Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, April 25, 1940, Image 1

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    Court er
Gateway to The Oregon Caves
Illinois Valley News
Volume III
No. 51
40 Man
Crew To Be
Cave Junction, Oregon, Thursday, April 25, 1940
Student Activities
At Kerby High
By Eleanor Galeno
Here Again
Last week Mrs. Harry Smith
talked to the Girls’ league. It was
a very interesting and inspiring
talk and it was very much appreci­
by all the girls.
With the arrival in Grants Pass
of Ray Philbrick, newly appointed
We have a new girl, Lois Tay­
leader for the special 40-man fire
fighting crew, final selection and lor. She was a past pupil and the
crew organiation will begin at students are glad to have her back.
once and should be completed by
The mother’s tea is on May 3rd.
June 1, according to Edward P.
are to be issued early
Cliff, Forest Supervisor, Siskiyou
next week and it is hoped that it
National Forest.
During the past seven years, will be a huge success.
Mr. Philbrick has been employed
Play Day is to be this Friday. It
on the Umpqua National Forest as
Junior Forester, and his assign­ will start in the morning and it will
ment to lead the northwest’s spec­ be a grand day of sport. Refresh­
ial crew of fire fighters, is based ments are to be sold and a very
on his broad fire fighting exper­ good time is to be had by all.
ience, much of which has been
The Senior play is also Friday
gained on various Siskiyou fires
The Seniors have worked
during the past few years.
The 40-man crew will be sta­ very hard and hope that a huge
tioned again this year at the Red­ crow attends. It will be at 8
wood Ranger Station, and the o’clock, April 26 at the high school
roster will contain the names of gym.
------------- o................
many members of last year’s crew
who have signified their intention
to return.
The report of this crew’s action TO PUT ON FIRST
on fires last season was a prin­ lc SALE IN CITY
cipal topic of discussion wherever
fire control men met in confer­
Samuel Smith, proprietor of the
ence dring the past winter months, Cave City Drug store will hold one
and the success of their work was of Rcxall’s famous one cent sales
a major factor in deciding on a beginning next Wednesday, May
similar organiation for this sea­ 1, and will last four days, May 1,
son, Mr. Cliff stated. The crew 2, 3, and 4.
will again be the medium for de­
The sale will be held in the old
veloping new fire fighting tech­ drug store location, next door to
nique involving man power, as the registration office and the ad
well as continuing and perfecting in this weeks News and posters
some of the experiments started tell of the big bargains offered at
last year.
this sale.
--------------------- o
Fish Take Cards Are
Now Available
Fish-take cards have been dis­
tributed by the Forest Service and
are now available at the Redwood
Ranger station, Cave Junction,
Kerby high school and Kerby
The cards require no postage.
They are designed to give data on
the condition and number of fish
in the various streams and lakes
and to indicate where planting is
Cards received to date show
fair catches of Cutthroat and
Rainbow trout and Silversides in
Deer Creek and Kelly Creek. Four
Steelheads averaging 14 inches
have been reported taken from
Sucker Creek in the vicinity of
Holland and Bridgeview; 17 Cut­
throat averaging 12 1-2 inches
have also been reported from
Sucker Creek.
------------- o
- ------
Down to earth drama and clean
homespun comedy are expertly
woven into “Jeepers Creepers”
and ‘‘Bullet Code” double featured
(Continued on Page Three)
■ ■
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Kerby P.T.A.
Hold Last
The last regular meeting of the
grade school P.-T. A. as held last
Thursday evening at the grade
school in Kerby. Several bills
were allowed at the business meet­
ing and it was voted to hold a last
day of school picnic at Holton
Creek ball ground with every one
bringing a picnic basket and the
P.-T. A. furnishing ice cream.
This will be held on May 17th.
Election of officers for the com­
ing year was held with Mrs. Wm.
McLean elected president; Mrs.
Farlein, vice president; and Mrs.
Lola Peterson, secretary-treasurer.
Our outgoing president was Eve­
lyn Sauer. Mrs. Peterson was re­
After the business session
games were played with Mrs.
Sauer and Mrs. Jim Hogue in
charge. The men were in charge
of refreshments, serving cake and
coffee to about 20 present.
Jim Hogue is suffering from a
sprained back which he received a
I •••••••••••••»
■ '••<(•] few weeks ago while handling
some cattle. He is unable to do
Monday, April 29—Garden Club much without the aid of crutches
Flower Show, I. O. O. F. Hall,
Friday, May 3—Smith River Gar­
den club Flower Show.
.' aturday, May 11—American Leg­
ion Auxiliary card party.
