Illinois Valley News, Thursday, May 2, 1940 Your Quality Foodsters Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday, May 3-4-6 Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday, May 3-4-6 FRESH FRUIT AND Vegetables SOAP, Ivory Large Bar 10c; 3 bars for 29c O.K. YELLOW SOAP 6 bars for ................... 23c 33c SANI-CLOR Per Gallon SAL SODA, Holly Brand 2*/2 nounds for Friday and Saturday Only 3 Cans for 15c INSTANT POSTUM Large Size ........... 43c COFFEE, Schillings Drip or Regular, 2 lbs. 50c I COFFEE 2 Pounds for ORANGES— Navel per dozen MECO IMITATION VANILLA 4 oz. size, 2 for.................................. 20c YELLOW CLING PEACHES 2 No. 2*4 Size Cans......................... LETTUCE— Large heads, 2 for 15c RADISHES, ONIONS 3 Bunches lOc DEL ROGUE TOMATO JUICE 46 ounce Can ........................... . HONEY, Pure (’lover .5 lb. Pail 17c 17c 36c LARD, Pure • 4 Pounds for.................................... SWIFT’S PREMIUM BACON Per Pound ........................................ MATCHES True American, 6 boxes CELERY— Fresh Utah, large b’nch 15c SILVER NIP GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 401 size cans, ................................... 20c 15c 25c 37c 25c 15c 55c $1.15 CARNATION MILK, large NEW POTATOES— 5 pounds for VICTORY DOG FOOD 12 Cans .............................................. FLOUR—BOQUET 19 Pound sack 15c Strawberries, Bananas, Apples, Carrots, Cab­ bage, Tomatoes, Yams, Beets, Turnips, Parsnip DIAMOND QUALITY AND FERRY’S SEEDS FOR FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES CROWN FLOUR AND FEEDS Model Cash Grocery CLAY MASSIE FORMERLY SCHUMACHERS Cave Junct ion, Oregon / O. W. GREEN I Ken Wells was in the valley dur­ OREGON CAVES Enrollees of Co. 5483 have not I Mallory, educational adviser, has ■? ing the week end from Lakeview been bothered with answering cen­ organized a class in salesmanship Approval i for a few days visit. During his CCC CAMP sus questions this month although and is also giving instruction in stay he had several teeth extract­ NEWS ITEMS this has been going on throughout wood carving. A group of new Mrs. K. C. Hamilton was in the ed. the entire country. Special blanks men are taking the truck driving county seat last Saturday. Material has been received for were received last month and un­ course under Mr. Loban, the camp "Cotton" Stuart of Medford was der the direction of the company mechanic. The beginning read- Harry 0. Smith and Jim Payne in Cave Junction for a few days the erection of a new portable commander and educational sup­ ' ing and writing class has been or- made a trip to Grants Pass last this week. Mr. Stuart formerly barracks building at Camp Oregon ervisor these were filled out and , ganized with Assistant Education- Caves. . The building will be erect­ Wednesday. lived in the valley and is connect­ ed this summer, probably on the returned to the homes of the men ' al Adviser Shelton in charge. : Awarded by the American In ed with COPCO of Medford now. I north side of camp near the irri­ where they could be handed to ------------ o--------- — : stttute of Launderiug after Mrs. E. J. Wilber returned from census enumerators when ; local I Passing Rigid Tests gation ditch. : California recently where she vis­ Mrs. O. W. Green of the Model Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Burch have they called. : Pickup ckup and delivery every Mon ited relatives for several weks. Grocery, has just received a Twin as a guest at their home the lat­ I Request has been made by camp —o— day and Thursday in Cave Falls newspaper in which the story i Junction, Kerby and : ter’s mother, Mrs. Peters of Eu­ : number of new classes have I authorities for the maintenance A Holland was told of the Idaho tornado. Mrs. Lloyd Hayes and 1 Mrs. gene, who will visit here for a of a spike camp in this location been started at the Camp Oregon The freak wind struck her broth­ Thacker went to Grants Pass last short time. GRANTS PASS when the company moves to Crater Caves CCC Camp since the arrival er’s farm near Gooding and de- I Wednesday. I Lake National Park. Sawmill op­ of the April replacements. STEAM LAUNDRY : molished every building on the i —o— Mrs. W. B. Zahn and daughter erations and other projects wil be “ Since 1900” I place and put him in the hospital, i Senator L. W. Wippennan und Mita Wilma and son George and carried on here in addition to fire­ É... but he is recovering. 