Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1940)
f- ' ---------- Kerby News CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED—A woman to help In kitchen 3 days a week. Some one living near Cave Junction, or with car. Apply Dorothy’s Dinnette. 10-ltc :-------- -------- ---------- George and Howard Yarbrough, Elwood Hussey, Buster Brown, and Otis Hussey drove to Crescent City last Sunday to take a fishing trip on the Sports Fisher, a government inspected and licensed boat for fishing trips. The group caught over 300 lbs. of fish, and Otis Hussey, the 12- year-old son of Elwood Hussey caught the largest fish, catching a 30-pound red snapper. They caught halibut, cod, China fish, and Red Snapper. Anyone desiring to make this trip see Elwood Hussey at the reg istration room in Cave Junction. The cost is nominal and the fishing great. Fair Pageant to Present History, Comedy, Singing The pageant ‘‘Pioneers of South ern Oregon”, which will be pre sented during the last two even ings of the Josephine county fair, was outlined to a small but inter ested group meeting at the court house Monday evening to organize the presentation. ■Fl R. C. Burgess, who will direct BACK TO MY the dramatic scenes and fit to ORIGINAL LOCATION gether the units rehearsed individ Clark’s Insurance Agency ually, explained that the pageant Clarence E. Eggers ■ show, which has been somewhat JEWELER localized by adoption of local his Del Rogue Hotel Building tory in its theme, combines a his O' torical pageant with entertaining bits of comedy, liberal choral num bers, songs by the individual play ers, and dances. —Mrs. - F. 1. BritoT and George Maddox will take the leading sing- III II I IW^X ing parts. There the several speak- ing parts. There are several speak- four Set may be Worth FOR SALE—Drag Saw, practical ly new, buez saw.Huabniainaw. axes, wedges, mauls, etc. Dozen Rhode Island chickens, some furniture. All at give away prices for quick disposal. The Fox Wood Yard is selling out all E" its equipment. P. V. Fox, Cave Junction. 10-ltp : WANTED—To lease or rent or on I share basis, auto camp or cafe or both to responsible parties. Write to ABR, box 161, Cave Junction, Oregon. 10-ltp REPAIRS 11 -o This summer plan to visit the scenic Oregon Caves. »■■■ at ■■ ia ---------- -------- — [REDWOODS HOTEL Grants Pass 1 SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE Excellent Coffee Shop IN CONNECTION REASONABLE RATES A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time Quick - Easy - Safe Write or call lor complete information— Awarded by the American stitute of Laundering after Passing Rigid Tests Pickup and delivery every Mon dpy and Thursday in Cave Junction, Kerby and Holland I Grants Pass Branch o/ the United States National Bank Head Office, Portland, Oregon MtMBtR : GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY : ‘‘Since 1900” IMI Ft 0(mi Of POSI I INSURANCt CORPORAIIOK : : ■F THE WORLD'S GOOD MEWS will c:me to your heme every dav through THE CHRISTIAN SCIFNCE A UNITOR JORDAN’S I SIBERR1AN )■ CREAM Freihlv Frozen It’s Delicious HOT PLATE LUNCH Sandwiches That are Different 632 S. 6th St. 4n International l)oil* !\etcnnfpt‘i It records for you ’he world's clear, constructive <’o4n«?p r» ” M< • ‘nt does not exploit crime or sensa Ion: nMtbrr it !•••'<» ? t n but deals correctively with them Features fn buav men an . al» he family, including the Weekly M igazlnr Section The Ch-istian Silence Publl-hir» Soct«*v One, Norway 8 reel. Borton. ? assachu e:ta Pleir.e enter mv subacilption to The Christian Science Mon 1 r »n» a period of 1 year 112 00 « month* Sll 00 S month* 1100 I "onth HO- Saturday IsRue. including Magazii r 8?c Ion I year «2 R0 6 I mipj - ’ 5e Name ...... ______________________ Addri Semplt Loft: on Requit Grants Pass BIG RANGE CAPACITY (fa EXPERT All Work Guaranteed MURPHY HICKS This compact range has the SAME CAPACITY as larger, more expensive ranges—the only difference is the re duced storage and working surface space. The OVEN is full size, the THERMOSTAT assures accurately controlled temperatures and the SWITCHES are of the rotary type— same type of zwiVh as is used the highest priced ranges. TEXACO GARAGE BRIN6 IN YOUR OLD TIRES TODAY WOMAN wants day work, cleaning washing and canning, 25c an hour. Call at W. A. Pullen’s, near Holland. 