Illinois Valley News, Thursday, May 16, 1940 Page Two T An independent newspaper devoted to the development of the richest valley in the world, the Illinois Valley and its surrounding districts. Published every Thursday at Cave Junction, Oregon by the Illinois Valley Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 Editor M C ATHEY SUBSCRIPTION PRICES In Josephine County ...... One Year . ... Sia Months ... Three Months 51 50 ........................... 75 50 Outside of Josephine County ............ On* Year $2 00 The Illinois Valley News reserves the right to reject any advertising copy which i* deems objectionable. Advertising rates on application ÇgËDtVOOD EMPIRE NEWSPAPER '5^ PUBLISHERS unni MEETING “PROSPERITY” ■ all over the state at the annual ' don’t think it was anything that state convention of the state or­ was done intentionally that caused ganization. The theme for the this. It was just an oversight. We convention is “Wake Up and Live” | didn’t do what we should have at . . of _ ____ ______ and the people Granta Pass _ ____ will 'the time. We are all guilty of know what that means this week J these crimes on the highway every end. day of the year, I believe. I un- The ladies attending the conven-1 derstand since we came here today tion have been promised a Cave- [ that another one of the parties was man and the Oregon Caves, the taken away from us and I hope he latter they will take over Satur­ feels the same way. I want you day night. to know that this is our sentiment. We hold nothing against anybody and I hope you feel the same way.” Friends Gather To In justice to Mr. Stone’s above Celebrate Birthday statement, it was rumored here the day of the inquest that the third Last Monday evening friends party in the automobile had passed gathered at the home of Mr. and away. This was incorrect, but the Mrs. C. E. Thacker to celebrate rumor, nevertheless, was spread the birthday of Mrs. Helen Hicks. about unjustly. The friendly gobble of “Murphy -------------- o-------------- Turks” is heard no more as the Subscribe for the Illinois Valley bird was used as the main course News. It’s worth the price. at the dinner and with all the good things that go to make a well balanced meal was enjoyed A P6AUTIFVL HOOD by all. MAV HELP irt LOOK? While the ladies were busy with 30Î WHAT 3 UNDER IT IS REALLY WHAT the dishes the men “fit” the war and then all joined in story tell­ ing. Among those present beside the host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thacker were Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Hicks, Vivian Taylor, Irene McCasland, Jim Whithead, Lucy Whitehead, Milt Akerill, Nat Wooley, Ted Athey, Elton Ri­ ley, Kenneth and Gerald Thacker. CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH Commui.ity Sunday School at 9:45 a in 11 a m. Preaching — — ' -o-------------- KERBY UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School nt 9:45 a. m. every Sunday, All are cordially invited —o- Mother and Daughter (Continued from Page O ih ») <’. V Arnold led the singing while tl e Girl Scouts got ready for the next part of the program. This was an interesting play­ let in four acts, entitled “Girl Scouts at the Court of Queen Eliz­ abeth". Those taking part were, Ft hid Elroy, as Queen Elizabeth; Rosemary Sachse, Carl Anderson, Sharon Currier, Denn Jones. Eve­ lyn Hays and Ann Sherier, as la- dies-in waiting to the queen; Cleo Doney, Aleta Burch and Ella Slo- l ecker, as Girl Scouts; and Delila Hill, Loraine Pullen, Ramona Pul ten and Barbetta Farlein, as towns­ people. The floor was then cleared and Mrs. Lew Hammer and Mrs. Bert Hadden led a grand march, which was greatly enjoyed by everyone Aftei a Virginia Reel in which ev eryone took part, the party broke up with everyone saying they had had a very pleasont evening. Much credit is due to Girl Scouts, the "Scout Mothers" and the ladies of the American Legion Auxiliary for the success of the evening. Mrs. Cecil Slack, assist­ given much time and effort to the given much tim earn! effort to the preparation of the program, wa.