Tuesday, May 14—Home Exten­
sion Unit meeting at Mrs. Mat-
tie E. Seyferth, Bridgeview.
Tuesday, May 21—Western Star “Ncvtr look for ihit year’« bird» in latl
ytar'i neM."
Chapter, O. E. S. will hold its
Annual Memorial service.
»0—Washington inaugurat
•d as ¡list President. 1789
O’Brien Woman’s club meets first
and third Friday, 2 p. m.
Illinois Valley Juvenile Grange
meets first and third Saturdays
of each month at 2 p. m.
Regular Legion and Auxiliary i
meeting the first and third
Wednesday of every month.
Auxiliary sewing days every sec-1
ond and fourth Wednesday. Pot
luck dinner at noon. Everyone
is welcome
Illinois Valley Chamber of Com-I
merce meeting, every Monday
evening, 8 p. m. Noon luncheon j
second Tuesday of every month J
1—Alvin Karpts public en-
• my No. I. captured
1—Von Hindenburg re­
signed as head of Ger­
man army. 1919
9—Washington, ö. Q. Incor­
porated. 1802.
4— lames Audubon, natural
ist and painter, born.
Ball Sat,
May 4th
One of the social events of the
season for the valley will be the
First Annual ball of the Cave
Junction Volunteer Fire depart­
ment which will be held in the
Legion hall, Saturday, May 4th.
Mrs. C. C, Babcock's orchestra
of six pieces will furnish the mu­
sic and this band is now practicing
to make the music as well as the
dance, one of the high lights of
the season.
This is going to be an annual
event, and Chief George Martin
is going to see that the first one
will be hard to beat in the future.
Every ticket sold will help the
fire department buy needed equip­
ment that it sorely needs, so if
you don’t dance, buy a ticket any­
way, for it is going to a cause that
will help the entire valley, for this
truck, like the Forest Service
truck, will respond to a call any
place any time.
■ - - o-------------
O’Brien Woman’s Club
Reviews Book
Meeting of the O’Brien Wom­
an’s cluh at the home of Mrs.
Grace Kretsinger last Thursday
was a most enjoyable one.
With the review of the book,
“Roads to Melody,” written by
Carrie Jacobs Bond, which was
most ably given by the hostess
who told of the early struggles
and sorrows of the composer, and
in whom adversity had seemed to
inspire her to write such grand
songs that everyone loves and
which will always be sung.
The musical part of the meeting,
a vocal solo “Just a Wearyin’ for
You,” beautifully sung by Mrs.
Joy Armstrong, then followed a
piano solo, “Cottage in God’s Gar­
den,” by Mrs. Armstrong accom­
panied by Mrs. Amelia Galeno
with violin obligato was a real
The meeting adjourned with
group singing, another of Carrie
Jacob Bond’s composition, “Per­
fect Day.”
The next meeting will be held
Friday, May 3, honoring Miss Mar­
cia Hill, county librarian at a
12:30 luncheon. Weather permit­
ting this will be held on the lawn
at Mrs. Rae Oppie’s.
--------------------- o--------------------
Mother and Daughter
Dinner In Offing
Girl Scouts held their regular
weekly meeting Friday, April 19
in the Legion hall. Many of the
girls are working towards their
second class rank and work to­
wards it was discussed. Much in­
terest is shown in the wild flower
books they are making. Janet
Martin assisted in teaching some
new folk dances, which all en­
Tentative plans were made for a
“Mother and Daughter” dinner to
be held in the Legion hall Thurs.,
May 9th, to which all the girls
of the Illinois valley are to be
The next meeting was scheduled
for Thursday, April 25 and plans
are for a pot-luck dinner in the
Legion dining room. Ella Sloni-
ker surprised the girls with a re­
freshment treat.
--------------------- o---------------------
BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Rich­
ard L. Sabin of Grants Pass, at
Josephine General hospital, Sun­
day, April 21 at 5 a. m., a baby
son, weighing seven pounds 12
Mr. Sabin is manager of the
Oregon Caves.
--------------------- o
BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Albert
G. Brammer of O’Brien, Monday,
April 22 at 9:33 a. m., in Jose­
phine Genera] hospital, a son,
weighing seven pounds 10 1-2
ounces. Mother and son doing
o— i ■
9—American Medical Aseo
elation organised. 1847.
•—German dirigible Von
Hindenburg, burned.
Mrs. Wm. Bigelow had the mis­
fortune to fall down the stairs at
her home Tuesday evening cutting
her head quite painfully and suf­
fering some from nervous shock.
