Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1940)
Gateway to The Oregon Caves Illinois Valley News A LIVE WIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS ■■ "" ! ■ Volume IV. No. 16 Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, August 22, 1940 Price 5 Cento Jamboree Committees Announced I Betty Lyman returned this week | after spending several weeks visit- | ing relatives and friends in Calif, i Mrs. Maud Bigelow returned to her home after spending a week The Legion Jamboree committee with relatives in Redding, Calif. has announced the list of commit tees and chairmen of each com Prescott Johnson left last week mittee. The list can be added to for Kansas City, where he will at any time the necessity appears. tend Church and God Bible col Following are the ones selected at lege. Prescott is the oldest son present: of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson. Executive committee — Milt Akerill, Bert Badden, Cecil Slack Miss Nona Wissing of Seattle and George Hicks. was a guest at the home of Mrs. Finance — Blake Miller, Fred G. A. Peteisen for a few days last Linkhart, Cecil Slack, Milt Akerill week. She is a niece of Mrs. Pet and George Hicks. ersen and is an elevator operator Queen contest—Fred Linkhart. in Seattle. Entertainment—Ferd Jones and —o--- Wm. McLean. Clarence Roe of San Jose, Cal., Queens Bali—Bill Martindale. was a guest at the home of Mr. and Concessions—Milt Akerill. Mis. Don Morrison Saturday. He Mineral Exhibits—A. C. Ham- formerly managed the Pomeroy erick and L. E. Bidache. ranch but is now employed by the Lights—Blake Miller. Greyhound stage company. Parade—Jim Franklin. Publicity-—M. C. Athey. Mrs. Norman Wright has gone Children’s committee — Sharlet to Portland for special medical Slack. treatment. She has been in the The executive committee and Grants Pass hospital and in poor other committees are working health for several weeks. The every day and night and will con Wrights came to Kerby from Eu tinue until the Jamboree is over. gene and Mr. Wright is with the The program committee has ac- Puget Sound Piling crew. complished considerable and the ..... *0*' ** following is a short list of the Mrs. Alton Duncan and daugh amusements they have in store for ter Christine returned Sunday everyone: from Somerton, Arizona, where Bicycle race, boys, 10 to 16. Mrs. Duncan had gone to care for Bicycle race, girls, 10 to 16. her mother, Mrs. Vivian Grimmett, Three legged race, under 10. who was quite ill. Mrs. Grimmett Balloon blowing, kiddies 5 to 8. is rapidly improving and hopes to Pie eating contest, boys. be able to return to the valley for Apple bob contest, girls. the winter. Pillow fight, boys. Wood sawing contest, women. Mrs. Pearl Horn and Miss Odes Log bucking contest, men. sa Horn, mother and sister of Geo. Tug-o-war, miners only. Horn, of Portland, were guests of Nail driving contest, women. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Horn over the Gold Panning contest, men. week end. While here they went Beer drinking contest, men. • to Medford to visit Miss Mary Rus Worth while prizes will be given sel, who is in a hospital as the re- the winners in each of the above suit of injuries received in an au events. Men, women and children tomobile accident. interested in these contests should —o--- contact W. J. McLean at Kerby Les Henry, Sr., went to Klam post office or George Hicks, Tex ath Falls last week to attend the aco Service station, Cave Junction. wedding of his daughter, Louise The official program will ap- Henry who was married to Joe pear in next weeks issue of The Schiro on that date. Louis lived News. at Kerby for many years and at --------- o--------- tended both public and high school here. The young couple will make “Road To Singapore” their home at Klamath Falls where Saturday and Sunday Mr. Schiro has employment. It may have taken about a m il- lion years for nature to produce the lush tropical foilage used in “Road to Singapore,” coming to the Cave City theater Saturday and Sunday, with Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour and Bob Hope in the starring roles, but that’s only fair when one notes that it’s just 5000 years apiece for 200 Goona Goona girls who appear in the big dance number. There were mammoth banana trees from Tahiti, gigantic ferns from India, palms from Java, rub ber plants from Sumatra, bamboo from the