Illinois Valley News. Thursday, November 14. 1940 Page Seven THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young BIG TOP ED WHEELAN HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONS To keep muslin curtain« even when laundering them, put two curtains together and iron as one curtain. • • • To shorten the baking time for apple pie 20 minutes, first cook the apples five minutes in a small , quantity of water, then cool them and proceed as usual. • • • Hang small household articles, used frequently, on screw-eye» placed on inside of hall or bath* room cabinet or closet. They are then out of sight but within easy reach. • • * To cook dried prunes, wash them well, cover with four inches of cold water and let soak over night. Simmer very slowly for one hour. • . . Use the rinsing water from milk bottles to water house plants. This water will make them healthy. • • • Cottage or cream cheese mois­ tened with orange juice makes a delicious filling for peach or pear salads. TryFASTACTION Relief forPains of COLDS 3 simple steps begin amazing relief in a jiffy By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP—Boom! Out of a Clear Sky! 2. For «orj throat from cold, di««olve 1 Bay« Aiplrln Tabiota In '« (lata of watar and gargla. 3. Chock temperature. If you nave a fever and temperature does not go down —call your Just be sure you get genuine fast­ acting BAYER Aspirin. MESCAL IKE Time Out! By s . lhuntley At the first sign of a cold, follow the directions in the pictures above— the simplest and among the most effective methods of relief known to modern science. So quickly does Royer Aspirin “take hold” of painful cold symp­ toms, welcome relief you cun really feel often starts in a short time. It’s amazing how fast it works. Try this way. You will say it is unequalled. But be sure you get the fast-acting Bayer product you wunt. Ask for Bayer Aspirin by the full name when you buy. GENUINE ItriH AIPIHIH Suffer for Others Alas! we see that the small have always suffered for the follies of the great.—La Fontaine. By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Easy Lesson No. 1 WHAT'S UP, COLONEL? YOU LOOK HORRIBLY* WORRIED YES. POP *. I’M LOSING MY . MEMORY WELL, NEVER MIND, OLD MAN JUST TRY TO FORGET ALL ABOUT BOWEL WORMS I HANDK£RCHIEF IS MIL M Boon, »taps rrtlCT Hu HU.FOP Mwr.wassimg — uh a HnwbKTWsiiT- By GLUYAS WILLIAMS WlfHWi S0PP1H6 A WWP, 6A0PH M TtCtff fwi pSHCt M POOfff listt« WfiWtw wUKt r« HIM HU ft* Hod 41« Up, Jftu RtAVme, MP MAVf5 MORE STARCH , HV0H6 1b Aprili Al W < HASWÍ 60f * HASPvTPCHlfF trtws cxnwigw « ms bmk as fmcic , XAKieril Pocrtß, trWCvTM, -Sul < Lg»f Hit HAHVKfXCHlFF Hl OTiCR SUIT TV» M Ih. m I m - VW WrrtM BOOMERANG A man on trial for his life was being examined by a group of scien­ tists. Suddenly one doctor jumped up and shouted at him: "Quick, how many feet has a cen­ tipede?” The man came back In a dry. dry voice: "Gad, Is that all you have to wor­ ry about?” Art Discouragement "Do cowboys ever come to Crim­ son Gulch?" "No,” said Cactus Joe. "They've got kind o’ bashful. They don’t feel able to compete in eloquence and grace with the kind of cowboys we’re showin* at our motion picture theater.” Ain’t ft Wonderful? Old Bach—I’ve found something to live for, something to fill my life, something to occupy every waking moment. Miss Sweet—Yes, I know—bridge. It Is a fascinating gam*. THE SPORTING THING No child can be sure to escape T h m str our. Maybe you don’t realize how easy it la to bscomn Infectod with round worm*! Your child may catch'’ the infnctlon from other children, from a dog, from uncooked vege­ tables. from Infested water. Ho. watch out for these warning signals Uneasy stomach. Fidgeting and squirming Itchy nose and other parts. Finicky appe­ tite lilting Mito. And if you . v. ii run pt cl that your child has round worms star* using JAYNES VERMIFUGE at anal IAYNI »VI mill1 t.l i. tin l..«i known worm-r X|s-I Ian t In Anii-ru i li lias beeu used by millions for over a century JAYNE S VERMIFt 08 has the ablV ity to drive out largo round worms, yet It tastes good and acts gently. It duo not I santonin If there are no worms it works merely as a mild lazatlva Ask for JAY Nt St KR-MI-FUGCM any drugstore FREE' Valuable mrrllr-ai book, ' Worm* Living Inside You.' Write to Hept 1A-*. Dr D. Jayuu* 8ou,2VlneHt. Philadelphia. WNU—13 46—40 Love of Fame The love of fame is the last weakness which even the wise re­ sign.—Tacitus. Miserable with backache ? HEN kidney« function badly *nd you tuffer a nagging backache, with dirtin*«*, burning, «canty Of too frequent urination «nd getting up *t nignt, when you feel tired, nervoui, •II upiet ... ute Doin'« Pill«. Doin'« «re eipecislly for poorly working kidney«. Millions of boiet •re u»ed every year. They ere recom­ mended the country over. Adt your neighbor! W DOANS PILLS