Page Four Illinois Valley News. Thursday, December 5, 1910 Illinois Vail ey News *THEY ALL HAVE TO CLIMB TOGETHER” An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richeat valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and it* surrounding district*. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879 M C ATHEY Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County One Year ...................... Sis Months ___ __________ ____ .....___ ........_ ........ Three Month* . .............................. ............... Ona Year SI SO .75 50 done the fishin’ while the ladies watched. Fred and Clair ketched most of the fish while Shorty sot [ ’round and told what he uster I ketch. Anyways, I ketched one per cent of all that wuz ketched. Most of the time we wuz there ‘twus fine weather, but the clouds start­ ed cornin’ up, starts gettin’ misty and rainy so we hadder come home where we found the moon and stars a shinin’ on a summer night. 'Phil Snort. DR. A. N. COLLMAN Naturopathie Pliyaician Office. Sherman'* Camp Cave Junction 3'..... I Dental Surgeon Tuff* Building Phone 4 Grant* Pa** $2 00 The Illinois Valley News reserve^ the right to reject any advertising copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on applicatior VETERINARIANS I Cor. 7th & M Office phone 116 : i Res. phone 245 or 577-Y Grants Pass : ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS 0 R E g 1 o (N a. Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. You are invited to meet with P ublisher —‘3 L. B. Hall FUNERAL HOME Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager AMBULANCE SERVICE Cor. 5th & C Sts. Phone 388 C red W ood empire F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby, o NEWSPAPER PUBUSHERS GJ............ Christmas is just around the corner, and with it comes the thought: “What can I do to make others happy?” for that is the spirit of Christmas. The only happiness we get out of life is what we put in. Real happiness comes in being of service to others, forgetting self and asking inwardly, what can I do to make those close to me and others happy at this wonderful time of the year? We won’t have to search far for this opportunity to be a “swell guy” to a lot of people, for there are many whom we can help that need it, and in some cases need it very badly. .There are several organizations that will distrib­ ute Christmas boxes of good things to those in real need. That is as it should be, for those baskets mean a great deal to the reciprocants. If it was not for them, they would not have a very Happy Christmas To these organizations we should all help, give them what we can to make those baskets full of good things and best of all, full of the Spirit of Christ at Christ­ mas. Every family in the valley should have a wonder­ ful Christmas this year, for we have so much to be thankful for, and we believe it is the duty of every citizen to appoint themselves a committee of one to see that they do. If you know of anyone who needs help, let The News, or some of the organizations that you know about, that do this very splendid act. ■ ----------------- ()----------------- CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Cave Junction and the other valley towns coulc do well this year by putting up Christmas decora­ tions, both on streets and in the stores. If every store would enter a contest to see who can decorate their store the best, we believe it would be i n excellent idea. All the stores in the valley should enter the contest, and prizes awarded to the first, sec­ ond and third best decorated stores. This would stimulate the desire to decorate and it would help ma­ terially in the Christmas trade in the valley. What about it. Mr. Merchant? Do you want to help this idea? If so, let The News know and we can arrange a c< nlest that will lx* a “dinger.” ----------------- o----------------- 'I’he years have taught some sweet, some bitter lessons—none wiser than this: To spend in all things el e. but of old friends to be most miserly.—Lowell. ----------------- o----------------- Blessed is he who is a friend. Se shall continually learn new lessons of faith hope and love.