Illinois Valley News, Thursday, October 3, 1940 Page Seven CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Fun for the Whole Family HOTEL ASSEMBLY NINTH « MADISON, SEATTLE Comfurtabla Modern Rooma Dally Illi Weekly 1« Up Coffe* Shop BIG TOP Dining Room ED WHEELAN HIGH ABOVE THE ARENA', SkOOKIE CLüNGDESPERATELV T o TME BROKEN snipe A t the back docr . mvra nearlv faintep AS SHE SAVJ HALS SPECIAL WIRE BREAK in TWO 'M eanwhile . two of the property MEN HAP MANAGE» IO THROW A net over THE mad D og - {gEFE BANGS WAS NEARLY H?A n T i C SAY. YOU DUMBBELLS, KEEP TWAT MUSIC GOING Iff DO j YOUWIAHT US TO . HAVE A PANIC ~ < HERE '?!? .—■< v-3 OH. MAL.VOU \ SEE MY DREAM \ WAS RI6HT - YOU MIGHT MANE BEEH KILLED .". OH. MV pARLING. VJHAT . VJOULD I MANE s DONE ? * T' ,..««>•, »•'‘•r f.. - By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA —Vincent Sleeps Peacefully On Same Biscuits Newly Wedded Man—By George, ' Lucile; these biscuits of youra look exactly like those my mother used to make, 20 years ago. Wifey—How delightful. I’m so I glad! Man (biting one) — And. by George, I believe they AR® the same biscuits. DON’T BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE — RELIEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY • When you fee! gassy, headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowels, do as million» do —take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning — thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day full of your normal energy and pep, feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mint doesn’t disturb your night's rest or interfere with work the next day. Tty Feen-A-Mint, the chewing gum laxative, yourself. It tastes good, it’« handy and economical... a family supply By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP— Name Your Tune to Ambrose FEEN-A-MINT loi Careless With Life There is nothing of which men are so fond, and withal so care- : less, as life. Read This Important Message! Do you dread thoae “trying years” (38 to 62)? Aro you getting moody, cranky and NERVOUS? Do vou fear hot flashea. weak ening diary apellaT Are vou jealous of atten tions other women get? THEN LISTEN — These symptoms often result from femala functional disorders. So start today and taka famous Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable (Com pound. For over 60 years Pinkham's (Com pound has helped hundreda of thousands of grateful women to go “smiling thru*' difficult days. Pinkham's has helped calm unstrung nerves and li‘ssen annoying femala func tional "irregularities.“ Ona of the most etfso* lie» “woman*«*' tonic«. Try U1 MESCAL IKE Oh, So They Don’t Have a Book, Huh? ey s. l huntley Inquire Within Go to your bosom; knock there, and ask your heart what it doth i know. j----------------------------------------------- No child can be sure to escape BOWEL WORMS By J. MILLAR WATT Maybe you don't realize how oxury it to to become Infect«! with round worm,I Your child inay ‘ catch" the infection from other children, from a dog, from uncooked veg»- Cablee. from lnfeHtod water. Ho, watch out for tlnwe warning nignato: Uneaay atomach. Fidgeting and aqulrming. Itchy noae and other parte. Finicky appe tite. Biting nail«. And if you <uron «uxpecd that your child baa round annul, etart ualrig JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE at oncft JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE!« the beet known worm-eitwllant in America. Il baa been uaed by million« for over a century. JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE baa the abil ity to drive out largo round worm«, yet It taatee good and acta gently. It doee not contain «antonln. If there are no worm« It work« merely ae a mild laxative. A«k for J A YNE'S VKR-M l-FUGEat any drug «tore. FREE Valuable medical book. "Worms Living Inalde You." Write to Dept Ml. Dr D Jayne A Hon, 1 Vine-t-.PhUadalphta. Foolish Sheep It's a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor. %COLDS 44-i.C LIQUID TABLETS SALVE 1 NOIl >>OH COUGH oaorj =- . ---------------------------------------------- - „ ; WNU—13_________________ 40—-40 THE MINUTE THAT SEEMS A YEAR JL'ST A STARTER By GLUYAS WILLIAMS The auctioneer held up a pair of antique silver candlesticks. “Will someone give me a start?” he began. "One dollar,” came a reply. “What's that?” queried the auc- I tioneer. “Ah.” retorted the bidder, “I thought that would give you a start!”—Montreal Star. Snappy Suggestion Customer—I wish to buy an appro priate gift for a bride—something timely and striking. Merchant—How about a clock? Love Is Blind Housewife—If you love work, why don't you find it? Tramp—You ought to know, Mad am, that love is blind. AF1ÏR INSISTING OH PERSONAL 6'lAWftES OF Trif CLERK, - msn A í TR WO NWiAi-ER Wtf THf WiPPINO PRESENT you have SELECfEP will PtoffiVflY M sapped T his very afternoon , you Jr ».I tv wui M*f TJHPiTItlY F û POC'YEN T he «DRESS ff 610 60 TO Method “So you’ve discovered a way to get your husband to dig In the gar den?” «< THE SPORTING THING ARMSTRONG Heart’s Envoy The tongue is the ambassador of ' the heart.—Lyly. That Natine Backache May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern Ilf« with It« hurry «nd worry; irregular habit«, Improper eating and drinking—it« ri«k of expoeure and lnfeo- tlon —throw« heavy «train on th« work of th« kidney». They are apt to become over-taxed and fall to filter exceee «eld and other impurltiee from the litwgiving blood. Yon may «uffer nagging backache, headache,, getting up night«, leg pains, a welling—feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other aigaa of kidney or bladder dim rd er era IMU- time« burning, aranty or too frequent urination. Try Dean*« Pill». Dean’« help the kidney« to paaa oB hr rmful eSMBB body waste. They have h«d more thaa halt a century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful user« everywhere. A«k pour nnjhborl D oans P ills