Illinois Valley News, Thursday, September 5, 1940 Page Eight T The store that keeps the prices down in the valley The Model Grocery Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, Sept. 6-7-9 Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, Sept. 6-7-9 FRESH FRUIT AND Vegetables SWIFT’S PREMIUM BACON Per pound ................................ STRAWBERRIES Local, fancy, per box PURE LARD 4 Pounds for BAKERS COCOA—Feed the school children Cocoa for their lunch and dinner, Large tin GRAPES Fancy Tokays, 2 lbs. MATCHES 2 Cartons for MACARONI 5 Pounds for SPECIAL “A” COFFEE 3 Pounds for ................. 33c 48c 15c V COOKIES—Fine for school lunches Bulk. Assorted, per pound.............. TOMATOES 20 Pound Lug 15c $1.00 18c KLAMATH BOQUET FLOUR 49 Found sack for PEANUT BUTTER—Lynnhaver 2 Pound Jar for ........................... CAULIFLOWER Per Head MILK—Swift’s, Oregon, or Morning 4 Tall Cans for ............ ........... 4c SUN BRITE CLEANSER Per Can Friday and Saturday Only 27c LUNCH AND ( OLD MEATS FOR SC HOOL SANDWICH SOMETHING NEW — SOMETHING DIFFERENT CRACKKERS—Soda Wafers 2 Pound Package for PURE VINEGAR By the Gallon 15c 17c RAISINS, Thompson Seedless 2 Pound Package for 11c TOILET SOAP Lux, Lifebuoy, Palmolive, 3 Bars 17c LETTUCE Per Head Bananas, Peaches, Or­ anges, Lemons, Water­ melons, Onions, Beets, Turnips, Lettuce, Car­ rots, Cabbage, Green Peppers, Cucumbers NYLON COLD SUDS and ibil VAC-U WASHER, both for .......................... Nylon for silk, hose or lingerie. Use it with Vac-U-Washer and Nylon Cold Suds. Fully Guaranteed. We Carry a Complete Line of Crown flour and feeds Model Cash Grocery CLAY MASSIE Mrs. Myrtle Walton of Selma made a trip to Grants Pass on bus­ iness the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Miller of Kerby were Grants Pass visitors last Tuesday. Elwood Hussey, Jr., and Mike Well* made a trip to Grants Pass the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben George were transacting business in Grants Uss this week. Kenneth C. Wells visited rela­ tives over the week end. He is em­ ployed at Lakeview. — o— John Valen, county commission er was among the happy gathering at the Jamboree Sunday. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tycer were in the valley over the week end from Lakeview where Mr. Tycer is employed. Mrs. W C. Runyan returned from Portland the first of the week where she had been visiting for the past week. Judge Hanna of Medford was a visitor at the Jamboree last week. Judge Hanna is a candidate for circuit judge. Mr. and Mrs. A. Spinas of Sel­ ma were visitors in Cave Junction and also took in the Miners’ Jam­ boree celebration. Mrs. May G. White of Martinez, California, visited her mother, Mrs. John Peart of Cave Junction over the holidays. — o— Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Griizell of Ye Rustic Inn made a trip to the county seat and Rogue River the first of the week. ■■ o ■ Mr. and Mrs. Lew Krause ac­ companied by Mrs. Clara Hammer of Selma, were shopping in Grants Pass this week. FORMERLY SCHUMACHERS Cave Junct ion, Oregon home permanent here. Mr. and ■ ho, after spending several days Mrs. Klippenstein own their own | visiting friends in the valley. home on the Caves highway. While here they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Hill. i Barbara Fenner of Grants Pass is visiting for a few days at the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rogers of home of Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Cur- San Francisco, sister, brother—in rier in Cave Junction. law of Mrs. H. M. Smith were vis­ itors at the Smith home during the Misses Lois Caine and Marian Jamboree. McBriety and Gene Vance made a trip to Roseburg the first of the I Mrs. Nellie Strite of Portland week for several days visit. They has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. returned Wednesday. J. M. Smock at the Holland hotel for the past two weeks. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Leonard Strite is a sister of Gus Hart and had visiting them over the week nephew of Harry R. Floyd. end Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jones of Crannell, California. Mrs. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Matt Smith were and Mrs. Leonard are cousins. here to attend the Miners’ Jam­ Mrs. Agnes Smith had as guest recently Mrs. Nellie Strite who is making an extensive visit in the valley where she lived for a num her of years. