Illinois Valley News, Thursday. September 26, 1940 Redwood Empire Tourists Tourists entering Redwood Em­ pire counties via the Pacific North­ west may not represent the larg­ est number of visitors to Califor­ nia, but according to a recent sur­ vey conducted by the State, no other gateway to California admits a greater percentage of economic­ ally valuable customers. Based upon whether the visitor was seeking recreation and pleas­ ure, was on a business trip; a mi­ gratory worker; or sought employ­ ment, statistics show that at the Smith River check-in station 90 per cent of those entering Califor­ nia were tourists in search of re­ creation; 1 per cent were seeking work; M l of one per cent were mi­ gratory workers, and 8 3-4 per cent were on a routine business trip. At the Redwood Highway sta­ tion 86 per cent of the inbound traffic were vacationists; there were no persons seeking employ­ ment and no migratory workers. Five per cent were business men and nine per cent were fishermen on their way to the coast. This traffic in the Redwood Em­ pire traverses the entire highway system throughout the nine coun­ ties, spending money enroute, which expenditures filter through every channel of trade and is ben­ eficial to every enterprize, Red­ wood Empire Association officials point out. Other stations in the State re­ ported as much as 74 per cent local business traffic, while still others showed as much as 15 per cent mi­ gratory traffic and 35 per cent seeking employment. -------------- o-------------- Murphy Hicks left Thursday of this week for California where he expects to remain indefinitely. -------------- o-------------- Mrs. Earl Boyd and Mrs. E. J. Wilber made a trip to Grants Pass week. ■■ ■ ■ o-------------- KERBY NEWS I i Mrs. Dollie Duncan received word recently of the death of her former neighbor and friend Mrs. Lida Gordon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Kazer in Walla Walla, Washington. Mrs. Gordon passed away Sept. 8. She visited friends at Kerby a year ago. She formerly lived on what is now the Hugh White place north of Kerby where she was a neighbor of Mrs. Dollie Duncan. She left here about 1922. —o— Mrs. J. H. Pomeroy and daugh­ ter Nora stopped at Kerby a few minutes Saturday on their way from Sausilito to Corvallis where Nora has registered at Oregon State College as a freshman. I hope that Grange members all1 W. Webb, Jack Webb, W. H. Pierce, Nat Woolley, Buck and over the state will campaign for Sunny Smith, Pat Harrold, Hi Mar­ this constitutional amendment. tin, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thacker, Why should other public offici- Vivian Taylor, Oscar Havens, Dor- als receive increased pay from time How a gay young attorney unin­ ; othy Gibson, Larry Musil, May to time and have good compensa- tentionally becomes a bigamist Hayes, Ted Athey, Al Brown, Ger- j tion while legislators continue to with two lovely wives on his hands ' trude Bloomingcamp, Frank Jus­ serve at almost no pay? It is not | who are trying to outwit each other tice, Earl Judkins, Mrs. Counce, fair; it is not good business and is for his affections is the breezy John Tilley, Judy Squire, Winston ( not conducive to good government basis of Irene Dunne and Cary Tuttle, George Wilson, Louis Bid­ ' to continue the present low salary. I Grant’s latest hilarious offering, ache, Laddie Freitas, Juanita Frei- Let us all boost for this measure i “My Favorite Wife,” playing at 1 tas, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burger, ' and change this old section of our j the Cave City Theatre Saturday Buster and Jessie Messervy, Lu­ constitution adopted in the “horse cille Riley, Irene McCasland, Milt and buggy days.” and Sunday, September 28-29. The strange reunion takes place Akeril, Karl Theuerkauf, Roscoe in a resort hotel, with the frantic Ball, Houston Crews, Oscar Wat­ ["•] et*itti ^M iumi intinti