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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1940)
Oregon Gateway to The Oregon Caves f ¡¡J llinois A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS Volume IV. No. 32 Cace Junction, Oregon, Thursday, December 12, 1940 Santa ClflUS Chrome Ore Being Shipped to G. P. Coming To FRIDAY Teachers Association StudentActivities At Kirby High Price 5 Cento ! Christmas Program The Kerby Badgers really went Arrangements for the shipment I to town on their first basket ball | of chrome ore from Del Norte ■ game of the season, which they 1 county to the smelter at Tacoma, j I played Monday night with Glen ¡Wash., were made this week by! dale. They scored not one but two I F. J. Grogan of San Francisco, ac-1 Tuesday evening of thia week | victories. The first team won 15 Good news for the youngsters. cording to the Del Norte Tripli-1 The Illinois Valley Juvenile cate. Mr. Grogan represents Brad the Illinois Valley Teachers’ As to 28 and the second team won 8 Grange will hold their Christmas Santa Claus is coming to Cave to 19. The team shows great prom ley & Eckstrom, reliable coast sociation held its December meet Junction for one whole evening of program at the Grange Hall in firm, whose business is industrial ing in the Kerby high school. With ise this year. fun, just for the children. Bridgeview next Saturday evening, On Saturday, December 14, at Earl House, president, in charge of The stores in Cave Junction are chemicals, minerals, ores and re December 14, at 8 p. m. sharp. Ev the business meeting, routine busi 7 p. m., the freshmen girle’ volley eryone is welcome and all should coperating together and will bring fractories. He completed the deal ball team will play the Jerome ness was conducted, after which a one of the nicest, biggest, best with Colin McClendon and asso make an effort to attend the fol general discussion of an elemen Prairie girls. There will be no lowing program: Santa Claus in the country for the ciates, owners of considerable val tary school declamation contest charge for this game. express purpose of saying “hello” uable mining property on the The Senior class has already be Welcoming address—By Master of French Hill district. was participated in by those inter to all the kiddies and we have Juvenile Grange, Bob Wendt. gun to discuss and make plans for Tests of the ore submitted by ested in that activity. No definite heard it said on good, reliable au Christmas Chimes — Piano solo, their school annual, “ The Trail action was taken at this time as to thority that he will have oodles of McClendon showed the French Hill Alice Smith. Blazer. ” The idea of printing it whether or not such a contest nice things to give the youngsters. chrome to be of good quality, Salutatory — Recitation, Kathleen would be held. A county commit instead of mimeographing it as The date Santa is going to be which has considerable to do with Hicks. ’ has previously been done, was tee is expected to give further at here is Saturday, December 21st, the price, the better grades bring Kris Kringle — recitation, Dick Yep! That’s it. Friday the 13th, brought up. Although this is more and he may be here in the after ing as high as $40 per ton. Several and that is the date the Kery Rod tention to the contest problem in expensive it would be an improve Payne. noon as well as in the evening, but hundred tons of the ore are al and Gun club holds their annual the near future and it is expected ment. Mr. Jones took Charlotte Come All Ye Faithful—Vocal duet full particulars will be published ready available in bunkers at meeting for the election of officers that the teachers of the valley will Badden, Faye Tycer and Barbara by Barbara Byrne and Bob next week in The News, so look French Hill and will be shipped im and incidentally they hav^ pre concur with the report of this com Robinson into Grants Pass Wed- Wendt. for this most important announce mediately by truck to Grants Pass, pared a fine program for the oc mittee. I Wish You a Merry Christmas— nesday to inquire into this. Miss Ganier, from the county ment, and learn just where he will thence by rail to the smel’er. Recitation, Tom Wells. casion. The high school lost one of its Contracts to do the trucking health office, told the teachers be and at what hour he will be A very special event is this: The favorite students this week when When Santa Claus Was 111—Glen there, for all this information will already have been made with local club is playing Santa Claus to all some pertinent facts concerning Edith Rossiter, who was a Junior, Halm. truck operators. the prevalence of contagious dis be published next week. Merry, Merry Christmas and All the children in the valley 14 years dropped out to marry Alton Sowell. In making the deal for the eases at this time of the year and I Along this line we might sug Around the World — Chorus of age and under, that