0 Mr. and Mrs. John Wollery of L ok Mrs. Victor Zahn and two children fighting activities. of Granta Pass attended the Gar ­ Angeles were visitors in the valley SALE NOW den Club flower show in Kerby on Wednesday. First of a series of classes for GOING ON this week. instruction in forest fire fighting Mrs. H. C. Vernon who has been was held for all members of Camp Clara Mayes and son Jimmie re­ 5483 at Camp Oregon Caves. ill and confined to her bed with 4 the flu is able to be up now and turned from Lakeview last Wed­ nesday, returning the end of the SATURDAY and SUNDAY, MAY 4-5— is convalescing nicely. Five more men were sent from week. Spence Mayes is employed Oregon Caves CCC Camp to the THE NEW HARDY PICTURE IS HERE! by Archie Anderson. Crater Lake spike camp ths month. E. Gray and Wm. Stanfield and n The men there are engaged in car­ Bobby Lindgren returned Sunday pentry work, road improvement from a trip to Fish Lake, bringing O BRIEN LIBRARY MICKEY ROONEY - ANN RUTHERFORD Last Day Saturday and telephone maintenance. An with them a nice catch of trout. GETS NEW BOOKS JAVA JOURNAL NEWS OF THE DAY illustrated article on their activi­ ties appeared in the last issue of Mrs. A. E. Breech and daugh­ Miss Marcia M. Hill, general li- the Medford District News. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MAY 8-9— ter of Crescent City were here to CAVE CITY DRUG attend the flower show held in brarian at the Grants Pass Li­ (•«•**(»<«» FIERY NEW LOVE DRAMA by the AUTHOR of CITADEL brary. spent Friday in Illinois Val­ Kerby last Monday. ley at the four branches of the EXPERT REPAIRS county library, exchanging books All Work Guaranteed Larry Musil, manager of the and bringing out some splendid ; CAROLE LOMBARD - BRIAN AHERNE Cave City Theatre, made several new volumes. The O'Brien Branch MURPHY HICK» POPEYE in SHAKESPERIAN SPINACH business trips to Grants Pass this at the Waldo Motel has now some ILLINOIS VALLEY GARAGE UjÖOSt NUTS MOVIETONE NEWS week. can weeck . a exceptional fine selections which a. car as well await the early comers. AS RECKLESS Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hayden and This privilege of late books be­ DRIVING family arrived in (»rants Pass on ing brought to your very door is Come and See the New Tuesday evening from their home one which should be more highly in Hawthorne, California, where valued and used. Instead of hav­ they are now residing. They were ing to purchase books for person­ Lota of cultural »ugge«tion» and information on where in Cave Junction Wednesday. al reading here they are just for to niant and what flower» go well together. Over fl50 flow­ the using. The Takilma commun­ Refrigerator er niant and >eed varieti.i listed. Twenty-four full page«. ity is also welcome to use the O'­ I REDWOODS HOTEL Brien branch upon every opportun­ Harrold'» olant» are economical in price and our service i» a» near a» your mail bo«. A postcard bring» Garden Guide. 1 Granta Pass it. B>g — It'» Wonderful ity. A full line of vegetable plant*. The splendid novels by Willa coat» only— Cather (among others “O. Pio­ SOLICITS YOUR neer»!") are books you can't lay OPEN SUNDAYS and EVENINGS PATRONACE down when once you start. Clar­ ence O'Day's "Bringing Up Fath­ I Ea»y Terma er" is there, and many others. Al­ I Excellent Coffee Shop so some delightful books for child­ ren. IN CONNECTION C4VE CITY DRUG Texaco Gas. Oil Greases Bridge Street A River Road Grant» Pa»», Oregon Here is an opportunity not to REASONABLE RATES be overlooked. GEO. A. HICKS i I Locals i CITY SALE ! !••••••«••«••« Theatre Judge Hardy G» Son" IKInlHItllllHIIIIKItQ Vigil in the Night" PHILCO 119.95 » Free Planting Guide t I Harrold's Pansy Gardens L