Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, November 14, 1940, Image 1

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    Daily Courier
Gateway to The Oregon Caves
III inois Valley News
V olume IV .
40 Man
At Kerby High
The dance chairman of the
American Legion has for the dance
next Saturday night a new band
and is known as the Aristocrats
Swing band, consisting of five
pieces, a lady singer, The band
does novelty numbers, Come hear
this new swing band and if the
public likes it we will have them
regular and hold dances every two
weeks. If you want to dance this
winter attend this dance and let
us know if you like the music. Bill
Martindale, dance chairman.
Mrs. Phil Patrick
Entertains Bridge Club
Mrs. Phil Patrick entertained the
bridge club with a dessert lunch­
eon at her home “Donemovin” on
Woods Creek near O’Brien last
Thursday, November 7th. It was a
beautiful afternoon an<| all en­
joyed the colorful autumn leaves
on the surrounding hills.
To Mrs. George Thrasher went
the first prize, second to Mrs. John
W. Smith and the traveling prize
won by Mrs. J. M. Smock.
------------------- o
Subscribe for the News
By Fire
. .<■«„(«]
Friday, November 15 — O’Brien
Women’s Club meeting at the
home of Mrs. Phil Patrick.
Saturday, November 16—Danae at
« Legion hall.
Another MUI
Taken Over
Price 5 Cents
The second meeting of the Il­
linois Valley Teachers' association
was held at the Kerby high school
A meeting of the Illinois Valley
evening, November 12th.
Teachers Association was held last
Several teachers were unable to
Tuesday evening at the Kerby’
attend because of other engage­
I High School. The teacheis fioui '
Selma furnished the refreshments-
Last Sunday morning about 4. Great interest seems to be de-
Routine business was transact­
for the meeting.
a. m., Mrs. Nick Sauer’s home | veloping in the lumber market. ed. The possibility of having an
Don’t fail to come and see, “The north of Kerby on the Redwood Mr. Claude Hacket of Portland,
Show Boat of 1940’’, Friday, No­ highway, was destroyed by fire and who recently leased the old Wood- elementary school public speaking
contest this year was discussed and
vember 15th at 8 o’clock.
The all contents lost.
bury & Slack mill at O'Brien, has
it is likely that teachers from
three main features of this show
Mrs. Sauer was home alone at leased the Cave Junction Shingle
will be: Uncle Tom's Cabin,” a the time and was awakened by and Lumber mill in Cave Junction, > other schools may meet with the
story of three boys who have been crackling of the fire. She hurried­ and is putting the mill in first class Illinois Valley teachers to further
interest in this activity.
kicked out of thier homes. They ly called Clem Sauer nearby and shape for a full winters run.
County School Superintendent
haven’t any money so they hit up­ Bud Hoskins and the two men
Men are now remodeling the H. H. Wardrip is to be given a
on the idea of putting on the show, came quickly to the fire. Lucius sawdust conveyor and a new edger
“Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” You will Robinson saw the fire and came is on the way and will be installed special invitation to attend the
December meeting of the assoc ia-
w’ant to see Little Eva in her fa- to help.
Bud Hoskins drove to as soon as it arrives. Other ini- I
mous death scene and ascension Kerby and notified Fred Linkhart provements to make the mill effi- tion.
Merits of membership in the
through the Pearly Gates. The Se­ and then came on to the Forest cient will be made.
Oregon State Teachers’ association
nior Class is putting this on.
When the mill starts up, which were presented to the teachers
Service and notified Harold Bow­
The Junior class is putting on a erman.
is expected in the next few days, present by F. W. Jones, County
Minstrel Show starring the whole
immediately they will give employment to about
class with Bill McGuire acting as came with the Forest Service fire nine men and the prospects are i association president.
Because of the limited attend­
truck, but by the time he arrived good for a full winters run. The
A revised version of “Gone With the house was practically de- mill will specialize on 2x4 lum­ ance, the entertainment commit­
tee, consisting of the Kerby high
The Wind,” is being put on by the stroyed.
ber and will cut nothing else this school teachers, did not present
It is bound to be
With the assistance of Clem winter, so we are informed, and
good because they revised it them­ Sauer, Fred Linkhart, Bud Hos- it is expected to cut about 15,000 the planned program but will carry
it over for the December meeting.
selves. Several musical numbers kins and Lucius Robinson and the feet a day.
