LE BECAUSE OF 2000 YEARS AND EXPERIENCE HIPPOCRATES KOCH r r DeVe The Greek physician, Hippocrates, describes correctly the signs and symptoms of con sumption Modem doctors no longer wait for signs and symp toms to appear before suspect ing tuberculosis because usual ly there are no signs and symp toms when tuberculosis begins. 1QQO The German physi- IOO a cian, Robert Koch, discovers the tuberculosis germ. For 2,000 years doctors had been in the dark as to the cause of this disease, until Koch proved it is caused by germs which can be seen with a microscope If tuber culosis germs can be seen in your sputum, it means that you are a spreader of the disease. AUENBRUGGER PIRQUET An Austrian army ■ w 01 physician. Dr. Leo pold Auenbrugger, discovers that by gentle tapping with the lingers on the chest sounds are revealed which indicate changes in the lung caused by tuberculo sis and other diseases Napo leon's physician, Dr. Corvissart, made "tapping'' (percussion) popular in 1808 and ever since all physicians use it. 1QA7 Viennese chil- l#v/ dren's specialist. Dr. Clemens von Pirquet, observes that the presence of tuberculosis germs hidden in the body can be detected by a skin test known as the tuberculin test The French physician, Dr. Mantoux, im proved Pirquet's method, making the test more reliable. Several million tuberculin tests are now given by physicians each year. ann LAENNEC The French physician, IO I JF Dr René Théophile Hyacinthe Laonnec, invents the stethoscope, the instrument doc tors use for listening to the sounds which air makes when rushing in and out of the lung. The stethoscope is still one of our important diagnostic aids, but physicians today no longer rely on the stethoscope alone in diag nosing early tuberculosis PHYSICIANS DEPEND ON THE X-RAY FOR MAKING DIAGNOSIS EARLY The most important recent discov ery is that some people may have tuberculosis that cannot be diagnosed by any other method except by the X ray Tuberculosis in its early stages is often without signs and "Tapping'' and "listen ing, even the sputum test, may re veal nothing while attempting to dis symptoms cover early tuberculosis However, a positive tuberculin test means infec tion and the X ray may reveal the sick spot in the lung before slowly appearing symptoms such as fatigue, loss of weight, indigestion or a cough arouse any suspicion The X-ray has become an essential part of a lung examination No chest examination for tuberculosis is complete without the X-ray. ROENTGEN 1QQE The German profes- IOYJ sor of physics, Wil helm Konrad von Roentgen, dis covers the X-ray. No one fore saw the possibility of using this penetrating ray to discover hid den tuberculosis. Twenty years had to pass before X-ray equip ment was developed that would enable physicians to photograph the faintest shadows cast by dis eased spots in sick lungs. Now the X-ray is our most important diagnostic aid.