Gateway to The Oregon Caves diversity nf n O'-’H Valley News in the Interets of the Illinois Valley and Surrounding Districts Volume IV. No. 35 Masons And 0 E S Hold Ceremonies Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, January 2, 1941 COUNTY MEETINGS ON FARM OUTLOOK. DEFENSE, BILLED Big Session "Florian" Planned For Magnificent Movie Show Dairymen Price 5 Cents Kerby News Notes of General Interest Expenditure ¡Paid Big Dividends A state-wide series of meetings reaching all counties in Oregon on Arthur Hinkle and family of the general subject of “The Agri­ Jacksonville were Christmas visi­ cultural Outlook and Its Rela­ tors at the home of Ed Dailey. tionship to National Prepared­ I ness,” has just been announced by ______ • Myrtice Jones left Wednesday I --------- for Corvallis where she will reg ­ Last Friday afternoon, Belt . William A, Schoenfeld, dean and Every now and then there comes Arrangements are being made “Sixty thousand truck and trac­ Lodge No. 18, A. F. & A. M. and director of agriculture at Oregon in Grants Pass to entertain a very to the screen a picture so great, so ister as a sophomore at Oregon tor drivers are a lot of drivers. Western Star Chapter No. 64, en­ State college. The new series, as large attendance at the forthcom­ gripping in theme, that it writes State college. That is what the CCC throughout joyed the annual St. Johns’ day was the case with former outlook ing 48th annual meeting of the a new page in screen history. Such the country developed last year,” conferences held periodically since Mrs. Maude Bigelow returned to dinner and installation of officers a picture is coming to the Cave Oregon Dairymen's association, said F. H. Brundage, associate re­ 1924, will be under the general for the ensuing year. City theater next Wednesday and her home last Sunday from Red­ gional forester, Portland, Oregon. January 8, 9 and 10. direction of the extension service ding, California, where she spent Knute Lindgren and a score of Oscar Haag, Reedville, president Thursday. It is “Florian,” a cav­ Fifteen thousand others got exper­ loyal helpers prepared a dinner fit of which Schoenfeld is director of the association, will hold a di­ alcade of the pomp of Austria and the Christmas holidays with rela­ ience as automotive mechanics. tives. for a king and more than 80 pat­ and William L. Teutsch is assistant rectors' meeting Wednesday, Jan­ fall of the empire. Another 60,000 were trained in director. rons enjoyed it. It takes you to Vienna in its uary 8, while three main commit ­ road construction and mainten­ “It has always been the policy Mrs. Harry Elroy has been con­ Belt Lodge installed their offi­ tees consider business to lay be­ glamorous days before the World ance. And 7,500 enrollees were of the extension service to carry fined to her home with the flu cers first with George Thrasher fore the convention which opens War. You see Emperor Franz instructed in bridge building, but is gradually improving. Harry acting as installing officer and information relating to changing its main sessions Thursday. Josef ’ s Imperial ball, the review 8,000 in the use of explosives, George Martin as Marshal. The national and world conditions George Fullenwilder, Carlton, of the magnificent Lippizan horses is doing the janitor work at the 5,000 in cooking and baking. CCC which affect market outlets for Kerby high school. following were installed: cooks are much in demand in the Oregon commodities,” said Teu­ past president of the association, and the gaiety of a happy land. —o— John W. Smith, Master. Then war, revolution, world re ­ will be chairman of the sales pro­ new army. Others are trained as tsch, in explaining the plans and Jack Finch is able to be up and K. Lindgren, Senior Warden. motion committee, and E. L. Peter­ organization. Amid this cavalcade surveyors or draftsmen, as radio purposes of the meetings. “ Al ­ around again after being slightly M. C. Athey, Junior Warden. ways a desirable procedure, this is son, North Bend, of the disease of thrills, spectacle and turmoil is incapacitated due to a fall on operators, welders, and in other F. L. Sawyer, Treasurer. told the love story of a boy and crafts. control committee. George Hamp ­ particularly important under pres­ Christmas eve while carrying Raphael Leonard, Secretary. girl, she a duchess, he a groom in ton, Argo, is chairman of the reso ­ Two and a half million young ent conditions of world war and in some wood. Roy Wells, Senior Deacon. the Imperial stable, tending Flor ­ lutions committee. All will meet men have been graduated from the America’s preparation for de­ Lew Hammer, Junior Deacon. ian. the Emperor’s magnificent Wednesday. CCC. One man out of nine who fense. ” Mrs. June Caza spent the Christ­ registers for military service has Ortis Seat, Senior Steward. Final program details have not