10-2tp Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Moreland arrived from Southern California last week and will remain in the valley most of the summer. They have property interests here and own a large ranch on Caves high- way. The Seal of Approval Crescent City Fishing Trip Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Smith and son and daughter of Roseburg, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Petersen over the Fourth. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pet ersen are sisters. Their mother, Mrs. Ann McVeda accompanied the Smith’s back to Roseburg, She expects to leave soon for Mon tana to make her home. -------------o------------- Page Three — i ----- ---------- 30 men and the same number of SPECIAL DAYS SET Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Sawyer re women are needed to do the choral turned last Sunday from an out FOR OREGON’S FAIR ing trip to Diamond lake where numbers. Members of the Business and they visited with their sons Arthur Professional Women’s club chorus Special days tentatively arrang ! and Kenneth and families over the under the direction of Mrs. Guy ed for the Oregon state fair, which holidays. On their return home Knapp will assist with the songs. opens Labor Day for a full week’s Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sawyer and It was announced that anyone de program, are announced as fol daughter of Madras, Oregon, ac siring to take part or find out more lows: companied them to visit here for a about the presentation may leave Monday, September 2 — Labor few days. his or her name at Frankie Rina- day. National Guard day, Educa barger’s school of dancing. Miss tors’ day. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tycer, Mr. Rinabarger will direct the dance and Mrs. L. Holland, A. E. Ander Tuesday—Townsend day. Lions groups, for which at least 20 girls club day, Junior chamber of com- son and Ken Wells spent the holi are asked. Dances will include an days with relatives and friends the 'merce day and Active club day. Indian ballet, “Floradora sextette” past week. They later returned Wednesday — Governor’s day, to Lakeview. and others. The show will require two hours Salem day and Rotary club day. Thursday—Portland day, Amer to present. The county granges will Mr. and Mrs. Des Byrne and have charge of arranging stage set ican Legion and All Veterans’ day, daughter Barbara with Mr. and tings for a hundred foot opening, Realtors’ day. Mrs. Richard Nealy motored to flanked by trees, which will serve Friday—Grange day, Farmers’ Redding, California to spend the as a stage. Union day and Farm Bureau day. Fourth and visit Mr. and Mrs. S. The first practise of the singing Saturday—Editors day and chil- Turner. Mrs. Nealy, Mrs. Byrne groups will be held Monday even- .dren’s day. and Mrs. Scott are sisters. ing at a place to be announced la Sunday — Women’s day and ter, R. J. Wright will have charge Church day. of the musical presentation with Requests for 0 fraternal Ferd Jones and daughters Myr the assistance of Mrs. George Mad have been made but the date tice and Phyllis went to Grants dox of Medford. not been designated. Pass Tuesday evening to attend ------------- o------------- the University of Oregon rally Local Group Take held at the library auditorium. I tei spending the past two weeks in New ùork where they went by Cascades they went to the coast plane on business and pleasure. range and visited Siltcoos lake and Mr. Pomeroy left Wednesday for thence home on Saturday evening. Seattle. Vernard Lackey kept the’ store during their absence. Mrs. Clayton Ramsey had as house guests over the Fourth holi The Kerby Sunday School is day Mr. and Mrs. Howard Buford planning to have their annual pic and daughter Carol Ann of San nic at O’Brien on the coming Sat Leandro, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. urday. They will leave the Kerby Lawrence Benedict of Stockton. Church between 10 and 10:30 a. The guests left on Sunday for m. and all who go are