Illinois Valiev News. Thursday, July 11, 1940 EXTRA GOOD FOOD AT EXCEEDINGLY ATTRACTIVE PRICES EXTRA GOOD BECAUSE WE RECOMMEND AND SELL WELL-KNOWN BRANDS OF UNVARYING QUALITY AND GOODNESS. ATTRACTIVE PRICES BECAUSE WE BUY’ CAREFULLY AND TO YOUR BEST POSSIBLE ADVANTAGE. PAY CASH AND SAVE. Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, July 12-13-15 FRESH FRUIT AND Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, July 12-13-15 Vegetables Friday and Saturday Only PURE LARD 4 Pounds for RASPBERRIES 10® Box SWIFT’S PREMIUM BACON Per pound, by the piece or sliced 65c PAR-CONCENTRATED SOAP Giant Premium package, soaks clothes white By the Crate $1.15 PEARL OR WESTMINSTER SHORTENING 4 Pounds for ............................................................. CORNED BEEF 2 Cans for ......... 36c 33c B & M BAKED BEANS Large can, each ................ 15c PINK SALMON 2 Cans for $l.O5 FLOUR, SNOW DROP 49 Pound sack for ......... z. 27c ORANGES Full of juice, per doz. 19c GRAPEFRUIT— 4 for 14c CANTALOUPE— 3 for APRICOTS— 15 lb. Lugs 70c GEM OLEOMARGARINE 2 Pounds for 9 MILK, Swift’s, Oregon or Morning 4 (’ans for ___________________ FRUIT JARS Kerr Mason regular jars. Case of 12 SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR Per package...................................... 37c HONEY 5 Pound pail for SPECIAL “A” COFFEE 3 Pounds for .................... Watermelons, bananas, lemons, peaches, celery, lettuce, onions, cucum bers, tomatoes, beets, turnips, green peppers, cabbage PEANUT BUTTER 2 Pounds for Í DIAMOND QUALITY AND FERRY’S SEEDS FOR FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES CROWN FLOUR AND FEEDS Model Cash Grocery CLAY MASSIE ocals Mr. and Mrs. Art Lindley were in Grants Pass last Monday trans acting business. Mr. and Mrs. Ebb Hogue and Miss Peggy spent the Fourth in Crescent’City. Alfred, Henry and Elizabeth Mellow attended the Fourth of July celebration at Crescent City. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Baum berger maile a hurried business trip to Granta Pass last week end. Stanley I st» rib re y of L oh Angel en is visiting hin parento* Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moore of O’Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ikeman and family of Klamath Falls visited Mrs. J. M. (’ounce over the Fourth. Elwood Hussey, Jr., left for Bonanza last week where he has employment in a logging camp. FORMERLY SCHUMACHERS Cave Junction, Oregon O. W. GREEN F. W. Hinz returned from Los Mr. and Mrs. James R. Welsh, Alfred Hale, 7-yearold son of Angeles last Tuesday night where former residents of Cave Junction, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hale, formerly he was called suddenly on account visited for several days in the val of Cave Junction, was taken to the of sickness. ley last week. They left for their Grants Pass hospital last Sunday —o— home in Los Angeles last Friday. and was operated on for a ruptured Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Stewart appendix. made a business trip to Grants Pass Mr. and Mrs. Fred Galeno re the first of the week. Mrs. Roy turned to their home in O'Brien Mrs. Stephen Thomas and C. Dundas accompanied them. from Oakland, California, last daughter Miss Dorothy of San week end where they have been Francisco are spending several Lee Ostrander and Miss Edda visiting for a few weeks. weeks as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burke motored to Roseburg last Thursday to visit Mrs. Mabel Os Mr. and Mrs. Milo Kline of San Robert Balzke of the Waldo Motel trander for a short time. Jose, Calif., arrived last week to in O'Brien. spend a few weeks with Mrs. Henry Mellow of Maxwell, Cal Kline’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Dunn and ifornia, spent the week visiting his H. Smith. daugter Miss Eileen and son Don parents, Mr. and and Mrs. Frank ald, returned to their home in Fres Mellow. