Illinois Valley News. Thursday. April 11. 1910 Page Four SPRING TIME Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, April 12-13-15 The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so they say,. Spring time makes them get that way. Come to the Model and be assured of the good things that make, men holler for more. You can’t go wrong on Nationally Advertised brands you know are good. It’s a pleasure to have you call. Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, April 12-13-15 FRESH FRUIT AND Vegetables LARI), Pure 4 Pounds for SUGAR, Powdered, 3 pounds....... Golden “C”, 3*/2 pounds Friday and Saturday Only ORANGES— 200 size, dozen COFFEE 2 Pounds for 20c PEANUT BUTTER, Real Roast 2 Pounds for ................... GRAPEFRUIT— 6 for PORK & BEANS, Van Camp’s 2 No. 2*4 Size Cans................... 15c RHUBARB— 5 Pounds for TOMATOES 2>/2 Size ('ans, 3 Cans for TOMATO SOUP, Campbell’s 3 Cons for .............. ASPARAGUS— per bunch CREAM CORN STARCH 2 Packages for 17c 13c 19c 15c 32c DILL PICKLES Per quart RAISINS, Thompson Seedless 4 Pounds for SODA WAFER CRACKERS 2 Pounds for ........................... CRYSTAL SOAP ( HIPS Per Package 2 bunches 15c NEW POTATOES— Hawaiian Reds 4 pounds ....... ■ 45c 38c SANI-CLOR Per Gallon .... X........ 15c BLUE OK SOAP 25c 6 bars for ......................................... LIMA BEANS 25c Large, 4 pounds for .................. FLOUR—BOQUET $1.15 49 Pound sack IODIZED SALT 25c Three 2-Pound packages for CRACKERS 15c 2 Pounds for OATS 36c 9 lb. Sack FAIRY SOAP 3 Bars for 27c Bananas, Apples, Cab bage, Onions, Avocados Cauliflower, Carrots, Lettuce, Radishes, DIAMOND QUALITY AND FERRY’S SEEDS FOR FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES CROWN FLOUR AND FEEDS / Model Cash Grocery CLAY MASSIE Locals Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Logan made a trip to Grants Pass last week end. FORMERLY SCHUMACHERS Cave Junction, Oregon Forest Service for a few days. O. W. GREEN Allis and sister, Clara Ellen and Helen Schow motored to Klamath Fred Linkhart of Kerby drove Falls last Saturday for the week Alton Sowell and K. D. Levan end. They returned Sunday af to Grants Pass Tuesday. ternoon. pleted building a garage on his property at the Gold Canyon Pony ranch and will be for the conven ience of his patrons this summer. Mr. Griener expects to have his hotel open for business sometime Belt Lodge No. 18, A. F. & A. in May. M., will hold a special meeting Saturday night, April 13th. Mas H. C. Hill was in Grants Pass ter Mason degree will be confer last Saturday and brought Mrs. red. All members and visiting Hill and their son Don to spend a brethren invited to attend. couple ot weeks on their ranch on the Waldo road. As soon as An American Legion dance Will be given Saturday, April 20, and will feature the Kerby high school orchestra. The members of the band are practicing and from re ports they are going to surprise the natives. Mrs. Laura Vance left Tuesday E. V. Cook was in Grants Pass to visit her son Carl Vance, at last Saturday transacting business. Newberg, Oregon. Mrs. Elizabeth Hogdon moved Mrs. Robert Balzke spent last Saturday in Grants Pass shopping. to Kerby Monday from the Caves highway where she will make her Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith future home. were in Grants Pass the first of C. P. Terwilliger of Crescent the week. City, owner of the French Hill Mr. and Mrs. Uuck Smith were mine, was in the valley Tuesday on attending to business matters in a business visit. the Pass the first of the week. Lee Ostrander was visiting in Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lind are now O. W. Green and Art Drews the valley over the week end. He were transacting business in the returned to his home in Roseburg making their home at Hugo, Ore- . gon on property they purchased [ the first of the week. county seat this week. recently. They had as guest« just I Ralph T. Baumberger made a Mrs. George P. Scott and her before leaving the valley Mr. and business trip to Granta Pass last sister. Miss Victoria Jasperson Mrs. Wayne Hubell and daughter, Monday. were shoppers in Grants Pass the of Reno, Nevada. first of the week. Mr. anti Mrs. II. O. Smith were Wm. P. Griener left for Port May 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 attending to business matters in I Mrs. Nellie M. Wilber left last land the first of the week on a Grants Pass this week. Cave City Drug Store Monday for Santarin, California, business trip. He has just com- where she will visit her daughter, 0—................................. . ............. ........................... . ...................... 0 Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Freitas Mrs. II. W. Vollmer for a few : made a trip to Grants Pass early weeks. i this week. —O’ I o- - Mr. and Mrs. IL J. Woodbury of G. A. Petersen of Kerby was O’Brien, recently heard from their : : transacting business in the county son in the Shrine hospital, in Port : : WITH A REPUTATION seat the first of the week. land, and was glad to hear he is = improving. : Mrs. Anna Reed of Portland is Misses Doral Mallery, Fiorente visiting her son Al Reed of the ! school is out in Grants Pass Mrs. home before friends and relatives Hill and son will return here per knew they were lost. manently. — o— Mrs. Alice Ghilieri and Edith Smith were much worried last Monday when they became lost for about five hours while on a hike in the woods out of Kerby. After retracing their many steps they finally managed to find their way O' : : ? I : = : i c ^ ty Theatre Saturday, Sunday. April 13-11— MYSTERY OF THF. FRIGHTENED HEIRESS ’’THE SECRET OF Dodge Sedan Plymouth Sedan Plymouth Coupe Dodge Pickup Ford Sedan Ford Coupe Dr. Kildare" These Cars have been reconditioned and will deliver miles of carefree motoring Color Cartoon — News of the Day MUtttlHMHHII "They Shall Have Music” With Jaacha Helfet«. Andre« Leeds, Joel McCrea. Gene Reynold« and Walter Brennan Donald Duck in "The Riveter” I : I : : Illinois Valley Ice Co □ Philco Refrigerator AS LOW AS $119.95 MOIST COLD—Now you don’t have to cover foods to keep them from drying out! The Philco Moist Cold compartment preserves the taste and flavor of left-over meats and vegetables without the bother of covets and special dishes. Cooled by a marvelous Philco in vention, the refrigerator Freshener Shelf, foods cool quicker, by direct contact. ONLY PHILCO HAS IT! CAVE CITY DRUG STORE Your Rexall Store Cave Junction FRED LINKHART “The Insurance Man” HE CAN SAVE YOU On Non-Assessable Car and Property Coverages •1 : : : AND PHONE THE 20 to 40 per cent CARN ER’S K DODGE PLYMOUTH 621 East “M” Street, Grants Pass TO CLEAN UP THAT ICE BOX DON’T BUY INSURANCE Until you see Wednesday, Thursday, April 17-18— A BOY, A GIRL, A FIDDLE AND A DOG NOW IS THE TIME ■1 : With l.ew Ayres and Lionel Barrymore IIUMmufal I For Delivery I 1939 1938 1936 1939 1936 1936 iMIIIIKMIlliiailHtlllatiil I tildi lilt tilli ItlldHIddlllddlldldllldldllldddllllllldlldlldldldl râ' USED CARS : : The Illinois Valley Garden club has changed the date of their next meeting from Friday, April 26 to Wednesday, April 24, at the home of Mrs. J. M. Smock at Holland. Plans for the coming Wild Flower show will be discussed. Plan to attend and remember the change of date. Office at Kerby