pleted Hull A Hull Mortuary lo cate«! at 210 W A street in Grants P»«« The spacious residence and beautiful ground«, former home 0 I fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 fi 0 I 15c fi 23c 0 fi 11c 0 fi LETTUCE 0 Large Solid Heads fi 2 for 0 i A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time Quick - Easy • Safe Wut« or call lor compialo inloimatioa— Grants Pass Branch ./ United States National Bank ■ rinati • t m i n i « 111 a > c i e . I