Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, September 26, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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    Illinois Valley News, Thursday, September 26, 1940
Page Two
Sinews for America’s Air Defense
Use potato water (a) when mak-
! ing stock; (b) when making
gravy, and (c) if you are a bread-
maker, use it for mixing the bread
N THE Yankee clubhouse they
• • •
were talking about the fastest
During the last stages of baking
j pitcher. The argument got down to
I a cake a piece of greased paper
j Lefty Grove and Bob Feller. I ran
| on the top of it will allow the in­
[ in my nomination—a fellow named
side to cook through and keep the
j Walter Johnson.
“I never batted against Johnson,”
top from burning.
. . •
Bill Dickey said, "but my vote goes
for Grove when he
Wilted green vegetables can be
was at his best. 1
freshened by washing in water
can see Feller's fast
containing a little vinegar, and
one, even tf I don't
then left to soak in this solution
hit too well—but I
■ for an hour before cooking.
• • •
i e e
Remember that a cracked egg
can still be boiled successfully it
Johnson work, ” Joe
a teaspoonful of vinegar is added
Gordon said, " and I
to the water or the crack is rubbed
never saw Grove at
with salt.
• * •
his best, at the top.
But I’ll string with
A good way to test whether a
Bob Feller.
He is
fern requires water is to give the
fast enough for me.
pot a sharp tap. If it sounds hol­
Sometimes too fast.”
low it needs water, but if a dull
I still stick with Johnson.
sound is given out the soil is wet
answer is that Big Barney pitched
An inspector browsing in a field of completed cylinders at the Pratt A Whitney plant, Hartford, Conn.,
• • •
more shutouts and had more strike­
where motors for U. S. army fighting craft are being turned out. This company was recently given con­
outs than any pitcher in baseball—
When a wire basket is used for
tracts for $27,000,000 worth of motors. Inset: Night view of a section of the Pratt & Whitney plant as the work
113 shutouts, if I recall the exact
frying croquettes, dip the basket
figures. And Johnson had no chance of building airplane engines for national defense continues, night and day, without a hitch.
into the hot fat before placing in
to ease up with a weak-hilting club.
the croquettes.
The croquettes
Also every hitter in those days knew
will not stick to it when done, and
a fast one was coming, but they still
will be easy to remove.
• • ♦
couldn’t hit the Big Train.
"I guess Johnson, with that rec­
Apples may be used in almost
ord, gets the call,” Dickey said.
any salad recipe to give added
crispness and crunchiness.
♦ ♦ *
The Detroit Mystery
clean by wash­
Here's another angle few fans fig­
ing it regularly in warm soap wa­
ure out. I asked one of the Tiger
ter to which has been added a
stars how he accounted for Detroit's
little ammonia. The ammonia will
sudden rise from a sixth-place pick
aid in loosening the dirt. Rinse
to a pennant contender, and then the
thoroughly and dry.
mid-season slow-up prior to the final
Washington, 1». C.
Donald Nelson, for many years
executive of the Sears, Roebuck
mail-order house, now has become
one of the chief log-jam busters of
national defense. Officially his job
is director of procurement for the
United States treasury — in other
words, in charge of government pur­
Recently the navy department
sent a very important order to Beth­
lehem Steel corporation with a pref­
erence number to expedite it for the
earliest possible delivery. The nest
day word came back from Bethle­
hem: “Sorry, but you will have to
For some unexplained reason the
navy said nothing to the defense
commission about Bethlehem’s de­
lay, even though the commission has
the power to compel compliance. In­
stead the navy tried to handle the
situation itself. But after two weeks
of unsuccessful effort, the navy final­
ly went to Nelson, who in addition
to his procurement duties aids the
defense commission.
Nelson reached for a telephone,
called Walter Tower, secretary of
the American Iron and Steel insti-
tute, and said, "I hope we don’t have
to get tough, but when an order
goes out marked ‘expedite,’ it
means just that, I want immediate
action on that order.”
Twenty minutes later, Eugene
Grace, potent boss of Bethlehem,
personally telephoned Nelson and
assured him it was all a mistake.
• • •
There has been a lot of publicity
regarding Roosevelt
’s conference
"Nature," he said. "In the spring
with Argentine diplomat Leopoldo
Melo over buying Argentine beef. we were afraid of Dick Bartell's legs
Actually the conversation covered a and Charlie Gehringer's legs and
back. But we happened to get a
lot of things besides meat.