Refreshments furnished by the
are added to these three major at­ Forest service truck, they saved
The mill is owned by Mrs. Helen Selma teachers were enjoyed by
tractions. It is sure to be a grand all the out buildings. Clem reach­ Renfro and has been operated by
the group at the close of the meet-
show so don't miss it.
ed the bed room of Mrs. Sauer Dave Renfro, Bert Gates and Cleo
“The and threw’ out some clothes and a Brush. Dave Renfro has been in I ing.
The second issue of
Bugle,” Kerby High School’s paper chest of personal and valued pa­ a hospital for many months, but is I Teachers present were: Ruby
Higenbothem. Myrtle Walton, Mar­
will be out Friday.
These were all that was recuperating fast and now weighs tha Holland, Lola Petersen, Lorna
Many beautiful lamps, bowls, saved from the burning home.
145 pounds and is looking forward Byrne. Mae Morrison, Earl House,
ashtrays, etc. are being turned out
The house was a large 8-room to coming home.
Earl Osborn and Ferd W. Jones.
by the Shop class. These are being bungalow with a large basement,
The shingle part of the mill is
made from myrtle, yew and var­ and Mrs. Sauer and Mr. and Mrs. expected to be shut down for the
ious hardwoods on the new lathe.
Linkhart also had some personal present. The lumber will be ship-
The Freshman entertained the effects stored in the house, and all ped to Portland.
students and a few special guests were lost. The house burned quick­
------------- o-------------
with a dance Friday night. Shorty’s ly and there was not the remotest
nickle machine furnished music for chance to save the building or any Next O’Brien Club
Looking at history in the present
the dance. Cookies and punch were of the contents. We are informed
than the past tense, “The
Meeting To Be Interesting
served for refreshments. Everyone that there was no insurance. Mrs.
I Mortal Storm,’’ a thrilling docu­
had a nice time.
I ment of current world affairs,
Sauer is now living with Mr. and
The O’Brien Women's club met
The second Home Economics Mrs. Fred Linkhart in Kerby.
I opens Saturday at the Cave City
at tl; home of Mrs.^Chyis Wendt I
Club meeting of the year was .held
theater for an engagement of two
last Friday. A new Constitution
members present.
was adopted and standards were
The story deals with the expe­
After a short business meeting
discussed for earning a Home-Eco-; KERBY ROD & GUN
of a family “somewhere in
the program committee took
nomics Club pin to be awarded at CLUB TO MEET
Europe," who become a house di­
the close of each year.
vided as a result of political dis­
Ruby Hosford gave a very in-
------------------- o-------------------
The regular monthly meeting of
sention. It is the picturization rath-
teresting book review on the life
the Kerby Rod & Gun club will will
er than the fictionizing of daily
of Martha Berry, and of the great
be held Friday evening after the
presented with no more
and courageous work she has done
high school play is finished. The
fanaticism than the report of a
for the hill people, and life at
meeting is expected to begin at
Brewster hall.
Miss Berry still foreign correspondent.
10:00 p. m.
Miss Sulavan Superb
raises huge sums of money annual­
This is a regular monthly meet­
As the daughter of the family,
A unique entertainment and pro­
ly to support her school and keep
Roth, Miss Sullavan turns in
gram will be given by Indies and
it going.
sterling performance. Her
gentlemen of the Eastern Star next knotty problems are to be consid­
The next meeting promises to
Tuesday evening in the Masonic ered. Besides this the program be an interesting one. The Bibli­ treatment of the character is sym­
as outlined is going to be worth
pathetic and genuine. The same
hall at Kerby.
cal stories of Dorcas by Mrs. In­
A white elephant auction will be while, and the Eats—Oyster soup man; Ruth by Miss Ruby Hosford; may be said of James Stewart as
held some time during the evening with plenty of oysters, and some- Delilah by Mrs. Pearl Barrett and Martin Breitner. Stewart’s expert
and pinochle will be enjoyed after thing else to go with it, will be Naomi by Mrs. Gene Brown will handling of a difficult asignment
puts him in line once again for an
n program.