Philippines, Eucalyptus trees from Australia, and various other flora and fauna hanging around on the tropical set. Miss Lamour is the disturbing factor jn the story, for she has Bing and Bob falling in love with her after travelling to the South Seas to get away from the ladies. JAMBOREE BOOSTERS Kerby News Notes of General Interest James Russel, Miss Mary Rus sel and Miss Margarete Russel were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Horn at Maple Court last week. They were formerly neighbors at Los Angeles where the Russel’s reside. On Wednesday they with Earl and Evelyn Horn made a trip to Crater Lake and on the return had a serious accident when their car turned over in loose gravel, in juring Miss Mary Russel. Others escaped with minor cuts and bruis es and a badly damaged car. Miss Russel was taken to a Medford hospital where it was found she had pelvis bones broken in three places and will remain in the hos- oital several weeks. ROD AND GUN CLUB The Kerby Rod and Gun club had a very enjoyable meeting last Friday evening on the lawn at Maple Court camp grounds. Al though the crowd was small in pro COMING EVENTS portion to the membership those 4 ............ ••--••................ -0) present expressed the wish for Saturday to Monday, inclusive— more meetings of this type. August 31, Sept. 1-2—Miners’ A short business meeting was Jamboree, Cave Junction. held with Chairman Jim Hogue in Friday. Aug. 23—Illinois Valley charge. Mrs. Art Kellert reported Garden club meeting at Esterly that the Garden club had tkaen action on improving the highschool mine. Monday, September 2—Labor day. grounds and that she wax to see what the Rod & Gun club would Monday to Sunday. Sept. 2 to 8— be able to do towards assisting. State Fair at Salem. Many expressions were made as Wednesday to Saturday, Septem well as valuable suggestions and ber 11 to 14 inclusive—Pendle willingness to donate time. It was ton Round-Up. finally voted to donate $5.00 to O’Brien Woman’s club meets first wards the project. and third Friday, 2 p. m. Little other business was dis cussed aside from appointing an Illinois Valley Juvenile Grange meets first and third Saturdays . entertainment committee for next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Jones of each month at 2 p. m. Regular Legion and Auxiliary were appointed for this committee meeting the first and third and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Miller for Wednesday of every month, j (Continued from Pag* Two» Considerable excitement was caused in Grants P s« last Tuesday morning when the above band of wild-eyed Jamboree Boosters called on the County Court and demanded $50,000 for the Miners’ Jam boree. Judge Johnson is «een holding up the chec ; which the court was intimidated in giving the cal lers. It was all a publicity stunt, but aU of Grants Pass knows there is going to be a Jamboree in Cave Junction this year. Later on the Boosters called Oa both banks and tried to cash the check. Forest Officials I “Dr. Kildare’s Strange Case” Wednesday With Queen Show Installation Of Officers In previous "Kildare” pictures, l.ew Ayres has had to learn de tails of medical lore. In "Dr. Kil dare's Strange Case,” newest of the scries coming to the Cave City theater Wednesday and Thursday, Wednesday evening was a big Last week was quite a week for he had to take wrestling lessons, distinguished visitors in the val and his teacher was a doctor. one for the local post of the Amer Ayres was taken to several men ican Legion, as they installed their ley. Friday evening the state tal hospitals with a technical ad new officers for the ensuing year: highway commission with a corps of engineers and many forest of visor as his guide in this picture. I Quite a number came out from The high light of the show is Grants Pass, among them being ficials gathered at the Oregon the administration of the insulin Neil Allen, department command Caves for the night. They all had dinner there and were entertained shock treatment, a method of com er, Warren Butler, Past Command in the evening with a wonderful bating mental disorders, with er Grants Pass post 28, Luke Ayres as the physician in charge. Wyatt, past commander! Grants program given by the students. Ayres and Lionel Barrymore as Pass; Leslie Wyatt, past command David P. Godwin, assistant chief Dr. •Gillespie, combine the detec er, Everett, Washington; G. K. division