< unable to attend. BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School 10 A. M. Preaching 11 A. M. Loyal Defenders 7 P M H P. M. Preaching Prayer meeting, Wednei lay night 8 P. M. BRIDGEVIEW We got under way with a good Mother's day program immediately after Sunday school last Sunday. We paid loving tribute to mother in music and song, with a few ap- propriate readings, A group of songs by the Junior class deserves honorable mention, The sermon which followed, on the «uhject, 'The hand that rocks the cradle" was lovingly dedicated to all good mothers. We were disappointed in the evening because the Grants Pass Evangelistic group failed to ap­ pear. A truck lead of CCC roen Big Contention In with us who listened with that tirants Pass Friday court«>y which la one of the char­ acteristics of southern gentlemen. Business and Professional Wo Next Sunday morning Leonard men'* club ‘ Grants Pass will play Beard will be the 11 o'clock hosts to about 300 delegnte* from Dr. Fred W. Gould The oldest and best since 1911 Free Pick up by Grants Pass Laundry Dental Surgeon Tuffa Building Phone 4 Granta Paaa Èb ■O F H A LOANS L. B. Hall BUILD NOW — PAY BY THE MONTH FUNERAL HOME Mrs. L. B. Hall, Manager AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 388 Cor. 5th & C Sts. Valley Lumber Co. West F St. Phone 47 GRANTS PASS HOTEL VETERINARIAN Horiei and Cattle my Specialty DR. O. L. HOHLFELD 408 South 6th Street Day phone 162—Night 538 Grants Pass MINERS HEADQUARTERS 615 “G“ Street Grants Pass, Oregon 0 BACK TO MY ORIGINAL LOCATION Clark’s Insurance Agency HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Clarence E. Eggers Ambulance service dav or nite 502 N 4th St Phone 334 JEWELER D<1 Rogue Hotel Building lb. 'With you » ‘ > Airei Sä?«1;' TIRES INTRODUCING THE NEW ALL-AMERICAN TIRE MADE AND GUARANTEED BY GOODYEAR An amazing new Good­ year value for the lowest price field 1 See it —com­ pare it for downright value at anything like these low prices. • Newman’s Experience As an Attorney He is admitted to practice in all of the Courts of Minne­ . sota, North Dakota and Oregon, and in the United States Dis­ trict and Circuit Courts. He has enjoyed a wide and suc­ cessful practice in every branch of the law, during his 38 years experience as an attorney. Has practiced law in this district for the past 32 years. He is the bistrict Attorney of Jackson County, his term in which office will expire in January, 1941. During the first three years in office, over 2300 criminal cases, ranging in importance from traffic and game viola­ tions t<> murder, were filed in the Courts of Jackson County. A conviction was had in all but 23 of these cases. This is a record of 99 per cent convictions. As a direct result of such convictions, fines and costs were assessed against the defendants in an aggregate sum of over $3(1,000, which was far in excess of the total operating expense of the office of District Attorney for the entire three- year period. In addition to such fines, many of the convicted defendants served terms in either the County Jail or State Penitentiary, where many of them Hre still confined. 5.25-17 5.50-17 or ^595 4.75-19 or $495 5.00-19 CASH PRICES WITH YOUR OLD TIRE! t/FET/ME EASY-PAY TERMS GUARANTEE! You can own an All-Amer­ ican Tiro (or as little as Every Goodyear Tire we sell is guaranteed in writing for its FULL LIFE, without time or mileage limits. A WEEK in easy weekly payments. 12 to 20 weeks to pay FAMOUS PATHFINDER • Administration Fair and Impartial • A guaranteed Goodyear Tira at popular prices. Only 50c a week on Easy-Pay Terms. Notwithstanding this record, it is generally conceded, even by those so dealt with, that the defendants were given fair ami impartial treatment, and that no vindictive or unreason­ able punishment was demanded. • Newman’s Qualifications Made Plain • < 4.75-19 •r 5.00 19 $5.78 5.25- 18 •r 550-18 6.75 &2S-17 er 550-17 7.08 6.25- 16 or 650-16 9J7 Caoh prices with your old tiro. Other sixes priced in proportion. ASK ABOUT OUR •»0-10" OFFER ON ALL OTHER GOODYEAR TIRES o • Appreciates Courtesies Extended o In closing his campaign for nomination, he wishes to ex- pre" his thanks and appreciation to th«- people of the two counties for the courtesies extended him and the spirit irt which they have received his campaign. This applies particularly to the Grange, Townsend clubs. Veterans' organizations. Church organizations. and other civic bodies, which have offered him an opportunity to meet the people in groups, which personal contacts he would otherwise have b«*en unable to make, owing to his exacting