Page Eight Tá Illinois Valley News, Thursday. December 12. 1910 NUTS TO YOU! fl Brazils Filberts fl a a :: :: Model Cash Grocery Walnuts Almonds Formerly SCHUMACHERS Roasted Peanuts PRICES EFFECTIVE a fi FOLGERS a a s* ». CHEESE—5 lb. loaf, $1.13 Pound ..................................... fl MACARONI—Bulk I lbs. fl fi HOT SAUCE <• tins ............. fi fl Tá fl fi SPAGHETTI—Bulk I lbs. TUNA FLAKES—No. i/2 Size ’ for ................................................. fl TOM A TO ES—Joseph ine Large 2,/i Tin—3 for Tá SCOT TISSUE—100(1 Sheet Rolls 3 rolls ............. I 0 fl FOR YOUR CRISTMAS CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON fi il DECEMBER 13, 14, 15, 16 —FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY B fl Fresh Fruits Picnic Hams fl fi and Vegetables 1 49c a o B 33c 5c fl lc B 17c 45c 15c a 69c s B lOc fl B fl 33c B fl 35c B 0 B O. W. GREEN SHOPPING Tall Tins fi : à Pound POTATOES—No. 2 25 lbs............................. ORANGES—Med. Size, New Navels '/2 Case, $1.0»—Each.............................. CORN FLAKES—Albers » Regular Size ....................... GRAPEFRUIT—Arizona 6 for ....................................... PANCAKE FLOUR 10 lb. bag ................... SWEET POTATOES—Med. Size for Baking—1 lbs................................................. BONNIE DOG FOOD fl fl HEADQUARTERS 2 Pound fi fl WE ARE : : i : '0 SYRUP—Tea Garden 5 lb. tin ........................... I ORANGES—New Navels, Ige. 80 Size •> '/2 Case $1.09—Dozen .............................. OOV KRAUT—Columbia 2'/2 Tin ....................... CRANBERRIES—Large, Fancy 2 lbs......................................................... RAISINS—Seedless 4 lb. bag DATES—Fresh, and Rolled Cocoanut—2 lbs....................... PEANUT BUTER—Real Roast 2 lb. jar CANDY—Large Peppermint Canes Each MARSHMALLOWS Lb. bag. 0 : : WESTMINSTER SHORTENINt I 4 HEINZ PUDDINGS Pound Carton Date, Plum and Fig Medium Size Tin 0 B à............................. 1ßö® in the valley last Friday on busi­ Jimmie Wakefield and John in the O'Brien district. ness for his office in Grants Pass. Schram were here from Klamath ■ Falls over the week end visiting Mrs. I. B. Hearing and daughters friends in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Leonard Misses Gertrude and Helen, spent WE CVN'T MIND were shopping in Grants Pass last the week end in O'Brien. Miss Gertrude Bloomingcamp &E I NO" UNDER. Friday. and Al Brown left for Hornbrook. the car ' —o--- Mrs. G. A. Petersen and Mrs. California Tuesday evening where UliEN ITS Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Smith Art Kellert of Kerby made a trip they went to visit the former’s par­ PLACES" were in Grants Pass last Friday on to Grants Pass last Saturday. ents for a day. business and shopping trip. ——O—■" • —o— Mrs. George P. Scott and her Jack Wilson had the middle fin­ Mrs. Luciua Robinson and daugh­ sister, Miss Victoria Jasperson, ger of his right hand caught in a ter Pauline were in Grants Pass were shopping in Grants Pass this jointer at his home last Thursday wek. and received a badly smashed fin­ the first of this week. ger. I , —o— Post master L. E. Athey and Miss Sheriff A. Donley Barnes was Mr. and Mrs. Shube E. Robinson Edda Burke attended the post mas­ ter's meeting and banquet in and grandson recently returned Grants Pass last Saturday evening. from Oakland, Calif., where they —o— visited their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bunch ac­ over the holidays. I companied I., hy Mrs. Mattie E. Sey- j ferth and ..Irs. M Lily White were The drilling crew consisting of ' (hoping in Medford last Friday. I Mike Condin, Harold and Louis Saturday, Sunday Brandt, of the Atlas Dredging Texaco Gas, Oil Greases Mr. and Mrs. Bert Watkins were December 11-15 company are now testing ground GEO. A. HICKS business visitors in Grants Pass on A vivid, dramatic adventure in .WMlWAA-AVkWvWAW.NW; Monday. Mrs. W. F. Darger ac­ Canada's North Woods companied them. Adrienne Perfume Set $1.00 CAVE CITY THEATRE "Untamed” Cara Nome Talcum Burnt Wood Scrap Book $1.00 I’atritin Morrison Ray Milland Akim Tamiroff Gueit (wood) $1.50< Dr. Grabow Pipes Wallets (Zipper) Gent, Sh avinj Set always Lifetime Fountain Pen Set *6 00 "The Gid from God's Country Chapter Remember, Thuraday'a Coupon Night Again! How to have a Kierry Xmas Trip J TO CALIFORNIA She braved a wild frontier for the man she loved! “King of the Royal Mounted « $1.00 M ednesday, Thursday December 18-19 Chester Morris Jane Wyatt Charles Bickford o Cellophane Tobacco P'ches 50c1 MAR( II OF TIME On Foreign Newsfronts POPEYE in “NURSE MATES It is reported that Wednesday and family returned home from a morning the themometer fell down two weeks vacation that took them to 16 degrees, Winter does not to Corvallis for O. A. C. home com- start until the 21st. How come? ' ing and Portland and Spokane —o— where they visited relatives and Two miners from Happy Camp friends. stopped at the Holland hotel Tues- — o— day evening and stated that the j Mrs. E. B. Pearsall and her sis­ road to Happy Camp was in good ter, Mrs. Ella Sinclair of Santa condition. Rosa, California, who has been visitin'? relatives in the valley for Mi. and Mrs. Donald Tycer and the past several weeks, left for family returned to their home in Portland yesterday where they will Lakeview after visiting several visit until after the Christmas holi­ days in the valley last week. days. —o— " O-- Mr. and Mrs. John F. Foran of Word has been received from Pern, South America, and Earl K. C. J. Howard that he is much im­ Nixon, director of the State Min­ proved since his recent illness. ing Board, spent the week end with Mrs. Daisy Gilmore, a daughter, is Mr. and Mrs.- C. R. Stout at the making her home with him at Cot­ tage Grove. Mr. Howard was for Esterly mine. many years rural route carrier and —o— _ HSiO many IIKIIIJ friends and relatives in hrs Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bowerman the valley. .50 l'ilim 1 i.i Gorgeous Technicolor Books ) Here's a simple recipe for a real­ ly enjoyable holiday trip: 1. Leave vour faithful car in the Zenith Radio, 6 Tubes garage and save the wear and tear of a long winter drive. $17.95 2. Board a con. steam-heated Ph ileo Refrigerator Myrtlewood Novelties costs and we think you'll find that train travel is actually cheap­ er than driving. Southern Pacific train. Relax and take it easy while the engineer drives you swiftly and safelv to your destination. 50c and up CAVE CITY DRUG STORE | Your Rexall Store Cave Junction, Oregon !■ < J Arrive really rested—not worn out hs a long tiring drive. Southern Pacific offers vou a wide variety of low fares to all ■■ ■ nts—on sale now. Compare The Friendly Southam Pacific S« local I P a(Mlt or «ri,, t * ORMANDY. Cea Pau. Âgtat. 622 Pacific Building. Portland. Oregon ( )