Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 18, 1940 Page Four T ~ •/ PERK UP THE APPETITE. MIXED WITH FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES THE COMBINATION CAN NOT BE BEAT. NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS ARE ALWAYS GOOD. LOWER PRICES AT OUR STORE MEANS SAVINGS TO YOU GOOD GROCERIES! AT EXCEEDINGLY ATTRACTIVE PRICES Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, July 19-20-22 "1 Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, July 19-20-22 FRESH FRUIT AND Vegetables SU(;AR, Beet 25 Pound sack FRUIT COCKTAIL 1 Pound 2 for Friday and Saturday Only STRAWBERRIES Fine local Per box 43c INSTANT POSTUM 100 Cup size ..... 73c SCHILLING’S ORANGE PEKOE TEA 1 Pound for ................................................ I CUDAHY’S DEVILED MEAT PRODUCTS 3 cans for lOc FLAKED TUNA 6 Ounce cans, 2 for .......................................... FANCY LOUISIANA SHRIMP 5 Ounce cans, 2 for............................................. 25c 25c YELLOW CLING PEACHES No. 1 Cans, 3 cans for 27c lOc COFFEE, Pennant 2 Pounds for RASPBERRIES Per box 10c By the Crate..... $1.15 ROASTING EARS Per dozen 30c CHICKEN NOODLES 1 Pound glass GREEN PEPPERS 2 for oc 34c PURE LARI) 4 Pounds for OVAL SARDINES Tomato or Mustard sauce, 2 (’ans for 19c SODA WAFERS 2 Pounds for 17c TOMATO JUICE 10 Ounce cans, each CELERY Utah, per bunch 15c Peaches, Bananas, Lem ons, Watermelons, Can taloupes, Grape Fruit, Apricots, Lettuce, On ions, Carrots, Cabbage, Cucumbers 35c ......... FANCY FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Large size 2 cans for YELLOW CORN MEAL 9 Pounds for SNOW DROP FLOUR 19 Pound sack Swansdown Cake Flour Large package, each CUT-RITE WAX PAPER 10 Foot roll, each 33c 29c $1.05 23c 5c CROWN FLOUR AND FEEDS Model Cash Grocery CLAY MASSIE ocals Mrs. J. J. Villair was a Grants Pass visitor last Monday. Bernard Robert of Medford was a business visitor in Cave Junction last Saturday. —o— Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hamilton motored to Medford last Friday on a pleasure trip. Dollie Branham of Kerby spent the past week at Myrtle Creek vis iting relatives. Yvonne Payne and Don Folk turned last Thursday from a visit left for a short visit at Crescent to her home in Hornbrook, Calif. City the first of the week. On Tuesday Miss Bloomingcamp —o— made a business trip to Crescent Lloyd Hobb's former employer City. of the “40 man crew” has accept ed a new position at the Reedsport Robert and Dick Lindgren and CCC camp 981. Otis Hussey, Boy Scouts will make —o— , a trip to Lake of the Woods camp Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Sawyer and I near Klamath Falls next Sunday. the latter’s mother, Mrs. Minnie They plan to be gone about a week. Losson spent the wes'ty end in Crescent City at their beach home. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smock re —o— turned to their home in Holland This week a marriage license after spending the past week at was issued to James Norvan Wells their Pebble Beach home in Cres and Miss Margaret L. Sowell, both ■ cent City. of Cave Junction. Eston Lough of the 40 man crew Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Smith were transacting business in the was taken to the Josephine Coun ty hospital last Monday evenin. county seat last Tuesday. Last reports he is getting along bet Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fox and fam ter. ily. Charles, Jerry and Paula, spent M. I>. Morgan of Florence, Ore Friday in Grants Pass on business. gon, visited the News Office the —o— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freitas first of the week. Mr. Morgan ed transacted business in (¡rants Pass its the "Suislaw Oar" a publication in thnt city. several days of this week. —o— Gordon Williams of Willow Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bosum and family made a trip to Crater Lake brook. Calif., who is visiting his last week end. f uncle, O. W. Vogue of Cave JuJnc- tion returned from a very success —o— Misses Celeste Hamilton and ful fishing trip to Sanger P>‘ak. Grace Hendrickson motored to Miss Gertrude Bloomin^camp re- Grants Pass last Monday. 