Page Seven Illinois Valley News, Thursday, September 5, 1940 Fun for the Whole Family CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT PHOTO FINISHING 16 PRINTS 25/ Boll Developed and 1« prists Ito. ■ EX PHOTO • BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN 1< Krprinia Ba OOOEN, UTAH HOTEL ASSEMBLY NINTH & MADISON. SEATTLB Comfortable Modern Rooms Hally Si tS Coffee Shop Weekly St Up Dininc Room homelike rooms from ‘2 50 per day with bath. Broadway and Salmon Streets By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA —A Terrible Strain Here’s Laundry Bag That’s Streamlined By RUTH WYETH SPEARS By C. M. PAYNE IJE.IOLD this modern version of an old-time laundry bag. It is made of sturdy ticking in crisp red and white stripes. It hangs flat against the wall with ivory rings over brass hooks. It closes neatly with a zipper and may be opened with one hand. The zip per is applied in a curve to make an ample opening, and the bag is held in shape with a board in the bottom. Surely you will want one of these and will want to make one or more for gifts. Christmas is not so far away, and here is something for a man, woman or child. Everything you need to know to make this bag is given in the sketch. These directions are not in any of the booklets, so be sure to clip them. There is also an in teresting laundry and shoe door pocket in Book 4. An easy-to- make garment bag illustrated in Book 1, and twin pockets for a pantry door in Book 3, solve the problem of what to do with clean and soiled tea towels. All these closet accessories make grand gift and bazaar items. “What? WORMS in my child?..Never! Don't bo so sure, Mother! By J. MILLAR WATT POP— Snoring Again Yem, right now, crawling round worrna may bo growing and multiplying inside your child without your even knowing ill Thia naaty infection may bo * caught** •airily, everywhere. And the outward wigna ar© very mifdeading. For example: Squirm ing and fidgeting. N tme-pick Ing, and scratch ing other part«. I neatiy stomach. Finicky appetite. Riling nail« If you ©ven flu pert that your child ham round worm«, get J A Y N K’S V ERM I FL'tiK rig lit away! JAYNE'S is the beat known worm exiMillant in America. It is IxM'ked by modern scientific study, and has been used by millions, for over a century. JAYNE 4 V hl: Mil I <.E has th© abil ity to drive out large round worms, yet it Caat4W g'HMl and acta gently. 1> does not contain santonin. If no worms ar© there it works merely as a mild laxative. Ask for JA^ Ni SVDI Ml I I <J h any drug store. FREE! Valuable med leal book, "Worms Living Inside You.” Write to Dept. M-t, Dr. D. Jayne & Son. 2 Vine St., Philadelphia. WNU—13__________________ 36 40 We Can All Be EXCELLENT QUALIFICATION \ THE SPORTING THING ' armstronc “Are you an expert accountant?" asked the prospective employer. “Yes, sir,” said the applicant. “Your written references seem all right, but tell me more about your self.” “Well, my wife kept a household account for thirty days. One night after dinner I sat down and in less than an hour found out how much we owed our grocer.” “Hang up your hat and coat,” di rected the employer. “The job’s yours.“ • In bringing us buying Information, ai to price* that are being asked for what we Intend to buy, and a* to the quality we can e>pect, the advertising column, of thl* newspaper perform a worth while service which level us many dollar, a year. • It I, a good habit to form, the habit of consulting the advertisement, every time we molie a purchase, though we have olready decided |ust what we want and where we are going to buy It. It give, us the most priceless feeling In the worldi the feeling of being adequately prepared. Bachelors, Look Out! • When we go Into a store, prepared beforehand with knowledge of what I, offered and of what price, we go o, an espert buyer, filled with seif-confl- dence. It I, a pleasant feeling to have, the feeling of adequacy. Most of the unhoppmes, in the world can be Itoced Io a lack of this feeling. Thu, adver tising show, another of It, manifold facet, sbow, Itself a, on aid toward making all our business relationships more secure and pleasont. Mrs. Neighbor—I've been looking for my husband for two hours. Spinster—That's nothing. I’ve been looking for one for 20 years and haven't found him yet. Life and Hope “Can’t the doctors extend any hope at all to the relatives of that very rich man?" “No; they say be is likely to live for years." EXPERT BUYERS “1 don’t care if there is a race today, I need my ironing board! * $ H H < s s I $ $ $