of fire control of the U. S. Forest service was among the tive problem of solving a mystery Manuel and Jack Roberts, Grants guests at the Caves, and Saturday locked in an insane patient’s brain Pass; Pete Frederickson, Grants inspected some of the workings of with a romance between the young ! Pass Post and Commander Veter- the Siskiyou National Forest. On doctor and Laraine Day, pretty Ians of Foreign Wars; Ben Cou- a trip Saturday he was accompan nurse in the picture. ' tant, Chas. McQueen, Chas. Cooley Wednesday night is the Queen’s I and Harold Prestol past command. ied by E. P. Cliff, supervisor of the Siskiyou National Forest; L. L. show, and the students tickets will ! er, Grants Pass, and Chef de Gare Colvill, assistant supervisor; Otto not be sold at this performance. ' of Southern Oregon Voiture No. C. Linch, in charge of fire con All the queen candidates will be on 165 and Mrs. Marjorie Mosier, trol, region six, Portland, Oregon; the stage and the queen and her president of the Ladies Auxiliary Harold Bowerman, ranger of the princesses will be announced at of Grants Pass. Redwood Ranger station and M. that time. The officers installed were, Milt o— C. Athey, editor of The News. 'Akerill, commander; Gus Hart, The first stop was the air port i vice-commander; Bert Hadden, ad Birthday Party Given on Rough and Ready flats. This jutant; George Hicks, finance of gave the chief from Washington For Master Nelson ficer; Clyde Hays, chaplain; Har an eye full and he praised the sight old Hill, sergeant at arms and Les for its accessibility and adaptabil Last Friday the home of Mrs. Henry and Clyde Hays on the ex- ity as a forest air port, Next stop Harold Bowerman wax scene of eCUtive committee. ■ruiu was the inr averw was the inspection of the narrow a i delightful birthday party, hon- ! Commander Slack turned the . . _ . . guage road the local men are build oring Master Marshall Bruce Nel- gavel over to Elwood Hussey who ing as a protection against fire. son of Roseburg, who is in the val in turn asked Ben Coûtant to in This road starts off beyond Ore ley visiting with his mother, Mrs. stall the above officers. Mr. Cou- gon mountain and continues for M. M. Nelson. , tant installed the officers of Post miles on a high plateau, and will After games were played delic- I No. 70 when it was first organ eventually be connected with a sim ious refreshments were served the ized. ilar road coming from Brookings. following guests: Mrs. Cocil Owens After the installation Depart- When completed, crews of men and son, Mrs. Lloyd Hayes, Mrs. ment Commander Neil Allen spoke can be taken to a fire in this sec Sterling Sloan, Mrs. Allen Currier on the issues before the Ameri tion in a very short time, and sup and children, Mrs. M. M. Nelson, can Legion today. He impressed plies follow immediately with little Mrs. Frank Sowell, Mrs. Chas.1 upon those present that America loss of time. A small narrow Cook and sons, Mrs. W. W. Currier must prepare to defend herself be guage truck has been built in i and daughters of Grants Pass, Mrs. fore any and all enemies. Grants Pass that travels on the O’Neil, Mrs. Shroeder and chil- The Grants Pass Glads and Ac new road or trail, and can carry ' dren of Corvallis and Mrs. Harold cordion band composed of mem eight men and plenty of freight. ! Bowerman and daughter. bers of the Grants Pass Ladies The trip taken by the men over Auxiliary played several selections this route was one of wonder and i before the installation and closed excitement. with "God Bless America" all pres ent joining in singing the last chorus. The “Glads” are lead by Garden Club To Meet Harold Prestol and the members Friday at Esterly Mine are Mesdames Ruth Prestol, Eve lyn Allen, Merle Watson, Mildred — The Illinois Valley Garden club McQpeen, and Emmy Lou Cooley. meeting for this month will be After the installation refresh f.ierylfiirig i< uordi ubai ihr punlinirr held at the Esterly mine Friday, were served bv the boys, ments u rli puy lor it." August 23, and will be of unusual on K. P. were Cecil Slack, AUGUST Those interest, the main feature being Î7 -Capi Eyston «et auto Blake Miller, Gus Hart, C. V. Ar- a flower arrangement contest. speed record of 345 49 Later dancing was enjoyed m p.h., ¡938 nold. The following classifications excellent music furnished to the will be displayed: 2*-Suffrage amsndmsnl by the "Glad" Accordion band. ratified, 1920 Mixed boquet of gladiolus with other flowers; mixed boquet in 19- Oaf ZappaUn dingibls balloon arrive« al Lak» pottery container; mixed boquet Miner’s Camp Fire hurst. N L 1929. in glass container; arrangement of J Starts Small Blaze 30 -American Ilnar Hoover" zinnias; arrangement of mari bombed by Chinese golds; arrangement of petunias. planes. 