stallion, which they both love. This new series of meetings, mas holidays with her parents and had this training. In addition to C. Y. Arnold, Junior Steward. Their romance is forbidden by which will start in January and been announced, but several state .family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hassler, i Lucius Robinson, Chaplain. continue through March, will serve and national leaders in the dairy their difference of station. But Mrs. Caza is living at Lakeport, the experience in engineering work George W. Martin, Marshal. or in skilled labor, they have had as a follow-up to the 1938 econ­ industry are to be there, probably the world cataclysm sweeps this California. Ed Burke, Tyler. including O. M. Reed, acting chair­ away. Robert Young and Helen the advantages of good food, omic outlook conferences in which —o— Mrs. Maude Hogue assisted by wholesome living conditions, med­ man of the dairy section of the Gilbert play the lovers a general conference organiza ­ Miss May Morrison returned ical and dental care, and healthful Ed Daily acted as installing of­ In this picture you will see the Surplus Marketing administration, ficer for the Eastern Star and tion committee was set up with | says Roger Morse, secretary of the erotic Baronova dance before the from Salem last Sunday after outdoor work. Their job training, Mrs. Herb Watts was Marshal. The four sub-committees. These sub­ association. Emperor in the great ballroom at spending the holidays with rela­ development of the knack of work­ committees dealt with land use, Bill Branham went to ing with others, and their ability following were installed: ------------- o ------ Schönbrunn. You will see the tives. farm crops, livestock, and farm Grants Pass that day to bring Miss to turn out a day’s work have fit­ Clara Hammer, Matron. P'-oud Imperial horses performing Morrison and Mrs. Maude Bige­ ted them for a citizen’s responsi­ Raphael Leonard, Worthy Pat­ home and rural life. FAMILY GATHERINGS their evolutions in a palace trans­ The plan is to bring the mem­ ron. low home. formed into a riding school. You bilities wherever they may be. The AND OPEN HOUSE Cora Barnes, Associate Matron. bers of the general committee and reserve officers in charge of the will see gay festivals, revel in Gerould and Lloyd Morrison left camps have received experience in George Wells, Associate Patron. these four sub-committees togeth­ HELD FOR HOLIDAYS Viennese music. You will see er jn each county rather than to Tuesday for Grants Pass where leadership that will be invaluable Blanche Robinson, Secretary. Many homes in the valley, too these glories shattered in the thun­ they are attending high school. hold large mass meetings. These Jessie Leonard, Treasurer. in training recruits. Many of them derous drama of world struggle. committee members, together with numerous to mention, were filled They spent the Christmas holidays have been called to active duty Francis Smith, Conductress. But through it, like a silver thread, Helen Ulrich, Associate Con­ the representatives of 4-H clubs, with happy rejoicing and family re­ you will, trace a haunting love with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. for this purpose. AAA committees, soil conserva­ unions, when they gathered for ductress. During the seven and a half story through the eyes of a splen­ Don Morrison. tion district supervisors and so holiday festivities and family din­ —O'­ Myrtle Walton, Marshal. years that the CCC has been in ex­ did milk white horse. forth, will devote themselves to ners. Jerry Linkhart, who has been ill istence it has planted mote than Effie Smith, Chaplain. This is one of the really big The following are. just a few of the following three subjects: Anna Athey, Organist. with pneumonia in Grants Pass, two billion trees and spent six mil­ pictures of years, based on the 1— To study past recommenda­ the happy occasions at homes thru- Frank Floyd, Sentinel. was bro.ght back to his home in lion man days fighting forest novel by Felix Salten. For the tions in the light of changing out the valley: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. thrill of a lifetime, see “Florian" Kerby on Tuesday much improved. fires, in addition to much other Maude Hogue, Warder. W. Martin entertained at their world conditions. Lola Petersen, Adah. Jerry is in the second grade and useful work. It has built five and next Wednesday or Thursday. Rachael Thrasher, Ruth. 2— To recommend such further home on Caves highway at a no­ a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Link­ a half million dams for soil con­ ------------- o - Letha Grizzell, Esther. adjustments in the county's agri­ host party Tuesday evening; Mr. hart. servation. Whenever, or where- Naomi Seat, Martha. culture and in conditions affecting and Mrs. Robert Balzke of O'Brien CHARLES SOWELL ever, there has been an emergency Lucille Floyd, Electa. Mr. and Mrs. Don Morrison have from fire, or flood, or hurricane, farm home and rural life as seem were hosts to a number of friends FUNERAL SERVICES and guests of their camp at the During the installation a very desirable. rented their place on the West the CCC has been called as a mat­ pretty ceremony was given by the side to Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson of ter of course. 