Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1940)
Illinois Valley News, Thursday, July 4, 1940 Good Eats for Your Picnic Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, July 5-6-8 FRESH FRUIT AND Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, July 5-6-8 Vegetables Friday and Saturday Only SALAI) DRESSING, Miracle Whip Per quart ..... ...................................... 33c POTATO CHIPS—Great for picnics Regular 25c size, per package.......... 20c SALMON, Pink 7*4 Ounce can, each lOc TUNA FLAKES 6 Ounce size, 2 cans for SHRIMP Fancy Louisiana, each 13c DEV ILED MEAT 8 ('ans for lOc LARD, Swift’s, Pure 1 Pound for lOc CHOCOLATE BARS 19c Size, Each 8c COCOANUT, Baker’s 4 oz. Pkg.................................................. 8c CORNED BEEF 2 Cans for............................................... 35c RASPBERRIES lOc Box By the Crate $1.15 BOYSEN AND YOUNGBERRIES 3 boxes SNOWDROP FLOUR 19 lb. Sack By the Crate 85c ORANGES Full of juice, per doz. t IMITATION VANILLA 4 oz Bottle $1.10 25c PAPER PICNIC PLATES 2 Pkgs, for 19c GREEN BEANS Local 4 lbs. for COFFEE CUPS, Smart Set Service 8 in Pkg.................................................... 8c PAPER NAPKINS 80 Count, Pkg. 8c Watermelons, Squash, Bananas, Lemons, Apri cots, Grape Fruit, Cel ery, Lettuce, Onions, Cucumbers, Tomatoes Beets, Turnips, Green Peppers, Cabbage, DIAMOND QUALITY AND FERRY’S SEEDS FOR FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES CROWN FLOUR AND FEEDS Model Cash Grocery CLAY MASSIE FORMERLY SCHUMACHERS Cave Junct ion, Oregon I TAKE THIS WOMAN” .Theater Prices Are FULL OF GLAMOUR Boosted, Federal Tax Hedy Lamarr becomes an out July 1st, the new tax measure Miss Ruth Watts was' shopping standing dramatic actress in her went into effect and one of the in Grants Pass last Friday. first American picture background new provisions is a 10 per cent tax in "I Take This Woman,” opening on entertainment, for all prices Art Drews was transacting bus next Wednesday at the Caves City over 20 cents. iness in the county seat this week. theater, in which she is co-starred Every theater in Southern Ore with Spencer Tracy, one of the gon posted notices of the raise in Mrs. Emma White and Mrs. w screen's greatest actors. prices with the tax. The theater T. Sherman were shopping in The story of a social butterfly managers say they cannot absorb Grants Pass last Monday. who, when her romance crashes, the tax and keep their doors open, finds sanctuary and fnally real so the general public will have to Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Smith love, happiness and a new destiny pay Uncle Sam and help make our were in Grants Pass attending to at the side of an earnest, faithful nation safe from invasion. That business matters the first of this scientist. “I Take This Woman” is what the tax is for. Prepared week. follows “Lady of the Tropics”, in ness, making this nation conscious which she was co-starred with of the fact that we will have to Art Drews left T uesday for Robert Taylor. arm ourselves to keep the wolves Portland where he will visit over The action of the story is in from entering our territory. the Fourth with relatives and New ork, in locales ranging from The theaters are not the only friends. glamorous night clubs and fashion ones that are hit. Cigarettes, au —o— salons to a dingy tenement. tomobiles and some accessories, Wm. J. McLean, postmaster in -------- - ■ o-------------- gasoline, and many other items. | Kerby, moved the postoffice last I Ch emiatry Aid» Modern Cooks The new tax will hit the consumer, week to their new home in the I The advancement of chemistry but we don’t care as long as we building recently constructed by is responsible for many changes in make ourselves secure from inva Fred Linkhart. the modern kitchen. Baking pow sion. der is an early result of chemical ■o- Mr. and Mrs. Fern W. Jones investigation. In every can of made a business and pleasure trip baking powder there is an acid and Marinating (Jives Zest to Salem and other northern points an alkali which react to give off last week. They left Friday and carbon dioxide, the leavening To (’ool Summer Foods returned Tuesday evening. agent. Fifty years ago the acid The problem of meal planning and alkali were sold in separate in hot weather is one of serving Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Weed and packages. The chemist learned dishes that look and are cool and son Gary Lee, and Miss Blythe that by adding cornstarch the two that taste good without being rich Weed of Grants Pass, have been could be mixed and put into one or highly seasoned, says Lucy A. visiting at the Ben George home container. The chemist also mixed Case, extension nutrition specialist the past week. Mrs, West was these materials in the proper pro i at O. S. C. One way of prepar- formerly Miss Leona Lillis of Cave portions so that the baked product I ing cool looking foods is to use would not be flavored or discol Junction. i marinating mixtures, or