1937 Several buckets full of water --------------o It- US remqnizadObreaon were not enough to completely ex government in Mexico. Mrs. Paul Newlands of Bend, tinguish a prospector's campfire, 1983. Oregon, accompanied by her son SEPTEMBER and a six-acre forest fire in Hoover and daughter-in-law, Howard Har I—Mexican women worker« gulch on the Illinois river resulted given franchise. 1935. ker of Prineville, spent several last Tuesday afternoon. days in the valley on business and r — >. 1 -Treoiury Defxiriment The blaze was quickly controlled [g]! tablllhed 1799 visiting friends and relatives. They (Continued on page Two) left for their homes Wednesday. I For Legion Visit Here & Contest Foi Queen Getting Hot Only six more days and some nice young lady will be chosen queen of the Miners' Jamboree for 1940. Only six more short days girls. Dont let any grass grow un- ler your feet. The one who has lie most abundant display of en- ergy is going to come out with tl e honor of being queen and a andsome prize as well. There will be no published tending of the contestants. No -no will know who is going to win •ntil the verv last minute of the race. The contest closes Wednes day night, August 28 at 8 p. m. The winner will be announced be tween shows at the theater. Fred I.inkhart, manager of the contest says he nqver saw such a close race. Of course he won’t tell us who is ahead, but he did say anyone of the contestants in Cave Junction could get in the lead with just a little effort, it wax so close. What the girls are doing in Hap py Camp we no not know, as no word has come from the contest manager over there, but if we know Happy Camp, the girls here will surely have to hustle to get ahead. The girls in the contest here are Fay Tycer, Marion Mc- Briety, and Alberta Hatley. ------------- o O’BRIEN CLUB MET FRIDAY The O'Brien Woman's club held their regular meeting last Friday at Antler Valley farm, with Mrs. F. C. Stiwait as hostess. Mrs. F. E. Barrett graciously as sisted as secretary in the absence of Mrs. E. L. Oppie. Mrs. Phil Patrick read a splendid letter to the club from Mrs. W. A. Brown, who was an officer and active member of the club, and her letter written on the eve of her depart ure for Los Angeles was filled with love anil good wishes for the mem bers and high hopes for the de velopment and prosperity of the Hub during her absence. She al so thanked the club members for he Five Year Diary, which was their departing gift to her. Mrs. Robert Balxke, librarian, reported the arrival of 40 or more books for the local library. It is due to the efforts of Mrs. Brown that many of the splendid books now on hand have found a home in the local library, where they are in deed an asset to the community. Mrs. F. E. Barrett wax asked by the president to fill Mrs. Galenos unexpired term on the membership committee. Mrs. Galeno’s moving away also left a vacancy on the hostess’ committee which was filled by the appointment of Mrs. Earl Boyd. The next meeting, scheduled for September 6th was previously arranged to be held at the home of Mrs. A. E. Williams, but due to the fact that it would be difficult for her to entertain at that date, Mrs. E. J. Wilber kindly invited the club to meet at her home on that date. Learning that several of the members were with out "Year Books" it was decided to have a dozen more made. Miss Maxine Patrick is to attend to the making. Mrs. E. N. Cook, who recently returned from an extended visit to her former home, told of her trip, and expressed her pleasure at be ing back home. She also led a dis cussion ax to the identification of paper money. Mrs. I. B. Hearing gave a splendid reading by one of the best loved old poets. Mrs. Patrick also read a charming poem. Mrs. Wilber led in games and continued with a review from her very interesting diary. The lad ies are anxiously waiting another installment from that wonderful book. Refreshments of ice cream and cookies were served by the hostess. Anna Stiwalt. ------------- o - - Send The News to a friend.