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hein and family left last Monday afternoon for their home in Twin Falls, Ida first time they have other for 12 years. seen each Mr. and Mrs. Louis Holland and family returned from Lakeview last Saturday for the labor holi­ days. Mr. Holland returned to his work at Lakeview and Mrs. Hol­ land will resume her teaching in the Kerby school next week. —o— Judge and Mrs. Ashurst and sons Aaron and Henry of Klamath Falls, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry 0. Smith on the Caves highway over the week end. Both families spent Monday at the beaches in Crescent City. —o— Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stille and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stille and son, of Portland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Athey the first of the week. The Stilles are on a two weeks vacation visiting Crater lake and the Oregon Caves. They left Tuesday morning for San Francisco to visit the fair before returning to their home in Port­ land. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and family returned from Talent last week where they visited the form­ er’s sister, Mrs. A. Wheeler. Mrs. Agnes Smith returned home with boree and left for their home in them after spending a week visit­ Mt. Shasta, California, the first of ing her daughter. the week. While here they were guests of Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Barnett and and Mrs. E. J Wilber. son of Redwood City, Calif., ar­ rived in the valley last week to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Nich­ visit relatives and friends. They olas and daughter Alberta of Den­ left for their home last Sunday ver. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. and were accompanied by Mr. Bar­ M. Smith. Mr. Nicholas is a broth­ nett’s sister, Mrs. Herb Tycer who er of Mrs. Smith and this is the plans to visit there indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stewart and daughter spent last week in the valley visiting friends. They made a trip to Crescent City while here to spend the day and left for their home in Lakeview the first of the week where Mr. Stewart is employ­ ed by the Anderson mill. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Hibbard and family were visitors in the valley over the holidays, visiting the for­ mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Hibbard. It has been two years < oty Theatre I since the families had seen each other so it was an enjoyable and happy reunion. They left for their home in Portland Monday evening. — o— Rev. and Mrs. C. G. Morris and daughter Miss Margaret, left for Reedsport last week end where Miss Morris started teaching in the Reedsport high school. Their son Gordon Morris left Saturday for Pendleton where he is instruct­ or in mathematics at the Pendle­ ton Junior high school. Kenneth C. Hamilton of the Cave Junction Motor court made a business trip to Grants Pass last Tuesday. He was accompanied by his sister. Miss Celeste Hamilton. On Wednesday morning Miss Ham­ ilton and Harold Brintnall left for their home in Hawthorne, Cali­ fornia, after spending most of the summer at the Motor court. Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Wilson went to Roseburg Monday to at­ tend the funeral services of Mrs. Wilson’s aunt, Mrs. Ed Thorne, whose home was at Anchor. School Supplies ALWAYS COMFORTABLE rulers HEADQUARTERS Your Rexall Store FREE RULERS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 7-8— PROTRACTERS - INK - FILLERS Honestly—Fearlessly—The greatest novel of our time comes to the screen PENCIL TABLETS—COMPOSITION BOOKS The Grapes of Wrath LIFE-TIME FOUNTAIN PENS $3.00 to $5.00 By John Steinbeck Other Fountain Pens. 25c to $1.00 With HENRY FONDA and an ALL-STAR Cast lc SALE COMING I WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11-12— EXTRA! EXTRA! There are big bargains for everyone at your Rexall Store during the Rexall ORIGINAL One Cent Sale Two for the price of one, plus only lc. 250 brgains to choose from. Wednesday, Thursday. Friday. Saturday. October 2 3 4 and 5 at the Cave City Drug Store. The Rexall Drug Store’ The Happiest Show you’ll see this year! ANNA NEAGl.E and RAY MILLAND IN IRENE The Girl in the “Alice Blue Gown" C. G. Kappcnstcin arrived in Cave Junction Wednesday from Los Angeles and plans to make his O. W. GREEN • nd DONALD DUCK in “MR DUCK STEPS OUT" ji CAVE CITY DRUG STORE i ■; ;! Your Rexall Store Cave Junction, Oregon ; !