will at The whole school extends their best gest that the Chamber of Com chrome ore purchase Grogan point tend the meeting, of course with offered suggestions for warding wishes. singing by Juveniles. merce, or even individual mer ed out that it is up to other chrome parents. Santa will be there and he off bad colds and influenza. Louise Hammer is back in school Peace, Good Will—Recitation, Don County School Superintendent chants, dress up their stores and mine owneis in this section to fol has a bag full of choice things for Wells. again after having been out with the street and make the city invit low McClendon’s lead and open up all the boys and girls who come to Wardrip was present and gave a chicken pox for the past two weeks. “What Can You Give”—Play pre ing for the Christmas trade. The their holdings if they expect to do the party. Parents are invited to short talk on some points of school Several other students have been sented by Johnny Smith, Dick folks would buy in the valley if any business. He says that in the bring the children to this program interest and read some of the short feeling under the weather and it Payne, Yvonne Payne, Bob they were invited to, but a lot of last war the United States got and entertainment especially for poems he has composed. Wendt, Larry Vernon, Glen is hoped that they aren’t coming caught h it on chronvj with the At the close of the business them feel that the local merchant Halm. Billy Miller, Tom Wells, the kiddies. The program for them down with it for this wouldn ’ t be a is indifferent to their business and result that no expense was spared begins at 8 o’clock sharp, and aft meegng Mr. House entertained the very merry Christmas present. Don Wells, Niel Freitas, Lowell to open up the Del Norte deposits. group with some clever parlor goes some place else. Freitas, Merrill Inman, Kath- er the children are taken care of, Miss Morrison has been drilling This time it is a different story, tricks. Then Ferd Jones conducted We hope Santa stays a long len Hicks and Ruth Smith. the party will start for the older a group of the high school girls in time in the valley and we are sure he says, since the government was I ones, and this is really going to be a “battle of the sexes” quiz in Christmas caroling. They are to Who? Santa Claus—Vocal solo, prepared and has large stores on which the men were victors over he won’t forget any good little boy Margaret Smith, accompanied by sing at the Garden club Christmas “somethin’.’-’. the women. or girl, so they had better be good hand sufficient to last for years. Mrs. H. O. Smith. Besides a splendid program there Mrs. party which will be held at Private industries now form the As the closing feature of the from now on. A Word to Santa Claus—Recita is a chest full of nice things that largest chrome ore buyers and evening’s program, the group ad- Thrasher’s on Thursday. -------------- o ----- tion, Niel Freitas. would make any lady feel like a ------------ o while the price is nothing like the jorned to the high school Home A Christmas Hymn — Recitation, boom times of 1918, still he con queen to receive, as the chest is Economics room where the Kerby Cave Highway Home Evelyn Hayes. LOG HAULERS TO full of all the knick-knacks imag grade school teachers served lunch. tends, mine owners can make good Cathedral Chimes — Piano solo, Scene of Party inable, will be given away during money it they have a good grade While all were seated around the GET NEW RULES Mrs. C. C. Babcock. the evening. If this is not worth luncheon table, Mr. Wardrip was of ore and are willing to develop Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Smith coming for, we don’t know any presented a book of poetry as a Rapid progress toward formu 0 Little Town of Bethlehem, and their properties. Noe)—Quartet, Barbara Byrne, were hosts to a group of friends at thing. Mi’s. Ralph Baumberger has gift from the Valley teachers in lating rules governing the trans ---------------o--------------- Yvonne Payne, Glen Halm and their home on Caves highway last i this part of the program in charge appreciation of the work he has portation of logs on Oregon high Bob Wendt. Saturday evening when they enter and she promises a lot of action done for the schools and of the ways was announced Saturday by OWL CAFE OPENS Whistling Solo—Kathlen Hicks. tained at a 7 o’clock buffet sup and surprises. Ormond R. Bean, state utilities WITH NEW MANAGER A short business session will be sympathetic attitude he has al commissioner. per. The announcement Polly's Discovery — Recitation, ways held for the teachers and Margaret Smith. The tables were attractive with held and at this session the election Arrangements have been com of new officers for the coming their problems. Each one present followed another meeting of the Scoop Dialogue—Glen Halm and gay linen cloths and sprays of pleted whereby Mrs. Jerry Dix will year