Members are asked served after the program.
be given. All members are to come
to bring two guests with them and
dressed to portray any character
In the most thankless role of his
the party is expected to assume all the members attending will par­ they wish, funny or otherwise.
large attendance. After the pro­ ticipate, will be a lot of fun for The meeting will be held Friday, career, that of Fritz Marberg, fa­
gram and cards, refreshments will everybody. Maybe you can answer November, 15th, at the home of natic youn-’ political leader, Rob­
some of the questions. Why not at­
ert Young turns in a surprise per­
be served.
Mrs. Phil Patrick.
tend and have a good time with
formance. Capable in every as­
-------------- o
--------- o---------
the rest of the valley members of
signmen, he surpasses himself in
Expminer for Drivers
Entertains Guests At
the club.
this new type role, succeeding in
License To Be Here
Cards Saturday Evening the almost impossible task of mak­
ing the personality he portrays ap­
Wednesday, November 20th. News
ill Be Out
Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Leonard pear to be misguiding rather than
Ward Reynolds, will be at the
Wednesday Next Week entertained a group of friends at a downright villain.
Chamber of Commerce building to
their home last Saturday, bridge Another Dramatic Role
examine any who wish to apply
Frank Morgan, who gave audi­
the diversion of the evening.
On account of Thanksgiving, the
for drivers licenses.
News will be published Wednesday For high score prizes were award­ ences a sample of what he could
Commencing at 9 a. m. and fin­
next week so the printer’s Devil ed Mrs. C. C. Babcock and John do in a dramatic role in “The Shop
ishing at 4 p. m. Mr. Reynolds will
can have a holiday with the rest of W. Smith; low scores Mrs. M. C. Around the Corner," does an even
be very glad to assist anyone who
Athey and C. C. Babcock, travel- finer acting job along the same
the good people.
wishes to take the examination.
Articles and advertisements will ing prizes were won by Mr. and line as Professor Viktor Roth,
teacher and scientist who finds
will have to reach the office Tues­ Mrs. M. C. Athey.
At midnight a very delicious himself assigned to a concentra-
day in order to get into next weeks
luncheon was served the guests.
(Continued on Pair* Four)
Jeanne Villair
Last week the last man of the
40-man crew left the valley and
now the camp is deserted and
locked up for the winter, Joe Al-
hova, bookkeeper of the camp left
last Friday and this completed the
Rae Philbrick, superintendent of
the camp this year, accomplished
a great deal of work, in fact it
is the most productive yc*r of any
40-man crew of the past.
Miles of road work was accom­
plished which will make it easier
in future years for other crews to
reach forest fires. Bridges built,
the most outstanding one being the
large bridge across the Illinois riv­
er near the bottom of Eight Dol-
lar mountain.
Most of the personnel of the
crew were college men, and this
work helps them get through their
college years.
A large number
of the boys this year were here
last year, and we hope they will be
able to come again next year. How­
ever, most of the boys had to regis­
ter, and this may change the per-
sonnel of the crew next year.
Mr. Philbrick is on his way east
to report to the department and
while there will pick up his new
automobile purchased through Des
Byrne and drive it home. Mr.
Philbrick is by far the most popu­
lar superintendent the crew has
ever had in the valley, and the
people here hope he will be back
next year.
Sauer Home
Crew Thru
With Work
Cave Junction, Oregon. Thursday. November 14, 1940
No. 28__________
By Hacket
Thursday, November 21—Thanks­
giving day.
Saturday, November 23 — Card
party at Auxiliary meeting
Monday, November 25 — Benefit
show at Cave City theater for
Kerby P.-T. A.
Tuesday, Nov. 19 — Eastern Star
white elephant auction and so­
cial night.
O'Brien Woman's club meets first
and third Friday. 2 p. m.