Roosevelt promised that this coun­ damp spring which ran into June.
try would substantially increase its We had soft ground to work on until
July. This gave both
imports of Argentine products; first
veterans a chance
because Argentina has suffered
to save their legs.
heavy loss of her European export
Then the sun baked
market and faces an acute depres­
out all diamonds—
sion; second, because Argentina con­
and what a differ­
tinues to buy from the United States,
ence this makes to
but this buying must fall off if she
older legs.”
cannot sell here to obtain dollar ex­
“This is true
change for purchases.
enough,” Bartell
Discussing these. problems, the
told me. "I was a
President told Melo that the defense
kid again as long as
program would require heavy pur­
I had soft ground
chases of wool for uniforms, hides
for shoes, and canned beef for the
Dick Bartell under my feet. But
these hard, baked
commissary. Though the govern­
ment would not buy direct from Ar­ out diamonds are rough on your legs.
gentina, the buying from domes­ I could begin to feel the difference
tic sources would create a new de­ in a few days—sore ligaments, sore
mand for imports, substantially ben­ feet.”
Bartell was one of the main fac-
efiting Argentina.
There was also discussion of using tors In Detroit's early summer
a part of the new Export Import charge. Both his spirit and his play
bank fund of $500,000,000, about to were major factors in the Tiger
be voted by congress, for trade with drive. And the same goes for Geh-
ringer, who stands out as one of the
Note—Latest export figures show great second basemen of all time.
that Argentina has now become the When these two begin to skid the
leading foreign purchaser of Amer­ Tiger Infield began to look porous.
ican passenger cars.
“Figure this one out," one of the
Yankees said. "We all know the
value of big. powerful hands in
The most important development baseball. Hands like Wagner's and
during the last few days of bombing Lajole's— but one of the best infleld-
London is the realization by British era I've seen tn a long time has the
■nd American observers that bad smallest pair of hands in either
weather is not going to help the de­ league.”
fense of London, but instead will
“Meaning whom?" we asked.
hinder it.
the Cleveland short­
Second important development is
the realization that Britain's only stop." he answered. "Boudreau has
real defense is retaliatory raids extremely small hands. They are
against Berlin.
This means, of delicate looking. But I don’t know
course, more long-distance bombers of a better shortstop anywhere to­
—almost all of which are now ob­ day. He has been one of the main
reasons for Cleveland's ■access,
tained from the United States
It has been generally expected When he gets cither hand on » ball
that with the arrival of foggy weath­ It sticks with him.”
er. London would be safer because
Nazi raids would have to abate.
However, there was considerable
cloudy weather over England last
week, and during it. Nazi bombers
had a field day. What they did was
to use the clouds as a shield and
drop their bombs, without aiming.
all over London.
On clear days they had tried to
aim at military targets
But at
night, and during cloudy weather, the
Nazis gave up any pretense of tak­
ing aim.
What happened W’as that when
British planes went aloft they could
not find the raiders The Nazis were
hidden in cloud banks, dropping
their bombs indiscriminately, Un­
der these circumstances, there was
only one way for the British to lo­
cate the enemy bombers—by means
of sound detection and radio direc­
tions from the ground.
However, these radio directions
must be three dimensional to be ef­
fective. and there is such a wide
margin for error that looking for a
bomber in the clouds is like looking
for a needle in a haystack. That is
why British planes simply did not
go into the air when the weather was
too cloudy.
It is important to note that the
same handicap applies to Berlin, In
other words, the British raiders will
be equally aided by foggy weather
over the German capital. So the
war of nerves and indiscriminate
bombing is likely to get worse.
Note—One tiling which caused the
downfall of France and the lowland
countries was the collapse of morale,
plus fifth column activities. How­
ever. U S observers in London are
unanimous that British morale is at
the highest peak, and that the Hi t
ish will fight as no army has fought
lor generations in Europe.
Scotch Children Seeking Refuge Here
Speech of the Soul
Utterance is not confined to
words. Our souls speak as sig­
nificantly by looks, tones, or ges­
tures—the subtle vehicles of oer
more delicate emotions, as they do
by set words and phrases. Indeed,
the soul has a thousand ways of
communicating itself.—Turnbull.
may affect the Heart
Gan trapped i n the stomach or gullet may act like a
hair-trigger on the heart. At the first sign of distress
smart men and women depend on Bell-ana Tablets to
set gas free. No laxative but made of the fastest-
acting medicines known for acid indigestion. If the
FIRST DOSE doesn't prove Bell-ans better return
bottle to us and receive DOUBLE Money Back. Zbe.
arrived in the safety of the United States recently. The children, many of them accompanied, are destined for
homes all over the United States. Germany has “washed its hands" of responsibility for the safety of ships bear­
ing child refugees to America.