ititi ntt td innninnnnnnnim husban | desperately striving to erman, and Lee Musil. I Only Zenith Has It! --------------o-------------- keep his kissless bride in ignorance of his first wife until they can REDWOOD EMPIRE i THE DETAC HABLE flee home. His former spouse, WAVEMAGNET I : BOASTS FALL ’ S however, intercepts the newly- eds, greeting them at their home RICHEST COLORS “Guaranteed to play where oth- l-I _ where the groom’s mother introduc­ er portables fail ... or your! money back!” This exclusive: es her as an old family friend. Fall is a grand time for color* Zenith feature is protected by: Eventually, the husband learns Vavationists who wander thru’ patent No. 2164251 and per-j that a he-man scientist kept his fields, along banks of streams, ov­ mitt efficient operation in| wife company for 7 years on that er mountain trails, or motor lazily planes, trains, autos, boats and: desert isle. . . and the hus-1 along all-year Redwood Empire j steel shielded buildings. We are alto agents for Motor-: band’s bewilderment, the second | highways of southern Oregon and ola Car Radio*. wife’s kissless state, the scientist’s north coastal California during the In the Illinois Valley this re-: desire to marry his island compan-1 next few months, can keep their markable radio is for sale byj ion and the first wife’s concern | attention steadily trained on the CAVE CITY DRUG about recapturing the spouse from real opportunity of the year—the Your Rexall Store the bnde result in an uproarious supreme beauty of the great out- Cave Junction stream of complications and side­ of-doors. splitting n-.crrimeni. Fluttering leaves in gentle i breezes of clear cool air tempered with warm stfnshine, hillsides and SULFUR STILL valleys covered with warm russets, BEST FERTILIZER burning reds, and varied color com­ binations backed by rich contrast The use of sulfur on alfalfa, of stately evergreens and giant long a standard practise in eastern redwood trees, beneath vivid blue Oregon, is still giving better re­ skies, combine to make a trip into sults than any other fertilizer the Redwood Empire most appeal­ treatment on Lake county soils, ing at this time of the year. Every hill, every canyon, every reports Vic Johnson, county agri- with cul.ur. i agent. On the J D. Corum valley, and every mile of highway HORSE SHOW farm at Silver Lake, alfalfa yields in the Redwood Empire, offers a and RODEO were increased 210 per cent by the gorgeous extravaganza of natura’ PORTLAND. OREGON use of 100 pounds of sulfur per color harmony for enjoyment of October 5 to 12 acre, in comparison with untreated tourists and residents alike. o plots. Gypsum, or landplaster, ap­ 19 Shows In Ont plied at the rate of 250 pounds per Grange Head El«v«n acres under one roof Exhibits of acre, increased the yield 149 per pure-bred Livestock, cent, while superphosphate applied (Continued from Psite one) Dogs, Poultry, Pet Stock, Wild Life, Man­ at the same rate increased the first healthy temptation detrimental to ufactured and Land cutting ’.47 per cent. Products, 4-H Club public welfare. and Smith-Hughes --------------o-------------- The proposed increase would Vocational Education Work; also Combined Farewell Party for make it possible for more farmers Horse Show and thrill, to run for the legislature and more ing Indoor Rodeo. Jim Whitehead leading farmers are needed. It Large Premium Lists would tend toward a better type Last Monday evening a group of of legislator. It is claimed that in low fores lires friends gathered at the Owl cafe previous elections on this subject to bid farewell to the old pro­ that farmers caused the defeat of prietor, Jim Whitehead and to the measures. If this is true, then give a warm welcome to the new they huve weakened their justifi­ proprietor, Sam Webb and son cation to complain of past legisla­ Wendell. Al Brown introduced tures. Mr. Whitehead, who in turn