Dinner Date
Set For
Caves Trek
Price 5 Cents
Kerby News Notes
of General Interest
Flower Show
Ready On
A guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Bigelow last week was
Mrs. Hayes of Crescent City. She
is Mr. Bigelow's aunt. Mrs. Hayes
left for her home Friday after
the past few months vis­
At their last regular meeting
The Illinois Valley Garden club
and relatives in the
Monday evening, the Illinois Val­
will hold their annual Wild Flow­
ley Chamber of Commerce adopt­ valley.
er Show Monday, April 29th in
ed a new set of by-laws which
the I. O. O. F. hall in Kerby, af­
Miss Effie Sweet, teacher of
will accompany the papers to be
ternoon and evening, and this year
sent to the corporation commis­ the intermediate room in the Ker­ will be restricted to wild flowers
sioner at once.
This work took up almost the position as teacher of the second
In the afternoon the flowers will
entire .evening and little else was •nd part of the third grades in be on display for the large crowd
accomplished. The next meeting, the Port Orford school. Port Or expected to attend, and in the ex-
Monday evening, April 29, should ford is Miss Sweets home town ening a program featuring wild
be well attended as the annual •nd she will be able to stay at her flower pictures will be shown by
dinner at the Caves Chateau will home. Her many friends are E. A. Meola. Following the pro­
be discussed and committees ap­ wishing her good luck and sorry gram, refreshments will be served.
pointed to make this years dinner to lose so promising a teacher
Mrs. Babcock, president of the
meeting the outstanding one of from the Kerby grades.
local club, has had inquiries from
all time. The date has been set
out of town clubs, flower lovers
Ralph Hanson of Willamette
for Saturday, May 11th.
from Spokane, Portland, Vancou­
Many guests from other coun­
ver, B. C., and many others, who
ties have signified their intention melä of Pacific University, Forest are interested in this event and
of attending this annual affair
Kerby and contacting members of who expect to attend this show.
this year and it is expected that
The committee in charge of ar­
the largest attendance of any the Kerby Union High and Prin­ rangements, Mrs. Harry R. Floyd,
meeting yet held will be on hand. cipal F. W. Jones concerning the Mrs. II. O. Smith and Mrs. Raphael
opening on the high school faculty
I------------ o-------------
Leonard are leaving no stone un­
for the next year. No action has
to make this one of the
been taken to hire a teacher as
Smith River Will
greatest wild flower shows ever
held in the county.
Hold Flower Show
The Garden club has made this
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McCune are
Flower lovers and garden en- the proud parents of a 7 1-2 pound event so outstanding that its rep­
thusiaMt will be given the oppor­ daughter born last Thursday, utation has traveled far and wide,
tunity to view a gorgeous array April 18th, at the home of Mr. unu brings uiuuy visitors into the
of spring blooms from the gardens and Mrs. F. W. Cooper in Kerby. county who are interested in wild
of Smith River valley, when the The newcomer has been named flowers. This section of the west­
Third Annual Flower Show of the Phyllis Aldeans. This is the first ern country is blessed with so
Smith River Women’s club gets daughter for the McCunes who many varieties of wild flowers
that it is a haunt for enthusiasts
underway Friday, May 3rd.
have three boys.
in this fascinating study of wild
One toom will be given over to
cut flowers from the local gardens
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Inman have
Many prizes will be offered for
and a novel tea table from which purchased the Stone place south
refreshments will be served dur­ of Cave Junction and expect to the best displays and they are go­
ing to be many and varied, rang­
ing the afternoon.
move within a few weeks. The
Individual flower arrangements Inmans, who came here a few ing from small vases to large bou­
for va-iiaus decorative needs in the months ago from Grass Valley, quets of wild flowers now in bloom
home will share honors in the club Calif., have made many friends in the valley and on the hill sides.
room of the auditorium with an in Kerby, who are sorry to lose
extensive collection of Del Norte them as neighbors, but glad they
county wild flowers.
i Leonard Grizzell Enjoys
are not leaving the valley.
Beach Home Scene
of Delightful Party
Mrs. Lottie Woodcock of Grants
Pass recently writes that Mrs.
Eleanor Haviland, with whom she
makes her home, was taken to the
Grants Pass hospital seriously ill
with pneumonia. Mrs. Haviland is
known by most of the old timers
here because her husband owned
the Haviland flat mines on Can­
yon and Josephine creeks. Mrs.
Haviland lived there many years
ago and some of her children were
born there when Haviland Flat
was a thriving mining community.
Mrs. Harry R. Floyd and her
mother, Mrs. J. M. Smock were co­
hostesses last Thursday at a de­
lightful bridge party in Crescent
City when members and a few
guests were invited to enjoy their
hospitality at their High “C” Peb­
ble Beach home.