Cave City Women’s club meets
every first Tuesday of each
Regular Legion and Auxiliary
meeting the first and third
Wednesday of every month.
Illinois Valley Juvenile Grange
meets first and third Saturdays
of each month at 2 p. m.
‘The pilot cannot mitigate the uind not
calm the hilloa;».''
12—San F r ancisco Bay br-.dje
opened, 1936
13— First lntercolleQial« toot
ball game played 1869
14—Gerrnony resumed sov
ereiqnty over inland wa­
terway». 1936
Nation« voted to con­
demn Japan. 1937
IS—Oilanomo aomittea to
Umon. 1907.
17—Roosevelt itänet tnp to
Bueno« Arre«. 1936
lt—Viscount Cacti of E t . q
land voted Nobel Peace
•Pn» 1937.
Flag Day was fittingly celebrated in Cave Junction when Glenn Morrison Post of the American
Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary dedicated a new flag and a large flag pole rtcently erected in front of
the American Legion hall in Cave Junction. The local post has always wanted a large pole and flag and
now they can show their colors whenever nectssary. Cut is courtesy of the Grants Pass Courier.
Will Be
Word comes from WPA head­
quarters in Grants Pass that a
foreman will be on the job Wed­
nesday, November 20th to help
the local donated help finish the
city drainage project. This date
is definite and all those who have
promised one or two days work
must be on the job Wednesday
morning with a pick and shovel
and this work can be finished in
one day.
The State Highway commission
has the tile pipe on hand for the
rest of the main street, and this
will be finished as well as the lat­
eral ditches in the back of the
main street.
We have only 19 days promised
and we need 25. Who will help,
this work along for one day, Here
is the list of those who have signed
up for work or will hire a man
to take their places:
Illinois Valley News, 2 days.
Bert Watkins, 2 days.
Art Drews, 2 days.
G. W. Martin, 1 day.
Elwood Hussey, 2 days.
Sam Smith, 1 day.
L. E. Bidache, 1 day.
C. Y. Arnold, 1 day.
W. F. Darger, 1 day.
F. G. Fagnant, 1 day.
O. W. Green, 1 day.
Dr. E. E. Brooks, 1 day.
Tom Davis, 1 day.
This makes a total of 19 days.
We need 25 days, or 25 men to
finish the work in one day. There
are many men who should be will­
ing to donate a days work on this
project in order to complete it.
Six more men for one day each
will do the work. Don’t be bash­
ful boys. Come to the News of­
fice and put your John Henry
down for a day.
There will be some work done
on the West Side road immediate­
ly after the drainage project is
finished, and then the crew will
move to Deer creek where the Deer
Creek road will be improved to
This project has been
written up, but the papers must
come back from Washington, so
'8 will take a couple of weeks be­
fore the Deer Creek project is on
the calendar, but the engineers
seem positive that it is all right
■ind are making their plans ac­
cordingly. After the Deer Creek
■•oad is finished, the entire crew
will move back to the West Side
highway and complete this much
needed work.
If you can’t work and want to
help, get a man to work for you
and pay him for the days work.
Many of the business men of Cave
Junction are going to do this, for
they, themselves, could not leave
their business.
This is the last information we
can give yoi< before November
20th. So please do not let this mat­
ter slip. Remember the date, Wed­
nesday November 20th, and the
(Continued on Pare Five)
The Legion and Auxiliary cele­
brated Armistice day with a 6
o’clock dinner at the Legion hall,
67 attending, followed by a pro­
gram. Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Gray and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bab­
The program opened with a
speech by Pastor Gray. Command­
er Akerill gave a short talk and
our President, Lucille Arnold gave
a speech of welcome. Blake Mil­
ler, in charge of the entertain­
ment, called on the acting Ser-
geant-at-Arms to call the roll of
all veterans of the valley. Then
the Commander put them through
some of their old army drills, which
proved very amusing to the audi­
ence. Mrs. Babcock was called up­
on to play some of the old war
songs. This was enjoyed very
much. Dorothy Martin of Kerby
gave an accordion solo. Old time
and modern dancing was enjoyed
to the music furnished by the
Owen-Hill Billy orchestra.