ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1940 PAGE 3 Atlas Gold Boat Increases Capacity A I sizeable tailing piles that are worth reworking. It is predicted that the Atlas concern will be profitably em ployed for some time to come. Dredging Company Uses Modern Method On Leonard Property TIP-TOP HARDROCK PROPERTY WORKING The Atlas Dredging Co., operators on the Leonard property, who have been operating on their lease with a two and one-half yard Link-Belt dragline and a Bodison floating wash ing plant, are adding to their capacity by installing a new walker-type five yard Marion dragline. The new equipment will be Deisel-electrically operated and will feed the present electrically driven washing plant. The Atlas people came to the Leon ard property last October and have been busily engaged in erecting their plant and digging in with the lighter equipment since coming on location. They are running three shifts of men on the job with resultant payroll ben efits to the community. The Leonard property is located on the Althouse creek just south of Holland and is part of one of the earliest and best strikes in the coun try. It was first operated in the late 1850’s; since work has been car ried on intermittently, first by hand, then by hydraulic hoist and later by various types of mechanical equip ment. Among the things of interest in the property is the old drift driven by the Chineses on the bedrock of the creek, which was exposed by the VonDer Hellen work. The old posts and caps were still in place and in fair condition. Some of the best ground in the pit was directly along side the Chinese workings. At a later date two tunnels were driven from the Althouse side of the ridge to the Democrat side to deliver tail ings from the Althouse creek work ings. The bed of the Althouse creek is some sixty feet higher than that of Democrat slough. These two tun nels are still to be seen. After the 75 years of work on the property there is still many acres of virgin ground to be mined and The Tip-Top Gohl Lode property above Holland is working with a twenty-five ton rod mill and amal gamation plant. The property is own ed by the Denton Brothers and is under lease and option to Los An geles interests. Mr. Ray Denton is in charge of the mill and Mr. J. A. Sollitt is the manager for the Los Angeles people. The Tip-Top Mine bids fair to be come one of the steady producers at the completion of its development work. Values are well above the profit making margin and are in free gold almost entirely, a small amount being in sulphides. The property pre sents very few metallurgical diffi culties making a high percentage of recovery possible. -------------- o-------------- Hundreds of Small Operators Wrest Good Livelihood with Picks Sometimes as we look over a com munity for its economic development we notice tiie larger industry but overlook the small fellow and his ef forts. Throughout the valley there are hundreds of small one or two man g( Id operations that in the aggregate are producing many ounces of pre cious metal a year. These boys work ing with Giants, self shooters, Ground sluicing, sniping box, cradle and dip box are working out the small cor ners. high ground that cannot be reached at a profit with larger equip ment, and bed rocking the older dig gings are rendering a service to the community as well as making a liv ing for themselves. In this manner many men have “made a job” for themselves and have become independent of labor conditions and are self supporting. .Many thousands of dollars a year into the valley through this source that would not be here otherwise. Reliable .Abstracting for 36 Years The very fact that this firm has been in operation for more I’ ; n 36 years is in it self a guarantee that its ser vices are of vital interest to people dealing in Real Es tate, and its survival is proof of its Reliability. josenrire County Abstract Co. Ab«tr?.cS’ o* Title Searches - PHONE 367 Till. It - Maps Matonic Building GRANTS PASS. OREGON an.-e <>n Request through Portland Title Companies Extra Stopping Power- New Brake-Action Tread Come In... FEEL Why It Makes Quicker, Straight-Line Stops Rub your hand over "Brake-Action’’ Tread. Fill i ts »harp-edged "gripper»." Set how they are set at a protective angle. Then you’ll knot» why they resist skids, give quicker, later stops. Amazing New Tire Gives You 2500 Extra Grippers Imagine! 2500 extra grippers for each wheel! They open up the instant you apply your brakes . .. grip, hold . .. stop your car quicker, safer, straighter on the slipperiest of wet pavements. J. J. SKINNER Before You Buy Any Tire ... THINK Can you afford to be without the pro tection of this tire’s quicker-stopping, non-skid ‘‘Brake-Action’’ Tread? INSURANCE • • © O IT'S 515 H Street A FIRE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY SURETY BONDS PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU a PHONE 733 GRANTS PASS, OREGON DOES THINGS You Never Dreamed A Tire Could Do A Stops Quicker ♦ Steers Straighter ★ Wears Longer ★ Kalts Smoother Crilcm Pecapping — Vulcan'zing — Repairing FM FUI KWUIUTMI Tuff» Building I, ' TIIE TIRE MAN Allowance for Your Old Tires f>tn ai d “M” Streets Grants Pasa