At noon a delicious luncheon
was served buffet style at taste­
fully arranged tables to the fol­
lowing guests: Mesdames Phil
Patrick, L. W. Monroe, H. P.
Bearss, Geo. W. Martin, M E.
Seyferth, Raphael Leonard, J. W.
Smith, C. C. Babcock, A. A. John­
son, George Thrasher, J. J. Vil-
lair, H. O. Smith, Sam Bunch, M.
C. Athey, J. M. Smock and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry R. Floyd.
For the occasion the rooms
were decorated with many lovely
spring flowers. Following the
luncheon, bridge was enjoyed for
It had been scheduled to hold
several hours with honors going another American Legion fight
to Mrs. H. O. Smith, Mrs. Raphael card this Friday, but it has been
Leonard and Mrs. H. P. Bearss.
postponed until Friday, May 3rd
------------ «-------------
of next week, when a great array
of fighters, both from the valley
and Grants Pass will vie for su­
premacy in the fistic ring.
The last card here was greeted
with open arms, and this one is ex­
One of the largest Grange meet­ expected to attend, and in the ev-
ings held in Del Norte county was extra seats will be provided for
held last Sunday in the local aud­ the extra large attendance antici­
itorium with one of the largest at­
pated .
tendances the Grange has held in
the county.
From Josephine county alone, LONNIE DIXON STOPS
44 members attended and the de­ BLACKSMITH
gree work was put on by the Jos­
ephine county team, and was
Last Saturday night the Grants
greatly enjoyed by those witness­ Pass Police department's fight
ing the program. From the com­ program was attended by nearly
pliments received, the team did 150 people from the valley who
themselves proud.
came home jubilant over the out­
Those attending from the valley come of two fights.
were: Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Saw­
In the main event Lonnie Dix­
yer, Phil Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. on knocked out Russell Black­
C. G. Sawyer, Mrs. C. C. Babcock, smith in the fifth round of a sched­
and Mrs. Slack. From Deer Creek : uled six round bout. Lonnie was
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Norman and Miss master of the fight ail the way
Mildred Norman, Mr. and Mrs. and Blacksmith only had one
Clarence Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. J. round that caused him any trouble,
A. Buckles, Mr. and Mrs. Ebb the fourth, when he caught Lon­
Hogue, Jessie Elmore, Mrs. Wal­ nie with a couple wicked swings
ton and son Joe, Mrs. Emma that would have stopped moat
Barnes and Blanche McClure.
Claude Tucker in a semi-final
Th«- meeting was under the aus-
ices of Del Norte Pomona Grang<- fight, took his boy at the end of
and nearly 30 candidates received the second round, when he was
the degrees
forced to quit.
Local Fight
Card Friday
Next Week
Birthday Surprise Party
Ye Rustic Inn on the Redwoods
highway was the scene of a jolly
time last Friday evening when
Mrs. L. H. Grizzell entertained a
number of guests at a surprise
dinner party honoring her hus­
band who was celebrating his
The guests were bidden to a de­
licious 6 o’clock chicken dinner
which was served at a prettily ap­
pointed table centered with spring
several enjoyable
hours of pinochle, high score went
to Mrs. M. C. Athey, second How­
ard P. Bearss and low to Mrs. K.
C. Hamilton.
The guests wishing Leonard
many happy returns were, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Bunch, Mr. and
Mrs. Raphael Leonard, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard P. Bearss, Mr. and
Mrs. K. C. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs.
M. C. Athey, Mr. Vogue, Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. Grizzell and son Bernie.
Gun Club Meeting
Was Well Attended
A large group of members and
friends attended a special meet­
ing of the Kerby Rod & Gun club
Friday evening, April 19, at the
I. O. O. F. hall.
Supervisor Ed Cliff gave a very
interesting talk on blacktail deer
in the Siskiyou forest. He told
of the studies that were being
made of different condition! in
the various parts of the forest and
of how the area was laid out in
different sections giving the esti­
mated population of the different
areas, and how the deer census
was arrived at.
Cover and feed condition stud­
ies are being made. When suffi­
cient facts are obtained a definite
game management program can be
put in effect. Mr. Cliff displayed
a number of slides showing dif­
ferent pictures taken on a boat
trip down the Rogue river the scen­
ery was really beautiful.
The large crowd was entertain­
ed by Mr. and Mrs. Buck Smith of
Cave Junction and by Harold
Alexander of the Gold Canyon
Pony ranch. After refreshments
were served card games were en­