Illinois Valley News, Thursday, August 22, 1940 Page Two T • Court -------- this ---- -------- -- within DO YOU KNOW THE VALUE of species or class of timber. No bid 1 appear before ads. They get results, and cost twenty-eight (28) days from the for less than the appraised value I date of the first publication of this will be considered. Each bid must so little. (Continued from Page One) be submitted in duplicate and be Citation, which date of first pub .............................. MM*............ MMMMMM4M..........••.....MMMMMM® lication is August 22nd, 1940, to An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest refreshments. The (neeting will accompanied by a deposit in the show cause, if any exists, why the form of a certified check in favor I)R. A. N. COLLMAN | valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and ita surrounding district*. be held the last of September. of the Chief Forester of the O. and Order of Sale should not be made : It was stated 18 members were C. Administration. The deposit as prayed for in the Petition for Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Naturopathic Physician Valley Publishing Company. needed to make the membership of any successful bidder vill be Sale of Real Property of the Es I Office. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at 300, and the chairman suggested credited as a portion of the, initial tate on file herein. Said Petition I : Sherman's Camp prays for an order of sale of the 9 Cave Junction, Oregon, under th* act «>i M m h • 1*7* that each make an effort to get payment on the contract. * Pay real property of said Estate at pri Í : Cave Junction ment in full at the time of filing j one member that the goal (night j the contract is required in sales | vate sale for cash or credit, ac Q*«*******SS*S Ml Editor be reached. After adjournment amounting to $2500 or less. For cording to which shall appear to M C ATHEY B! I (Hit (••ISIS it rf(l(( **»•»»•••••••• 'llllimmHHI X Mr. and Mm. Horn invited all pres copies of the form of proposal,! be to the best interest of the Es I tate. Said real property being de WATCH REPAIR form cf contract and bond, terms ent to the outside fire place prh> re SUBSCRIPTION PRICES SPECIALIST , of Ftym.nt, amount of deposit re scribed as follows, to-wit: In Josephine County weiners, coffee and bun^ wi re quired with bid. amount of bond All of that part of the East Price* Alway* Reasonable $1 SO available, and there was no *carc- One Year . ... one-half (E’g) of the Southeast required with contract and other C larence E. Eggers .75 Six Months Í information, application should be I quarter (SEQ) of Section of refreshments. 50 I ity rhree Month* twenty-one (21) in Township JEWELER made to the Chief Forest« r, O. and - o— Outside of Josephine County thirty-nine (39) South, Range C. Administration, Portland, Ore Del Rogue Hotel Building $2 00 One Year _ ,........................................ a . eight (8) West of the Willam gon. The timber volumes given in Miner’s Camp Fire ette Meridian lying and being the following appraisals are stand IHttiHifsl on the North and East side of 3 ing timber estimates and may be The Illinois Valle; News reserves the right to reject any advertising (Continued from Page Out) more or less than the amounts < the Oregon Caves Highway copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application (State Road No. 46), contain Dr. Fred W. Gould stated. Payment for timber, un under the direction < ing 2.03 acres, more or less, ac : less otherwise specified, shall be Dental Surgeon Bowerman, ranger of the cording to the Government sur i based upon the followi'g esti Tuff* Building Ranger station. vey thereof; more fully de mated standing timber volumes: Phone 4 scribed as follows: Siskiyou forest has suffered 25 IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY: T 37 Grant* Pa** Commencing at the quarter fires to date this season, Bated S„ R. 8 W., Sec. 5. NW1, NW1, corner between Section 21 and Sugar Pine (only) 115 M. feet B. L. L. Colvill, assistant forest sup M., none of the timber to be sold 22 in said Township and Range; ervisor, with 2100 acres burning. for less than $3.50 per M. Trees thence South 260 feet to the North right-of-way line of said All but about 100 of the acres to be cut are branded USOC. T. State Highway No. 46; thence were burned in the Little Chetco 38 S„ R. 7 W., Sec. 31, SE'sNEW FUNERAL HOME in a Northwesterly direction1 anihS1:. Douglas Fir 2322 M. feet fire of June 21. Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager along said right-of-way line | B. M., Ponderosa Pine 94 M. feet _______________________________________ , “Much of our favorable fire rec B. M., Sugar Pine 321 M. feet B. 728.1 feet; thence East follow- AMBULANCE SERVICE ^REDtVOOD EMPIBE ftEWSPAPFR PUBLISHERS uittij ord to date has been due in no M., Incense Cedar 210 M. feet B. ing the East and West center Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sts. line through said Section 21, to small part to a reduction ill the M., White fir 34 M. feet B. M , the place of beginning a dis none of the timber to be sold for number of incendiary fires,'ji Mr. tance of 681 feet, all corners of less than $1.00 per M. for the Colvill said. which have been located and F H A LOANS Douglas Fir, $2.50 per M. for the stakes are now in place. Ponderosa Pine, $.3.50 per M. for BUILD NOW — PAY BY WITNESS my hand and seal_of the Sugar Pine, $.75 per M. for classified ads THE MONTH the Incense Cedar and White Fir. the above entitled Court this 17th FOR SALE—Good castiron cook Douglas Fir, White Fir, and In day of August, 1940. Valley Lumber Co. W. A- Johnson, - stove $15; 100 lb. icebox* $4; tense Cedar trees 24 ins. or less County Judge, West F St. Phone 47 DBHOB reserved from cutting. white chiffonier $4; whitened, Pine trees stamped and marked for Ben W. Coutant, County Clerk. springs and mattress $12;Jbuf- cutting. Douglas Fir, White Fir, 16-20 fet stand $3; rosewood ¡bed, and Incense Cedar to be taken at option of purchaser. The right to HULL & HULL springs and mattress $18. A D. waive technical defects and the Lindley, end yellow house back right to reject any and all bids is ROLLER SKATING j FUNERAL HOME of Camp O’Harra. 16-ltp reserved. Dated at Portland, Ambulance service day or nite Oregon, this 17th day of August, After thi* week every FOR RENT—One 4 room house 1940. W. H. Horning, Chief For 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 I WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, Í furnished and one 4 room house ester, O. and C. Administration. FRIDAY and SATURDAY 16-17. partly furnished. Elwood flus- Ì nights at the sey. 16-ftc CITATION Ml KERBY NEWS Illinois Valley News r 4 . iiiihiu I 1 L. B. Hall " HOWDY ALI || Cave Junction FOR SALE—At W. A. Johnson’s in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of near Holland, 9 Mi tons oat hay Josephine. $80; one buzz saw with porta In the Matter of the Estate of ble power $40.- 16-1 tp Mildred A. Keegan, sometimes known as Mildred A. Joy, De LOANS—No money down. See us ceased. To William Joy and all other if you desire to build and pay in small monthly sums. Use your persons or parties unknown, claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or Credit. We sell lumber and interest in the real property de building material of all kinds, scribed in the petition on file here windows, doors, etc., Copeland in and this Citation, GREETINGS: IN THE NAME Of The STATE Lumber, Grants Pass. 6-tf Of OREGON, You and each of you are hereby cited and required to Old newspapers for sale at The News office, 10 cents per ban GRANTS PASS dle. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Greer ar rived in the valley last Friday from their home in Seaton. Illinois, to visit indefinitely at the home of Mrs. Greer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Allen of Takilma —o— Mi. and Mis. Harry Floyd spent the week end at their Pebble beach cottage at Crescent City They re turned home the first of the week Cash prices for Feeds and Seeds of all kinds Phone 123 Grants Pass NOT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING — BUT DOING WHAT YOU WANT DONE PROMPTLY, I NT ELL I- GENTLY AND ECONOM ICALLY .... Notary Publics AMY HUSSEY M. C. ATHEY AAA Towing LUCILE FLOYD Phone 113 Holland 44 DEL ROGUE