will be held. This is not ex signed his namt on the flyleaf of committee, initiated by Bean, of Merrill Inman. holly and red berries. the book. Mr. Wardrip then ex all the departments of the state Poor Papa—Recitation, Larry Ver Bridge furnished the entertain take over the Owl Cafe and run pected to take much time, as the pressed his appreciation for the proposed by Governor Sprague. non. ment for the evening with score the restaurant in the future. It program is quite full of interest fine cooperation the teachers of The committee decided to issue prizes going to Mrs. George W. will open Monday, December 16th. and the committee is desirous of the Illinois Valley Association the rules in pamphlet form, dis Christmas—Recitation, Billy Mil ler. Thrasher, M. C. Athey and Mr. Mrs. Dix will serve regular meals making the most of it. have given him while he has been tributing a copy to each operator and Mrs. John W. Smith. Mrs. Lola and short orders at all hours. An important part of the pro in the office of County Superin of a logging truck and which will Three Stockings in a Row—Dia Mrs. Dix is no stranger in a res gram is a report that Harold Bow logue by Margaret Smith, Larry Petersen and Raphael Leonard won embody all of the rules affecting taurant, as she has had consider erman will give on the meeting of tendent. Vernon, Neil Freitas. the traveling prizes. Mrs. Smith The following members and such vehicles on state highways. Santa Claus Is Coming to Town— later presented to each lady a love able experience and those who the Wild Life Federation conven guests were present: County Su To date some of the subjects of have tasted her cooking say she tion held recently in Corvallis Duet by Barbara Byrne and ly spray of holly. perintendent Wardrip, Miss Gan the rules proposed are as follows: knows her onions. ---------------o Glen Halm. which he attended. This report is ier, John Chipley, Ashton Foerst, The disposal and reporting of ------------ o------------ The Christmas Chimes — Panto going to interest all lovers of wild Earl House, Lola Peterson, Ferd Townsend Chib Issues lost logs or log loads; new meth mime by Margaret Smith, Mari life in the valley, and Senator Wip- Aristocrats Will Jones, Lorna Byrne, Martha Hol ods of loading; provisions relat Triple T Tickets lyn Miller, Billy Miller and Tom perman will also be present to talk land. Mae Morrison, Earl Osborn, ing to chock blocks; relating to Play Again Saturday Wells. some about coming legislation Bessie Watts, and Helen Dixon. binders, amended to provide for A Possibility—Recitation, Lowell Last Tuesday evening the local planned. o three rather than two binders as That snappy band from Grants Townsend club met in one of Bert Freitas. All in all the meeting is going required now; binders must be ar The Search — Recitation, Marilyn Watkins houses in Cave Junction Pass, the Aristocrats Swing Band, to be the best one ever held by the UNTAMED ranged so they may be released when about 15 members attend ?d. will again play for the big Amer club and all members are urgently Miller. R. F. Singler of Medford, an auth ican Legion dance this coming Sat requested to attend, and the gen Combine a story by a top-notch from the side of the vehicle away On Christmas Night Johnny from the dump when unloaded* orized speaker and manager of the urday evening, December 14th. Smith. era public is invited to attend. Fri author, supreme direction, and an The hall is in first class condi day the 13th will be your lucky extremely able and well-balanced lose ends of binders must be se Hark’s Sphinx’ Discovery—Reci Triple T tickets, was the speak er and showed some interesting tion, and if this cold snap keeps day. Better be there. cast, all filmed in technicolor curely fastened; providing for tation, Yvonne Payne. up, it will be nice and warm. The pictures. There will be an important meet against the background of Can loading short logs on solo trucks; Vocal Solo—Ruth Smith. The new Triple T tickets are in cold weather adds zest to dancing ing Tuesday, December 17 in the ada’s north woods, and we have all providing for requiring trailers Rhymeland—Play by Alice Smith, Cave Junction now and Townsend- and those who love the terpsichor- Del Rogue hotel when all the clubs the elements for a completely sat being hauled on trucks to be se Murriell Inman. Barbara Byrne, ites can ask for them and secure ean pasttime will find enjoyment in Southern Oregon will meet to isfying entertainment. All of these curely fastened to prevent sliding Evelyn Hayes, Merrill Inman, prizes when they secure the re- unrestrained at the Legion dance formulate a legislative program. are found in the picture “Un or rolling off trucks, and finally Johnny Smith, Dick Payne and ouired number, The tickets work Saturday night. Grangers, farmers and business tamed,” adapted from Sinclair bark slabs, knots or other hazard Yvonne Payne. the same way as