Page Two Illinois Valley News. Thursday, June 27, 1940 k*l Illinois Valley News p^hTtomout This morning, (Thursday) the American Legion 7 — ------------ - — — — — ; — ; -------- — — -- - hall caught i on » fire in u the rear of > the building under- ■ independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest _ — i i “Each year, as we pay tribute to the memory of those who laid A. N. COLLMAN t”eTZs°in the firht for [ DR. Naturopathic Physician I I our independence and liberty, we forget that more thousands are laying down their lives in tribute to carelessness, thoughtlessness and lack of consideration for the rights of others,” Snell declared. “It and it soon had the fire all out. It seems a pity that it truly ironic that these celebra M C ATHEY Editor folks can’t see the value of this truck to the city and tions in honor of winning the right to live our lives as we see fit, re surrounding territory, for the truck will go any place sult in snuffing out so many of SUBSCRIPTION PRICES that it is called. those lives every year.” In Josephine County Fourth of July accidents in Ore >1 50 Os« Year . _ The last dance given by the fire department raised Sis Months ... .75 gon took six lives in 1939, five in 50 a fund sufficient to get some needed material, but the 1938, six in 1937 and six in 1936. Three Months Outside of Josephine County Poor Little Fire Truck! could stand a lot of repairing Chief causes of the greater than J2 00 Osa Year and fixing up so it would be more efficient, but it normal traffic toll during this period is increased traffic, high The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising does the best it can under the circumstances, and that speeds and fatigue, it was said. copy which i> deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application best has saved the city from disastrous fires. The Traffic during holiday periods Poor Little Fire Truck and the personnel of the de in Oregon increases approximately partment are indeed grateful for the help given at the seven per cent, according to traf- fic checks on various Oregon high dance, but don’t let us stop there. Let’s get the truck ways. The desire to reach beach in first class working order to protect the residents or mountain recreation areas as from complete loss of buildings and contents. In case quickly as possible often leads of a bad fire, maybe the truck will not be able to stop drivers to travel at speeds higher than would be safe under normal the building on fire, but it can protect adjoining prop conditions, and with highways erty and if it is called in time can stop a pretty hot crowded with the holiday traffic, ÇaËD^VbOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS fire, for the truck has 250 gallons of water with it and the high speeds are even more can put the water on a f': e as quick as it gets there. dangerous, Snell pointed out. Ad to these factors is the fact This Poor Little Fire Truck has been shamefully ded that after the holiday period, driv misused and abused. We all should be willing to make ers often are tired as they start MEETING “PROSPERITY” amends and see to it that it gets a big break, the kind the long trips homeward and many the Fourth of July accidents in Recently we sold a copy of “T. N. T.—It Rocks the of a break it is entitled to. It’s everybody’s truck, of volve cars that went off the road Earth” to a very dear friend of ours. He is a sales tnd we never know when we might need it. It might when the driver become too drow man and travels all over the western states. He took be our time next. If anyone feels the desire to help, sy to react normally, or went to our advice and read the book several times. When he leave a dollar bill wit^ Chief George Martin at the sleep at the wheel, reports in the secretary of state’s office reveal. finished reading it the 10th time, he ordered a copy hardware store, or mail it to him. It will surely be o------------ sent to his district boss, then another copy to his boss appreciated. Celebrate the glorious Fourth by dancing next Wednesday, July 3rd in the east, and he says he is sure every man in the at the American Legion hall, Cave organization will have one of those priceless little the Parable of the Pharisee and (unction. Make it a real Fourth. Publican. The next meeting will books in their possession before the Fourth of July, ------------ o------------ be on Wednesday afternoon, July and it will make that particular organization a tough Support the Fire Department. 3rd at 2 o’clock at the home of ------------ o------------ one to say “no” to. Mrs. Minnie Mills when the study VALLEY CHURCH will be on patriotism, as exempli- DOUBLE PROGRAM People who become inoculated with the theme ILLINOIS OF SEVENTH DAY fied in the Bible. taught by “T. N. T.” don’t know what “no” means, An valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and itc surrounding districta. ^Ldtn the buck porch 3Du II it had DOt been Seen be- Published every Thursday st Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois > fore it had a good start; the hall would have been gone , Valley Publishing Company. and perhaps other buildings with it. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at The Poor Little Neglected Fire Truck was notified Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 2. 