Illinois Valley News, Thursday, September 26, 1940 Page Four t Illinois Valley News An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districta. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 M C Editor ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County One Year ___ Si« Months ... Three Months Outside of Josephine County One Year $1 50 .75 50 $2 00 The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application 0 R E g 1 o (N P ublisher \ have work. But we do object to giving them work at the expense of the men in the valley who need the jobs just as much as they do. Maybe the county court is not familiar with the situation, so we are calling it to their attention. The court could save a little on truck expense and gasoline by using local men. Transporting men 70 miles a day to and from work is an item worth looking into. We hope it will not be necessary to call the court’s atten­ tion to this oversight again. red W ood émpi re n ewspaper f SOMETHING TOMMY FORGOT ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS unchanged. The Shasta will leave San Francisco at 8:35 p. m. and will arrive in Grants Pass at U :40 a. m. next morning. ------------ o------------ ------- ! ANNOUNCING .... Naturopathic Physician Office. Sherman’s Camp Cave Junction a. ■......... -......... ........ ........... ■ iDrs. Cantrall & Dixon VETERINARIANS THE OPENING OF ¡Cor. 7th & M Office phone 116 Res. phone 245 or 577-Y Grants Pass S' MY NEW BARBER SHOP T 219 N. 6th St....Corner “D” St. GRANTS PASS Legion Will Hold Masquerade Dance llllMlllllMl*ltllll*«M*llt«* iMMNNNNHMKttiHMI : Í WATCH REPAIR SPECIALIST Prices Always Reasonable : Clarence E. Eggers I : JEWELER Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. : Del Rogue Hotel Building QlIlHIIIIIIUrUHHIIIUIIIIIIillltlllllllillilHIillltlllllll Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. John A. Schieferstein The Legion will postpone their Prayer meeting Wednesday at .next uai'Ct October 5In for the 3" 7 :30 p. m. You are invited to meet with Grange Harvest Heme dance to Dr. Fred W. Gould ............................................... gj : be held on that date at Bridgeview. I Dental Surgeon The Legion will hold their next F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby. Tuffa Building The Seal of Approval = J dance October 19 and Octabe.- 31 Phone 4 ------------ o ■ ■ being Halolwe’en a masquciade Giants Pass KERBY UNION SUNDAY |soss«siisiissiiii*isiiMesoasMMsssstssesssitseeteiisseiseeeesoH ball will be in order. Prizes will SCHOOL I be given f< r the best couple niask- Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. i 1 ed, $5 first, |3 second and $2 every Sunday. All are cordially third. Go'jd music i« assur?J as a : invited. Grants Pass orchestra will furnish I FUNERAL HOME ------------ o the music. : Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager Awarded by the American In­ CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY The I egion dance chairman AMBULANCE SERVICE stitute of Laundering after wishes ¿o apologize to all whe CHURCH Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sta. Passing Rigid Tests came to the dance last Saturday : Sunday School 10 to 11 a. m. Pickup and delivery every Mon­ I and waited for th? orchestra to Church services 11:15 a. m. day and Thursday in Cave I a’rive. He promises this will not Junction, Kerby and F H A LOANS BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY ; happen again. So all you dancers Holland BUILD NOW — PAY BY I he out for the next big dance with CHURCH GRANTS PASS THE MONTH i a new orchestra, Saturday, Octo- Sunday School 10 to 11 a. m. STEAM LAUNDRY Worship service 11 a. m. to 12 m. , her 19th. Valley Lumber Co. “Since 1900“ ------------ o Young Peoples Service 7 to 8 p. m. West F St. Phone 47 R Send The News to a friend. Preaching 8 p. m. ■F S. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 o’clock p. m. ------------ o ■ HULL & HULL 1 L. B. Hall Through these columns we have often told how important it is to keep your thought on the object nearest your heart—and we have also told you to make up your mind, what do you want? If you don’t know, how in the world are you going to try to get it? Have an objective and work towards that goal. If you put enough energy into the task, you are success­ ful. The results will be measured by the application applied. See what happened to Tommy and profit by his experience, if you think it is worth it: Tommy was an average boy—not too brilliant; not too dumb. Just a plain, red-blooded American