requested their respective homes. Mrs. Ben to bring cup, plate and silverware. edict and Mrs. Buford are Mrs. Mrs. L'Rena Slack, Mrs. Hurley Ramsey’s daughters. Wilson and Phyllis Jones are on Merril Thorne of Klamath Falls the committees arranging the pic was a visitor on Tuesday at the nic. home of his sister, Mrs. W. J. Wil The Young People’s group of the son. Kerby Church has taken on new Mrs. Win. Burke, nee Mabel life with the assistance of Mrs. Ruth Wright who recently moved Wittrock of Willows, Calif., is here from Eagene. Mrs. Wright spending a few days at the home has had much experience with of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wittrock. Young People’s groups. (Continued from F*age one) Mr. and Mrs. L. McDonald of Crayton, Illinois, were guests last week at the homes of Mr. nd Mrs. Martindale and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Boling. They were returning from Seattle, Wash., and were go ing from here to visit in Montana. — o— A group of Kerby families pic- niced at Grayback forest eamp on the Fourth and reported that they had plenty to eat and a jolly time. Among the group were Mr. and Mrs. Art Kellert and sons George and Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hos kins and children Douglas, Sara Ann, Mary Lou and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farlien and chil dren Danny and Barbetta, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hogue and daughter Dor othy, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Sauer and Children Jack and Larry, Mor ris Sauer and son Lavern of Lake view, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mar tindale and children Shirley Ann and Eugene. —o— Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pomeroy and sons Bob and Bill and daughter Nora Marie, returned Tuesday af- Illinois Valley News. Thursday, July 11, 1940 ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BARGAIN—5 acres, camp site, good well, good cabin, level ground, trees, $1500, owner on the place. Must see it to appre ciate value. Mi's. R. C. Dundas, Pine Cone Inn, Cave Junction, Ore., 4 miles south on Redwood highway No. 199. 10-ltc $4950 $2.55 Down, $1 50 Month Installed- FOR SALE OR TRADE—Oat hay, growing crop, corn, cane, pop eorn. Dry oak wood. Horse, w’ash. machine, W’ant cows or heifers. W. E. King, Bridge- 10-ltnc view, Oregon. a SMOOTH TIRI» ARt DAHCtRuuS UT US SAHTT-CHtCM TOUR TIRES TODAY A Duckworth FOR SALE — Mining location Inquire at News office. 14-tf blanks, both quartz and placer and trespass notices at the Illinois Valiev News office. THE TIRE MAN Liberal Allowance on Your Old TIRES 6th & *‘M” Sts. Grants Pass FOR SALE—4-room modern cot a........................ ........................ f ■■ tage on main highway near Cave /’.’.V.W.V.’.W.'.’.V.’.’.W.' ZZ. Junction. 5 acres land with good frontage on highway. This is a bargain and won’t last long. See M. C. Athey at News office for details. 6-tf It’s a Bet! LOANS—No money down. See us if you desire to build and pay in small monthly sums. Use your Credit. We sell lumber and building material of all kinds, windows, doors, etc., Copeland Lumber, Grants Pass. 6-tf MACK’S SEED & FEED STORE now under new management. Carries a complete line of feeds and seeds of all kinds. Make our store your headquarters when in Grants Pass. Keith Kennedy, 514 S. 5th. Old newspapers for sale at The News office, 10 cents per bun dle. DO YOU KNOW THE VALUE of ads. They get results, and cost so little. Measure our used cars against the yardstick of performance and appearance. Then you’ll know why so many wise buyers come here. 1 I 1939 1938 1937 1936 1937 1937 Dodge Sedan Plymouth Sedan Dodge Sedan Plymouth Sedan G.M.C. Pickup 114 Ton Ford I 50 ALL IN TOP SHAPE 621 East M - Grant. P... PLYMOUTH Hot Water Heater Hot water by gallons, th« instant you want it—day or night, hot or col/ weather. A luxury, yea, but also . NECESSITY to MOD ERN housekeeping and family life. Her«’« «n opportunity for YOUR family to enjoy CONTIN UOUS HOT WATER at surpris ingly little coat—RIGHT NOW. ìà ■ CARN ER’S‘Su DODGE Û"* ¿cn c° Now on display at your Dealer’s or your COPCO Store 11.74 Monthly