1879 a 5^ (Wf ADVENTISTS •GJ Q*« I I Office. Sherman’s Camp Cav« Junction ffllllllllllllll r i »»••••»••»»•••••••••••••••••••••••••••»••••••••MM I I V ................................................. Dr. Fred W. Gould Dental Surgeon Tuffs Building Phone 4 Giants Pass <O L. B. Hall FUNERAL HOME Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sts. F H A LOANS BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH Valley Lumber Co. Phone 47 West F St. ————————J HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance service dav or nite 502 N 4th St. Phone 334 Wardrobe Cleaners The oldest and best since 1911 Free Pick up by Grants Pass Laundry Josephine County MILLS Cash prices for Feeds and Seeds of all kinds Phone 123 Grants Pass (Continued from Page One) they never hear it. They become so inspired with the Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. western story. It has, for its plot VETERINARIAN constructive part of their business that they don’t Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. motivation, the struggle of a group Horses and Cattle my Specialty Prayer meeting Wednesday at I hear the negative answers from their prospects. of western ranchers to regain their DR. O. L. HOHLFELD 7:30 p. m. ... land, which has been confiscated While this theme performs miracles for salesmen, 498 South 6th Street You are invited to meet With by the government for use as an Day phone 162—Night 538 it does the same thing for anyone who wants to get us. army bombing base. Autry plays Grants Pass ahead, even if it is running a farm, a retail business, F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby. the role of an army officer chosen ------------ o - - ■' ■ ■ • by the government to act as an mining or anything that thought attracts and it takes KE«BY UNION SUNDAVf intermediary between the army thinking to do. One needs only to follow the truths GRANTS PASS SCHOOL and the ranchers. At the finish, taught in T. N .T. and start going places, and “believe Sunday School at 9:45 a. ,m. More Americans lost their lives he succeeds with a peaceful set HOTEL it or not” hob-nobbing with “Old Man Prosperity” every Sunday. All are cordially in traffic accidents during the tlement of the controversy. MINERS HEADQUARTERS invited. 615 “G” Street This double feature program will himself. ________ o • - i-fc »L month of July last year than were Grants Pass, Oregon be shown Wednesday and Thurs Quite a few people in the valley and a number in CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY killed in the Spanish-American day, July 3-4. war, according to Earl Snell, sec Grants Pass are practicing “T. N. T.” and they are CHUR6H retary of state, who today urged really getting ahead, because they are thinking that Community Sunday School at Oregon drivers to make every ef Notary Publics fort to prevent traffic accidents ' fenders bruise ) ' way. They think success, lielieve in success and they 9:46 a. m. EASILY PUT WE AMY HUSSEY Ilan* during the Fourth of July holiday don’t know anything but success—certainly that is all Pleaching KNOW HOU/ TO ------------ o------------ / period this year. The death toll M. C. ATHEY HEAL 'EM ) they will get—Success. for traffic accidents in America BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY/ LUCILE FLOYD It is our desire to help the people in the Illinois last July was 2,140, compared to CHURCH Holland I valley. You, each and every one of you, have the Sunday School 10 A. M. a toll of 1,704 during the war with 11 A'. M. Spain. power and intellect within yourself to do anything Preaching As he announced that Oregon 7 p. M you are capable of thinking about. All you have to Loyal Defenders Preaching . ................ 8 P.M. was to participate in the nation REDWOODS HOTEL do, is to build your dream in your mind’s eve so strong Prayer meeting, Wednesday night wide campaign to reduce traffic Grants Pass accidents this July, Snell reminded that you believe it and this belief gives you the neces ............ 8 P. M. citizens of this state that during o sary energy to go out and get it. The Bible Study Group met this the past four years, 23 persons This valley can become the most prosperous and week with Mrs. H. C. Vernon, and have been killed in the Fourth of SOLICITS YOUR the people living in it the most happy ami contented the ladies enjoyed the study of July traffic accidents. PATRONAGE in the state. All in the world they would have to do is to believe that, and once they thoroughly believed Excellent Coffee Shop it, would have to become a reality. This may sound IN CONNECTION funny to some of you, but we know that it is the truth, REASONABLE RATES ( Texaco Gas, Oil Greases we’re not spoofing you. IT IS THE TRUTH. Like i attracts like. “Seek and ve shall find.” BELIEVE GEO. A. HICKS The Bread for Perfect Toast AND YOU GET. Ï July Accidents Killed More Than S.-A. War "Butter Krust THE POOR LITTLE FIRE TRUCK • FINER ASK FOR GOOD EATS • FRESHER Poor Little Fire Truck Don’t You cry You’ll get a big break Bye and bye. It works, folks, it works just like T. N. T. The poor, neglected Little Fire Truck works. It has saved the city from three different fires that could have : i ♦ Sandwiches • TASTIER : Dutch Lunch ASK YOUR GROCER! : : (You Know It’s Good When Irene Makes It) ♦ TICE’S BAKERY Along the Concrete Keibel's PERFECTION BREAD At Your Grocer OWL CAFE (¡rants Pass Cave Junrtion •—< > ax n a ” ♦* fl h I ! • dB* A New Modern ■V'1’ um ' • Deposit Plan to save your Time Quick - Easy - Safe Writ* or call for complot« inlet matioo— Grants Pass Branch o/ the United States National Bank Need Office Portland. Oregon u Lumber DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR Knotty Pine Flooring Siding Port Orford Cedar and Dimension Stock ¡FRENCH LAUNDRY I & DRY CLEANERS Agencies Hayn«, Clothing Shop WHtrock'» Store, Kerby Lew Hammer, Selma ( all: Wed. and Sat. I I Ben Spaulding LUMBER CO. Redwood Highway I >, Miles South of Wilderville, Ore. I i I I STAiMMIDF PROCESS