—Selected. ----------------- o---------------- Four sign-boards on the w..y to success: Open eyes, closed mouth, attentive ears : nd retell.ive mind. —Selected. . .............................. MM............MtMMM*.......... Q All Type of Clock* Repaired BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH CHRISTMAS ( HEER : ¡Drs. Cantrail & Dixon' cinipniFS Outside of Josephine County Dr. Fred W. Gould 1 Guaranteed Work at Reason- i able Prices : Sunday School 10 to 11 a. m. Clarence E. Eggers : Worship service 11 a. m. to 12 m. JEWELER Young Peoples Service 7 to 8 p. m. : Del Rogue Hotel Building Prayer meeting Wednesday at QuidllHilta, IttSSIISIIlllSSIIIIIillililttlIIls**lll*t(*tsiI •••<*] 8 o’clock p. m. tells Shorty that 1 care OFF IN A ( ORNER ------------ o------------ much about the highway but I HULL & HULL WITH PHIL SNORT liked the beautiful scenery along CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY ______ > FUNERAL HOME CHURCH it. Shorty sed that he made that Dear Ed : i.nak.y School 10 to 11 a. m. too, as he wuz a great land-scape Ambulance «ervice day or nite 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 Didja ever ketch a fish outer the gardener. I tells him that I had Church services 11:15 a. m. ------------ o------------ ocean? I never did ’til yisteday. heel'd all that before, as Don Mor­ I ketched one what wuz 5 inches rison sed he had done made it KTRBY UNION SUNDAY one way and 4 tother. This haint all, and I didn’t believe Don SCHOOL Wardrobe Cleaners no tall fish story. If you don’t be­ . would lie. Shorty sed: “Naw, I Sunday School at 9:45 a. 111. . wouldn ’ t jest azactly call Don a liar lieve me you can jest ast f^iorty every Sunday. All are cordially The oldest and best since 1911 Phillips. They wuz four other crit­ . but he’s goter awful nasty habit of invited. Free Pick up by Grant* Pas* ters what saw me do it. Here’b how tellin what he dreams.-’ When we Laundry (>- gets as fur along as Hioucha :ome: Shorty and his Mrs., Fred Smith bridge we stops to git a drink of Legion Auxiliary Card party and guy what wuz named J-De- that fine water what Shorty sed Saturday night, Dec. 7. The com­ Josephine County Clair A. Fluke, or sumthinl like he didn’t really make, but he sed mittee promises a good time. Dain­ MILLS it, comes to My igloo and wants he done built the bridge, then ty refreshments and prizes you'll to know would I like to go fjshin’ clum to the top railin’ and dived be proud to win. Cash prices for Feeds and in the ocean. Then he gods on down 82 feet inter the water. I Seeds of all kinds tellin’ about what a lotteri fish ast Shorty did he ever hear of a Phone 123 Grants Pass they wuz in that air ocean. Wife guy named Ananias, and he sed TO SELL and me thot Shorty might be tell­ ■sure thing, that old An wuz his ’EM, TELL GRANTS PASS in’ the truth so we goes a long | pa. Then I ast him did he ever with ’em. Fred done the drivin I know Baron Munchausen and he HOTEL ’EM- and Shorty done the talkin’ and sed that the Baron wuz his twin MINERS HEADQUARTERS itli An Ad the rest of us done the listenin’. brother. Then I looked Shorty 615 “G” Street ■ Shorty didn't really open up ’till in the eye and sez: “Shorty Phil­ Grants Pass, Oregon we gets goin’ down the Redwood ipps, didn’t you ever hear of, or highway tords Crescent City, down meet up with a liar?’’ and he sez: Smith river. Shorty tells us as F H A LOANS “Sure; Natt Wooley, Ted Athey, how he built that air highway, all BUILD NOW — PAY BY the bridges, put in all the drains, Milt Ackeril, Jim Franklin .... THE MONTH Well, we finally gits down to put in all the guard-railin’s and Valley Lumber Co. put up all the highway signs. I that air ocean where the men folks West F St. Phone 47 WE CAN WE NEED GOOD USED TIRES • SWWkWWBSWWZ.'AW.W.W.W.W.W.WA-.W.*." PUNK AND Si’OTTIE’S GRAND OPENINC OFFER YOU FOR YOUR OLD TIRES Notary Publics AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY LUCILE FLOYD Holland DEPEN DINO ON SIZE ! REDWOODS HOTEL With the CALIFORNIA STATE LINE TAVERN SATURDAY, DEC. 7 Excellent Music By DYNGE’S HOT SHOT ORCHESTRA From Medford VAWAWAWA’..'AYAVA'A Grants Pass Perchase of SOLICITS YOUR New I I I U.S. ROYAL DELUXE PATRONAGE • ¡ Excellent Coffee Shopj IN CONNECTION i I REASONABLE RATES VW.V.V.’ i > THE POCKETROOX «/KNOWLEDGE 0. i The Seal of Approval SMOOTH TIRES ME DANGEROUS LET US SAFETY CHECK YOU* TIRES TOO*Y * A Complete Line of U. S. BATTERIES Duckworth Awarded by the American ____ __ In- stitifte of Laundering after : Passing Rigid Tests ! THE TIRE MAN Grants Pass Pickup and delivery every Mon day and Thursday in Cave Junction, Kerby and Holland GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY "Since 1900” : : : ASK FOR I Gone up bi Smoke! Keibels PERFECTION BREAD You can’t afford to be Without Insurance Don’t Wait Until it is TOO LATE! SEE M C. ATHEY at The News Office ¡ I : I ♦ At our Grocer