Page Eight 0 0 5 0 0 0 Q 0 Q 0 6 0 » I 0 0 S 0 Q 0 Q 0 Illinois Valley News. Thursday. December 5. 1940 0 8 Model Cash Grocery of 0 O. W. GREEN a 0 PRICES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 6, 7, 8, 9 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY a 0 Milk Relish Spread 23c Mince Meat 29c a 23c 0 29c lOc a 21c 29c 0 17c a 29c 0 19c a 27c 19c a 29c 0 a 29c 0 69c a 0 CANDY TOBACCO 75c a POTATOES a- o I a Bacon Squares lb. 12c Lard EGGS FEED 0 a 0 Candy, Nuts, Box Candy, Xmas Package Tobacco and Cigarettes a H E U CLUB WILL HOLD THEIR CHRISTMAS FOOD SALE HERE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7th 0 a OUR PRICES WE ONLY CARRY ARE ALWAYS RIGHT THE BEST SEE US Formerly SCHUMACHERS WHEN YOU BUY Swift’s 4 Tall Tins CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON FRESH MEATS 2 Pounds Quart Jar Table Queen CORN MEAL, Albers Yellow 9 Pound Bag for ...................... ONIONS, Sweet Spanish 4 Pounds for ..................... GRAPEFRUIT, Silver Slice No. 2 Tins, 2 for................... FLAP-JACK, 2'/, Lb. Package Albers Batter Spoon Free YAMS, Southern 3 Pounds for ...... PEACHES, Our Choice 2'/i Tins. 2 Tins for..... CAMPBELLS SOUPS. Except Chicken and Mushroom. 3 Tins CARROTS, Fancy Local 3 Bunches for ................... BEEF STEW, Brunswick Style No. 1 Tins, 2 for............................ SNOWFLAKE (RACKERS 2 Pound Box for APPLES, Rome Beauty 6 Pounds for ................... HOT SAUCE fi Tins for..... SARDINES, In Tomato Sauce No. 1 Oval Tin. 3 for WALNUTS, New Crop 2 Pounds for .................. BABY FOOD, Heinz 3 Tins for.................... CITRON, LEMON and ORANGE PEELS. Per Pound PEANUTS, Fresh Roasted 2 Pounds for .......................... POP CORN. Large Pail Ready to Eat.................... CHOCOLATES, Fancy Assorted 2 Pound Box for 2 Pounds CHRISTMAS MIX CIGARETTES, Camel’s Christmas Carton Packed BRAZIL NUTS. New Crop 2 Pounds for ........................ Christmas Packages 1 Pound Tin 25 Pound Bag No. l’s (¡uní Drops and Chocolates George Washington, 65c Prince Albert, 75c a ( 0 Q 0 5 0 Q 0 0 : BRING IN YOUR BUY YOUR 4 Pound Package We pay TOP PRICES S' : WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GOODS .0 HERE Our Prices are Lowest I S' SHOP OUR STORE BEFORE YOU BUY today (Thursday) morning and Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClintock and Commissioner-elect Pete Fred- took preliminary steps to form a said he was improving. of Bellflower, California, are vis-1 erickson. 'cooperative cooperative organization organization to to mar- mar­ iting the Orie Lee home on Caves “We told Merrill that the coun­ ket the crop. The chief producing Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stone have highway. Mrs. McClintock i s a ty will cooperate to the utmost, and I moved from O'Brien to Grants daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee. any WPA request for the use of areas are in the Rainier and Clat­ Mr. an<| Mrs. Frank Frettai were Pas where they will now make They expect to remain here for a county road equipment will b e skanie districts. busineaa visitors in Grants Pass their home permanently. They few weeks, complied with immediately at any g, this week. have purchased property in the time,” McElligott said. —o— I Mr. and Mrs. Karl Theurekauf Fruitdale district. The county plans to furnish its Mrs. C. C. Babcock and Mrs. CHRISTMAS —o— of Camp Muir were transacting full 25 per cent of WPA project Gay Smith were in Grants Pass to­ Mrs. L. W. George and baby son business in Grants Pas last week. costs by providing equipment for SPECIALS day, (Thursday). were taken home from the Joseph- Mrs. Theurekauf returned recent-! the jobs, thereby receiving a gen­ inc General hospital recently. To ly from Venice where she visited erous rental credit in return, the A. I,. Mallery, vocational super­ celebrate the arrival of a new heir her brother who suffered a slight commissioner said. visor of the CCC camp was in Mr. and Mrs. George purchased a stroke but is gradually improving. --------------o------------- (.rants Pass on business last Mon­ new Studebaker sedan. COLUMBIA NOW MINT day. o- OIL CENTER t