Scion of Rockefeller ( Jan Wed
One Road
Of all the paths of life but one—
the path of duty—leads to happi­
"No Child of Mint will
•»•r 9“
That’s whatYOU think,M»therl
The Eternal Argument
“I'll tell you something." one of
the Cleveland veterans said. "Old-
timers are always talking about the
play of the stars who once made the
headlines. They talk about a more
scientific game.
I’d like to see
some of these old-timers handle the
ball they hit at you today— infield or
"The game today is twice as fast.
This modern ball comes at you like
a rifle shot many times. You can't
afford to lose a split second. The
same is true in the outfield where
line drives come whistling by. It
takes much better starting speed Io
handle the new. faster ball, no mat­
ter what position you play. Those
old timers were lucky when It came
to handling a much slower ball, one
that gave you more time to cover
your ground.
“Baseball today is far harder on
the nerves, You have to be alert
every second a man is at bat. You
are tense all the time in any close
The old-time game may
have been more scientific, but the
game today is largely a matter of
speed and power."
David Rockefeller, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rocke­
feller Jr., and his bride, the former Margaret McGrath, of Mt. Kisco,
N. Y., leaving SI. Matthews church in Bedford. N. Y.. after taking their
vows. Right: John D. Rockefeller Jr.
Seattle Salmon Derby Winners
Ruby Mercer, fearless soprano
star of “Gay New Orleans" at the
New York fair, who spends much
of her spare time playing with
Frank Buck's “cats" when she isn't
Nobody 1« immune to round worms Chil­
dren can pick up this nasty infection from
uncooked texetablea or bad waler, from
other children or dogs.
Here are some of the danger signs that
may mean living, crawling round worms
are inside your child: Fidgeting anti squirm­
ing Uneasy stomach Itching nose and
seat. Restless sleep. Biting nails.
If you even susperf that your child has
round wormi.get JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE
right awayl JAYNE'S is the best known
worm exitellant in America. It is backed
by modem scientific study, and has been
used by millions, for over a century.
JAYNE 3 VERMIFUGE has the abil­
ity to drive out large round worms, yet it
tastes good and acts gently. It does not
contain santonin. If there are no worms it
works merely as a mild laxative. Ask for
JAYNE’S VKR-MI-FLGEat any drug store.
FREE Valuable medical book.''Worms
living Inside You." Write to Dept. M-8.
Dr. D Jayne A Son, 2 Vine 8t„ Philadelphia.
As Maine Goes?
represents the leadership of
a nation. It points the way.
We merely follow—follow to
new heights of comfort, of
convenience, of happiness.
Pilcher» vs, Hitter»
Tile clubhouse chitchat drifted
■ round to the comparative value of
pitching and hitting.
"If you had your choice," I asked
one of the veterans, "who would you
take—Ruth. Cobb, Wagner and Foxx
—or Johnson. Alexander. Filler and
Grove—each at his peak?”
”1 don't have to wall on that one."
he aald. “I'd take the four pitchers.
Give me those four pitchers and I'll
give yen any four big hitters yon
might •ame in sny baseball league,
Using Every Moment
Every moment may be put to
some use, and that with much
more pleasure than if unemployed.
As time goes on advertis­
ing is used more and more,
and as it is used more we
all profit more. It's the way
advertising has —
Automobiles were offered as prizes In Seattle's famous salmon derby.
These anglers all won cars. Lilly Torkelson (center» with 27-lb. $-os.
salmon that made her the winner. L. 1« R. Roy Meister, 16-lb. 11-os.
■almon for winner men's division; Mrs. E. Carlson. 23-lb. 4-os. fish. J. E.
Webb. 2«-lb. >-os. and Frank Markham, 254b. 11-os.
Ralph O. Brewster, Republican,
elected U. 8. senator for Maine in
first general election In the nation,
defeating farmer Gov. Louis J.
Brann. Democrat, by more than 49,-
004 votes.
of bringing a profit to
everybody concerned,
the consumer included