marinades, —o--- ored by the baking powder resi i for some of the salads used in Mrs. J. H. Pomeroy, daughter due. [ main dishes. A marinade may be ------- o-------------- Noramarie and son Bob left for | a sour fruit juice, usually lemon, Farm Building Plan» Listed Sauaalita. last week and from there or vinegar, or sour cream, or to Scores of different kinds of flew to New York to meet Mr. mato juice. It is usually used in Pomeroy who is there on business buildings used on the farm are !a French dressing. They expect to return to their listed in a new extension circular, The trick about marinating, says summer home in about two weeks. No. 351, which comprises a cata Miss Case, is to mix the dressing I log of the Oregon State college and the salad materials several i Mr. and Mrs. George E. Howard farm building plan service. De hours beforehand, pack well, and I of Los Angeles are making an ex tailed plans and specifications for chill. Then the marinating mix-; tensive visit at the home of their all the buildings listed are avail ture penetrates through and daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and able at low cost trough Oregon through, and softens meat fibers, if Mrs. Raphael Leonard. Last Sun county agricultural agents or di it is a meat salad and hard vege day they were dinner guests of rect from the department of ag tables such as celery. Lettuce Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smock in Hol ricultural engineering at Cor leaves and salad garnishes are not [ vallis. land. marinated, however, because theyi would lose their crispness. Send The News to a friend. Miss Celeste Hamilton and Miss For potato salad, marinate hot | Grace Hendricks arrived last week i sliced potatoes with French dress- j from their home in Hawthorne, Miss Hamilton is a sister of Ken ing containing garlic or grated on-1 California, to spend their sum neth C. Hamilton of the Cave ion, or if you prefer, with a hot] mer vacation in Cave Junction Junction Motor Court. cooked calad dressing. Chill for| several hours. Small left-over portions of cooked carrots, beets, string beans, peas and cooked cab bage can be combined and marin ated for a hearty vegetable salad. Possibly a few crisp, raw salad vegetables may be added at serv ing time. One of the best-liked marinades for chicken salad is a French dres sing containing part lemon juice and part vinegar. Any meat sal ads are better if marinated. Beef vinaigrette is a Creole dish made by marinating lean soup meat cut into cubes. French dressing with onion or a trace of garlic is the marinade generally used. A. M.’ h ummel of Los Angeles arrived last Monday for several weeks visit with his daughter, Mrs. W. T. Sherman. On Wednesday they left for Powers, Oregon, where they will spend the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schroeder. o- Send The News to a friend. O. W. GREEN SUPERPHOSPHATE AGAIN AVAILABLE TO VALLEY FARMERS phosphate equal in value up to 75 per cent of his soil building allow ance. 4. In the event that the net pay ment to the producer filing the request is not sufficient to cover the deduction resuired for the phosphate, the producer is person ally liable for the difference. 5. There may be a small charge for handling, payable at the time of delivery. 6. The closing date for accept ing orders is July 31. Word has been received at the Josephine County Agrcultural Conservation office that triple superphosphate will again be avail able for fall delivery to conserva tion association members. Applications will be taken at the office starting Tuesday, July 2. To facilitate early shipment of the phosphate no orders will be taken o- after July 31. Support the Fire Department. The following conditions apply: 1. The phosphate received must -------------------------------------- ---- — be applied before December 1, 1940 SMITH’S to or in connection with the seed Freshly Frozen ing of perennial or biennial le gumes, perennial grasses, winter ICE CREAM legumes, annual rye grasses or permanent pasture. The applica Pints 17c tion of 100 pounds of triple super Quarts 30c phosphate equals one unit of prac Eat More Ice Cream tice, or $1.50, provided it is put The Perfect Dessert on at a minimum rate of 72 pounds per acre. Josephine County Day 2. The deduction from the 1940 Oreçcn Caves Sunday layment will be at the rate of $2.00 for each 100 pounds of triple superphosphate used in accordance with the above restrictions. 3. Every conservation cooper- Your Rexall Store '.tor is entitled to receive during CAVE JUNCTION 1940 (including what may have been obtained this past spring) V____________________ CAVE CITY DRUG STORE CITY Theatre —AIR COOLED— SATURDAY-SUNDAY, JULY 6-7— Fred Astaire and Eleanor Powell in Broadway Melody of 1940 If. 1940’» Show of Shows! “Color Cartoon: Peace On Earth” WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, JULY 10-11 The Screen’» Two Most Vivid Stars SPENCER TRACY and HEDDY LAMARR in I Take This Woman Our Gang Comedy: “Dad for a Day 1A IALITI?