Green Trading men and others interested are in- Lewis- novel “Mantrap," which ous projections shall not be trans Gift Exchange—In charge of San Subscribe for the News stamps. comes to the Cave City theater ported over the highways. ta Claus. vited to attend the meeting. The committee, said Bean, has The next meeting of the club next Wednesday and Thursday. -------------- o o--------------- will be held Tuesday in Mrs. Ray Milland plays the part of for consideration specifications of a young society doctor who, while binding chains and cables which CHRISTMAS RUSH Moore’s residence on the Caves Automobile Drivers highway. At this meeting a per a hunting trip finds himself in will have a breaking strength of Can Take Examinations on volved in a chain of circumstances not less than 15,000 pounds. This IN POSTOFFICES mament place will be secured hold regular meetings. which concerns his friend the proposed rule is the subject of All the post masters in the valley ------------ o------------ Ward McReynolds, special exam guide, Akim Tamiroff, and the lat further engineering study by the wish the people would cooperate Look out for pedestrians. iner for automobile drivers li ter’s beautiful wife, Patricia Mor state highway commission. Another rule yet to be consid as much as possible so that all censes, has given Cave Junction rison. Miss Morrison characterizes the girl wife who has been res ! ered relates to peeler logs and the mail matter will have the best pos- another date, and will be in the : sible chance of getting to its des- ‘Lei not your mind run no much on I COMING EVENTS city Friday, January 3rd, from cued from a life of privation and loading and fastening on trucks so tination safe and early. uhat you lark as on uhal you hare.” given a home by the kindly Tamir that other users of the highway I 10:30 a. m. until 4 p. m. ........ ................... . A DECEMBER Send your cards, letters and off. The story rapidly builds to a will not be endangered by the He will be in the usual place, the 10—Crop control bill passed packages early, wrap them well thrilling action-packed climax in transportation of this commodity. Tuesday, Dec. 17—O. E. S. Christ Chamber of Commerce building by Houae 1937. and address plainly, then send mas party and gift exchange. and all those desiring to take the which the three leading characters Yet another rule will consider the them early and you are O. K. risk their lives in a blinding bliz use of the steering trailer. 11—Indiana admitted to the examination can do so while he is Friday, December 13—Kerby Rod To the patrons of the rural zard in an attempt to save the Union, 1816. Another meeting of the com here. A Gun Club election of officers. colonists from an epidemic. The route, the post master has received mittee, said Bean, would be held After the 1st of January, all Tuesday, Dec. 17—O. E. S. meets. 13—U.S Panay sunk by high point in the story, reached instructions from Washington that in the very near future. When the drivers can take the examinations, Japanese shells 1937. Wednesday, Dec. 25—Christmas. when the kindly but vengeful Tam committee’s work is completed, it they must have stamps affixed on for the law requires every driver to Wednesday, Jan. 1—New Year’s pass the examinations during the iroff finds the doctor and his wife will recommend the various de all letters mailed, and not to ex 13—Federal Reserve Act Day. sianed by President. 1913. year 1941, regardless of the fact half-frozen in a deserted cabin, partments issue orders covering pect the rural carrier to do this O’Brien Woman’s club meets first that you have a drivers license provides a surprising culmination. this necessary log hauling safety for them. It is surprising how Added attractions are! a new program. and third Friday, 2 p. m. 14— Alabama adm.tted to the much time can be consumet in at now. Every driver in the state must Union. ¡819 March of Time: On Foreign News taching stamps to letters by the --------------------- 0 Cave City Women’s club meets pass the examinations during the fronts, and Popeye in “Nurse IS—Franc» Germany con every first Tuesday of each year 1941. Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Leonard carrier. cluded frontier treaty, mates.” Also please do not leave money month received word recently that their 1937 While Mr. McReynolds is here, -o— Regular Legion and Auxiliary it would be a good time for all old Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ulrich and son Gordon sailed from Seattle last in boxes for stamps or packages. IS F D Coster, drug house drivers to pass the examination and son, spent last Wednesday in Med Friday for Kodiak Island where This is strictly against the rules. meeting the first and third (wmdler killed self_ I938. See the carrier in person. he has a position. Wednesday of every month. 4 get their new drivers license. ford shopping. Meeting Cave Junction — I Saturday