3— To consider the contribution Waldo Motel; Mr. and Mrs. Sam­ SET FOR SATURDAY Misses Louise Hammer, Dora Ham­ which rural people can make to­ uel Smith asked guests jn for the Takilma. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson A few of the projects completed Word was received here yester­ are well known in Kerby as they evening and a dinner was given mer, Virginia Thrasher, Pauline ward national preparedness. by the CCC in this area are con­ Robinson, Janet Martin and Peggy The plan is to hold an opening for a large family reunion at the day that Charles Sowell, who has formerly lived on Mrs. Ada Buck’s struction of the Redwood Ranger Hogue, which caused much worthy all-day meeting of the general home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wil­ been very ill for the past few place north of Kerby. station, development of Grayback months, pass<>d away at the Jose­ praise from the spectators. group in each county to hear re­ ber. Forest camp, construction of ran­ Games, cards, music and singing phine General hospital in Grants Mrs. George Martin, retiring ports on progress since 193°, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Young, who ger’s cabin at the Caves, installa­ Matron was presented with gifts an outline of present conditions was followed at a late hour by Pass at 4 p. m. have been living near Lakeview tion of water, electric and drain- Funeral services will be held this winter spent the Christmas from the Chapter with apprecia­ and outlook. Plans will be consid­ guests being served delicious re­ Saturday, January 4th at I. O. O. holidays with relatives in Kerby. oqt ‘soApsuiaqi soabj oqi u[ tion for the years services she had ered there for meetings to be held freshments. the improvement and landscaping F. hall in Kerby at 2 p. m. in Glenn returned to his work soon ------------- o ■■ given the local chapter. by the separate committees, and of the grounds and parking areas charge of Hull & Hull Funeral after Christmas while Mrs. Young ------------- o------------- for getting final recommendations in the vicinity of the Caves Cha­ Nola Welch Is Bride home. and son Billy are remaining in teau. to the public, possibly through Christmas Party At ------------- o Of Grants Pass Man Kerby during the cold weather. community meetings. pus 'B.t.iB ) j os.».I aqi ui suiaivXs . i X b O’Brien Home Enjoyed --- 0--- The schedule for Josephine Improvements Are Made CCC assisted in making improve­ At a lovely wedding ceremony Ken Morrison, a student at Ore­ ments in the walks, steps, tunnels The home of Eugene R. Brown county calls for the first meeting At Cave City Theater Saturday at high noon, Miss Nola gon State college, came home Sat­ and trails. A considerable number of O’Brien was the scene of the to be held February 12th with L. urday to spend a few days with of new projects have been sched­ Welch became the bride of Fred C. Jenkins, assistant farm crops gayest of festivities Christmas day. W. B. Roberts, owner of the C. Thompson at the home of Mr. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don uled for this winter. specialist assisting the local ex ­ The home was beautifully deco­ Cave City theater, was here over and Mrs. Jack Rawls. About 20 Morrison. Ken spent most of his Activities of the Oregon Caves rated for the occasion. The long tension staff and the county farm the week end and worked over the people were present, including rel­ vacation at Corvallis where he CCC camp are again in charge of table presented a sight long to be and home leaders. equipment in the film house and atives. worked over a motor boat for his ------------- o------------- remembered with its gay trim­ it is now in the pink of condition, crew coach. He returned Wednes­ Langdon A. Livingston, as com­ A reception followed and all pany commander and John A. Ul­ mings. its three beautifully deco­ “I LOVE YOU AGAIN’’ and last Wednesday and Thurs­ day to register for the winter rich as project superintendent and congratulated the happy pair, af­ rated cakes, its assortment of day performances of the “ New BRINGS TWO STARS ter which a delightful luncheon term. G. T. Gallaher, junior officer, now choice fruits and vegetables; but Moon” were as good as most any ------------ o - was served. in charge while Commander Liv­ the chief attraction the real cen­ show house. Powell and Loy together in a Mrs. Thompson has been home “ Kinir of