'AVWWA’.WAW.’A'.Y.V. .S^SS^V.'W.V.V.W'.V.V.V, Things you need We have a complete line of Men’s and Young Men's Good Workin Clothes and Shoes Men’s Cool Summer Sport Shirts Men’s Work Pan’s and Shirts Men’s Work Shoes and Roots Z.V W W . • Warm Blankets or Camping Out O. W. GREEN FORMERLY SCHUMACHERS Cave Junction, Oregon Mrs. T. Bergeson left the first of the week for her home in Seattle after spending the past two weeks visiting her daughter and son-in- law and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Baumberger of Cave City Park. isdictional conference, western division of the Methodist church held in the Glide Memorial Meth odist church in San Francisco on July 9th. take a plane for Montana where they were to assist in fire suppres sion work in the Missoula area which is hard hit by numerous rag ing blazes. Upon arrival at Med ford the boys learned that the or der had been rescinded so they re turned here that evening a bit dis appointed that the airplane trip hadn't materialized. Rev. C. G. Morris returned last Tuesday from San Francisco, Cal ifornia. where he attended the Methodist Church conference held in that city July 9 to July 12. o Jack Heintzelman, Fritz Mor Earl Grey of Rocky Dale is now rison and Marvin Ramsey of the employed at the Cave Junction Redwood Ranger station were or Motor Court in the Standard oil dered out to Medford Sunday to Service Station. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mesner and daughters of Klamath Falls are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Villair for a few days. — o— —AIR COOLED— I Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. Currier Saturday and Sunday, July 20-21— and family were in Grants Pass the The moil Soectacular adventure since "Mutiny on the Bounty”! first of the week where they at tended the Golden Wedding anni versary of Mrs. Currier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con Fenner. Filmed in Magnificent Technicolor Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagner who are spending the summer at the Cave Junction Motor Court and Miss Ruth Watts spent Tuesday af ternoon in Grants Pass visiting Mrs. Stanley Hanson. Rev. William A. Brown return ed home last Saturday from Cal ifornia where he attended the southern < 'alifornia-Arizona an nual conference at Long Beach the last part of June and the jur- CITY Theatre Northwest Passage with SPENCER TRACY and a Cast of Thousands! I 1 I I I I EAT MORE AND NEWS OF THE DAY WANT ADS 7 Popular Flavors ICES COMPLETE BUILDERS HARDWARE l’,r 25c Quart MARTIN HARDWARE CAVE CITY DRUG STORE (’ave Junction Your Rexall Store CAVE JUNCTION with GEORGE O'BRIEN DISNEY COLOR CARTOON ICE CREAM SHERBETS OR • LEMON • PINEAPPLE • ORANGE . . MARSHALL OF MESA CITY EDGAR KENNEDY COMEDY THE PERFECT DESSERT • Per Quart TRIPLE-THREAT ACTION PROGRAM TUGBOAT MICKEY” —Î I CHERRY FRUIT SALAD MAPLE NUT i HOC oi ATE STRAWBERRY PINEAPPLE VANILLA Wednesday and Thursday, July 24-25— MUTINY IN THE COUNTRY Miss Madeline Coon who has I been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Grizzell of Ye Rustic Inn for .he past month left for Dim ver. 'olorado, where she will visit her father for several weeks. • PETE SMITH SPECIALTY -:- PATHE NEWS iiHiiiiMniwiititsiiiiHHtiiiititiiimitii.'itHitiiiiniitiiiiiiiitmiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiinmnirmmiMmimiuintftwmiiiuiiciiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimniii berrín oto sohítimes «S JUST A MATTS R OF USINO VP AU TMI THRU! It's always pleasant to do busi ness with us for friendly ser vice and satisfaction in every respect are the order of the day. MODERN CABINS and CAFE IN CONNECTION I I I I I Want Something Have Something To Sell Want To Trade Need Help Want a Job Don’t care what you want—One of those inex pensive WANT ADS in The News has a pow erful kick-back—They get results. Illinois Valley News Your Home Paper liWO'WO s MOON CAVtS If you don’t get it, why not subscribe now