boy. He had one of the best of mothers. She taught SP SETS NEW him to say his prayers every night before retiring TRAIN SCHEDULES For a long time, when Tommy as a small boy, she heard him say his prayers, like most mothers, and Southbound schedule of South­ ern Pacific's Shasta to San Fran­ later on when he grew a little older, she kept remind­ cisco will be cut fifteen minutes ing him to say his prayers. When a boy has this train­ and a new schedule will become ing every night for quite a few years, it should stay effective Sunday, September 29, with him. This is just another case of the repeated which will put the train into San one hour earlier than suggestion and if it is repeated long enough it bears Francisco now applies, according to J. M. fruit. Isham, Southern Pacific agent at Tommy grew to manhood. He never forgot what Grants Pass. Under the new schedule the his mother taught him, hut during the course of grow­ Shasta will depart from Grants ing up and thousands of entangling thoughts to dis­ Pass at 4 :00 p. m. instead of 4:45 tract him, he soon forgot to say his prayers, and for p. m. and it will arrivd in San Francisco at 7:50 a. m. instead years he did not say the particular prayer his mother of 8:50 a. m., the announcement taught him. stated. One day Tommy was in an accident and “got” the Northbound schedule will be devil knocked out of him, He was knocked unconsci­ ? ous. When he began to regain his senses he immed­ iately thought of the prayer, that particular prayer ASK FOR his mother taught him to say every night and that he had not said for many years, and he began repeat­ ing the prayer to himself and kept it up for quite a few minutes. Keibel’s The thing that interests us in this story is our subconscious mind. That prayer was stored in Tom­ my’s subconscious mind and when he needed it most it was immediately available to him. This same thing happens to millions. We store our subconscious mind with details when we are young and then seemingly forget them until there comes a time when we need At Your Grocer this information and it comes like a flash of light- i nng. Tommy had his subconscious mind filled with a pr: ver that he didn’t use for years but when he need­ ed it, it was there writing for h’m If you will let it. this min I of yours will show you the way. It has SEE WHAT a habit of cropp’ng up at the right time. ----------------- o----------------- I REPAIRING OUR BRIDGES Qi i titilli itila n Hello Everybody FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service day or nite 502 N 4th St. ’Course, you probably all know by this time that Webbs are in town and have put the kale on the line for this “ya’r” little of beer dispen­ sary and night club. We’ll be lookin’ for yoall to come in and see us some time. MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon BOTTLE and DRAUGHT BEER CONFECTIONS TOBACCOS Wardrobe Cleaners The oldest and best since 1911 The Owl Free Pick up by Grants Pass Laundry “JACK” WEBB SAM WEBB Josephine County MILLS Cave Junction i itati ••••ilii i« iit* i Ford Has Done for ’41! Cash prices for Feeds and Seeds of all kinds Phone 123 Grants Pass Notary Publics AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY LUCILE FLOYD Holland REDWOODS HOTEL Grants Pass o SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE Excellent Coffee Shop IN CONNECTION REASONABLE rates SADDLES are More Popular Thau Eier! It's time to get new ones' Here's your fav­ orite exactly right to the last detail! White sueded rubber sole1 CREAM Freshly Frozen It’s Delicious Door Prizes for the Ladies ! THE WORLD S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR GARDENIAS for the Ladies ! tt rscordi tor you th» world'« el»an, con«tructtn dotn». Th. Monitor do»» not exploit crime or «»n«atlon, neither do»» K Isnor» them, but deals correctively with them Features for busy men »nd all ths family. Including the Weekly Magailna Section 4n International llailr y ewtpapet C. A. Winetrout Inc. GRANTS PASS 632 S. 6th St. Grants Pass Î ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Agencies I LADY’S DRESS. SHOES, and ACCESSORIES FRIDAY from 2 to 4 p. m. SATURDAY from 7 to 9 p. m. HOT PLATE LUNCH Sandwiches That are Different Golden Rule SEPTEMBER 27 Haynes Clothing Shop Wittrock'a Store, Kerby Lew Hammer, Selma Call: Wed. and Sat. Th« Christian Selane« Publishing Society One. Norway Street. Boston. Massachusetts »’»nod“”’ ,u“'r,p',o° ‘® Th» Christian Seltne» Monitor to» _ 1 Tear V* ** * moniti» M W J month* IS 0* 1 month 11 M Saturday laaua. including M»