GARAGE WHEN YOU BUY NEW IIRIS from BRIN6 IN YOUR OLD TIRES TODAY U. S. ROYAL DELUXE FOR ALL AGES Sizes 7 to 44 BRAKE ACTION $1.00 — $1.98 — $2.9ß I 1 -- 1_ Ï_ ¿__ ¡Excellent Coffee Shop O il SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE IN CONNECTION v / wen ir ( omes 1& A 0MPLEIE c ? ank case CHANCE CFf us Grants Pass 507 S. 6th Street, Grants Pass 'toTT&W, UP'} also Mode O’Day j REDWOODS HOTEL I Your Set may be Worth each I I Josephine County MILLS SERVICE— » money OLD TIRES , Mrs. Florence Hallock was in Cave Junction this week attending to business matters. Mrs. Hallock is now located in Coquille where she and her sister, Mrs. W. R. Mac- Mitchell operate their new dress shop. Mrs. M. M. Nelson and son left -o- for Crescent City Tuesday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cur rier for the past week. The Nel sons now make their home in Rose burg. Free Pick up by Grant* Pas* Laundry Nash Sales and Service BACK TO SCHOOL Don Hill arrived home Saturday to. visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Hill for about 10 days. He js now stationed ni San Diego and was given a leave of absence before being assigned to his new duties in the navy. The oldest and best since 1911 Thursday nite is “Date” Nite I All “DATED” Ladies FREE j MINERS HEADQUARTERS 6Í5 “G” Street Grants Pass, Oregon Sealed bids, marked outside “Bill for Timber,” and addressed to the Chief Forester, O. and C. Administration. 410 Custom House Portland, Oregon, will be received until 10:30 a. m., Pacific Time, Sept. 20, 1940, for the purchase of timber upon tracts hereinafter And If» Montie Montana, no other! He's bringing his troupe—and described; each bid must state the his horses—to the Oregon state fair, September 2 to 8. Montie, the amount per thousand feet, board measure, that wil !be paid for each youngsters wilt tell you, is un» ot their Hollywood heroes. (jJliHMIHHl LOCALS SKATING RINK Wardrolie Cleaners HOTEL United State* Department < L th» Interior, General Land C O. and C. Administration, land, Oregon. i OPEN Al R Î I i i REASONABLE RATES j The Seal of Approval If they're good enougb to drive on they’re worth reel money Io us. Sow at Sigiti Safety 112 S. 6th St.. Grants Pas4 Awarded by the American In stitute of Laundering after Passing Rigid Tests ickup and delivery every Mon day and Thursday in Cave Junction, Kerby and Holland The Taxpayers league will hold a meeting Tuesday, August 27 in the court house. There has been n demand for meeting* twice a month until after election, anil the club will meet the second fourth Tuesdays hereafter. GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY Texaco Gas, Oil Greases SMOOTH THUS AHI OANIUROUS LET US SAEETY CMCX TOUR TIMS TOOSV GEO. A. HICKS 4 Duckworth Attend the Miners’ Jamboree Liberal Allowance on Your Old TIRES : Grants Pass : S ome men think HOME IS A SWEET PLACE WHERE YOU CA n OQOWL KOR, SERVICE WITHOUT TIPPING I 3________ No need to gtowl for Service at the Cave Junction Motor Court. Here’s where ____ you ______ real- ly get Service with a Smile! ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY] uaaaav ttauwiY to rHf patoon cavts : Agencies 'Haynes Clothing Shop IWittrock'* Store, Kerby Lew Hammer, Selma I Circulating Heaters A handsome piece of Furniture in any home Looks like a metal cabinet, highly enamelled. These Heaters were pur chased at a special buy. and we are glad to pass the savings on to you. Four sizes at $23.95 — $29.95 — $42.95 — $49.95 MARVEL WHITE ENAMEL RANGES “Gleaming White Porcelain Enamel.’’ Easy to clean and will harmonize with other kitchen equipment. Money cannot buy a more efficient Range. Smartly styled, expertly con structed and scientifically engineered to give years of depend able cooking service. Call: Wed. and Sat. LAW N S\\ ING — Only one left, 2 passenger, (’lose Out at only $16.95 5TJUMBÄUF PROCESS MancheFs Furniture You'll Admire at Price* You'll Appi ceciate 112-114 N. 6th Street, s : ,(fr 3 , & DRY CLEANERS Attend the Miners’ Jamboree MODERN CABINS and CAFE IN CONNECTION 3- .. .................... ~...................................... THE TIRE MAN Along the Concrete “Since 1900” Grants Pass. Oregon