Illinois V alley News, Thursday, August 8, 1940 ■ CLASSIFIED ADS I VASV.'AVAYAYAWAWAW/Z BE PATRIOTIC MIRRORS made and resilvered, prompt service and work guar anteed. Leave work at Regis tration bureau care Elwood Hus- 14-ltp RENT — Small furnished house for housekeeping. Bath privileges. No children, $15.00 per month. After Sept. 15 rent can be reduced. Frederick’s camp, Cave Junction. 14-ltp FOR SALE —One Chesterwhite boat. H. C. Hill, box 154, Cave Junction, Oregon. 14-ltp Used Car Bargains Wear FLAG PINS and BROOCHES SHOW YOUR COLORS Pins 15c SALE PRICES ARE ALWAYS THE RULE AT DES' WHEN YOU BUY A CAR HERE. YOU KNOW ITS A BARGAIN Brooches 35c Collar Clips, 10c Tie Hold. 10c Agate Rings Agate Holders WRIST WATCH 4» BANDS 35c They Make Wonderful Gifts CAVE CITY DRUG Your Rexall Store Des7 Garage Caves Highway CAVE JUNCTION GRANTS PASS* LOANS—No money down. See us if you desire to build and pay in small monthly sums. Use your Credit. We sell lumber and building material of all kinds, windows, doors, etc., Copeland Lumber, Grants Pass. 6-tf Fifth Annual Old newspapers for sale at The News office, 10 cents per b*n- w Genuine Oil Permanent Wave First shampoo free of charge $2.50 Machineleaa Permanent VOU MEOLE erto XlURSELF LIKE MTU DO THE CAR Friday and Saturday, AUGUST 9th and lOth Cooler and more comfortable I Evenings by appointment only • "Glad" Day Specials > $5.00 CAVE JUNCTION BEAUTY SALON □ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I; ................................................................ a The Seal of Approval 1 Awarded by the American In- stitute of Laundering after Passing Rigid Tests Pickup and delivery every Mon day and Thursday in Cave Junction, Kerby and Holland GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY i i “Since 1900“ ? BROOMS Good Quality 25c WATER JUGS 60 Ounce 10c STRING GLOVES for hoppickers 10c pair 3 for 25c NAIL POLISH REMOVER 3 ounce size 10c ANKLETS New pattern l()c Pair Water TUMBLERS Gay Decorations 5c < McGregor Co. ¡ L Successors to C&B Economy Grants Pass ; AV.WWA'.VAYAYAW.WW/A'AY.VAW.W.V.' NEW NAME— I —NEW MANAGEMENT NEW BUSINESS POLICIES On the first birthday of the former Junction Fruit & Produce Com pany I wish to announce I have purchased the interest of A. B. Davis rnd am now sole owner of this market to be known in the future as .. . As the new owner I invite you to come down this Friday and Saturday ¿nd get your share of the following New MANAGEMENT SPECIALS 1C 3c ORANGES Good juice, each LOCAL “( ANTS” Each !i C ANNING TOMATOES Per pound ...................... lc GREEN BALL PEPPERS Each | TUSCON PEACHES Cling, dry land. 20 lb. box SUNKIST LEMONS 2 Dozen for JOHNNIE CLARK, Sole Owner Farmer's Drive-In Mici Formerly Junction Fruit & Produce ❖ a The following Grants Pass Merchants have made this advertisement possible and they cordially invite you to attend this years wonderful Gladiolus Show. As you shop in Grants Pass, make these stores your headquarters. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE Headquarters for Motorola Car Radios and R. C. A. Home Radios Opposite the Rogue Theater, 620 “H” Street, Grants Pass COUCH’S PHARMACY Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by Experts—Novelties and Gifts 201 South 6th Street, Grants Pass GRANTS PASS FEED & SEED STORE Take your Feeding troubles to the man who knows all the answers 7th and “F” Streets, Grants Pass Grants Pass Branch FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Portland. Oregon THE SHACK I Confectionery Light Lunches and Fountain Service 109 North 6th Street, Grants Pass TED (’OATES Insuiance — It's positively a pleasuie to explain any problems you have with your Insurance — 504 “F” Street, Grants Pass ARTCRAFT CAMERA SHOP Kodaks — Flims developed — Quick service 113 North 6th Street, Grants Pass Enlargements PROBST FLOWER SHOP FARMERS DRIVE-IN MARKET 4- GLAD' SHOW you WULD 6Er KET VP’TOO, IF Texaco Gas, Oil Greases GEO. A. HICKS ■> South of Caveman Bridge ;• ATTEND LOST—License plate Oregon 263- 993. Leave at News office. The American Legion will give a dance Saturday, August 10 in the American Legion hall, Cave Junction. Kerby High School or i chestra will play. Oldsmobile Coupe Chevrolet Pick-Up Nash Lafayette Ford Coupe Dodge Coupe AND SEVETAL OTHER CARS IN CHEAPER BRACKETS ALL CARS GUARANTEED AND PRICED RIGHT rOK SALE—Practically new elec tric refrigerator $100; bedroom suite $75; rug 9x12 $15; new ABC washing machine $55. A few small articles still left. In spection invited. Dopyera, Ker by. 14-ltp Midsummer Special 1939 1936 1938 1930 1935 We are Gift Headq’trs. FOR S a LE—3 section or 150 ft. 2H in. fire hose in perfect con dition with couplings $22.50 complete. Also garden tractor $100. Johnson's Store, Kerby. 14-1tp Ftndkton, Ore., July 31. Competition, always keen at the Pendleton lound '.p, will be at fever pitch at the thirty-first annual rodeo, Sept. 11, U, -3, 14, not only for prize money but for the coveted $5000 sterling diver bam Jackson trophy for champion all round coyboy. The trophy uust be won three times for permanent possession and no .hree top-notch performer- have twice won the prize, They're Bill McMakin, of Trail City, South Dakota, 1939 and 1937 vinner shown here with the trophy; Everett Bowman, of Hillsdale, Arizona who placed both in 1932 and 1935, and Ike Rude, of_________ Magnum, Oklahoma, champion in 1931 and again in 1936, when he tied with Carl Arnold. The Trophy was presented by the Portland Oregon Journal in memory of the editor, the late Sam Jackson, former Pendletonian. Competition is on a point basis, for bucking, steer roping, steer bull logging and calf roping, under Rodeo Association of America rules. All three cowboys are well toward the top in the R.A.A. list of high »oint winners at 1940 rodeos. Page Three —s— Flower« Telegraphed Anywherw in the United States and Canada 510 "H” Street, Grants Pass THE CALIFORNIA, OREGON POWER CO. Electric Refrigerators, Hot Water Tanks, Electric Stoves, Light Globes 209 North 6th Street, Grants Pass OWL DRUG STORE Novelties of all kinds — Fountain Service — Light Lunches 117 South 6th Street, Grants Pass LOWELL’S Ladies Ready-To-Wear and Shoes 202 South 6th Street, Grants Pass VALLEY HARDWARE Everything You Need in the Hardware line 210 South 6th Street, Grants Pass HADLEY’S The Ladies' Specialty Shop — Everything you need for street or party 208 South 6th Street, Grants Pass STEARN’S WORTH MORE STORE Your 5c, 10c, and 25c Store Full of Bargains 304 South 6th Street, Grants Pass BECK’S BAKERIES Triple-T-Bread with that delicious flavor — At your Grocers DEL ROGUE HOTEL COFFEE SHOP Under th«> New Management of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gordon Del Rogue Hotel building I