duties as Dis­ trict Atorney of Jackson County. Paid Adv. nsnsnsnsssss \\ ssssw . nnsnnw » ssssssnv . nw . ss %". sv i j SATURDAY AFTERNOONS In Cave Junction 1 X (3 gl»»,»,»,»» ..................... Wardrobe Cleaners May 17th Primary He has mailed or had delivered personally, to every reg­ istered voter in both Jackson and Josephine Counties a full statement of his qualifications and experience, which qualifi­ cations and experience he feels entitle him to the considera­ tion of the electorate. All that he asks in return is a careful, fair and impartial consideration of such record, and an honest and unbiased ballot thereon. Naturopathic Phyxicisn ti xi istssxMaxMissexiMssxMsti. ji**t*tm*si«*»«***<»*xxtM »»»••<[ ] Frank J Newman Candidate for CIRCUIT JUDGE O DR. A. N. COLLMAN I Cash prices for Feeds and Seeds of all kinds Phone 123 Grants Pass The will to do is 80 per cent of the battle to succeed. A CORRECTION One can make their own opportunities if they have the will to do it. Sticking to the end is just another way In our article last week concern­ the automobile accident that of saying, I know I can do it, and I ILL DO IT. ing practically paralyzed the valley, we That’s the spirit that wins. print •! what we thought was the The will to do and do it with a will are two differ­ sentiment so nobly expressed by L. A, Stone. We apparently did ent things. The will to do is the determination one not Texaco Gas, Oil Greases quote him correctly, but we did has to accomplish things. Doing it with a will is doing not intend to misquote or give a GEO. A. HICKS it willingly with a smile that attracts. Do what wrong impression, so we secured . ....................................... you’re doing at present the best you know how with Mr. Stone's statement from the Miss Irene Varner, The Seal of Approval the most pleasant thoughts and do it well, and you stenographer, who took all th«* statements down won’t be there long. We have told you this before, at the inquest. Following is Mr. but most of us need telling many times before it sinks Stone’s statement: “It is going to be pretty hard in. express to you gentlemen and Do what you are doing better than anyone else can to neighbors here my feelings, but I do it, and you will soon be prompted to a better job. do want to convey this to you. I Do the same thing with that job and you get another have talked to Mr. and Mrs. Hay­ by the American In­ promotion, keep it up and you are soon the chief den and my son-in-law, Mr. White- Awarded stitute of Launtlering after head and the children, and it is Passing Rigid Tests mogul, you can’t help it, IF you keep on doing the jobs the sentiment of my wife and my­ Pickup and delivery every Mon the best. self, with them I think, that it is : day and Thursday in Cave You’ve all heard people complain about the job one of these accidents that is un­ Junction, Kerby and : Holland avoidable — that happen every day they have. They don’t like it and they wish they had in the year. It takes our loved our job, etc., etc. and etc. Those people will always ones from us that we can never! I GRANTS PASS be doing something they don’t like. If they would bring back. We don’t want to STEAM LAUNDRY “Since 1900” reverse their thought and like the job they are doing, mak«> any criminal charges against the drivers of these other cars. I EJ. MAKE themselves like it and do the best they can, they would soon get a better job. Make up your mind what you want and then go after it believing that you have the ability and the “stick-to-itiveness” to get her. •peaker. Subject, ‘‘The Seventh Day”. The following Sunday morning, May 26, W. A. Brown will *alk to tn on “The Necessity of Church Attendance.” The next ILLINOIS VALLEY CHURCH Sunday morning, June 2, F. F. OF SEVENTH DAY Hibbard will give us a sermon on ADVENTISTS “I h«‘ Love c* God.” The pastor Sabbth School at 9:30 a. m. will be preaching each Sunday Preaching Service 11:00 a. nt. | night • the them«' for Sunday night. Prayer meeting Wednesday at May '9, will b«1 “Separators”. 7:30 p. m. The litt'e church with tht* big You are invite«) to meet with I w< Iconic. as. FD V» RIGHT, Pastor. F. W. Cooper, Elder, Kerby. --------------o-------------- I Q»........................... Josephine County MILLS $ OD;>YEAR TIRES GOODYEAR SilVICE STORE 620 “II” Street. G rants Pass o