Th.» adv. and 50c will entitle —o— Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Oppie of COURT TO SEEK holder to Shaniooo and Finjrer Mrs. W. T. Sherman and Miss wave, regular price $1.00 ST HELENS-—Columbia county Victoria Jasperson of the Cave City O'Brien were in Grants Pass on WPA PROJECTS business Tuesday. Mr. Oppie pur ­ is now one of the largest mint oil Coffee Shop were shopping in chased a new drag saw and is start­ producing areas in the United (■cants Pass this week. ing to cut wood very soon. Mr. Her­ The county court is beginning States with over 1000 acres plant­ —o— Dr. A. N. Collman and daughter, mon accompanied them to Grants a determined effort to obtain WPA ed to peppermint, reports G. A. projects well in advance of the Nelson, county agricultural agent. Judy, and Mrs. Harold C. Hill re­ Pass. CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON immediate need for them here­ This area produces a crop of pep- turned from Portland where they Mr. and Mrs. George W. Thorpe after, County Commissioner Rich . ! perniint oil worth about $100,000 ___ _____ have been for the past week. GEKTUDE BLOOMINGCAMP were in the valley Tuesday from ard McElligott said recently, fol- j annually. The growers recently E —o— ...... ..................................................... è Miss Wanda Burch returned to an extended trip through Idaho, lowing a conference with WPA I .SW. .'.'.W.ViV.W.W.'A her .‘tudies at U. of O. after spend­ Oregon and Washington. They Supervisor Merrill at Medford by for California where were leaving the county court, county engineer, I $1.00' leg the holidays with her parents. > as Adrienne Perfume Set they plan to make their home in 1 Mr. and Mis. W. O. Burch. Carn Nome Talcum .50! the future. - o Burnt Wood Scrap Book Karl Thetierkauf left recently f r Santa Monica. California, M . mid Mrs. Freeling L. Saw­ Guest Books (wood) where he has entered for a govern­ yer spent last week end in Cres- Dr. Grabow Pipe» mental coui se at the Douglas Aer­ cent City at their bench cottage. I Cellophane Tobacco P’ches 50c^ onautic school. Mrs. They were accompanied by .>» «..r. Sawyer’s mother, Mrs. Minnie Cos- —o— Wallet» (Zipper) 69c John Wilber now residing near son who will remain there for a ! Gents Shaving Set 69c Brookings. Oregon, visited rela­ longer visit with relatives. tives in the valley recently. John Lifetime Fountain Pen is ranching on the Chetco rivxer ami lining nicely. /¡SKiO A MAN If —o--- HISWINfMlSSlUN Ralph Messenger returned I !to WE.V ATIfNrifN OSC last week after spending the HE sAlO - I iX’Nî Thanksgiving holiday with his par- MUEVE MV(.A¿ enls. Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Messen­ HAS O se ger of Takilma. —o— Give your Chriitmai Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Baumberger Pretent with those ex­ left Monday morning for San Ira good Lubrication Jobs that Francisco where they will visit for vou get at the Cave Jupnction about ten days. They plan to re­ Motor Court Standard Oil Ser­ turn the first of next week. Cave Junction Beauty Shop I vice Station. Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Drake hail recently as guests at their home J. Ring nnd family of Marshfield, Mrs. J. E. Durkee of Gold Hill and Ivan Govornur and family of Cres­ cent City. Dr. E. E. Brooks was taken to the Grants Pass hospital last Wed- nesday by Dr. Coliman, quite a sick man. Dr. Collman saw him : : : Zenith Radio, 6 Tubes Your car mar not Philco Refrigerator appreciate it, but it will oper­ ate a darn tight better. M\ r tie wood Novelties SHOPPING WEEKS LEFT CAVE CITY THEATRE Saturday, Sunday December 7-8 More Exciting and Col >rful than the unforgettable “Jesse James”! IN TECHNICOLOR Henry Fonda in The Return OF Frank James W’ith Gene Tierney, Jackie Cooper, Henry Hull, and other "Jesse James" characters again enacted by the same players. Wednesday, Thursday December 11-12 $17.95 $119.95 50c and up Plus King of the Royal Mounted” Two Color Cartoons— FeXUCO Gas, Oil Greases lütaav coitaci « Olit WAY n> TMt (MtOOTM CAVtS GEO. A. HICKS I ! Your Rexall Store Cave Junction, Oregon THE MILKY WAY POOPDECK PAPPY Coupon Night Thursday