intro­ duced the new proprietors. Then Mr. Brown presented the former owner with a gift from the friends SERVICE— gathered to bid him godsped. • NOT SOMETHING FOR After the speech making, danc­ NOTHING — BUT DOING ing was enjoyed until the call to WHAT YOU WANT DONE “come and get it” was given when PROMPTLY, I N T E L L 1 - GENTLY AND ECONOM­ all rushed, to the . dining room ICALLY .... where coffee and sandwiches were served. Among those present were: S. Honeymoon For Three Hilariously Highlights “My Favorite Wife’’ - nu NOTICE TO ELECTORS REGISTRATION BOOKS ( LOSE SATURDAY. OCTOBER 5th at 8:00 p. m. Persons who will be twenty-one years of age on or be­ fore November 5th, election day, and who have acquired a month's residence in Oregon, should register on or before Saturday, October 5. Electors who were registered but have failed to vote at least once in the last two years and those who have changed their residence since registering should reregis­ ter. Persons desiring to register may come to the County Clerk's office, or go before the Registrar in their precinct. Registrars of the Countv with their address are as fol­ lows: ANNA WILLIAMS. WOLF CREEK HATTIE BROCK, LELAND THOS. MACKENZIE. HUGO RUTH LENDBURG. MERLIN DORA WETS, GALICE HARRY MESSENGER, TAKILMA LUCILLE FLOYD, HOLLAND .1. H WITTROCK, KEKBY M. C. ATHEY. CAVE JUNC TION MARIE BALZKE, O’BRIEN R. L HAMMER, SELMA CHRISTINE BAKER, WILDERVILLE HARRY A. COUGLE, WILLIAMS IVA GILMORE. MURPHY C. W. VAN LUVEN. JEROME PRAIRIE REN W. COUTANT, County Clerk A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time Quick - Easy - Safe Write or call ior complete information— Grants Pass Branch of the United States National Bank Head Office, Portland, Oregon MEMOIR FEDERAL DEPOSI1 INSURANCE CORPORATION Send The Illinois Valley News to your Friends AAA Towing ir 5UI2E is A CON­ TENTED FEELING 1Ô STA CT UN A TRIP with a Mrs. Ferd Jones was called to Salem Wednesday because of th«' serious illness of her father, C. J. Latham. Phone 113 F ull ÖAS TANK DEL ROGUE GARAGE 507 S. 6th Street, Grants Passj Jim Curry old time resident of Kerby was a business caller at the courthouse in Grants Pass last Tuesday. THERE'S MONEV fin OLD TIRES J. R. Mosely of Kerby transact- Ì ed business at the court house in Grants Pass this week. Voiir Set may be Worth CLASSIFIED AD« I FOR SALE—Crested wheat grass 48 lbs. J. A. Hendrix on Stew­ art farm one mile from Takil­ ma. 21-ltp T I i Page Five ------ ' * 44 1 WMU «Ur,..«. . h Texaco Gas, Oil Greases GEO. A. HICKS WHEN YOU BUY NEW TINES FROM US RING IN YOUR 010 TIRES TOOAY FOR SALE OR TRADE for stock Montgomery Ward refrigerator, 8 ft. box; homemade tractor, double gear shift; both guaran­ teed. L. G. Jordan, Elk Creek, on Dave Webb place 10 miles south of Cave Junction. 27-2tp HOUSE FOR RENT — Two bed­ rooms. Bert Watkins. 21-2tc MACK’S SEED & FEED STORE now under new management. Carries a complete line of feeds and seeds of all kinds. Make our store your headquarters when in Grants Pass. Keith Kennedy, 514 S. 6th street. LOANS—No money down. See us if you desire to build and pay in «mall monthly sums. Use your Credit We sell lumber and building material of all kinds, windows, doors, etc., Copeland Lumber, Grants Pass. 6-tf Old newspapers for sale at The News office, 10 cents per ban­ dle. til You can’t afford to be Without Insurance Don’t Wait Until it is TOO LATE! SEE M C. ATHEY at The News Office SMOOTH TIMS »M DMIGiXOUS • ur us safety - check voua rmts today « Duckworth THE TIRE MAN Liberal on Allowance Your Old 6th & “M” Sta. TIRES Granta Pass a ».i You have the rifht to truthful information, ditcuteion of opinioti* and exchange of ideas. Community interest in affairs, local as well as national, is an effective weaoon against war hysteria. Uncensored expression of opinion through a Free Press foundation of Liberty. You need the truth to keep you free. is • •nari i of