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hammer and no last week. They were visiting family, accompanied by Mrs. Myr Mrs. Dunn’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mellow tle Walton and daughter Charlene, E. F. Hibbard over the Fourth. and family of Klamath Falls were all of Selma, spent last Sunday in visitors at the home of Mr. and Crescent Ctiy. They report an en Ralph Watson of Portland pass-1 Mrs. Frank Mellow on Caves High- joyable outing. ed through Cave Junction last i way during the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cross and Thursday on his way south and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krauss and daughter Cleo of Redwood City, called at the News office to renew 1 sons Henry and Oenny spent a de Calif., spent the past week visit acquaintance with M. C. Athey and lightful Fourth at the big celebra ing Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Babcock. L. E. Athey. Mr. Watson is sec- j tion held last week end in Cres They left for Eugene last Satur retary of the Al Kader Shrine Temple. cent City. day morning. ——-o——• Mr. and Mrs. Victor Zahn and Postmaster Ted Athey of Cave Junction was in Crescent City family have moved into the Hol land residence on the Caves high Tuesday on a business trip. way this week. Mr. Zahn is now - —o ■ Mrs. L. C. Hussey made a husi- connected with the Forest service. —o— ness trip to Eugene last week to Claude Tucker and Herbert visit her sister. White drove to Seattle last week Mr*. C. M. Counce of the Span- and spent the Fourth visiting with iah Castle made a business trip to friends. They returned to Cave Junction Tuesday morning. Granta Pass last Monday. Alberta Hatley, who has been here visiting relatives, accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cauble of Grants Pass to Los Angeles for a weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatley. CvCotocy sez Mr. ami Mrs. Floyd Fagnant re turned last Thursday from several .veeks vacationing in Seattle. They *eie accompanied here by Mr. and Mis. Willis Fagnant. Earl Gray returned last week from Sacramento where he and Mrs. Gray have been visiting for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hayes have several weeks. Mrs. Gray is visit moved from the Redwood Forest ing her sister there. Service station to the Cedar Guard Mr. and Mrs. George Thorp left Station, formerly Grayback. last Tuesday fog Eugene on a Mrs. Mary McBriety of Takilma pleasure trip. They may go as far was in Granta Paas Monday morn as Sand Point, Idaho, before re ing on account of the illness of turning to Cave Junction. her grandson, Alfred Hale Mr. and Mrs. Cass Wymore left Mr*. Anabel Ham and Mr. and last Tuesday for Portland where Mrs. Wm. Demmons of Ventura, they expect to vacation for several relatives and Calif., were guests of Mr. and weeks, visiting friend*. Mr* E. L. Oppie over te Fourth quite a gathering of valley folks last Sunday when they called and prepared a sumptuous lunch. Those there were Mr. and Mrs. Pt Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Strong and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curnow. Subscribe for the Illinois Valley Mrs. Lloyd Hayes home at Cedar News. Its worth the price. Guard Station was the scene of, Theatre c ? t y —AIR COOLED— SATURDAY and SUNDAY, JULY 13-14— THRILLING! STIRRING. SPECTACULAR! Drums Along the Mohawk In Technicolor Starring CLAUDETTE COLBERT, HENRY FONDA MARCH OF TIME—AMERICA S YOUTH WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JULY 17-18— Swellest Cross-Country Romance You’ve Ever Thrilled to BARBARA STANWYCK and FRED MacMURRAY in Remember the Night POPEYE in "STEALING AIN T HONEST" Adults 40c; Loges 44c; Students 30c, includ. tax; Children 10c EAT MORE WANT ADS ICE CREAM THE PERFECT DESSERT Rev. C. G Morri* left last week for San Francisco where he will attend a Methodist church confer ence. Mrs. Agnes Smith returned Sun- dy evening from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. Wheeler of Talent. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Leary and family of Stockton, California, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Hibbard, and left for their home last Sun day. Mrs. Leary is a daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard. 7 Popular Flavors CHERRY FRUIT SALAD MAPLE NUT CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY PINEAPPLE VANILLA • Per Quart SHERBETS OR • LEMON • PINEAPPLE • ORANi.l ICES ■’‘■r 25c KOST HUSBANDS KERRY PRETEND TO BE HARD BOOfO, TO KUP FROM ÛCNÛ ROûVtt» There can be no dispute regard, ing the advisability of patron ising a place that enjoy* our reputation for helpfulness and true dependability. Quart CAVE C/7Y DRUG STORE Your Rexall Store CAVE JUNCTION WTWittP MWIvWt \Taxpa*c OAT (WAY TO TMf parco* »otyCTf I I I I I Want Something Have Something To Sell Want To Trade Need Help Want a Job Don’t care what you want—One of those inex pensive WANT ADS in The News has a pow erful kick-back—They get results. 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